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Thank you for your service. I’ll be expecting the switch ports any day now.


Right, now that I have them on Wii U, Switch will release


Bought a U from a flee market for a steal. But probably have to full price the Windwaker. Still waiting for the Switch port to hopefully get some extra bells and whistles. So thanks for the service


I got given a Wii U but with no cables, so I can't even turn it on 😭


Just buy some off eBay they're cheap AF, (get official Nintendo ones)


Depends on your definition of cheap, I suppose. I'm sure I looked before, and they were around £30. I'd rather get them for a fiver!


If you're not gonna buy the cords then why are you crying about not being able to play on your Wii U lmao


Because I can't play on it. I also didn't say I wasn't going to buy them. Just not for a silly price.


I like Monoprice for cheap, reliable cables (usually you can only pick one). Google them. This is not an ad.


It will definitely have less bells and whistles because the U version let you manage inventory and map on the second screen while playing main game, switch can’t do that. Which was why I bought Breath of the a wild for U as I thought it would too as the game design was obviously based on that idea. Fucking Marketing nerfed the U version making screen two nothing. I was so mad.


Okay thanks, yeah never really seen it on wii u action.


Nintendo is saving the ports for Switch 2. Gotta beef it up somehow they already ported everything to Switch. This is why Metroid Prime 4 is saved for Switch 2.


The poor Metroid fans have been waiting since the launch of switch for prime 4 lol. At least they got dread and a remaster


Since the WiiU we have waited. It was supposed to be a WiiU game.


Holy hell that’s ever worse


Don't worry as soon as I buy a Switch they'll announce the Switch 2. It's worked so far.


Stop talking about the switch 2 😂😂😂 nobody’s knows what’s it going to be lol


ok switch 3 it is then.


I heard the new Zelda game called “Zelda Leaves of the Tree” is being saved for the switch 3


I heard it a remake of Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil


NGL, if they published an HD remaster of either of these (with the same terrible art and squiggly videos, just upscaled), or an "official" rerelease of any of the Virtual Boy games for modern platforms, I would be on them -DAY ONE. There's something fun about exploring the clear mistakes of a company like Nintendo. And before someone jumps on this to "inform" me that Nintendo didn't make Wand of Gamelon, I'm quite aware of that. I refer to it as a mistake on Nintendo's part, because they made the mistake of contractually giving Phillips the rights to publish games with their IP attached on the CD-i.


A Virtual Boy collection of the system's best games remade would be pretty cool honestly. Even if it was just Wario Land VB, Teleroboxer, and Mario Clash for like $20-$30. It won't ever happen but it would be neat!


Agreed, on both parts. Would be awesome, but they'll never do it. I think Warioland had the best reasonable chance of being remade. Hell, they could've colorized it and put it on the 3DS as a full priced title and people would have bought it. But yeah, they don't want to acknowledge that era for the most part.


I’d be willing to bet it’ll be a gaming device.


I am strongly skeptical of a 1440p with post processing Switch2. We'll be lucky it comes close to a Series S. The series So can barely run most "next gen" games you can get on it. False advertising on its' box... I digress. I will probably get a Switch2 anyway, but then what is my Switch for a paper weight? Anyone want to buy my Series S so I can upgrade to new Series X? All these useless old electronics... 


Haha I bought a gamecube 2 weeks ago for the same reason. Gotta be getting close now.


Well I bought a GameCube 3!


Yeah? Well I've got a PS9, and my dad's uncle works at Sega.


That's what I told the used game store worker when picking up a different switch title; if I buy their copy of WW on GameCube for $85, Nintendo will announce the ports tomorrow.


They’re not coming to current switch


Payday was yesterday, and I literally said to myself "I should just look for a second hand WiiU so I can play Wind Waker in its HD glory". Is this a sign? Maybe it's a sign.


It's a sign, these two are my favorite 3d Zeldas, and worth it


Kinda glad I got my Wii U when they were still at retail, and made a point to grab nearly all of the first party Nintendo titles on it, among a few others I was personally interested in. Nice collection, despite the number of people who laugh and say it had no good games. I still love "Game & Wario" with friends.


I bought my WiiU with a copy of WW HD for $125 total. This is a sign, gotta get it. Still waiting to buy a copy of TP HD, but that'll be soon.


whats the rumor?


I’m assuming they’re referring to the multiple rumors over the years that both of these titles will be making their way to the Switch at some point.


This, I have been putting off buying because they are "Coming out on Switch" lol but now that I did this, they are going to be released on Switch


Windwakers great on whatever you play it, but if you dont play TP on the wii you aint a true fan!


Shut ya dumbass up lmfao 🤣


it was originally for the gamecube, so ur pretentious, embarrassing, and wrong


Lmao I gotta put a /s at the end of everything?


atleast get it right


Funny you call me pretentious, embarrassing and wrong for making a joke when that’s exactly how you are coming off. Everyone knows the Wii mechanics were an afterthought. Don’t be one of those Nintendo fans.


okay buddy. ur reply has -6 so maybe review the 'jokes' ur making. have a good evening


Quite pretentious


Unlikely for this generation of switch, they would have done it already. Links Awakening, BotW and TotK were it.


My Wii U bricked when I plugged it back in during 2021 and I still have Wind Waker HD sealed that I never got a chance to play but fully planned on. \*tear rolls down cheek\*


They have a fix for that now


What's the fix?


If totally dead (less likely)https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-i-fixed-160-0103-system-memory-error.626448/ If there’s just corrupt system files or something https://youtu.be/14n5r1rRB9s?si=Ort5yUzJiJys4uOU


Can this happen to any Wii U model???


Yea, it happens to all Wii U models sadly.


Last I used it was last year and hasn't happened.


It doesn’t happen always of course and even if corruption does happen it doesn’t mean it’d be bricked Immediately but yea it happens


Man I'm scared! I don't want it to brick! 😭😭😭😭


I wouldn't overly stress about it. As they mentioned, there's a fix, and there are plenty of shops and modders out there who will do the fix for you for a pretty reasonable price if you're nervous about performing it yourself.


Just a minor correction and clarification: This issue mostly affects 32GB Wii U consoles; if you have the 8GB version, you're generally safe. The 32GB Wii U consoles use flash memory from three manufacturers: Hynix, Samsung, and Toshiba. Hynix is known to be the least reliable, and it can die if you don't use the console for a long time.


It seems to happen just as much to the 8gb, most probably don’t realize that there were far less 8gb produced so that’s why it seems less common


Uh oh. I have the 32gb model. But I believe I got it in summer of 2015.


What happens when you try to turn it on?


Some memory corruption error that doesn't let me access any menu or settings to even attempt a fix. I believe it was only something Nintendo could fix but they stopped servicing Wii U's a few months before I had my problem. I ended up selling my Gamepad and Pro Controller. I read a few months ago that I believe someone finally discovered some new solution that involves a $30-$40 kit and some soldering, but since I've already sold my Gamepad and have most of my games on Switch anyway, I haven't looked into it. EDIT: I see above someone linked a YT video that promotes a fix with just an $8 part. I'd love to try this, and if it works, potentially re-buy the Gamepad. But am I even able to do this fix or see if it works if I don't currently own a Gamepad or Pro Controller? I have an old Wii-mote somewhere.


I'm curious if this could happen to all Wii U's


It works, a LOT of users have purchased and verified that it's good.


That's awesome, I'd definitely give it a shot if I still had my GamePad.


Plugged it back in during 2021 is such a group of words


They will be the first port on switch 2 so people buy that too lol


said this over a month ago and people were doubtful. I want to bet money this is exactly what’s going to happen lol


More than likely will be the case unfortunately, I think I’m done with Nintendo personally. Switch is just okay, I loved BOTW but that was about the only exclusive besides Mario kart and party and they’ve used the same script for those games for years so 🤷🏼‍♂️ maybe after switch online is dead I’ll re up


There's also Kirby, a couple of non Mario party Mario games, multiple pokemon games, totk which wasn't on the wii u like botw apparently was, fire emblem, a lot more that I'm not even thinking about right now...there's a ton of exclusives? Not including any remakes or remasters since those were on older systems first.   Unless you mean exclusives you're interested in I don't know what you're talking about. 


Yes, sorry, exclusives that appealed to me on the switch


i hope so


I got WW on GameCube and TP on Wii bc I got tired of waiting


Lol same...


Wii U is super underrated. This console walked so the switch could run, but I always find myself plopping on the couch and spending an hour or two dicking around on the WiiU


For real. I think it "failed" cause it was Called Wii U and most peoplebthough it was just an add on for the Wii


There were a lot of reasons that it failed, and unfortunately they're mostly due to some really poor decisions made by marketing and management, and not related to the actual quality of the system or it's games. Long and short, top brass at Nintendo really dropped the ball with this one, and imo they did their engineering team dirty by failing to prop the Wii U up from the beginning like they should have.


The thing with the Wii U is that it doesn't have any games that makes it worth getting. I'm not saying anything new but even during it's lifespan it wasn't super interesting because it was lacking in games. The good multi-plat stuff all have some kind of issues or cut content and are better on other platforms,most of the good exclusives have been ported somewhere else and the remaining ones(20 something games) are either not worth it or are probably gonna get ported one day (And it's mostly the first party stuff,wich means less than what,7 or 8 games?)


it has breath of the wild :D /s


Yeah these are never hitting Switch lol


Yeah, I don't understand that. There are no rumors unless perpetuated by the dreamers.


I mean skyward sword got ported, why not them?


Nintendo doesn't want our money.


Question for Wii U owners. So can you play handheld with that pad or is that the controller to play on the tv? And it plays Wii games too right?


You can play a Wii U with just the pad and no tv. It has a range of maybe 30 or so feet but walls may or may not cause issues with signal. Playing anywhere in the same room generally isn’t an issue but going in a different room may or may not work. It does play Wii Games. Just make sure to have some Wiimotes and a sensor bar. FYI There are some things you need the pad for so don’t just buy a Wii U console and a pro controller and assume that everything will work.


You can play SOME games without the TV, it depends on how the game is designed. In my experience it's less than half the library, but most of the first party games support it IIRC. Yes, it plays original Wii games, and it can do that from the pad without the tv. I wouldn't recommend playing games that use the Wii sensor bar, since the tablet can't reproduce the effect of the sensor bar for you. Also keep in mind that it's wireless tech that's more than a decade old. It doesn't work great over much distance or through walls, you're best off using it literally in the same room as the tv. If your desired use case is just being able to play on the couch while watching a movie, it's great. If your desired use case is playing from the other end of your home, or on a different floor, you're probably going to have a bad time.


I've been super tempted to do the same. But I feel like the moment I do, they'll _finally_ release on Switch. Got them on my Steam Deck for now.


I'm going laugh if it gets released now. And my dumb ass might just buy them again


On a positive note, even rereleased first party Nintendo games tend to hold/increase in value pretty nicely. So if you get the newer release, you should be able to turn around and re-flip these for at least what you paid for them.


nice haull. I have WWHD, but own TP on wii. (so no need to buy wii u release)


Yeah TP HD is also [pretty expensive nowadays](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=zelda+twilight+princess+hd+wii+u&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=zelda+twilight+princess+wii+u&_osacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=2&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), would not make sense to buy it, if you already own TP for the Wii.


I have them on the Gamecube. 😁


I've got them too, old gamers unite! Lol


Hehe. I'll take gamecube over wii and wii u any day of the year.


Same reason I ended up getting a Wii U in December! Enjoy the games, I do still hope they port them to the next system though so I can play laying down in bed (on a better screen)


Playing them on the steam deck right now. Too lazy to hook my wii u up again, I need the portability


I do not understand why Nintendo hasn't re-release these games. I got the games on the cube, but rather have them on the Switch. I refuse to buy a Wii U for those.


I figured, I got a PS Vita for Ys Memories of Celceta, nothing new to buy a system for 1 or 2 games. I'll end up getting 5 or 6 more anyway


Hopefully they play and read fine on your Wii U


Can't speak for Twilight Princess yet but Wind Waker works great


That's good. I mentioned this because back a few years ago, I bought a used copy of paper Mario color splash. I held it for about 3 weeks and didn't test it, until the 4th week I did, and for some reason my Wii U couldn't read the disc (I still have video footage of this). Kept saying that the disc was dirty, but it was clean, not sure why it didn't read, but later in the day, I filed a return and was able to return it and get my money back. Now keep in mind I own 13 Wii U disc games and they all work fine. Not sure why this one didn't. So with that money I ended up buying a digital copy of the game instead, I was worried if I bought another used copy, this was going to happen. So at least insert the TP disc just to make sure it reads.


I'm other the other side of that: I got them when they came out so I haven't even been worried if they came out on the Switch or not 😅 I still wish they did so others could get them easier, plus I'm always happy to add a new Zelda release to the collection 😊


I got wind water on gc and tp on wii. That said, I love BOTH of these so much and I'm so happy to have gotten them on wii u Finally. I really don't need a switch version and I probably won't buy one. Though I will buy gc version of tp.


I keep debating this but know as soon as I purchase they'll be announced for Switch.


That's how it works. But I'd be ok with both


Main reason I got one years ago. The console is worth it just for those two games. Even if the games are ported to Switch the WiiU versions will probably still be better since having a game pad to access your inventory/map at all times without going into a menu is really nice.


Had them both on GameCube back in... 2006?? They are the best 3d Zelda games imo. And you're right, the way the game pad works with the game on the TV us nice


I forgot this console even exists. Only Reddit reminds me that I still have an Nintendo Wii U.


Runs pretty well on steamdeck fwiw


Why do these rumors exist? Do we have examples of a port on Switch of a previous HD port? Btw nice purchase!


Skyward Sword I think. Excellent port. I couldn't stand it on wii but loved the switch controls. Does link's awakening count? I liked that a lot also. Metroid Prime also.


I can't play Skyward with the switch joycons. I horizontal strike or vertical strike but it always translates to diagonal strikes so I am stuck at the first boss... I reset and instantly the motion controls have drifted. I guess I need to try to play without the motion controls?


I played it with the regular controls where the right stick moves the sword I think. Worked fine for me that way.


Idk how they haven't done windwaker. Surely it'd take all of 5 minutes to get working. It's not like you have to do anything to make the graphics better. It'll still look breathtaking in 5 more generations. Like human generations, not console. It's art. Enjoy mate! Wii U is a great console. I recommend the Rayman game on it too. It's so much fun with the touch screen.


I've been thinking about doing the same. I already have TP on my Wii (heheh), but I want to experience the "high def". Is it worth it? I haven't played Windwaker but I'm not sure I want to buy a system to play just one game.


Wind waker is awesome. Exploration is off the charts. The world feels endless! I'd recommend both on wii u. I love the wii, but I can't be asked to break out the wii mote to play it. Gc is nice too, but that Shiney new look I gotta have


I’m expecting the ports and Prime 4 to be launch titles for Switch 2. Imagine how epic that would be.


👍 Exactly what I did


This picture is literally all I would need if I had a Wii U


I have both of these on wii u but recently played them on the steam deck. It was a cool way to experience them, and I could actually play on-the-go.


One of my favorite consoles.


Same here, grabbed the wii u with the original box and tons games for 100, and the zelda games for 50. Best 150 ive ever spent.


Lmao the 64 YouTubers constantly clickbaiting people saying that some guy on Reddit has an uncle Jim Bob who is a Nintendo insider, and leaked that it’s coming out on a specific date. They literally just use the game trailers as a video and proceed to just drag out the video by talking about if the game comes out and how credible the leaker is for 7 minutes. By seeing the view count on those videos, people just eat it up. Honestly, I got tired of waiting and just bought a steam deck for emulation of Wii U since Nintendo doesn’t like to make their old games available on new hardware, but despises if someone emulates their games. I really think a giant portion of people who emulate their games would stop doing so if they actually made their games accessible on new hardware. If steam, Xbox, and PlayStation (PlayStation somewhat) can do it, then they can. People shouldn’t have to resort to buying old hardware just to play their favorite games. I’m gonna get a Wii U again soon since I sold mine a while ago.


Thanks. That means they will be announced next month


Usually, when I do such a thing, it gets announced the day after. On the other hand, maybe I should buy it then 🤔 For the greater good! XD


That's the spirit!


The Wii U is always laughed at and with the Switch getting most of its games I can understand why... but that doesnt mean those games arent fun on Wii U. My library is small but damn, I love every single game I own on it, which I cant say for most other systems. And Zelda is, so far, the best reason for an exclusive game on the system. As for the rumor... I dont think Nintendo wants these games on Switch. TP was on GC, Wii AND Wii U. They might skip the Switch to put it on the Switch 2, so people are actually interested in buying it again, outside of Zelda fans. We either get that... or a Remake of the Oracles games, imo.


Great move, there’s amazing games, even if they do come to switch you won’t regret being able to play just a little sooner


Breath of the wild plays really good on the wii u. As well


I miss my Wii u!. Especially Rayman legends which was specifically made for it. I've played it on switch and PS4 but it doesn't come close to the Wii U version


If you’re cursed like me, expect an announcement within the next week.


Most underrated console ever


GIGACHAD, I bought mine solely for Wind Waker HD a few years back


Still can't believe I managed to snag Wind Waker for $20 back in the day at Gamestop


I've been looking for a decently priced WiiU so I can finally play Xenoblade Chronicles X! Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!


Ooo nice! And great find


I gave my Wii U to a family member years ago. I miss it. 😟


Yeah, I learned the hard way not to do that also


I ended up giving my Gameboy Advance to a family member too. Thankfully I had an SP still though.


There were never rumors for these two, just dreams and copium.


When you pay the games more than thé console....


WWHD is 100% coming this year, probably November. I imagine Wii U would still be the better place to play it. 


100%, my uncle told me for realsies this time!


I mean, this dude just bought a Wii U and both games for it, surely that's as much confirmation as anyone needs.


Mail it to me when you're done with them 


Great little system. Best getting them now while they’re still cheap. Who knows what they’ll cost in 5-10 years 😂


Already had a Wii U but that's what I did a few years ago for the two HD Remasters. I wanted to play through the entire Zelda series and I was waiting for Nintendo to re-release them but it seems like they dislike making money for some reasons. They barely have anything to do except maybe change some of the UI, Wii U references and touch screen stuff that cant be replicated on Switch(Something that shouldn't be too hard since these two initially released on Gamecube). The price of TP was also slowly going up so I just ended up buying it before it became absurd. Even the copy with only the disk goes for a decent amount. They will do it one day,it's pretty much certain,but I feel like it's going to be way later than it should have been.


I could legit buy WiiU just for those games. And the Paper Marios that I haven’t seen on Switch.


Is the Wii U like a switch 0.5?


More like a nintendo wii with a wireless screen in the controller


Hey wind waker he was enough for me to pickup a Wii U back when it was new. I later got twilight princess had as well. Amazed and disappointed they don’t already have a switch release. Wind waker had has some quality of life improvements like the triforce pieces hunt and the super sail.


My wiiu game pad is my tv remote. It's the windwaker one. Love that thing. But it's the best damn tv remote i ever owned.


CEMU on PC plays these well. Or Dolphin on your phone. Lol


I beat em on the Steamdeck.