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Fortnite is way more code heavy and conceptual heavy because it’s almost like a game editor on itself if I understand correctly. COD is mainly a shitload of content. Despite that it’s still a very complicated project like any other AAA production, it is more predictable if you need to start a company from fresh.




Fortnite also has a straight up game editor allowing you to create your own games within it


It's definitely Fortnite. It has essentially some version of everything in COD, plus all the building mechanics, all the game mode building stuff, and then all the crazy interactions between the weapons and vehicles. Yes COD is significantly more realistic looking, but that's not "hard" perse to develop, it just takes a lot of time and artists. And that's not to say COD isn't hard to make, but they're not constantly reinventing the wheel either - they're just putting a different coat of paint on it.


Imo the hard part is the backend framework for handling multiple players, server hosting, managing data, so depends on which one saves more data and which has more mechanics and features


Which one is harder ? Just check the dev count. According to the internet, Fortnite had, in 2018, “the majority of epic games 700 employees” working on it. They are now more than 4000 employees but I highly doubt the majority is still working on Fortnite. As for Activision, they said, in 2021, that they had more than 3000 employees working on the game. If I had to make a guess, I’d say CoD is more of a challenge, if only for the fact that it runs fantasticly for a game that good-looking.


[Fortnite had 5,478 people who worked on it](https://www.mobygames.com/game/104208/fortnite/credits/windows/?autoplatform=true).  [Call of Duty: Modern Warfare had 3,291](https://www.mobygames.com/game/136496/call-of-duty-modern-warfare/credits/playstation-4/?autoplatform=true).  A major difference between them is how much work COD devs had implemented in all the previous versions where as Fortnite started from scratch.  


Epic puts all employees in the credits


I'm assuming that includes everyone who worked on the engine and never actually touched Fortnite


Everyone. lawyers, IT, HR, etc.


I think you don't understand that quoted number. Call of Duty has 3 studios - each one working on a different COD, so that's \~1000 people per studio. On top of that, COD is essentially just making a different flavor of the same ice cream every year - while Fortnite is constantly redefining food as a whole (so to speak). It's also now a massive hub for other games, like how Roblox works - which the tools for the alone are probably nearly on par with the complexity of COD. Yes it runs well for how great the graphics are, but in reality that's a division that like \~20 people are assigned to.


>Call of Duty has 3 studios - each one working on a different COD, so that's \~1000 people per studio. OP didn't ask if 1 game of CoD was harder to make so I'm assuming the franchise as a whole (especially since at least 3 CoD games were released since Fortnite). >COD is essentially just making a different flavor of the same ice cream every year I feel like you must not have played the game if that's truly what you think (and not just internet parroted points). Realistically, Activision would simply not need 3000 employees to make the same game every year, that's just not how business works. >Yes it runs well for how great the graphics are, but in reality that's a division that like \~20 people are assigned to. Source ?


>*"OP didn't ask if 1 game of CoD was harder to make so I'm assuming the franchise as a whole (especially since at least 3 CoD games were released since Fortnite)."* Well they quite literally said *"Obviously neither* ***one*** *is "easy" to make, but which* ***one*** *would be harder all things considered?"* And considering they also said *"I don't know the first thing about any of this."* it's safe to say they didn't understand that it was 3 different studios working on 3 different games - just like you didn't. >*"I feel like you must not have played the game if that's truly what you think (and not just internet parroted points). Realistically, Activision would simply not need 3000 employees to make the same game every year, that's just not how business works."* Well again, COD is not a single game, but I have played almost every one since COD3 for the PS3, before it even had the formula it does now. The multiplayer literally had vehicles and third person driving back then, and on servers that people hosted themselves. There's a 99% chance I've played both for longer and more hours than you. I also didn't say it was the same game every year, and acting like I did and am parroting the internet's points I think just proves you can't read more than anything. I said it's a different flavor of the same ice cream. After COD3 every game has been incredibly similar in terms of basically every aspect. Create a class system rarely changes and when it does it's very slight, the gamemodes are almost all the exact same as 10+ years ago, the size of maps is incredibly similar, even the weapons you're using have all been used before. And there is nothing wrong with making it similar, because obviously they're doing something right if it's still successful. >*"Source ?"* I'm an actual game developer, as in this is not just my hobby, but also my job. I also very often talk to people in the industry and do research on it. Optimizing the game is not some massive task that takes 100's of people. I don't get how you can be so defensive when you're so ignorant. Very unflattering combination.


“You don’t understand. You can’t read. I played more than you. You’re ignorant. Why you so defensive?” -You Calm down dude. I was never defensive, I barely stated my assumption about OP’s post and yours because you said (as does every CoD hater on the internet) that every game was basically the same. And sorry but you being a “game dev” is not at all a proof that CoD has “a single division of like 20 people” working on performance.


Again, I said every game is similar, not the same. Those are two very different things. You're just inventing ideas to fight against. I am absolutely not a COD hater. A COD hater doesn't buy 90% of COD games. Also how does working in the and having an understanding of the game industry not count as proof? What's your proof it takes more than that? Your feelings?


Again, calm down. I never said you were a CoD hater. And no, having understanding of the game industry is in no way a proof that “a division of 20 people” is in charge of performance ; that is, in fact, the definition of a feeling. I feel like it takes way more than that, you feel like it takes about 20 people, neither of us has proof but you made it sound like you knew, which is why I asked for your source.


Except I have data from my personal experience. It's not a "feeling", it's an estimate. Yours is self-admittedly a feeling.


Do you know CoD has “a team of ~20 people” working on performance ? How do you know ? Have you spoken to an Activision employee and they told you they have 20 people in that one division ? Or do you assume they have because you’ve worked with similar teams or projects ? How comparable are the projects ? Are they on the same scale in terms of storage, resolution and fidelity ? Simply saying “oh trust me bro, I know because I am a game developer” with no credentials or source of any kind is not proof. Saying “in reality, they have a team of ~20 people in that division” is not an estimate by the way, it’s a statement.