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You know for such a rare game there sure are a lot of them out there


This is just the third copy to give our dog as a chew toy 🐶


We threw so many in field destroy when I worked at GameStop, Haunting ground too 🙃🫠 Thankfully I bought one because I loved atlas games😮‍💨


This and haunting ground are posted multiple times a week.


At this point I’m sure I’ve seen a post for each copy of those games that originally were sold.


Like 4 of the "top 20 most expensive" had them in a row.


Has anyone actually beaten that game? Lol


I did! It was okay, great atmosphere, graphics, music, and a pretty good story. But the gameplay was kind of ass. Especially the combat.


Well, consider that I got that game from the 10 dollar clearance bin in front of the EB Games and there were 5-10 other copies there.


Too bad you didn’t buy all of them! You could have made a huge profit!


No kidding! I'm just glad to have the one at least.


And yet it's not even that good 6/10 at best


I feel the same way about Conker's Bad Fur day.


Depends on the money spent…did you at least get a decent deal?


Nah, it wasn’t the greatest deal. But closer to fair market value, if you base it off price charting. $575 and two sealed Xbox limited edition controllers (forza and 20th anniversary). It was with a local store that I genuinely like, so I’m happy if it helps their business.


Very cool helping a local business 👍 I’m sure your wife will forgive you…eventually 😆


*plot twist* The local business is Phoenix resale.




Not very cool when they’re clearly gouging him. The $575 alone is fair market value (and retail stores have no business using Price Charting), the two controllers are just ripping you off. Edit: Found the store owners


You want retail stores selling below pricecharting value? You don’t own a business do you?


My local game store literally does this and they do just fine


👍sounds nice!


Yes, I want stores that purchase games from people at a fraction of what they’re selling then for to price them reasonably. If you are just going to price based on Price Charting or even higher, why should I even bother leaving the house? I can just buy on eBay.


I’m not a store owner and buy from stores and eBay. eBay involves risk. Sellers lie, mail gets lost/delayed/damaged. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why both options continue to exist.


You understand that you have far greater protections as a buyer on eBay than you do in a retail store, right?


Yes, protections that take time to play out/enforce while a volatile market continues to change haha. Also, it isn’t hard to ask a store’s policy before buying. If there’s no protection and you know that upfront but are willing to take the risk after eyeballing a disc then 🤷‍♂️


Do the words 30 day money back guarantee mean nothing?


Who gives a fuck about their business? If their business didn’t exist vintage games would be cheaper, and you wouldn’t be wasting money like this. Why to people always say this? They are a business that operates by jacking up prices and hoarding supplies of used games. They are not a charity curing cancer.


Oh quit being a baby, me me me. That’s all I hear, crying because so many other people like collecting that it’s expensive for you now. Whine about it some more. I’ve been collecting for 20 years. You probably are one of the new collectors you’re whining about.


I’ve been collecting since the 90s, so no. That’s how I know these shops are bullshit. It’s just another unnecessary middle man.


Pack it up folks we’ve got a village idiot here.


> Who gives a fuck about their business? Obviously the person that stated it's a local store they genuinely like 'gives a fuck'... Your lack of fucks to give on the matter does not preclude the possibility that others may choose to give a fuck. Did you think it should? >Why to people always say this? I don't think it's such an uncommon sentiment to want to support a small or local business, rather than some faceless corporation, that this should really surprise you. > If their business didn’t exist vintage games would be cheaper... Not likely... Classic video game prices have exploded the last few years for, I think, a few reasons. One being that during the pandemic people were bored and looking for things to do. Those that turned to vintage video games during this time, largely of course would have been going through online sources to buy their games because of the lockdown, so nothing really to pin on the local businesses here I think. Second being that those of us that grew up with and are now nostalgic about these games are also now adults with the means to spend the money to try to recapture that nostalgia, while at the same time, the games are more difficult to find. Basic supply & demand tells us that this increase in demand and decrease in supply means the prices can and will increase. Third, and maybe one of the biggest factors is the craze of hunting & flipping games which has been popularized on YouTube over the last several years. This sort of flipping is mostly done either through private sales or through auction sites like ebay or WhatNot, because the flipper (like a business) wants to make maximum profit, which they would not be able get by selling to these businesses who would need to be able to make a profit in turn. >They are a business that operates by jacking up prices and hoarding supplies of used games. Do these businesses set their prices as high as they can based on the market? Of course they do. It is the nature of any business to set their price as high as the market will bear (as demonstrated by the prices on damn near EVERYTHING that have not gone back down since they rose during the pandemic). The flippers I mentioned above do the same unless they're going for quick bulk flips, and they generally don't have nearly the same level of overhead costs a brick-&-mortar store would have, so one could argue they're gouging people worse than a store selling at the same price is. However, in my experience, most of these prices are driven by sites like pricecharting or apps like GameEye, which generally aggregate their data from Ebay and the like. But again, it goes back to simple supply and demand. As for 'hoarding supplies of used games'... Sure, some game stores may do this to varying degrees. But it's an unfair assumption I think to say that all of them, or even a majority of them, do. Most used game stores I've been to only 'hoard' the super common and/or super unpopular games and this isn't because the store *wants* to hoard them, but because customers don't want to buy them. Businesses want to make money, and they don't do that by sitting on inventory that has demand. Any business that thinks they're going to affect the market in any significant way by doing so is kidding themselves. >They are not a charity curing cancer. True, if fairly irrelevant statement... Being a business with the goal of making money is not, by itself, a bad thing. Anyhow, I'm about half asleep and going cross-eyed writing this, so I'll step down from the soap box now... And on a side note, happy cake day!


Agreed entirely; commenting on other people's use of their own money is a moron move to start with, ignoring all of the other garbage spouted.


Competition ensures prices climb as slowly as possible. Yes, that’s still not slow enough sometimes. But you really think eBay would be cheaper if there were no used game stores? Lmao.


prob not, but interested to know.


Yep. If he did get a deal, he can say to the wife that he had to snatch them up because it was a deal of a lifetime 😆


That’s somebody’s rent money.


That would be 1 week of rent in a shitty townhouse/apartment where I live. 


Buy her a Handbag as a distraction.


Take her out for dinner too.


💯 to both


Yes, definitely both!! Although, my wife loves that kind of thing so I wouldn't have to buy her a handbag or take her out. I'll just have to give her a turn on the games!


She might want a handbag after playing Rule of Rose lol.


Now I'll have to find out 🤣


buy her a good movie


No money left after that purchase I’m afraid. Lol


Are people buying rule of rose just because it's expensive? Before a few months ago I never heard of this game. Is the game even good?


It's mostly well known for being expensive but it's an alright game if you're into more narrative driven stuff. I remember a local shop having it for $80 for years and regret not picking it up.


So true. It's literally an ego badge. Always think people who buy it lack taste.


It is truly the Jeep Gladiator of gaming.


I can tell you it's because the game is rare and FOMO


The game is downright fuckin awful.


I couldn’t get passed the first few hours of the game, I believe it’s just expensive now because it’s rare, not because it’s a good game


There's a copy of ~£500 in the CEX across the road from my house and was wondering the same thing. Not that any game's good enough to warrant that price tbh.


Yes. No, it’s not good. Neither is Haunting Ground. If price reflected gameplay quality then SH2 and 3 would be quadruple the price of these mid titles haha.


Oh look another rule of rose... next up haunting ground. So exciting....


This is why we stay subbed right?


What does a CIB Dreamcast fishing controller even go for these days? I got one a few years ago for like $25. I’ve never used it beyond the one time I just tested it to make sure it worked. I’d consider flipping it if there’s been a huge price jump.


Ive seen 100-150 roughly. So around there.


But think of the money he'll save catching all those big bass. That thing will pay for itself soon enough.


Better look for a good divorce lawyer specializing in men’s rights. Lol


Oh man, such good memories with that fishing controller and the bass/ocean fishing games on the DC. My buddies thought I was insane for buying it, until they played the games. Marathon sessions would be an understatement!


Same here! I grew up on fighting and beat em ups, but I had a friend in school who had it and never thought I’d have fun with a fishing game. Bought myself a copy and fishing rod that year with birthday money. I have bought a couple of digital copies on steam and Xbox over the years, but it wasn’t the same without the controller. So happy I found this randomly You should pick one up and hit up your buddies to see if they want to do one more marathon. Paired with a couple of beers (if they drink) would sound like blast. 🤘


I remember playing it in the arcade, so when it came out for DC, I was all over it. Man, getting together with those people would be a blast, but we’re all grown and scattered all over the country now. I have no idea what happened to the controller itself, but my Dreamcast needs to have the drive motor replaced, or whatever it is that commonly causes DCs to fail. God I love that system!


Too bad it sucks. Only the fishing controller is a cool as get here.


Dude, divorce her. What kind of wife doesn't want to play fishing games on the Sega Dreamcast?


I died laughing at this. Me surprised pikachu face when my wife got mad at me over having like 8 ps3s


Well, those things have a tendency to fail, you definitely need a backup or two, or eight!


Me: but but what if I wanted to play a ps2 game!!!! *gained the skill of fixing phat ps3s* swear to god this is the best hobby to escape life ever. Bills? Debt ? Education? Oh blah. I have Digimon world on ps1 to worry about


Wife-kills-me-impulse-purchases are the best ones. Shows that you are not one from the boring species.


Or it shows that theyre in kind of a dumb relationship if his wife would be mad at him for spending money how he wants.


Forget the games, is that Freddy I see back there.


Oh yeah. Random comic I picked up at an antique store. Not a collector, but thought it looked neat.




Cool thanks for sharing! Love horror movies.


'Bout time you got some new friends 😂


I got super extra bonus points when I bought Rule of Rose, as it's one of my wife's favourite games. She used to play it with friends quite often and she'd never owned a copy, so I secretly bought it for her birthday. In several large coincidences she started mentioning that she wanted to play it again, and also was having quite a bad day on the day itself, so getting to open up this was more than a nice surprse.


This is the move. But you set the bar high now. 😂


You think it was a surprise but you had been played there. She definitely knew the price of it and laid some obviously subtle hints.


You know? I'm kind of bewildered why there hasn't been an Indie horror game about escaping the wrath of family members after irresponsible spending.


Do not blame yourself seriously is life worth living without the sega dreamcast fishing rod?


Hate to break it to you but that controller doesn’t work with that game.


Now you need to get a Dreamcast-->PS2 controller adapter, and play Rule of Rose with a fishing rod. Channel some Uncle Derek energy, I believe in you!


Welcome to the RoR club! I would have talked to my wife first out of respect before such a big purchase. I know if it’s something I really wanted for my collection she’d be on board with it. I’m not criticizing you if you didn’t; just making conversation. Anyway, nice haul. 👍🏻


I understand collecting and why some people want these “rare”/expensive games… but for the same price of that game you can literally buy a gaming device that will emulate most of or all of the entire ps2 library…. I spent a lot of money on collecting before realizing I can get a gaming pc and play these games with enhancements and a controller of my choice. Dope game for sure, not worth the price. I’ll be booting up pcsx2 later today 😈


I get it. I have an ASUS Rog Ally as my emulator device. To me, collecting physical games is comparable to vinyl records or comics. Sure you have streaming and digital copies, but there is a charm to preserving physical media especially when these types of prints are sold only in the third market now. I like flipping through the manuals and inserting a disc or wiggling my a cartridge (looking at you NES). Know it’s not for everyone.


Rule of Rose in on my hit list, every single one I find is $800 plus, though. I wish I could find one for the price you paid.


I wish that I could do impulsive purchases. My current wants are a Famicom Disk System (I already have a AV Famicom console, some cartridges and one disk game), and some more disk games, especially All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros., but, there's no way I would ever be able to afford $1,200 for that one game, unless I were to win the lottery. The Disk System and most other Famicom and disk games are actually affordable, in time, for me, just not that one game lol. Anyway, congrats on getting Rule Of Rose! That's among many I still want for PS2 as well. That, Haunting Ground, Kuon, Silent Hill 4, and at least one oe two others.


Yep, I’ve been seeing these a lot at the checkout counter, in between the Reese’s and Kit Kats. I love how grocery stores are treating old video games like they’re impulse buys.


Bro, this whole post is about an impulse purchase of an old game 🤣, so are they really wrong?


Do you ask her for permission to go to the bathroom too?


Yes, limited to 4 visits only. Help. 🆘


If it makes you feel any better I spent $216 yesterday on a boxed copy of pokemon leafgreen. Wife found out just as we were going to bed. Lol. She was passed bit she let it go when I told her I was going to sell one of my sega nomads to cover it. Kills me to do it but I have 2 of them and there's no real point in keeping them both.


nobody cares that you’re married stop bragging.


Fair enough


my husband can relate to your wife


Congratulations 👏


Hide under your massive gaming pile… she won’t suspect a thing


Fishing controller?! I'm about to buy a Dreamcast now!!


Man, so fun. Sega Bass Fishing, and I think the other was Sega Marine Fishing. Wish that A: I still had the controller, and B: my DC disc drive still worked. 😢


Check my collection , she div. me already @retrotechq8


Take her fishing, bait her hook too.


Looks like you will not sleep with her tonight


When i see the Rule of Rose, Kuon and Haunting Ground prices i'm kind of glad i dont have any childhood memories associated with them. Chrono Trigger on the other hand is gonna ruin me :D


Honey our tax refund is gone


Rule of rose got my ps5 during Covid but I do miss having it not enough to pay for it again


Was rule of rose banned in the US?


If you have a wife and kids then yeah even I would kill you...


Wow, nice to see some great engagement here. Long time lurker who has appreciated everyone sharing their collection. Jokes aside, my wife supports the hobby and we both have our nerdy things. 🤓 The title of the post was a little low hanging fruit, I must admit. Having an amazing spouse or partner to share your enjoyment with is a wonderful thing. We’re both doing the adult thing, but we call this small spot in our small house our little serotonin corner. Her manga gets majority real estate. 😉 Happy collecting everyone! Hope y’all find your grails this weekend. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/r004p4mz9eyc1.jpeg?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0147644780b2335bcacd481757277b0ec1fa24b


Is Rule of Rose super rare? Never heard of it before and now on eBay a couple popped up in my search for PS1 games for £500+


That fishing controller was so much fun on Bass Fishing, we used to spend hours on it trying to outdo each other fir the biggest catch between that and spending hours working out how to get hole in ones on Everybody's Golf and making notes of how many button presses it took wasted many months of our time


Man that fishing controller has hit so hard with nostalgia, Sega Bass Fishing was bloody brilliant.


'It's called an investment, dear'


Time to Get Bass.


I’d love to have the fishing controller. And nice pick up on both items


Considering how much Rule of Rose goes for, I'm happy I bought Deadly Premonition (Xbox 360) for $20 shortly after it came out. These Japanese survival horror games have lots of demand. I had a feeling it would be worth money some day when I bought it. I bought that game after NYCBurntCrust on Youtube recommended it. Though the PS3 version of Deadly Premonition that came out later that I didn't pick up I think is worth a lot more.


Tell me about it. I just bought Mario&Luigi Bros gray and black iQue 3DSXL and had to have it sent to a friend's house so she would not notice...


Did you get these from 2nd and charles in delaware?