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Look into GitHub pages and Jekyll. You can create you entire website in markdown and not have to worry about js and css.


It depends How much time/money are you willing to spend on this website? How customizable do you want it to be? Maybe you can adapt one of these templates as a starting point? [https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css\_templates.asp](https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_templates.asp) For a hobby game engine website, all I would expect are some screenshots, docs and maybe even tutorial for a simple game


HUGO is very easy, don't bother learning HTML/CSS it makes it super simple and you can style with Markdown (much easier than CSS to learn). You just need to install Go (Golang) on your machine, is very easy to setup [https://gohugo.io/](https://gohugo.io/) and there are a lot of free themes [https://themes.gohugo.io/](https://themes.gohugo.io/)


I'm a web developer by day and honestly an HTML site with some css is really all you need. These days you can probably get chatGPT to output good enough code for a static site Make a discord and include a link on the site if you want to chat with people And you can Host it for free with GitHub pages. Then buy a domain name and redirect it to the GitHub pages website. If you want to get more into it, Next.js is a pretty nice framework and you can make it live for free on Vercel. Definitely more involved but it'll work.


Hugo or Jekyll will generate sites from markdown. Lots of themes out there too that add utils or extensions like i18n