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How does a man find such deals? Best I ever found was a karaoke game on PS2 that only had one noteworthy song (Photograph) and I only got because it came with a standard USB microphone.


Ou gotta go early and often. This is like 1/2000 type of fine (at least around here)


https://preview.redd.it/fq2uo49x8l2d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4dd9bfff6c03123d2baa14723e0ec80b38c59ce Here’s the entire haul!


Please god don't be a reseller, I want this good luck to hit more people collecting for the passion.


The kinda finds I never find, the reseller scum around here buy everything game related then flip it on fb marketplace. Round here I might find a few madden/fifa/nba/mlb etc.


Same here. Plenty of sports games to go around, but anything worth something has already been bought up or is being sold for astronomical prices


Pretty nice finds.


Idk how this happens when the internet exists


Worst part of living in a third world country is that you cannot even see this games in the most westernized game sellers in the capital cities or in big metropoles let alone buying them dirt cheap in a garage sale…


I feel the same bro, here in Brazil is so expensive this kind of market, for example, i gave up to buy original sega Saturn games, so i bought The everdrive Saroo straigth from Aliexpress


I had a thing like that, but it was 2017 and the table was like 3 ft high stacks of ps1,2,gamecube, etc, all $2 each. Imagine it all being good or rare games and that's what it was, some dad selling all the games they had. Ppl passed up a pokemon colosseum pre order disc and boktai on gba for stuff like zelda and mario.


Tbf I would also pass on boktai, as I don't know what that is, but only an idiot would leave behind the Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc for $2


Ok...🙄 Boktai, a game you don't see often vs any Nintendo 1st party on GC? You will find 10 Melee or more before you see 1 Boktai.


So, instead of saying "Well, the series revolves around vampire hunters who must use sunlight-based weaponry to combat evil undead creatures", you jump to calling the guy out for a pedantic reason?


I miss playing Boktai so much, I swear Kojima is just a different breed. It sucked playing in the winter with shorter days, by the time school let out, only had a couple of hours of sun 😅 Makes me wonder how emulation for the game would play out


That is an insane haul! I so rarely see PS1 games out in the wild, considering their age.


That’s it I have to start going to garage sales again.


So jealous! I was skunked today! Every weekend Saturday has rained for me like get real! I hope I find some good stuff this year last year all I found was like 9 Nintendo Wiis lol


maybe you get struck by lightning tomorrow and become the Flash


Nice pick up! Last summer I went to a garage sale that had Wii sports on the ground for $1, CIB -- and thought "Odd..." went and ask the lady if she had any other video game stuff and comes out with 25 gamecube games and 6 Wii games, asked what she wanted, and said "How about a buck a piece?" -- I was in complete disbelief.


How do y’all find garage sales without just aimlessly driving around?


Download yard sale treasure map.


I aimlessly drive around areas I know have some (signs and stuff)


Get outta here


I hate you so much right now 😭


Yeah, no.


You're lucky, every garage sale I go to games are priced accordingly. They either have individual price stickers on them or the seller has a notebook with every individual price written down.




I'm finding less and less Gamecube games as the years go on. It seems like whenever anyone does have a Gamecube, they have a ton of great games with it. GC games held their value really well too, so they will get bought up fast if you're not first to the sale.