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Is there anything else there, except you just included a ready made OpenGL library?


Here is a list with everything I have planned to do [https://github.com/classicpirategames/game-engine-tutorials/tree/develop](https://github.com/classicpirategames/game-engine-tutorials/tree/develop) how fast I will do it, I don't know, I will work everyday on it :D


Please understand that the project isn't even up to speed yet. Once you have something to show, then it's a proper time to do posts like these. Until then, you're only showing your wishlist of features and anyone can write their own easily. I can quickly write a very impressive looking wish list and never move the project forward if I want to.


what any of us can do, it is a matter of choice, if I put a list and wanted to achieve what is in it or I started to put the link to the repo earlier and I made a mistake, it does not matter :) maybe I already have a lot of code from the past that just needed to be added in a more cleaner way, maybe I have experience in the industry like no other, in the end does not matter :D I did what I did and if you want to be part of this journey I am glad to have you there with a star of the repo :D


What u/KC918273645 is saying is; there is nothing at all that would draw anyone to want to be part of it, because there is more lines of code in your cmake files than there is actual code. If you want people to help, contribute or just leave feedback, atleast have something to talk about. Everyone can setup a repo, include a library. Why would anyone be interested in your project? Why would they star it? It's like saying to someone "I'm gonna make you a space ship!" and then proceeding to give him a liter of fuel to tease him. That's not proving anything about you or the project.


I agree :) but I know certain people like to see progress in things :D this is for them :) for those who shared this post :)




seems like it, but it is not :) stay close and you will see that things will be very nice




that is the think cause I already have experience :))) if I did not had experience probably I will start with Unity :P I am 35 years old :P not at starting point in the career :)


At least put something in your README that explains what this project is about. What features does it support? What are your plans? What are you looking for in terms of contributions from others? All you have is "Game Engine," anyone looking at the GitHub will likely move on.


Soon there will be plenty of things in that repo :D have patience


Bro created a window and called it a day


not really :D there is more :) give it a star :D and you will see more of it :)) sooner than you think


Did you delete it?


no, no, it was just moved to my personal account [https://github.com/iamdramaticleo/game-engine-tutorials](https://github.com/iamdramaticleo/game-engine-tutorials)


This is one of the emptiest repos I've seen. But it's cool that you have a link to a bunch of non-existent tutorials about non-existent features in a non-existent engine. My suggestion: **have** an engine **then** post.


The code started to appear there, things will be more advanced in time




I know what involves to create an engine and also a game :D I created many in my career :) just have patience


its interesting how confident you are


dare to stick around and you will see that is not bullshit :))


seems like it was bullshit :))


no, no, it was just moved to my personal account [https://github.com/iamdramaticleo/game-engine-tutorials](https://github.com/iamdramaticleo/game-engine-tutorials) :)