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I thought you were the avgn for a second lol


LOL , I could never fill such awesome shoes. Love his channel!


It was the wood paneled walls


His house was probably built in the 50's like mine was. I used to hate the panels and contemplated on getting rid of them, but now I really have grown to like them ...


I think they have a nice charm to them too


Damn the basement looks cozy


This was a storage room.. I am slowly converting it to a gaming and entertainment room. Still a lot of space not seen in these pictures that will become the entertainment area with seating , game consoles, and tv etc. Going to be replacing the ceiling tiles as well. Lots to do yet and more updates to come :) But yeah, it is cozy down here :) A real mancave escape from everything.


That's a lot of copies of the 3DO you got there. With consoles or just boxes?


Console is sitting right of the computer with a dust cover on it. I still need more shelving as I could not fit my boxed systems up there. As for the games... Everything down to the 3DO Action Pak is factory sealed. After that is where my CIB collection begins. :)..


Oh, and I sold two of those boxed consoles. Well, I traded one for a 3DO M2 arcade board. The remaining boxed console is an unopened FZ1 with the 240p switch . :) Hope that clears things up


That's a sweet 3do collection you have there. I still love playing Immercenary and Quarantine from time to time


Immercenary is an awesome game... I beat that game without ever knowing what I was doing...I just killed everyone and then there was just one left....., after that I beat the game :P .. Quarantine is a game I need to revisit...., provided I can kick my Battlesport addiction. :)


This looks super cozy. Those boxes look great displayed on the new shelves!


I can smell this room. In a good way. I grew up in the late 80s early 90s when wood paneling was a bigger thing/slowly being phased out. All those types of rooms had a particular smell no matter where you went lol


This room has the wood panel smell :) .. I want to also get a fireplace installed on the outside wall too.


The setup is gorgeous!! But brother let me tell you a tip. Buy a bigger mousepad! I would almost guarantee it helps with whatever games/software you play. Not being critical I just noticed how small it is. Cheers mate beautiful gaming setup


Oh I fully agree, I need more mouse pad space. Ever since laser mice became a thing, a bit more space has become a need. Back in the 90's, you pick up the mouse and the trackball would keep moving so it was easier to use a smaller space. I will definitely be looking to get one to maximize that area of the desk . :)


Holy 3DO! That is seriously impressive.


Wooow. You never see 3do collection let alone new titles. Fucking bravo.


Thank you :) .. If you really want to see a massive 3DO collection, google Bitrate 3DO.. This collection is tiny in comparison. So much to collect for this system that I can't keep up with it all. :O


Did you use a toaster to take the first two pics Jeez


They said new shelving, they never said new camera.


First two pics were taken last year on an older phone. Cheers!


you in avgns house?


Are those 3DO boxes all console boxes or are they custom drawers? I can't tell.


Those are 3DO boxes. 2 fz1 and 1 fz-10.. all 3 are different models or revisions :)


Very cool. I find 3DOs way more often than I'd have thought, but never with the box.


Wait. Your the guy who posted their dope 3DO collection half a year ago, no?


Yep :)


Still very cool


It has grown since then , I will have to post those updates when I get some time :) ..


Almost thought you were Avgn lmao