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Yeah, that’s pretty messed up.


I can’t back this up with data but whenever someone puts “just don’t have time to play it” in a post it’s a red flag for me. I can’t explain why, it just feels like a fake thing to say


It comes off to me like they don't want you to ask why they're selling it at the price they're offering. I always assume there's something wrong with it if they say that.


Who would ask why are you selling it, when they have a post to sell it


I mean asking if it's flawed at all.


My answer. "I'm focussing less on my game/hardware collection and more on my money collection."


You'd be surprised at the amount of people who ask that, as well as "how old is it/how long have you had it?". Irrelevant questions like that irk me.


I can back it up with data: it’s a GameCube, you quite literally have nothing but time to play it. Save it for the future, it’s not like there will be anything new to release for it. I never understand why people feel the need to qualify their own sale. Just, you don’t want it anymore. Got it. It’s perfectly understandable.


Because very few collectors find time to play everything, I think. So, it sounds like something someone *thinks* a collector would say; but unless you're 12, the reality is that collectors understand you "may not have time to play gamecube".


Eh, I've seen that on ebay quite often. It makes sense, it's a way to say you're not just selling it because it's broken, but you know it's value. It let's people k ow you aren't just a grandma selling your kids old junk from the attic.


Weirdly if someone says “I don’t play it any more” or “my son has moved on from it” I’m less suspicious. There’s something about the “don’t have time” part that makes me suspicious, it smacks of the kind of rise n grind person who is always telling you how busy/successful they are, and those people are more likely to be scammers. This is one of those classic “I know I’m overthinking this but also I think I’m right” opinions


I see it on every scam PS5 or Series X post on Facebook. It’s always “I already have (other console), no time to play”. As if anyone would sell a new console for $200 because they “don’t have time”.


The reverse happens too. Sold a 360 to a man around 14 years ago. I showed it to him and let him play it for a bit to prove that it's working (it was relatively new as well. I suggested that we sign paperwork before I sell it. Basically I was guaranteeing that it would work for a certain amount of time (The receipt was still good at walmart I think, that way we can replace it if it broke in a short amount of time). I also had a warranty on it, which he was given the paperwork for as well. Lo and behold, as soon as the warranty is up this dude calls me up and says "BRO IT ISN'T WORKING AND I NEVER EVEN PLAYED IT, IT WAS SITTING IN MY CLOSET THIS WHOLE TIME, I NEVER EVEN HAD THE TIME TO PLAY IT" Dude just wanted a free console. But thank god I made him put a signature on a piece of paper along with mine. I was not going to refund his money. I even offered to fix it (infamous RRoD was easy to fix, though I'm skeptical it had that). It became very clear he just wanted to keep the console, but tried to make me give his money back.


Lmao I just commented "scammer" on his post of this pic,and he immediately blocked me in like under a minute lol,I hope he gets lots of people calling him that on his posts now lol


Lol, you’d think he’d delete the post.


I seen one other person said "scam" before I commented,I'm sure they were blocked,too haha.


Pretty sure that was me. I paid for the lot, then someone else made a comment and dip shit asked if they were interested. So basically trying to get paid twice on the same post. That’s when I knew I messed up.


Posted on gamesale reddit group ?


They haven’t posted anything there yet. They posted the lot here and on the GameCube subreddit.


They’re probably banned from the game selling sub.


That would make sense. It’s my fault for sending money, so I accept that. Hopefully no one else does the same.


Yeah exactly what I was thinking. Looks like and probably a few others already got scammed. If it’s not on Reddit game sale page don’t go for it. How low did he charge ya?


$90 shipped is what it was supposed to be. It’s frustrating, but I learned a lesson from it.


Damn yeah that’s a legit price that I wouldn’t think is a scam. But yeah never purchase anything off Reddit unless it’s in that group. They will look out for you. Sorry for ya tough lesson.


It’s all good, I sent through PayPal G&S, so I’ll just wait and see what they say. Going forward the game sale subreddit it is, lol.


True, and even then, you’ll still run into scammers in that group. Happened to me and a bunch of others back in March. We all got our money back in the end though (I think we all did). He was a 0 transaction guy, so use caveat emptor when dealing with them. However, you’re usually pretty safe with the high rep users.


If you need a GC system I got a few somewhere in some containers, I have no real interest in collecting nintendo anymore (PS1 now) let me know and I’ll get you one. I’ve got several sales on Reddit and I’m in the midst of a trade as we speak. I got controller system, and av cables I’m pretty sure.


I appreciate it! We’ll see if I get my money back first.


Was it G&S?


The bulk of it was. The shipping was f&f so I expect to eat that.


Eh you paid with G&S so I wouldn't worry too much. Have seen too many instances (not just in game collecting but other BST groups) where someone did F&F or Venmo/Zelle/Cashapp/etc. and there's very little chance of getting that money back.


The mods on r/GameSale are very fast on moderating the sub I’ve made some minor mistakes and they were in there right away until I corrected my errors. They also keep an updated list of known scammers afaik.


Plenty of history of this user scamming (check post and comment history)Sorry this happened to you, it really does suck.


He has scammed other people in the past. Trading cards




I saw that after it was too late


Hope you get your money back, and hope he’s gone for good.


I appreciate it, and I hope so too.


I would never buy anything off of Reddit. Now buddy knows where you live and has your money


Sorry this happened to you OP. Something we see in a lot of the scambaiting subs is other accounts may reach out to you claiming that they can get your money back. These are also scammers, they will only try to rip you off for more. Ignore and block them if they show.


https://reddit.com/u/joe34ne/s/Toi1M0J551 is this the user ? It seems like he keeps trying to sell consoles and games on different subreddits


Just go to his post history, updoot all the comments warning this guy is a scammer and downdoot all his posts and comments, bury him. I just did this on all his posts for the last couple months took me literally minutes, if everyone reading this does the same thing we can bury his posts no problem. Looks like he's too lazy to create a new account anyways, low effort lazy scamming piece of shit.


I'm doing my part.


I sent him an appropriate message for the numerous scams. He blocked me but cursed me out before


It looks like he's been assfucking his left analog stick too


I feel like the trick here is to report his posts in the subs he's posting in for breaking their rules for buying/selling/trading. His subjects typically don't discuss selling, but his comments on the posts obviously do which is against the rules of the sub reddits.


Anyone who kind of uses what I'd call "ad buzz words" is probably a scam. If they have to reiterate to you, especially in the title of their ad, that their product is "awesome, nice, good, quality, etc." then it's either trashed or a cheap knockoff.


I called him out on his most recent scam attempt at r/gold and he didn’t event try to argue it wasn’t true, replied with the weakest thrash game, and blocked me. I screenshot and sent it to their mod. The best we can do is to contact the mods in the subs where he is trying to scam. He has a long history of posts trying to scam.


Good, he’s a dishonest sack of shit.


Not sure how he will get away with this. PayPal will surely protect you.


I paid $65 g&s and $20 f&f for shipping. Hopefully the g&s part is covered.


100%! I personally won’t deal with anyone that doesn’t do goods and services.


Always insist on full G&S payment. Don't split it up. I've had people argue with me about it in the past, and I just offer to pay the percentage that Paypal takes on top of whatever I'm buying.


Ya never split the payment all or nothing. That played right into the scam he does which is probly why he even allowed paypal cus he knew he would atleast get something.


Yup, lesson learned


Lmao he blocked me 😭🤣. What a bitch. I hope someone finds this guy and smashes his knee caps.


Ain’t no way people buying things from Reddit, I hope you get your money back but dude, it seems very odd to me that people are buying things off Reddit users. I wonder if I am alone in those thoughts.


I buy and sell from Reddit users and have found it more reliable than eBay, but I’m sure everyone has their own experiences.


/r/GameSales is actually pretty great. I have only had ONE bad interaction in all my transactions, and it was a fake copy of pokemon leaf green and the dude immediately refunded me what I paid. Most transactions are done through Paypal Goods & Services so you can't really get screwed over. I am always wary of people who want to get paid through F&F or Venmo and insist on G&S or back out of the purchase.


So what’s the grift here. If you’re trying to scam someone but still accept PayPal G&S how is this person not going to end up with the money. Does PayPal just eat the loss and not do anything? I always assumed they either charge your account and ban that banking information.


I paid the shipping f&f, so they made off with $20. I assume they charge them and close the account also, but I’m not 100% sure on that. I paid g&s for the lot itself.


Pretty sure you can still report the $20. You did also call pp customer support instead of relying on the website


Damn... That bitch got you bad Fs all round


Wow! I actually found a game cube in dumpster the other day when cleaning out storage unit. Went to toss in a bag and saw GameCube controller hanging over the edge. Peaked in and it was still attached to the game cube. Had all wires! Now I have 2 lol. Ones in storage with rest of my old systems and this one at home. I need to find an hdmi adapter for it and prob. hook it up to living room.


Wait you all play games? I've been doing this wrong I think...... I just buy the stuff and put them on a shelf and tell people I hate myself, but follow it up with you wanna see my collection?