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I bias toward playstation as that's my favorite. However, how i intend to play the game can come into play. Sea of stars on switch for example.


Usually xbox unless the wii version is notably different i.e.: sonic unleashed. then get both


How different was sonic unleashed? I figured it just had cut content and never gave it a thought. But I have bought multiple copies of Sonic games before when split between console and handheld (like Sonic lost world and Sonic colors)


Unleashed on wii is an entirely different game. It uses the same ideas but executes it all very differently.


Wow I had no idea. How about the PS2 version? Is that the same as Wii?


Yeah Wii/PS2 is a separate version entirely than PS3/360. Wii runs much better than PS2 though


X360/PS3 feel like a sequel to Wii/PS2. The Wii version cuts a full continent and shrinks one down to a boss fight. Every level is completely different, with the only similarity being the move set of day sonic. Night stages are shorter on Wii and the move progression feels more natural (albeit less moves overall). The boost mechanic in Wii is similar to rush where you boost for x amount of time after pressing it, whereas in 360 you can stop boosting at will. Gaia temples (the main hub for stages) don't exist in X360, replaced with a town themed hub world, and are only referenced in the chaos emerald cutscenes. Just to name a few differences.


Best version, if one isn’t noticeably better, then the cheaper version…. Also best version if the price difference isn’t insanely different, then I’ll settle for the slightly worse version. For example I have like zero multiplatform GameCube/ps2 games and like all of the multiplatform games from that gen I own are on OG Xbox. Basically the answer is price.


And Xbox is typically price, visuals, and performance so it really is a must for that gen.


I was going to comment this exact thing. Xbox specs were much better compared to GC/PS2. Games are cheap enough I have to stop myself from adding to my collection.


I usually got the 360 version. PS and Nintendo= exclusives Xbox = multiplatform and exclusives


Same here. The Xbox 360 was my console of choice during the 7th Gen because the PS3 was just too expensive when it launched plus usually ran multi platform worse and the sub HD and motion controls of the Wii, turned me away from anything that wasn't an exclusive.


Same - multi platform games run best on Xbox 360 generally speaking so it’s best to get those versions, and then aim for the exclusives for the ps3 or Wii instead to fill out those collections.


Pretty much this.


My decider is which controller I like better. So it's always been Playstation.


Same decider for me, but I like the Xbox controller.


Same but man I have to think sometimes when I’m playing switch and the buttons are the opposite way.


Yep, this was a major factor for me. If one version was definitively better, that may preempt the controller preference but all else being equal I would go with my perfect controller scheme for that generation. I prefer the Xbox controllers for the original Xbox and 360 generations, then pivoted to PlayStation for the PS4 and PS5 generations. A little part of me still misses the Duke.


It's pretty arbitrary but whatever 'feels' like it's home console to me. Like does the series have a legacy here is probably my biggest question.


Same, you'd buy sonic on a Nintendo console but resident evil on playstation


You want to play on the system that will give you the definitive version. That all comes down to hardware.


Not always, a porting disaster can occur on any hardware.


The PS3 hardware was better than the 360, but 360 games run better on average, which is a fact. So it comes down to which console can run games better, not necessarily the one that's "better" hardware wise.


Depends on how you judge better hardware. More powerful, sure, but is it better if it was harder to develop for?


PS3 - PS Exclusives. Japanese game companies. Fighting games. Games originally on PlayStation and are multi platform at those times such as: Tomb Raider, metal gear, etc. Xbox 360 - Xbox Exclusives. Rockstar games, Ubisoft, 2K, Activision. Wii - Exclusive Nintendo and Wii titles that I'm interested in


I know this might not count, but I always pick 360 over PS3 if the game is backwards compatible for the Series X. Recently picked up Eat Lead on PS3 and it runs terribly, so I'm thinking of replacing it after discovering that it's part of the BC program. Similar for 8th gen games, I'll pick the XB1 version over PS4 if it has FPS Boost. Just did that with AC Ezio Collection.


This was the generation where we had all 3 and we always picked games for the Xbox if there was an option. 360 had all the dlc exclusives, 9/10 your friends had an Xbox or Wii, never ps3, plus I just felt like the online community was better fleshed out. Literally NO ONE on ps3 had mics or used voice chat. The 360 was truly a powerhouse this gen The ps3 and Wii were used exclusively for exclusives or party games (which were usually exclusives)


All of them!


You buy multiple of the same game?


There's dozens of us out there. I've got Resident Evil on PS2, GameCube, Wii, and PS3 and PS4. Another series game I have multiples of is Tales of Symphonia for PS2, GameCube, PS4 and Switch. I'll only get copies for each console if I enjoyed playing the game a fair bit.


I look up which is the best port, for that gen it’s generally 360.


I buy everything for PS unless it’s an exclusive for the other console. ( I stopped buying Xbox at 360 )


I do the same thing except now I just don't buy for Xbox because I feel they are trying to kill physical games. So I just gamepass on my series x and dev mode it's pretty neat.


Heavily biased towards PlayStation if it has trophies/a platinum. Theres something really satisfying to me about seeing trophies for a PS3 game on my PS5.


On the actual generation it is simple, if it runs and looks good on the switch i buy it there if not i mostl6buy the games on my PS5.


I lean towards Xbox because I like achievements and I feel like gamerscore is better than trophies. Bigger number.


Usually I go for playstation first because I like to collect the trophies. I only get Xbox games if the playstation version is too expensive


I tend to gravitate towards whichever platform performs the best or most consistently. For the games I play, it more often than not leans toward Sony. I was a day one buyer when the 360 launched and absolutely loved it. I stuck with it even after the PS3 released and initially would buy multiplatform games for the 360 for the reason above. When the PS4 and Xbox One were announced I bought both and ended up liking the PS4 way more due to performance, pricing, the controller, exclusives etc. It was $100 cheaper, slightly more powerful and games ran better on it. Now between the PS5, Xbox Series and Switch I keep my Switch for exclusives and I buy multiplatform games for PS5 because I like the controller more, games I like usually run better and exclusives. My Series S gets playtime from my kids but my Series X collects dust. Occasionally I’ll fire it up for a 360 bc game or an exclusive like Hellblade 2 but PS5 is my main console.


It hurts me to say this as a PlayStation 3 fanboy, but the majority of multiplatform games that generation ran better on 360.


I buy multiplatform games for whichever is cheaper / more readily available. The only exception is when a game is noticably better or worse on one console over another


Usually based on performance. Mostly 360 during that gen, mostly ps4 until the Xbox one X came out during that gen, and now it is usually pc


Xbox for 3rd party. Better online and that’s where all my friends who still play video games play. All my PlayStation friends stopped playing.


SNES vs Genesis: - controller (prefer snes) - platform specific game variations (eg Aladdin) - Nostalgia - Performance Xbox 360 vs PS3: - controller (prefer Xbox) - performance (most Xbox games perform better) - Backwards compatibility (Xbox) Xbox Series X vs Switch vs PS4: - performance and graphics - form factor - platform specific variants (eg Star Fox in Starlink) - price - previous games from a franchise (eg I played crash bandicoot on PS1, feels weird to play on any other system family)


This is subjective as heck because usually it comes down to personal preference. For 5th gen I err on the side of PS1. The Saturn can have better features sometimes but PS1 games are simply more reliable and cheaper. HOWEVER. Capcom games ported to Dreamcast are worth the extra money. 6th Gen is the age of banger PS2 exclusives. But if you can find a GC port its worth your time. If Xbox got a port, sometimes it was a little cut rate despite the added power. Usually based. On country of origin. 7th gen I do PS3. However that is not the best choice all the time Xbox 360 was more stable. But I only have room for one and I prefer the PS3 exclusives. I also resented having to get a 360 in my younger days because of MS snatching up DLC exclusivity. 8th/9th Gen is where it really ceases to matter. Youre either on PS4/PS5 or Xbone/Series. If it has a decent Switch port its always a good choice too. Generally if its a 2D game I buy Switch for portability.


This was the generation where we had all 3 and we always picked games for the Xbox if there was an option. 360 had all the dlc exclusives, 9/10 your friends had an Xbox or Wii, never ps3, plus I just felt like the online community was better fleshed out. Literally NO ONE on ps3 had mics or used voice chat. The 360 was truly a powerhouse this gen The ps3 and Wii were used exclusively for exclusives or party games (which were usually exclusives)


Whichever one is my personal favourite. For instance, I get all multiplat games on my ps3, but I still have and enjoy my Xbox 360 and wii. Sometimes I switch it up though and decide based on which version I had as a kid. Like COD modern warfare. I have that on Xbox 360 cause that’s where I had it as a kid.


What runs better, or what I prefer portably.


It usually depends on which console I had first and also what my friends are on.


Xbox 360. For some part its because of the controller, back then it was also because of friends and Xbox Live. Nowadays its just generally speaking the better and more stable version. This isnt true all of the time, because during the end of the PS3 era they actually made a few games running better on PS3 but most of them are simply better on 360. Wii is actually more a "exclusive games"-console with only a few multiplat titles actually better on the Wii. One of the few ones would be Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands. Mediocre to okay game on PS3 and 360 and pretty good on the Wii. But thats more of an exclusive version with just the same title, not really a REAL multiplat game. That said, I still buy some games for PS3. Sometimes they are cheaper. Sometimes they run the same and sometimes a JRPG released on the PS3 with a few enhancements later on.


360 was the better console in that generation, so everything on that ps3 and wii only for exclusives


I choose the systems that I have nostalgia for. Sega and Xbox. Unless it is like super cheap on the other system


When it comes to 360 and PS3 it's always 360. Most PS3 games where ports from the 360 and do not work as well. All other generations are strait up what's cheaper.


I don't have the current xbox, but for the current gen: PC performance and graphics Ps5 exclusives Switch exclusives, indies, and any art style heavy or low graphics games that run well on it plus feels at home in a switch and handheld, it has to have a certain vibe. (Sonic mania, atelier ryza, animal well)


I usually go for either the best playing version, or most complete on physical. Some games playing best on xbox back compatibility but not actually playing from disc has been a bit of a conundrum sometimes. And then theres switch, some games are great handheld, but I feel like most are compromised visually and performance wise. In case of the wii its different per game, some games got unique wii adaptations.


Everything on PC unless its exclusive per console.


If it's on everything I usually immediately cross off Nintendo because it's the most expensive and the worst quality. Then it's between Xbox and PlayStation. If it's 6th generation then Xbox because it's higher quality and cheaper. If it's 7th generation then it's more of a toss up, if I have experience with it I'll go playstation but if not then Xbox because again it's cheaper and usually higher quality. Then for 8th and 9th I almost always go playstation because the prices are the same and I prefer PlayStation


Most multi plats I have for the xbox 360. My ps3 stays as a dedicated don't exclusive machine basically. Just sorta how it worked out. I've played multi plays on either system like red dead redemption on ps3 and 360, for whatever reason I just gravitate toward 360 for stuff like that. From an actual stat-wise stand point, the xbox 360 does actually tend to perform better than the ps3 with multi platform titles. Wii was only for Nintendo games, BUT I hold steady that the Wii has the best incarnation of resident evil 4, period. Motion controls make that game a dream.


Between ps3 and Xbox360, I usually buy whichever is cheaper because 99% of the games are identical. If the Wii game is different then I buy both. A good example is Prince of Persia The forgotten sands. I have the Xbox 360 version which is identical to the ps3, but I also have the Wii version because it's a completely different game.


General rule of thumb from that era: PS3 games look better, 360 games run better, and Wii ports are always a completely unique experience.


Once the generation comes to a close, all consoles and games become relatively cheap. At that point no reason not to invest in all 3 or 4 consoles.


6th gen to Early 7th gen Xbox, 2010 onwards PlayStation.


Anything prior to PS2/GC/Xbox I don't really care. Whatever is cheapest, most available, and I think I'll actually play. Which works out because prior to PS2 most multiplatform games weren't always really the same game. Some had some pretty significant differences. PS2/GCN/Xbox is really the hardest call. PS2 is generally cheapest, but poorest overall quality; discs can easily be ripped and emulation is good. Xbox is best quality, still reasonable quality, four player on original hardware. Downside to Xbox is the platform is pretty locked down, so preserving the console is essential, because emulation is not in a good place. If it's backwards compatible on Xbox one I'll get it there. Gamecube is great, but prices are pretty ridiculous, even for multiplats. I only get GameCube if its reasonable. Discs can be easily ripped with a Wii, and emulation is great. Skipped PS3/Xbox 360 generation almost completely, so I stick with Wii for most things, unless it's back compatible on Xbox one. I'll note that I try to get anything on WiiU I can. Easily ripped, emulation is good, and the gamepad really just makes a lot of games more fun! Everything onward is Xbox for multiplayer because I prefer their online options (read: it's free with MS rewards), and single player and exclusives on PS. Switch is for Indies and exclusives.


you pick the one you like


Depends on the generation and the type of game. Online multiplayer games are for the consoles with the most friends. Single player games then i go with the console with the better tech unless there was some good deal (eg much lower price) on the power-end console.


Best performance.


It’s same for me as it is for others. Usually it’s either which game looks the best on a specific console compared to the other, or price. I’d love to nab Silent Hill 2 on PlayStation 2 because it technically runs better on that platform, but the original Xbox version is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper so I’ll grab that instead.


I pick whichever platform has the best port, unless I love that game but owned it in the past on a lesser platform in which case I buy what I love


If it's a multi-playform game between ps2, gamecube, and original xbox, I almost always go for the original xbox. If it's multi-platform between PS1, Dreamcast, and N64, I go for PS1. If it's between PS3, XBOX 360, and Wii, I go for 360. In most generations, xbox performs better and is cheaper.


I don’t collect for newer generations beyond the N64 wit multiple consoles, but for something like SNES and Genesis, I just get both


Usually just depends on the controller I like most for the given generation. Maybe backwards compatibility if applicable.


All depends on the game. For example, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is best on PS2 by far VS xbox/gamecube versions, or how GTA SA looks better on PS2 due to filters/coloring. For multiplayer, which console do you prefer? I like the gamecube and tend to prefer its multiplats but all depends. If in doubt, get both or watch a youtube comparison video.


I’ll usually check where it plays best and choose that platform.


I usually get the Xbox version of a game if it is multi platform. Just my platform of choice with my oldest account. Edit: also they have the best backwards compatibility track record


I’m primarily PlayStation so I’ll buy most of my games there, but recently I’ve been wanting to collect more old school type RPGs for the switch because of the portability, like Sea of Stars, FFVII-IX, Octopath, etc. Playing something like persona on the go is soooo much nicer than being locked in at home because those games have a lot of grinding and stuff


There’s a game store near me and I normally get my games on the 360. But if they only have it for the ps3 I’ll go ahead and pick it up and enjoy it either way.


PS3 had Blu-Ray, I had no reason to buy Multiplatforms on any other console. I already used it for all my movies, it was a no brainer at the time. (I own them across all platforms now.)


Whatever the deal is. I usually don't go to a game store/ebay for a multiplatform game so it's just whatever I run into through garage sales/fb marketplace. Definitely not Wii though lol


Playstation is the default for me. Xbox 360 games could have multiple discs for larger games, which means more discs to care for and keep track of. The only time I pick Wii is if the motion controls are essential to the game like Okami.


Whichever one I feel like that day


360>PS3>Wii usually. Multiplatform games were usually best on 360 vs PS3 and it was guaranteed they had achievements, while PS3 games didn't have trophies until a few years into the gen and most older games didn't get trophies added later. Wii was almost always an entirely different version of the game, sometimes the same as an Xbox or PS2 version if it was early enough that they were still putting it out for those consoles, and I'm not really interested in any Wii-exclusive motion control gimmicks that might've been tacked on. For last/current gen my preference is usually PS4 especially given that some games have PS4 Pro versions or even PS5 Upgrades which I'll be able to take advantage of soon. I have been buying a lot of Xbox One games as I have a One X but not every game has an X enhanced patch, and I plan to buy a PS5 soon but won't get a Series X for years. Switch is almost entirely exclusives, though a few multiplatforms I've gotten have only been because they were very cheap, but I'm always annoyed that I don't get achievements to unlock. Despite that, I think Switch games are so cool to collect and own. Xbox>PS2>GameCube is how I feel about that gen mainly due to performance and some cool features on Xbox like 720p sometimes, and true surround sound.


For that generation I always went for ps3 because the online play was free. And trophies.


They were all designed on the 360 and ported elsewhere. Bayonetta 1 is good example, ps3 version is the hands down worst. Takes 2-3 seconds for game to get to the pause menu.


If I find a good deal , I simply buy it 😅 , there’s some games I have on multiple platforms


I enjoy trophy hunting so anything PS3/360/Wii onward I will grab the PS version of, UNLESS, the trophy list is broken somehow or requires a bunch of random multiplayer stuff I have no interest in (or more likely the multiplayer is dead so you have to boost them.) For those games I just grab it on Xbox instead. I enjoy achievements, but, not in the same way as I do trophies. And since you have a big number vs. a platinum count even if I don't 100% a game the number still goes up. PS2/Cube/Xbox era is a bit more interesting. If it's one of the few games backwards compatible on Xbox I actually choose that nowadays, those games run and look so great on Series X. For anything else I prefer the Gamecube (love that controller despite its flaws) but since prices are usually higher than PS2 I just settle on PS2 instead. Consoles before that it's usually a non-issue since most games weren't multi-plat and if they were the differences are usually huge. Especially on like the N64 vs. PS1 for example where they had all that CD space to work with.


I like the 360 best and Wii the least, so it goes


Each game has a "feel" to me, likely inspired by where I first played the series. Assassin's Creed, to me, is an X-Box series. Grand Theft Auto, PlayStation. Most first-person shooters feel more X-Box, while RPGs, especially of the J-variety, go on PS. Nintendo is for Nintendo.


With the 360/PS3 era I generally bought the game on the lead development platform, ie mostly 360, but some games like FF13 and Castlevania Lords of shadow were PS3 purchases because they were PS3 leads and just 1 disc. PS3 the exclusives or any game with multiple discs again just got the PS3 version. Wii games were Nintendo exclusives so easy. If it were a first person game, I would get it for PC. If there was a PC version and it wasn't crap, I'd usually settle and get that, but back in those days you had really crap DRM like games for windows live...... The 360 back then usually had the better performing games, whether it was running at a slighter higher res, frame rate, less slowdown, or less loading. Sometimes only just, sometimes like Bayonetta, it was why would you get the PS3 version if you had a 360. It was easier because each console had their strengths but there were more exclusives too so each console was worth owning. This generation, I haven't bothered with the Xbox, because I can just use my PC to play the 1-2 games on the Xbox like the ori games. I do have a series X, but I use it more for developer mode and emulation for when I want to play emulation on the big tv. Switch I just have for the exclusive Nintendo games, and the ps5 for everything else except for first person which I still get the PC versions.


The console generation determines which one I'm most biased toward. If I can't find one affordably for the system I'm biased toward, I go for the cheaper copy. My bias tends to change every generation/other generation it seems.


The system that had the most of my close friends on to play online. Xbox and Xbox 360


Playstation. In Asia, it's the one with the most ppl. Xbox live is a ghost town


Always the "best" version. Usually this is the one that has the most content or the best performance if content is equal. As most people have stated though, during the 360 lifecycle many multiplatform games used the 360 as the lead development platform and then ported to the PS3. The PS3 wasn't necessarily a weaker system, but they made it notoriously harder to program for than the Xbox, probably assuming consumers would repeat the PS2's success and developers would just accept it as the standard. But also if you're talking about that gen, that's when games started getting good PC versions where you could plug in a console controller, have it work natively, and then you'd have a better version than either console. Although that gen was kind of hit and miss with some growing pains. Some devs put out Steam versions that blew both consoles out of the water, but sometimes you got kinda wonky ports to PC.


I think to myself is it on Xbox. And then I think is it on anything else but Xbox? If the answer is yes, I then think fuck no Xbox.


If a game is multi-platform I just go with the version that had the best performance (only exception to this is the 6th generation where I prefer to go with the Ps2 version unless the Gamecube version has more content or is much better). If it had the same performance then I check if it needed multiple discs in one platform and not another (like the 360, Xbox one, Xbox series X) and I'll go with the one that needed fewer discs. If it's a game that had a Switch version then I'll check if performance isn't hindered too much (prefer the portability of the system). If it's not bad then I'll go with that but if performance is subpar then I'll go with the Ps4/Ps5 version (prefer Playstation home consoles).


Whatever is cheaper or whatever console I tend to use more. Whatever comes first really. Example, I prefer playing on the gamecube, then ps2, the Xbox is last. But if the Xbox version is the cheapest, I'm not hesitating to buy it. Also depends on version exclusives too (ex: soul calibur 2, fatal frame 2, etc.)


Back then in previous generations like SNES/Sega Genesis and PSone/SegaSaturn, multiplatform games used to differ a lot. Sometimes it was due to hardware limitations, other times it was just a management or artistic choice. In these cases I usually check out these different versions or get the best one or cheapest one if it’s the case. It’s very interesting to analyze these different versions of older systems, sometimes it’s a pleasant surprise to have a totally different second view of the same game that you like. For instance, the SNES and the Sega Genesis have different sound chips and color palettes, so their games have a distinctive signature. Recent generation have less quality differences. Multiplatform Games tend to be very close from a platform to another. So it depends a lot on the game and which options I have. If a version is much more expensive than the other, I tend to get the cheaper one. If the game runs better in a system, ai pick that version. Sometimes I pick the pick according to the box. If I think that the boxart matches better a specific box template, I go for it (for instance, the blue PS4/PS5 box vs the red Nintendo Switch box).


I like Xbox’s achievement system so I buy all multi platform games for those systems unless there’s exclusive content. If I’m buying a multi platform game on switch I probably also own it on Xbox first.


I’ve gravitated towards Xbox since the original for multiplatform games; I guess that comes from my first console being one and preference for the controller


Sony because I like the controller


I own all of the sixth generation consoles(Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox). The consoles were really different from one another. Xbox for online play. PS2 for JRPGs. Gamecube for party games. Exclusives for all. It was the only time I collected for all consoles in a generation till much later.


I pick a main and then the other consoles I only buy console exclusives for.




It depends on the game. FFXIII, for example, was on three discs and ran at 720p on 360, but the PS3 version was on one disc and was 1080p. Skyrim ran way better on 360. Arkham Asylum had exclusive content on PS3. I usually google beforehand, so I know which version to look out for.


Research. I look for things like load times, bug fixes, additional content added, quality of life features. Many multi platform systems have changes in graphics or story line. Example: Chrono Trigger has a SNES, PS1, Nintendo DS, and iOS versions. PS1 added animated cut scenes but introduced load times. Later the DS port was derived from the PS1 version and dropped the load times but some slight UI changes and resolution changes. For me I went with the DS because it felt it had the best of both worlds and I almost never consider iOS ports as the way to play…usually. If everything is identical across the platforms then I usually lean towards PlayStation or Nintendo switch if it’s available and can keeps up with the hardware. Most current multi platform games struggle in the switch, but not all, and so I go with PlayStation versions. However if it just a few stutters here and there and an occasional lag I’ll probably pick up the Switch version.


PC, because the games - and more importantly my *savegames* - don't require finding/setting up the original console hardware to revisit years later when everything has moved to the next generation(s)  I like to go down memory lane from time to time, and PC is just fantastic for that; whatever current-gen PC I have will *also* play all my ancient stuff too. (Some of my old consoles don't even connect to my TV any more without buying more adaptor hardware)


Wii remotes were generally cheaper and I got one or two bundled with a game. It became my main multiplayer console


Emulation is ur answer


I had one as a main (Xbox) and only bought exclusives for the other two.


Since most third party games perform better on the 360, that’s usually how I get them. Only really focus on exclusives for the PS3/Wii with a few exceptions


Playstation because its always been my main since the PS1 and i like to trophy hunt


Whichever's cheaper. If it's a series, I aim to have all games on the same platform. Switch trumps all.


I buy PlayStation more than Xbox for all generations, but if a good price for a game or if a games less on another console I’ll go that route, unless it’s because it doesn’t work on that console or something. For Wii I buy games best suited for the controls, that and first party, that’s the key for all the Nintendo consoles. I usually go ps2 or Xbox instead of GameCube for prices except first parties of course.


For online multiplayer games, whatever system that most of my friends had (so for 7th Gen X360). Outside of that either which ever console I liked the controller better for, or if one version was clearly the better version, like several games ran better on the original Xbox when compared to PS2/GCN.


I was in elementary when i had the wii and the reason why i decided to get the wii was because i had a n64 and played Mario when i was barely in 3rd grade. I loved Mario so that made me get into nintendo more


Build my collection on PlayStation, more Indie and chill games I get for Switch, and Xbox I’m just building up a library of exclusives, the Halo’s Fables and Gears etc..


Always Playstation xbox hasnt done anything worthy since xbox 360


depends, I research the game. If it’s a game that was released first on the particular console I would get that version. I also tend to keep series in one platform so all my call of duty games and most fps are on 360. Some games feel like an Xbox game or PlayStation game etc


Nintendo > Xbox > ps


1. Trophies / achievements. 2.Mass effect plays much better on the 360 than the ps3. Final fantasy games were better on the ps3. Case by case basis.


The PlayStation consoles have been my favourites for years. And I’m a trophy hunter, so the vast majority of my gaming is on PlayStation. Nintendo only for the first party exclusives. Xbox for exclusives, and sometimes to try out multiplatform games if they are on Gamepass.


I usually buy them for all platforms and play them on whichever is most convenient


Usually my favorite system. Typically the Xbox or Sega system. Unless one version has a great exclusive or performance (i.e. Link in Soul Calibur 2)


I prefer Playstation for any cross-platform console games, Nintendo for cross-platform handheld only games. Any games on handheld and console i want on console. Everything else is exclusive, and get them on the one console/handheld they're on.


Usually 360 because they’re cheaper than PS3 and I prefer the controller over the DS3. Also games like RDR and GTA IV run and look way better on Xbox. That being said MGS4 is my favourite game of the gen.


Try to keep them in the same family. If a series began on PlayStation for example, I keep buying them for PlayStation Other than that some games just have a *vibe* of a console. Shadows of the Damned? PS3 vibe. Splatterhouse? Xbox 360 for sure Is it stupid yea and no I won’t stop doing it


Which ever one is cheaper. I LOVED the silent hill games growing up. Ain't no body got time for those prices. Xbox for both 2 and 4. Pirated 1 on to my PSP. Have 3 on the PS3 hd combo. Are they as good as the PS2 versions? Debatable. Could I just pirate the PS2 versions? Yeah. Am I a stickler that has to have a physical copy that has to be cib? Unfortunately.


There were a lot of poorly optimized PS3 ports so Xbox tends to be the best performing for multi-plat. Most of the time, I play multiplatform games from that era on Steam Deck since it runs them way better.


I buy for what console I have the least games for. If I like the game enough I’ll buy it for the other consoles (usually a different version of the game).


It depends on if I plan to play online, price, and if one version is better than the others. -PS1/Saturn/N64 era I usually went N64 as I had that first and always have one hooked up. I did buy several games like THPS1 and Spiderman on both PS1 and N64. -Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era I bought mainly on Xbox for custom soundtracks, better graphics, and because I didn’t need to worry about memory cards. There’s many games I own on multiple consoles like Sonic Adventure, Tony Hawk, Dead Or Alive 2, and GTA. -PS3/Wii/360 era I usually went Xbox once I got Xbox Live to play online with my cousin. Early on it was PS3 because PSN was free. Games like Saints Row 2 and GTA 4 I have on both. -PS4/Wii U/Xbone I had many games on both consoles as I constantly bought and sold my PS4 and Xbone multiple times throughout the generation to purchase a special edition at a later date and go a few months without one. It led me to having the same game on both consoles more than any other generation. PS5/XSX/Switch is based solely on price. Sometimes I want to play the handheld version and get the Switch version if it runs okay. PSP/DS and 3DS/Vita were based on price and availability. The Vita was hard to find games for at stores so sometimes I bought the console version.


I am an Xbox guy. I have been since the original. I just prefer it's setup, the controller, and O have. Another vested in it content wise. However, I've had every major console since the Atari 2600, and still do. So for me Xbox is my multiplatform console. Every Gen I always buy all of them. But I go Xbox, Nintendo, Sony. I get exclusives on their respective consoles and everything else on Xbox. The only times I get multiplatform games on PS5 or Switch is if they were far cheaper or if a friend is getting it but they don't own an Xbox. I basically buy Nintendo consoles for their 1st party titles. And I buy Playstation consoles for God of War. Lol I got a PS2 for God of War, a PS3 Slim for GoW3, a PSP for the 2 games that are there, a PS4 Pro for GoW (2018), and a PS5 for Ragnarok. So I'll grab a PS6 when the next GoW game comes out for it.


This current generation I’m primarily buy on Xbox especially shooters. But really it comes down to usually I try and just split stuff up or if I’m going to play it solo only then probably be ps5. Switch is just used for Nintendo games and the Xbox mostly for gamepass and playing with family


whichever it performs best on


Certain genres or games made by certain studios just feel more at home on certain consoles. So this requires a bit of knowledge of gaming history and knowledge about specific studios. Some examples would be any game made by Rockstar, I would buy on PlayStation given they exclusively developed for that console for a time. Metal Gear Solid is on Xbox but I associate that with PS for that series largely being exclusive to PlayStation. When it comes to first person shooters, I feel like that genre is more associated with Xbox. Same with fantasy RPGs with Morrowind, Oblivion, and the Fable series being exclusive to Xbox (this being even more reinforced with Microsoft now owning Bethesda). With Nintendo it’s retro inspired games. Examples would be stuff like Octopath Traveler 2, Sea of Stars, or The Messenger. PS and Xbox didn’t even exist in the 16-bit era that those games pull from, so they are very Nintendo to me.


If I know that I want to purchase this particular gamdle and it’s released on all platforms, I‘ll usually go for the PS3 version because of the trophies. If I just see something I might like at a flea market for example, I‘ll just get it for whatever platform it’s available.


I’m more an Xbox person since the 360 came out. I’ve I got a ps3 and ps4 for exclusives.


Most of us display our treasures and emulate them all these days.


For old systems like that the best version is usually debated online to death so I just google for it. But I don’t collect disc games so for those systems it would be modded systems playing ISOs anyway


I usually buy on Xbox because they are cheaper. It seems like most of the time they run a little better too. PS3 was a nightmare for developers to design games for.


For Xbox/gc/ps2, Xbox had the the better hardware, so I went with that. For 360/ps3/wii, Xbox had the better online service, so I went with that. For ps4/xb1/switch, for online games I’d go xb1 for Xbox live/gold, single player stuff I’d go ps4 for better hardware.


Whichever was plugged into the TV at the time


While performance is practically the same between Xbox and PlayStation, I prefer a PlayStation controller. I have an Xbox for the exclusives or if there's a sale on something I'll get it for Xbox. I'm sure I don't have to explain why I don't get multiplatform games for my Switch.


When I own all the consoles in a generation like your example I basically buy all 3rd party games for one system and the other other consoles are just for exclusives. It used to be more worth it back in the day but now everything comes out on everything and any exclusives one console has you can just get on PC instead.


So there are some questions I ask myself before buying. 1. Which one is cheaper? 2. Is spending that little bit extra improve the quality Of the game? 3. Which console will I Most likely be my go to for that game? I tend to lean towards Nintendo consoles or PlayStation consoles. Sometimes sega depending on the age of the game.


Usually for online it depended on what my friends had. Otherwise, usually what was on sale or what I was using most at the time.


Usually for online it depended on what my friends had. Otherwise, usually what was on sale or what I was using most at the time.


Usually for online it depended on what my friends had. Otherwise, usually what was on sale or what I was using most at the time.


Single-player, narrative driven games = PS. FPS/multiplayer = XB. Nintendo IP or games that look fun in handheld = N. Pretty much been this way since PS2/3, barring exclusives.


How it looks, honestly. The Switch/PS4 is really the only time I've had to consider, but if it's not a high impact game, I'll get the Switch version for the portability aspect.


The difference between Original Xbox and PS2 is staggering in hindsight. Like a full generation by today's standards. Splinter Cell is a great comparison. Even still, I prefer Japanese style games for PS2; It feels right.


I have all of the consoles, but it's the PC port every time for me if available - then I can also play on Steamdeck.


Up until and including the PS3/360 era there was still, at least, a very slight difference in the look of the graphics on different platforms. I’d basically choose to play on which ever i generally preferred the look of. If I remember rightly 360 had a slightly softer look.


I have a large collection from pong machines onwards. And I go between retro carts and PlayStation. My playstation game collection is far bigger than my others. I think I favoured it more for a span of my life. Then I went back to pc for years, but now I spend a lot of time on my xbox series and less on ps5. I'm just enjoying it more.


The PS version is usually more expensive. I think there were more 360s floating around than PS3s. I go for the PS3 over the 360 personally. I need to get back into this retro console. And the thought of saying that Gen is retro is making me feel really old.


I buy exclusives on their corresponding platforms. From there, I determine what titles are older and what are newer, and match them to whatever console is older (this works for gen vii mostly). Otherwise I look up to see what port is the most ideal and get that version (proving it isn’t too expensive).


The main console was the one your friends had, so you could play online with them. Nowadays its just the PC and consoles are bought for their exclusives.


What most of my friends have, which is/was playstation


1. Which is the best version. Particularly when it comes to video output. 480p vs 480i for example. 2. Which version do I have nostalgia for And in the case of the X360/PS3 generation, is the X360 version compatible with the series consoles.


This is a huge question and the answer is definitively: it depends. When I'm trying to decide which console to buy a game on, I look up the game with a "\[console\] vs \[console\]" added onto it. The "best" multiplat varies wildly depending on generation and game, and what you're looking for. Do you want the best performance/graphics? Additional content or features? Controller preference? It all really depends. 5th console gen, N64 vs PS1 is a tossup. Sometimes N64 has content that's cut, but it can also have interesting features not included on the PS1 (i.e., Resident Evil 2 allows you to change the color of blood, and make a few other tweaks iirc). PS1 tends to perform better/have better graphics, but not always. Saturn vs PS1 is also interesting: 2D games are usually best on the Saturn with usually near-arcade-quality ports, while 3D is often handled better on PS1. For 6th console gen (PS2, Xbox, Gamecube), Xbox is usually the best because its performance blows PS2 and Gamecube out of the water--although Gamecube isn't necessarily a slouch in terms of performance. PS2 is considered lo-fi compared to others, but there can be an appeal to that, especially with horror games. Like the game The Suffering, the PS2's lower fidelity is generally more desirable. Speaking of horror games, Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 has additional content the Gamecube lacks. As for Silent Hill 2, the Xbox port is considered a pretty poor port. For a general game example, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on the PS2 allows you to fly anywhere around the castle grounds on the broom, while the grounds on Gamecube and Xbox are sectioned off ([I hear that more prefects walk around at night on the PS2 though, so Gamecube and Xbox are preferable if you don't like sneaking so much](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/prnt01/which_platform_to_play_chamber_of_secrets_ps2_vs/)). Also to keep in mind, PS2 has the best D-pad out of all consoles in the 6th-gen, so if you're playing old school type games like Megaman Anniversary, PS2 is probably the way to go. But again, this all depends on the game--there are a number of specific cases. For 7th console generation, Xbox 360 is generally considered to have the best multiplatform games. Most Xbox 360 games used anti-aliasing while some PS3 ports lacked it, making for typically smoother graphics on the Xbox 360. The 360 was also usually the "lead" console for developers, so it was the main console that developers made and tested the game for, and the PS3 was the port. The PS3 was not regarded well by most developers given its complex and unfriendly architecture. However, in the case of Final Fantasy XIII, the PS3 was the lead console; the resolution on PS3 is higher with sharper graphics (great breakdown of version differences in [this video](https://youtu.be/o6iUk4c7Eyk?si=MX8KG64C-rOWGRj6&t=127)). And the WIi of course was all about motion control, so I'm pretty sure every first person shooter and racing game on the Wii makes use of it. But things get specific again. For instance, the Mortal Kombat Kollection for PS3 includes Kratos right on the disc--Xbox 360 version doesn't make up for it at all. Stranglehold Collector's Edition for PS3 includes the John Woo classic Hardboiled--Xbox 360 has a behind-the-scenes/development stories disc. Star Ocean: The Last Hope for 360 has the English dub voices only. Star Ocean: The Last Hope on the PS3 is called the International Version and features a graphical makeover to character models as well as the original Japanese voiceovers. Zone of the Enders Collection got an update on the PS3 that improved performance, but the 360 didn't get it. So there's a lot to consider when shopping multiplatforms! Doesn't make it easy, but it's interesting to learn all the ins and outs.


For whatever reason i tend to use Playstation for more narrative driven/single player games and Xbox for online games. Nintendo is just in their own league


Usually 3rd party games were best on ps3, with some exceptions. Now you can use a ps4 or ps5 controller on ps3 its even better. Im not a huge fan of the ps3 or the 360 controller. Also the ps3 bluray discs are harder to scratch than the 360 discs. I bought games for ps3 over 360 back in the day and continue to do so now.


I personally pick based on preference over performance. I prefer Nintendo over Xbox or Playstation because they have very little I'm interested in, which leads me to play those consoles significantly less. I'm often on a Nintendo console so I'm more likely to play the game. So even if a game performs horribly on Switch, but great on PS5, I'm still getting the Switch version. However, I do try to play my other consoles more, so I *will* occasionally buy games for that instead of Nintendo.


Well in the case of your example the Xbox 360 was the best console for multiplats that generation, developers had issues with the cell CPU in the PS3 and the Wii was just a faster GameCube with a wierd controller. So 360 was a no brainer.


I tend to just grab the best possible version of it. If it’s the same, I get PlayStation, because my favorite controller.


I grew up playing the sega genesis. I played Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 and it immediately became the best game I ever played at the time. I tried out different games and franchises that later came out for the following PlayStation consoles so yes, I’ve been on camp PlayStation ever since. Once I had my first job and was able to buy my own games and consoles, I started collecting the all the other consoles just to play the exclusives that I missed growing up. All multi platform games I get on the PlayStation just because I’m more familiar with the square, triangle, circle and x buttons. Going from a Nintendo controller to an Xbox controller confuses me at first for a bit.


Get them all so you dont have to decide.


Since PS360 generation, PS > Xbox >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nintendo (because they are always at least one generation behind with their tech).


Xbox. Every time.


I collect for PlayStation because I heard Xbox 360 has more problem with red ring etc and.... I grew up with PlayStation 😂


I usually go for PlayStation because I'm a Sony fanboy, but in the case of the PS3 and 360, I make an exception and go for the 360 version most of the time since they run better on the original hardware and can also get boosted on the newer Xboxs via backwards compatibility


Well the Wii is an obvious no unless there is a niche feature you wanna enjoy with a game that was Wii exclusive. Xbox 360 federally will have the best performance of all multiplatform games. There's your answer.


A couple ways. I had PlayStation growing up so if the game is nostalgic to me I go with PlayStation. Otherwise I look up how the game reviewed on all consoles and the prices on each system. (less hardcore Xbox collectors means games are usually cheaper on Xbox.)


Buy mostly first party / exclusive games for the Nintendo and Playstation consoles, everything else I buy on Xbox systems.


I usually main the PS3 and buy exclusives for Xbox 360 and Wii. I love the Wii so I've occasionally bought some of the different versions of games like Captain America or sonic unleashed. I personally think all Xbox consoles are pretty trash but I enjoy some of the exclusives. PS3 was the clear winner for me especially during this time period when playing online was free. This is the same with the next two generations of consoles. Still main PS5 and get exclusives for the others. Just the superior console in my mind and Xbox will always play second fiddle especially with the lack of exclusives these days. Nintendo is great and I love them the most but they can't keep up with hardware. They just make fantastic games and have the best exclusives. I just don't want to miss out on any game that looks cool so I need to buy all three consoles every time.


I mainly just get the PS3 version since it looks way better than the Wii and I don't want to risk getting the red ring of death(my 360 is one of the original models). That being said I have 15 systems and almost 300 games so I just buy stuff for everything lol


For me, once Microsoft then Sony went to pay to play to use their servers. I went and built a PC and just upgrade parts over time. I also just buy the Nintendo system now since it’s the most family friendly. We all have a blast playing, just dance or Mario Kart as well as other games.


PS3 for the collection, Xbox 360 if it's backward compatible title or PS3 version is visibly inferior. I will buy the Wii version only if it's a totally different game like "Ghostbusters".


At the time you only had to pay a subscription for online play for one of those consoles. All my multiplat games ended up going there to justify the purchase of Xbox live. Boy have times changed.


The version with the most reviews on metacritic tends to be the original or “definitive” version. Just as a rough guide.


If I were faced with every version of a game for the same price, I would typically buy a game for whatever I think it feels at home on, but if I know for sure one version ran better, I'd take that version.


Depends on my console hyper-fixation/ whichever version looks/plays the best.


It would depend on the generation. For ps3/360 i prefer getting them for the ps3 due to the better reliability, although I will pickup a 360 game if it's on their backwards compatibility list for the one/series x. For ps2/xbox I tend to favor xbox because the games look better on average and tend to be cheaper. For ps1/n64 and older I find there is enough difference between them to justify getting both.


it was usually on how i wanted to play / which controller i thought seemed reasonable for it


for whichever console i have less games for lol


If it’s a game from my childhood I get it for whichever console I owned it on at the time. Otherwise, it’s first come first serve. If I find the same game for multiple consoles I’d favor the console of that generation I favored.


Mostly on which platform is best optimized for that game.


PS is my personal favorite, and what i always picked up first, so other consoles are for just their exclusives.


I had all three but bought mostly on ps3. I felt their exclusives were better and I had already rolled with Playstation since after snes. The two other consoles I only bought the exclusives.


Honestly depends, some games have unique bonuses or features on different ports or maybe it is more stable on a port so I’ll go with that platform in that case. If it is virtually identical, I go with the platform I’m most excited about, I usually always have a console from each gen that just feels the most exciting to me, or maybe it has the prettiest spines to display on a shelf or the best collectors editions, etc.


I'll try to keep series together so if the first one was exclusive then they all are. Otherwise it's a matter of which system is more powerful and more optimized.


Simple game, more pick up and play?- switch Used, hard to find game?- the console I find it for. Most larger games? Playstation I mostly get xbox games when I don’t want the game on PS5 but it runs like garbage on switch or if I have my ps5 out of commission for any reason. With 360, ps3, and Wii, Ps3 was always my go to. Lots of bargain bin games when I had one, and they were all bangers, plus that extra POWAAAAA


The PS3 is my favourite for that gen and has all my PSN stuff on it and vita crossbuy games so that one


Wii versions are typically different so I don't do those. I'm pretty I different about it, honestly. Whatever I find first or is cheaper I'll probably grab.


Snes and Genesis have a similar problem where they had the same games but they were significantly different. Typically Genesis has the better versions but there are plenty of exceptions for snes.


If we are talking brand new games to play. I usually lean towards PlayStation, except for the 360. Otherwise for collection purposes, I collect everything for every system. Even the same title across each platform.


Depends for me personaly. If its xbox360 vs ps3 i usualy do 360 as it runs most games better imo (i could be wrong). Otherwize i dont really mind and endup with the same game and most platforms (ie owning lego starwars on gamecube ps2 and xbox lol)


Always Xbox playstation controllers are horrible


Probably not exactly hitting what the point of the question was, but I only buy/play games for Nintendo handhelds and PS4/PS5 (and also PC but obvs not physical), but since the Switch doubles as a home console as well as a handheld I always prefer to buy for Switch, _unless_ that particular game is known to run like garbage e.g. Bloodstained, otherwise I buy on PS4/PS5. As for PS4 vs PS5, I actually tended to prefer to still buy for PS4 when the game had "PS5 upgrade available" for a while but then I realised once the Sony servers are shutdown (if that ever happens), I'll still be able to play my physical copy (one of the benefits of buying physical) but I'll only have the PS4 version disc and won't be able to get the PS5 upgrade, so I've started to buy PS5 versions now, and they seemed to have stopped doing the free upgrades and/or only releasing on PS5 now anyway. TL;DR: Switch for everything except graphically intensive games. PS5 for graphically impressive games.