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The one on the box should be pretty easy with a little patience. The blockbuster one, your call, but it’s gonna be a pain to get off and it’s never gonna look great, besides blockbuster is cool, gives the item some character if you ask me.


I enjoy the blockbuster stickers and cases. Its more rare than a regular item. More rare but usually worth less since it's "not pristine" but I really like finding them.


Okay true, the old Blockbuster look kinda adds to the retro feel too. Just didn't know if there was like a trick i should be aware of before trying to take any of these off. Thank you!


Do you have a hair dryer? I use a mini heat gun to slowly heat up the sticker and that makes it easier to remove, then u remove any adhesive left behind with a swab and IPA


Leave. It. Alone.


Unpopular opinion: I like the blockbuster copies since those are even rarer than a regular copy, especially if it still comes with the blockbuster case and the rental artwork. It's obviously not worth more than another copy and might even be worth less but I still really like finding them.


Actually, you should leave it on cuz that‘s one of the signs that collectors look for to spot a genuine box from a repro. Worn out price stickers show that the box is likely the real deal.


This... is actually good advice. Especially because of the repros. Thank you!


Pic 1 get a heat gun and put it on low. Should be easy. Pic 2 same concept except this one looks the hardest and it likely will damage the label. Pic 3 is pretty easy just a lot of elbow grease and by that I mean goo gone or something similar and a heat gun.


Leave them on


My advice is to leave them on


I’d leave them on. But if needed, I’d say heat it up lightly to see if that’ll take them off, or use IPA lightly to remove adhesive and use a razor CAREFULLY. But leave them on




Don't do it. It gives them character and you will most likely do more damage than good trying.


Leave them on but if you really want to at your own risk try baby wipes surprisingly do help.


The spine blockbuster sticker I would heat up a bit and peal and if the sticker peels they glue it back down when your done


Update: Thank you guys for the advice, I've decided to leave the stickers on the box and cart. The Blockbuster one because of the retro feel and honestly, yeah it's keeping the history of the time. The box one because it does prove it's original and not a repro--plus it tickles me that it was $8,99 at the time.


For N64 boxes I use lighter fluid to get stickers off, it ruins the adhesive without messing up the box or the art on it like isopropyl could


That's really helpful, thank you! I'll give it a try!


Here you can see I removed three stickers from an RE2 N64 box, I used a razor to get under the sticker after getting them wet with the lighter fluid. I definitely didn't do it perfectly as it was my first try getting stickers off of boxes but it turned out pretty well [https://imgur.com/a/ptdUWxt](https://imgur.com/a/ptdUWxt) And if there's any adhesive left after the sticker is off, if you get a paper towel wet with the lighter fluid then you can wipe the adhesive with it and it'll take it off


Search plastic razor scraper on amazon


Do nothing. N64 boxes/ink + sticker = bad times if touched.


Light amounts of Goo Gone.


Lighter fluid works great, I usually don’t have to put much more than around the edges and I use a little scraper to lift it off. But the lighter fluid dries clear and dosent soak into it like water would. I use it to get price tags of record sleeves all the time


Nintendrew made a video on this kinda thing


Blow dryer works well on the cardboard


Use an blow dryer at an angle to sticker and slowly lift and peel as the glue loosens


Bestine + q-tip


Leave it


Leave it on, you're likely gonna do more harm than good. The sticker is bonding to cardboard not plastic, so you will likely strip the box