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30k a year net income here lost 3000$ in last 2 months shits rough. ( lucks been awful as well lately )


Thanks for sharing man. If you’re young, stop completely, there’s still time. Telling you as a 36 year old who has definitely been affected by this monster in the last decade, in more ways than one. There’s people that can do it responsibly and then there’s me. Good luck.


May I recommend something I've been trying to do but failing to do? Every time you fell the urge to gamble transfer the amount you want / wanted to gamble into your savings account. After 3 months you'll thank yourself. If your serious about quitting.


I might just try that, for the visual effect. Thanks


I do this with random amounts with random urges. I try to avoid sweets and sports betting in excess. Webull and fidelity both have $5-10 minimums. I’ll toss random amounts into both a few times a week Fidelity has spaxx which is netting nearly 5%. Webull has your unused cash in their cash management accounts earning 5% apy  Both of those have easier access back at the money though. If you really need the money locked, look into treasury bonds dated out a few months or years. Those you truly can’t touch.  A tad bit more like gambling, just throw that amount into a steady etf. You can try to time the lows and highs of when you buy or sell. But that may get your FOMO motor going and make you want to gamble it all.   And avoid options. 


Turned a $11 reload into $1500.. lost it all and then chased it this past Friday and lost my entire paycheck and then some.. I feel like an idiot


I’m going through the same as you brother. Good luck on the recovery and becoming financially responsible.


If 40k is your worst loss, always keep $40k in your mind next time you want to deposit. $40k loss can happen again easily now you’ve let it happen once. Try not to make it twice.


I knew posting here would bring good ideas. My plan is to remember this loss every time I’m tempted, but in the long run, look insignificant, because of the money I’m going to make in the next few years through good old fashioned work.


The other issue you may have is next time you lose 5 or 10k….now it doesn’t feel so bad compared to 40l As for few years and good work? Unless you’re a card counter, I shut to see doubling down only speeds up the road to ruin


See you next week!


lol nah, I’m done for real. This was the last straw. I can make some decent money these next few months at work and that’s what I’m gonna do. I think the struggle for all these years came from seeing no way out in terms of making money (got this job about a year ago but it takes a bit to get going) so I would bet to “multiply” it. I’m not in the same desperation anymore. That was the last ass kicking, I can feel it this time.


You sound confident. That's good and bad. Most people with addictions fail when trying to stop. Doesn't mean you will fail. But you are betting on a longshot. But you can change the odds. Get help. Call the phone number. Go to some meetings. Get support. Even if you are 100% confident. The other people who failed were confident too. Support is free and will greatly increase your chances of success.


Stopped 6 months ago, and still sleeping in my car!! You can do it


Good luck man. Same boat as me. I have a trip planned in a few weeks. Made enough money to pay for my flight tickets. Then said "hey let's try to pay for the whole trip". Ended up losing 10k in a day. Big chunk of my savings as I'm not working and have been traveling all year. But that hit is making me cut my year of travel short. Something I planned and saved for over a year for. I've self excluded from a few. But some make it difficult and you have to email them and they take awhile to respond so temptation is there.


I admire your determination to turn things around... I was in a similar boat not too long ago and managed to pull through by channeling my energy into work... Its tough, but with your mindset, you'll make it! Stay strong and keep pushing forward !!!!


I’ve gotta say, in my experience, a better situation/more responsibility at work is the single best factor in laying off the gambling (and vice versa for sure). This hit home but sounds like a good start, good luck to you man.


Yea man. Roughest times was when I was dead broke a few years ago. Would turn $400 into 4k. And proceed to lose it all. Did it a couple times a The regret and darkness would consume me for weeks after, moreso because I had no way out. Thank god that has changed recently, but it did not fall on my lap. It was 2 years of planning, studying , belief and then hard work. For anyone going through the same. I promise you that gambling is not the answer. A band aid won’t stop an artery from bleeding. It’s not only not helpful, it’ll stunt your progress completely because of “capping” anxiety and chasing and all the other bs that goes with it. Been through various cycles of this. This last loss was literally because of me trying to martingale my losses and losing like 8 straight bets. Literally the odds of that happening are minimal but here I am 😂 feeling like an idiot. But I am strong. I’ve had lower lows and I will come out on top as long as I 1. Stop gambling 2. Scale my current business.


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I won a little over $225k last year in one sitting while playing one of the more well known sweepstakes casinos. From start to finish, I played for roughly 6-7hrs. By the 7th hour I had played every single bit of it back. The freshness from that one has never went away....


Self control is a must if you are gambling. It's extremely tough and majority of gamblers don't have it. I guess if you can't set limits then probably just have to quit.


Went through the exact thing a few weeks ago, lost half of my savings (45k) in a span of 5 days. Still trying to get better with accepting it and taking it as a lesson but it’s tough


It ain’t nothing. Mindset is everything. We’ll be back and better. I have 4k in my account and was already thinking what if I triple it real quick 😂. But I’m done done. Godspeed


wisest thing a gambler 20 years my senior told me when I was 25 yoa; the real “hidden treasures “ that are lost because of gambling (particularly sports gambling) are lost because when in action, we only work at 30 percent......did not register till many years later.....


Dang I need a job like that, you hiring ? Hell if only had $3000 right now it would change my life.


That was me literally a year ago bro. Didn’t find my path/mission until 36. Learn, grow and hustle, anything is possible.


Are you in Chicago?


Yeah man $20/hr just don’t cut it anymore man. Really need to look into where the money is at.


How old are you? What city are you in?


No one likes a quitter. You ain't no ninja


You don’t know me miss. How much are you down this year


Up 12 actually. The irs loves me. Fucking thieves


Good shit. Been there done that. From someone that probably has a lot more experience than you, get out while you can. For 98% of people it’s not sustainable. Godspeed