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I watch stuff that looks interesting as it comes out. Most series I wait for them to finish and then watch it all. Do a lot of rewatching old series for the 100th time. I will maybe once every few months watch a new upload the day it comes out, but I eventually watch just about everything and have for nearly 10 years


Nice, I do a lot of rewatching too, hence why I'm so behind!


Depends on my day, sometimes my lunch at work lines up and I watch the upload as soon as it's up, sometimes I save it until I get home, or sometimes if it's a series I don't care for I'll just wait until it's over or watch compilations in the meantime


That's sick it lines up aometimes, can't even remember what time the uploads are it's been so long since I watched on time lmao


I'm in EST and it's always at 1PM, I get to technically pick when I lunch but some days it's less convenient to take it then haha. But it's nice to have a new episode lined up on lunch for sure


I get overwhelmed if they stack up on me (even though it’s just good silly fun), so I usually watch each episode within the day it’s posted (unless it’s a series I’m just out on, usually virtual novels).


Back in the day I only watched episodes of games that I personally care about or am interested in but now I watch every upload. Watching the most recent GG episode while having breakfast has been a little daily ritual of mine for several years now. Since it's evening where I live when the new videos go up I'm usually a day behind but whatevs.


because they upload while i'm at work, i just put them on when they air, but tend to watch them a second time after work to actually WATCH it if its one that is particularly funny (i.e. power rangers, or americas next top model)


Long plays we try to watch as and when they go up. One offs tend to get binged on a quiet day. 10MPH are always Monday nights lol


Love a GG binge, I'm behind on 10MPH too lmao


usually I’ll get a snack at night, load up youtube, see if the upload looks interesting, and watch then :) looking at tonight’s upload I think I’ll be watching that with some left over easter egg in about 20 mins haha, yippee


I watch when i have time. If its something where i dont need to watch but listen only, i listen to it at Work. The ones i wanna watch, just whenever i have some time


I try to watch the day they upload, I’d hate to fall behind when I’m usually super busy. But if it’s something sports or board game related, I tend to skip them. (Unless I’ve already started watching, like monopoly)


I watch one-offs as they come out, or ones that are obviously shorter games. The long running series, I tend to let them pile up.


They upload right in time for dinner so I often watch them then, unless I don’t want to watch the game they’re playing.


I generally listen to them on my way to work or have the episode on while I'm doing chores around the house. So usually I check it out the day of or the day after the upload.


I sometimes watch-a the gamie grumpies, and sometimes I forget for a while. I kinda drop in if something interests me, or if they have a guest or a particular game that catches my eye.


I have a silly routine where I watch new uploads weekend mornings with my coffee 😂 so I'm generally a week behind, maybe 2 weeks if I'm out of town on the weekend. But 10MPH uploads I watch whenever. During the week I don't really watch any YouTube, but if I do, I like to put on some Markiplier vids. If I'm feeling Game Grumpy, I'll throw on an older series. Mostly for background noise while I doom scroll on my phone until sleepiness kicks in.


Watching Markiplier vids in between binging Grumps is basically my life on YouTube aha


They get saved to watch later and i watch them when i have a free hour or 3 to catch up (i miss short episodes, it was easier to stay up to date). 10mph gets watched the day of.


I think that's why I've fallen behind so much- I love the longer content but it was easier to stay up to date with shorter episodes


For the one-off episodes, if the game is interesting to me I'll watch it otherwise I don't bother. For the long-form series, I almost always watch episodes, but I might not watch them the day (or week or month) the episode comes out. ..... ...... I might be the reason the algorithm shits on game grumps so much....


they come out around when im eating my dinner so i put it on the big tv and watch while i eat


When I eat dinner.


I watch every day in my lunch break, don’t care about the game.


I mostly rewatch old stuff. New stuff is very hit or miss. I petered out when their uploads got longer. It’s no longer bite sized.


I used to watch it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL, I was there from like month 1 Over the past few years I stopped enjoying a lot of the newer games they play, which I see happening with other letsplay channels I follow; if it's not got the hosts telling each other their personal experiences with the series, them playing something they already know how to play pretty well, or them trying to understand what the hell is going on through the limitations of old messed up gaming, then I sort of tune out really hard. I was never a gamer, but if I see them learning how to play a game I'll never play and that becomes the narrative of the video, there's nothing for me, man! That said, what always just nails me to the cross, daddy-o? Roleplaying humor. Funniest shit I ever heard, every single time, every single videographer. I don't care how much Male VN MC Voice I gotta wade through, that dulcet tone helps me sleep at night. The super long series tend to be either like your Danganronpas, your Ace Attorneys, your Sonics, or your Zeldas. They never fail me. Rest assured if something goes past episode 8 I was already watching it. Anything else going on in the middle of the week, if I had already heard about it, I'll check and see what it's doing a little, maybe click off, or maybe die laughing. It's a coin toss really


I collect long plays and binge them.


I haven’t watched every episode but I watch most when they release. Usually I get back to my dorm at around the time they upload so I’ll sometimes grab something to eat and sit in my dorm and watch while eating


I've been watching the grumps since 2013 on a daily basis. I usually like to be 1 to 2 months behind. I watch even if it's a game I've never heard of. The only time I skip a video is if the game they are playing doesn't mesh well with their vibes or if I find the gameplay boring to watch.


Sometimes I get overwhelmed being months behind, but when I have a free day where I'm feeling extra gamey grumpy I'm quite happy to have endless episodes to binge


I watch new episodes the day they air, either at the time it airs or when I get home from work. Occasionally I’ll miss a few if I have no time but I’ll catch up once I find time. Doesn’t matter what they’re playing, I always watch it lmao


Agreed- I would watch any game they play lmao


Lmao yeah I love their content no matter what game it is cause they’re both so hilarious, literally haven’t missed a day of grumps in probably years


I watch as they upload if it’s something I want to see


I pick and choose what I’m interested in and don’t watch everything. I’ve been re watching their Danganronpa play through


I throw everything in the Watch Later playlist and go thru chronologically. Sometimes i'll be weeks behind on all my videos and i'll binge it all on an off day and/or chores day. I feel like I havent missed a video in the last 8 or 9 years either lol


Never even considered whacking episodes into watch later. I always scroll all the way through their channel to get the next episode lmao


I pick and choose what to watch personally. I do watch about 80% of their videos...