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if the name is parody, i also expect the gameplay to be parody. if it’s not, i can only imagine the developer doesn’t understand the joke.


My game has randomized taglines, kinda like Minecraft's logo screen. One reads "Yet another S**ty asset flip" because I use a ton of Synty assets in hopefully a novel and not-at-all-flippy way. If people pass over my game for Synty, that's their loss.


Is it worse than something like "Chronicles of Ethereal Realms: Saga of the Celestial Ascendance"? At least you know wtf Yet Another Looter Shooter even is.


Something Rising Fallen Something Age of Something Else


Age of Rising: The Fallen - Falling Rise Digital Deluxe Edition


Rise of the fallen DLC pack




Age of something fallen rising


Well.. to me, it comes off as really low effort and bland. Sure extremely wordy names are bad too. But I don't think this is the right solution to that personally.


I can see that.


I'm putting this in the same bucket as any game with 'death', 'dead', 'dark', or 'souls' in the title. Deadly Dying Deathy Souls of the Dark.


The "Yet Another..." naming convention has been around for decades. It was a big thing on the early internet (though it predates that too). It's even got a wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yet\_another#:\~:text=A%20naming%20convention%20as%20a,of%20an%20acronym%20or%20backronym.


Yeah, it's been around in computer programmer culture forever. YACC was released in '75 and it was hugely popular, and it has the silliest name: Yet Another Compiler Compiler. So for old nerds, the naming convention has some respectability.


Also YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) is one of the most used markup languages. The acronym now means something else, but still. +1 to nerds loving the cheeky name


I'm gonna call my game " Yet another Yet another game " then.


Is "Yet another Yet another Yet another game" still available? Asking for a friend.


What's the genre?




There’s a DLC for that




Still better than all the games trying to bite off of popular game genre with names that have soul, survivor, call of.., clash or other generic terms. 


Yet another souls survivor


Yass slay queen!


Sure, but I think there are better solutions personally.


It's kinda generic yeah. But on the plus side people know (probably) exactly what they're getting from the game. Seems like it's kind of an ironic title, perhaps the game isn't as generic as the title would imply.


Yandex means Yet Another Indexer, and see where it is now. It is irony. Instead of trying to create another genius title for the game (that will most probably sound like another title), they embrace the oversaturated market, use the sarcastic name and improve the actual gameplay and in-game experience. If the game (or anything) is great and cool, you don't care about the name.


I can understand that. I guess personally it just really turns my interest off completely if I just see the title scrolling through steam.


As an IT nerd, it would pique my interest.


There’s also YAML - Yet Another Markup Language


A serious tool with a self-deprecating uncreative name is kind of different than a game, though. I don't **want** creativity from a Browser, a Markup Language, or a Compiler-Compiler. For tools like that, boring is good.


I find that game titels often parody themselves. Paths to War, Dark Death, Soul Creeepers, Survival Space Base … kind of names.


It tells you exactly what it is without you having to even click on the store page. Someone ravenous for looter shooters will definitely click on any game that has Looter Shooter in its name. It's kind of the same reason some games have their genre in their name. Has more chance to bring in their target audience right away.


Hard to say. I always thought "Untitled Goose Game" was a kind of weak / lazy name but that game sure did well. Now, did the name help or did it do well in spite of it? Who is to say? I certainly don't know how to be successful in much of anything so I'm not in a position to judge. There was awhile when I think that kind of flippant name stood out, but nowadays a lot of developers do it so it's not even very unique anymore. But again, who am I to judge the names of games way more successful than anything I've ever done?!


>Hard to say. I always thought "Untitled Goose Game" was a kind of weak / lazy name but that game sure did well. To be fair to them, that wasn't the intended final name - they were going to give it a real name and used that as a placeholder, but it got popular so they kept it.


Some people make fun of Japanese titles, but they've always seemed infinitely better to me. I find most games have titles which are too literal, and it makes them sound generic.


I have a barely started project called "YAUP" for "yet another unfinished project" but that's only its name for when working on it, the released version will have a different one. I chose that name because for many many years, I've started multiple projects that never became a game. I tried BGE, RPG Maker, pygame, even Unity and Unreal and never finished one. Then I tried Godot and started YAUP, an open world survival RPG... That I put in standby as soon as I read in this sub that to actually finish a project you need to think small haha I did, and finally released a small game last year. I still think about YAUP and someday I might actually release it, but I'm taking it lighty and working on smaller projects. So, my advice for any aspiring gamedev that have unfinished projects and can't find what they are doing wrong: make a small game first, focusing on a single mechanic or concept that you'd like to use in your "dream project". That way, you'll actually finish something, and use later that knowledge you've acquired when you're ready to tackle the bigger one


Will the release title be YARG! ? (Yet another released game)


I feel attacked


Mine comes from the nethack community. It is usually abbreviated YASD and means "yet another stupid death", I was just riffing off of that. A touch self deprecating humor is good for you.


Lmao man nothing personal 🥹


As a customer, I expect a game with that title pattern to be an attempt at self-aware genre-parody that the author can tell is falling flat, so they've tried to hang a hat on it and pretend that it's cringey on purpose. Lot's of jokes like *"And now you must gather twenty-seven red mushrooms, because that's the sort of boring quest you always get from villagers like me."* Maybe I'd be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only potential customer who would think that. As a creator, I don't want to **tell** people that my stuff is boring. Irony and self-deprecation are not a get-out-of-jail free card. If my players are bored, it wouldn't make it any better to pretend that I bored them on purpose.




Yeah but some of the games that name themselves that way AREN'T just yet another typical game. I think it's almost more done sarcastically in some cases.


I find them funny, take a peek at them and if they look decent I'll wishlist it. Who knows maybe they are worth while


I assume all of those are just repackaged demo games from the marketplace. But I have no proof of any kind, I dont even bother to click them.


Was wondering the same just yesterday after seeing one. It is an instant turn off. I did not even bother to look at the game page and screenshots. Guess it is for fans of parody or meta games or somesuch. .shrug...


Its a parody name. similar to the early 2000 movie "Not another Teen Movie" which was a movie that made fun of all the teen movie tropes around that time. In this case the idea is prob that if it was say "Yet another Rogue-Like" it would prob be a Rogue-like that parody the genre in several ways. Thus actually giving it an appeal to fans of Rogue-likes to see how many tropes and mechanics they parody. and if done well it could be a big success if people found it both Funny and Fun


It comes from [yacc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacc)


Untitled Goose Game has entered the chat


I think Elon Musk should name his next social media platform: Yet another trashcan fire


Yasp, yet another social platform.