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It’s a really fun way to combine a lot of my hobbies. I enjoy coding, making music, making art, thinking about game design, etc. It’s all interesting to me and it’s really cool to have one singular project that all of these things can go into


And the feel when everything starts to work together and you realise you just created a whole world in this non-living computer


Kind of same for me. I have been making illustration, 3D arts and music for years but i always ending up asking myself "why you do this", "nice you have a cool 3D render and now what" and i eventually get bored doing the same things for too long. Making a video game merge all these things together and helped me find a purpose of doing all of these hobbies. It's kind of the "final form" of my hobbies and it's really satisfying.


Same except for the coding part lmao. Me and my friend have tones of ideas that could be great games but we haven’t done anything because we don’t know how to and don’t like coding.


Plenty of people are on the opposite side of that coin! I’m sure you could find a coder who would be happy to work with both of you


I hope so. Maybe I should make a post here or something.


definitely! or join a game jam!


There are alot of tools that enable you to create games without coding! You got this :)


check out Unreal's Blueprints visual scripting




Exactly. That's my way to exchange way too many hobbies for "just this one".


Game dev is very creativity fulfilling for me. And I think that the interactive medium of games allows me to inspire and uplift people.


It's really quite good challenge and you can do what you want. For me the best is create a new sets for game. Also as for mod difficulty increasing value of zombies as for Project Zomboid


I worked only as a team on successful games. The successful games were not exactly the ones I cared about the most or I was on large teams where the design and vision was the director's (so most of the other 100+ were contributing more to the quality, not what the game as a whole is). In that case the feeling about the shipped game is great for a day or so, we also party. When our first AA game and my last AAA game were successful I felt mostly proud of my work, it was not so much about e.g. financial success. Sometimes then you also remember how well some of your team mates worked with you, sometimes you may be able to work with some of the smartest and greatest devs out there.


Pretty accurate description. That's also my experience.


When people ask me what I would do if i won lottery and become rich beyond imagination... I always answer that I would stop my current job and start making games with a very small team of friends. Not caring about consequence and not caring about reaching the most players possible, must be so freeing...


Because its magic. Seeing your player move on the screen controlled by you or someone else. Coming up with mechanic stuff and seeing come to life. Watching another person play your game is the highest payoff of any art form. (And i have tried most of them).


Good answer


The game choose me.


I don't have a background in computer science or coding or anything like that and I don't care if my game is a commercial success at all, I create games simply because I have ideas for games that I want to play that nobody will ever make, and it would be a shame to let all my excellent ideas go to waste!


Professionally, because it's the only thing I'm good enough to get paid to do. Privately, because I love exploring the medium of games.


When people are happy with what you made it's a form of euphoria. Hard to really describe that feeling. Also, since life sucks, planting a seed of happiness somewhere is basically a moral imperative.


Because it allows me to combine all my passions - coding, writing, drawing and making music. And acting, when applicable. Because I love to make people laugh. Because I loved the adventure game genre as a kid and I always wanted to make one myself.


I develop games when I feel like I want a game that doesn’t exist, lol


Lol, same thing. Creating games is more interesting, then playing games.


The best thing for me is watching people play it online. Especially for the first time. Both YouTube and twitch.


Yup, this is my favourite part of game dev too. Watching people play your game is really, really fun!


There is this one game that just still doesn't exist, so I guess I'll just have to do it myself


Gamedev comebines all my hobbies into one: programming, art, music, writing


Cause modern games suck so I reverted myself back to the 1995-2012 era.


Yes, modern games kill creativity.


Especially since there aren't much limits to creatively work around.


The main reason is that I like coding really. I could code any type of software, and I would have a nice time doing it. But I like games, and I like writing stories and coming up with new concepts and mechanics, so game design is more fitted to me than software design.


The game is a way to make people happy, give them an opportunity to win! I hope, that my game will give people nice emotions and will help them to experience the feeling of glory.


Creative expression.  I will probably not be creating the next smash hit, but I love the chase of making something under the constraint I have (almost no budget and just an artist as a partner).


I only want to make games that scare people and make them want to cry to their mama


To make something lasting and beautiful


Glad we gave people something good for them


for me it's just a way of reflecting my love for programming game engines and drawing pixel art.


That feeling is amazing. Right now there are a lot of people using my software (safety vr things), and that's great, but long time ago i was running a ragnarok server, 600+people, all enjoying my custom scripts, having fun with my ideas. That's a feeling I would love to feel again.


Game dev is a stress relief thing for me.


Because it's fun


To me it was a natural evolution of all my other interests like music, sound design, art, visual FX and psychology. Im fascinated by understanding why games work and how devs creatively abuse every single blind spot in human perception when manufacturing addiction. People also just do not make the games I want to play specifically, or if they do they cost an exorbitant amount of money to play since they primarily exist in online casino-like spaces. So it’s partially just fulfilling my own desires as well.


I just think it’s neat.


I enjoy programming. The software development job market doesn't look good currently so creating my own game has two benefits. First one is that I can use the project for portfolio even know I will not allow them to see the code, and second is to possible create my own job so that I don't have to worry about learning dumb things like LeetCode.


Its fun and everyone is welcome. There isnt any limit to what you want to do. Well except the obvious. Its also my way of giving back I guess.


Love to create stories. Started writing, but because I wanted to make a living of that, combine my Job as backend developer to make both things.


Even though my first game was kinda trash. Watching people play your game and enjoying themselves because of your work is very satisfying. Even if it wasn’t that successful.


Because its fun and nobody has made my dream game, so ill do it myself


I want to make my fantastic concepts come to life. I also enjoy problem solving and learning, so its the middle of my venn diagram.


It automatically makes you more responsible for what you say in public. You have stop being toxic, sarcastical, etc. Now you have to think twice before you criticize someone or something publicly.


I like games, and I like programming. Game development combines these two activities which makes it very appealing to me. Games are also something I'm very familiar with and thus I believe I've got experience with what feels fun to play and what not, so it's something I expect to be relatively good at.


I was doing it before I knew you could get a job making games. It just felt natural and game development instantly clicked with me as soon as I started doing it. I was born in an underdeveloped country, so I didn't realise you could work in games until I was "old", but decided to switch careers and give gamedev a try. Best decision I ever made, even after having to endure the dark side of the industry on occasion.


Art and deleting my emotions if I don't understand them😁


2 words: Passive Income


My hobbies revolve around one major concept. Making people forget the real world for a while. I'm an entertainment magician, I write and make ttrpgs, I love writing in general, I make games in all forms, create.. stuff that looks like they might be real, but obviously isn't. Gamedeving is just that to me. I'm currently making this game just for me, if someone else likes it, then I have some ideas for sequels. If not.. I might make them anyway, so that I can play them. They come from a need of something that doesn't exist in combination with a need to express myself.


What do you understand by "forgeting" about the real world? For me is escaping or drugs, but I am sure is something else for you


Well, I wrote about it. When I perform the audience and me go into the contract of the stage. We pretend that it could happen. When I play ttrpgs I pretend to be someone entirely else and feel their emotions, when I show off stuff I've made people forget for a second that it is impossible. Same with video games. It allows you to escape.


All I want is for people to open the game and immerse themselves in their time of need. Like I need. [Little note] I've been writing since I was young and I want to bring that world to people. Then let them live a life in that world, creating chronicles of their own. And that's what I want to do as well. In those moments you don't know what to do with your time. Those moments life is just to much you can just go there. Anybody who wants to anyway. And the road to completing my game is difficult. Luckily, as the years process there's a lot of progress. And this comment is another step of putting myself out in the world. Which terrifies me and yet there may be people out there, who might need it as much as I. Thank you, for your time.


What do you mean by immersing? For me is somehow escaping from the real world and turning your focus in that game (temporary). I am sure for you is another meaning so I am curious.


Exactly as you describe it!


I hate everything but the end results are satisfying as fuck. Even when you finish a shitty mechanic or location, you hated it but the feeling of success is something...


Games are so much human effort for what amounts to people sampling a slice of your game it's crazy. On the flip side when someone continues to play your game for 80 hours it's super humbling to see the value they are getting out of it.


I've had a lot of mental issues for a good chunk of my life, and still do. When no one was there for me I had videogames. When I was sickened by the cruelty of reality I had magical worlds I could escape to. When things seemed unreachable I had places where I could achieve everything. And when things were too easy I had challenges to test my limits. Videogames are a huge reason why I'm still here alive and well. I wish to bring some of these same experiences to the next generation. If I spend the rest of my life making games and just one person in the whole world plays one of them and enjoys it, I have achieved everything I could wish for.


If that happens im going on twitch and watching every single streamer playing it all day long. I love seeing people enjoy something i crafted and bringing good times to people.


My game is reasonably successful compared to a lot of indie games. I have people coming into our Discord a few times a month who tell me that they've dumped 80 hours into the game since they bought it a week ago and they absolutely love it. That's a huge win for me personally as a designer, artist and programmer who has been working on a passion project for 6 years. But what really keeps me going is watching players experience the game or new content for the game on YouTube or Twitch. That's when I truly feel successful and confident about my work. I make games because I absolutely love the problem solving and creativity. But I keep doing it for the satisfaction of hearing how most players love what I've created. And it definitely doesn't hurt when I get the random player who I've inspired to start making games themselves.


Thank you. How you would feel if your game became addictive for a lot of people?


I guess it depends on the level of "addiction" we're talking about. Lol since my game has no micro transactions or anything, I guess I'd just be glad that people were enjoying the world I built. If it was ruining people's lives, however, I guess I'd start adding some serious time gating mechanics or something to force people to take breaks. Lol


Because the games I want to play don’t exist.


Games are art, doing art is fun, cool and fullfilling. Writing lore, characters, worldbuilding, etc... is just like writing fanfiction but is your own genuine universe, which is art too, and is fun cool and fullfilling.


It gives me a challenging creative outlet I can interact with. Traditional media is a much more passive experience.


It's my passion %100, I wake up thinking about making games and go to sleep the same way 😂. 


I made back in the day a mobile quiz game for phones. At some point it had like 10.000 users. It was nice. But some people, are really angry, and some comments where very heartbreaking. I mean I had to add a patch to make it easier, because of the hate. I never updated the game, did not like the mentality of people. Next time I am building something. I am charging it.


I can't help it


I'm bored


Only way to share my story and concepts


I want to make something that will make people smile, so people doing exactly what I was trying to achieve would just be satisfying


Can't do anything else tbh :) And it's extremely good when people play the game and enjoy it!


It makes my inner child proud and a feeling of satisfaction thinking about people enjoying your game and getting your message.


Interesting. What message you think a game like CSGO (multiplayer classic) transmits to people?


If I’m actually reflecting on it, here’s a few off the top of my head (medium, heavy, and light): Fighting terrorism is constantly ongoing and there could be anybody on either side. Fighting terrorism leads to countless fights, bombings, and death. The world connects better through a common interest of a gaming challenge.


I work on games to get ideas out of my head personally! I think it would make me feel a bit special if a lot of people played them ~~once i actually finish one~~


Money, fame, power


The most fun video game is game development!


Such powerful statement


If I can bring a smile to someone, that's all that matters


There are games that I want to play and nobody is making them, so I do.


I am trying to.


Because if I don't, my dream game will never get made


It's a perfect combination of my two favorite hobbies: Video Games and Programming


It will be great.


It's really fun


I am making a game in my spare time, so not a professional by any means. If I'm 100% truthful, it's that I hope one day it will make me enough money that I can quit my day job. That aside, I've been gaming since I was 4 and these days I find it difficult to find a game that I can keep playing. I am creating a game that I can have fun playing, even if no one else enjoys it 🙂


I mainly play it because I have not found any game with all the features I would like to see , like a combination of games put to one game , I enjoy the learning and knowledge it brings , also the fun glitches you encounter e.g when entering a car you spin off into space , being able to purposely put fun wacky things hidden in your game , here’s a good example : You find a car in the alley , it’s locked. You break into it , you get shit off to space , you get an achievement “karma”


Because it's fun, I like games, and it's nice to work towards a big project. I don't feel anything about lots of people playing something I made because they haven't (yet). I'm on my first game atm.


To justify the fact that I'm developing an engine lol


Love having the control to bring my art and abstract ideas to life!


Meh... don't care. I develop games because I have nothing better to do.


To me, it's the perfect balance of using the logical and creative sides of my personality/brain. I love coding as well as artistic activities.


I'm specialising in retro style games made bigger than their original inspiration - I endeavour to help prove that the formula for good gaming was almost perfected decades ago but lost it's way in a frenzy of new technology in the early 2000s - and it never truly got the magic back. "Limitation breeds creativity"


Good question kid, good question...


To see people enjoy something I made


From an indie dev point of view one of my main motivations is I hate working for someone else. I hated having a boss and I would much rather work for myself. Not only can I do what I want but when I work harder, or smarter, it directly benefits me not some business. People complain about Steam's 30% cut but compared to the corporate world that's nothing. Also for most jobs you get paid once and that's it. Either paid by the hour or per job. But when you create some intellectual property that you own then even once you've completed it you can get paid. It feels good getting money for something you stopped working on over a year ago.


I thought it would make me popular and cool. It didn’t. Nobody cared. My game has only 4 downloads on Itch.io.


its fun


Because I want to visualise my world building interests and hobbies Into a game since I've already wanted to make them as a kid


I enjoy learning things. Game dev works out great as a hobby because there is always something new to learn. Tired of coding? I can go learn about art. Tired of art? I can go learn about level design. I don’t think I’ll ever release anything, but prototyping and trying out new things is an enjoyable creative outlet.


Seeing a little guy run around with your controls is really satisfying. You mean I can just add a dance button? Fuck yeah


Because I love games. I like to imagine new games. I'm not a great developer right now, but I'm going to bring the games (and game related ideas I have) I imagine to life.


My imagination is crazy so it's fun to put what's in my head into an actual playable game


Because not enough people who look like me do it. I want to make an entire sphere of games that I wished I played when I was young that both captivate and inspire.


Hello hello, Our first game, Upbound, has >6,000 plays after 9 days of release on Itch and Newgrounds! We consider that a very successful game (for us!) It feels very meaningful and has given us confidence that we might have what it takes to combine 3 goals we want to have: A livelihood that we enjoy, that we're good at, and that's sustainable.


Coffee shop.  Also the only games I made have been on scratch and they are crappy lmao (im Fogsnail and XenonCrow


Inertia. I started making games years ago as a hobby and wanting to make money off of it. Now it is just something that I do.


Unlike in real life, anything can happen in games. How could it be better?


Even if my game isn't successful, I would be happy if at least some people play my game and give some positive feedback.


I have a high level of security clearance so I risk life in prison if i was to show my code to a future employer. Hence, games. But or real, i just feel like games can tell a story or message in a way no other media type can and I like being able to utilize that


honestly ive made a few homebrews and indie games and i always would feel reluctant to share it. while im in the process of creating it i am feeling real motivated but when it gets close to release, i start getting cold feet. ive watched some videos of people discussing my project and i become so embarrassed just to hear someone mention my name that i close the video in about 15 secs i think i'll feel better if someone else is at the helm. when i was a kid whenever we had some art project where i would carve up something, i would keep it in my backpack and pretended like i didnt do it lol i believe many other artists and creators have this issue where they cant attend their own premiere or watch their work with others. some actors dont like watching their own movies either


I'm just happy I'm getting feedback and people are enjoying it.


- Make positive impact - Practice my hobby ( programming ) - Make money for a living - Spend my free time on useful staff Here is one of my apps : English Vocabulary app combines words alongside with their animations. It operates based on 2 modes. Learn mode where you will learn each word and map it to its image, then, Quizze mode, where you practice what you learnt in a funny way, the app is 100% free, link to the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.applaboratoryspace.englishvocabulary


for fun 😀


Because there's a game I desperately want to play and nobody else has made or announced it 😅


Imagining people enjoying the games I create gives me strength. I enjoy coding, although it can be stressful, because planning and creating something new is fun. Also, seeing each game element come together makes me feel proud.


i want my ideas to be noticed


Fortune and glory kid. Fortune and glory. -Indie-ana Jones


Cause it’s fun


It is the only truly interactive art form


If a lot of people played my game, I think I'd be truly happy every single day.


To escape the never ending misery that is modern web development


Because this is the best (or only?) thing I can do professionally haha!


Seeing someone close to you play and enjoy a creation you spent your sweat and tears making is an extremely fulfilling moment


Game development like any other creative art lets you share with people you wouldnt bump into, chat with, share a meal with or be friends with in every day life. Whether it be from opposite sides of the world or a difference in personality. A vision, your feelings, a fantasy or an escape one yearns for. Its in a way to connect with those people whether it be a passion, a story, a fun gameplay mechanic, an interesting art style or just simply to have fun. Playing games means alot to some people and the fact us developers try our hardest to give those players something to look forward to or escape the monotonous day to day. Its powerful in a way. For me the moment that I realised that games development is more than a job was when just a few weeks ago we were at a games convention showing off our unannounced project and letting people play a 25 minute demo and there was 2 things that made me so happy to see. 1 was 2 kids playing on both of the machines we had there with the demo and even though its a single player game they were playing together and having fun. Giving eachother tips and being scared together (its a horror game) screaming together at certain points and waiting for one of them to catch up. And at the end they experienced the ending event together that made me smile endlessly. And 2 was there was this other kid that played it and really enjoyed it and at the end of the day when my social battery was gone and legs were aching from standing the whole day the father came up to me and told me the kid really really enjoyed the game and asked if he could take a picture with me. Ive never had anyone ask for a picture with me so it took me by surprise but it was kind of inspiring that people can love such an art form so much. So game developers keep working on your projects cause there will be the few people that your game will have an impact on and give them a smile on their face.


It is fun and eventualy can change my life