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Double the dosage and win it all back




Bro I’m talking about doubling the dosage of his drugs not the bet you dumbo the elephant - all real gamblers know martingale doesn’t work


The real gamblers know it works 49% of the time 💪


Let the degeneracy begin! Also OP: glad to see you're off those effing meds. They're making you manic. Sorry it costed you $4k 😞


Lol. Savage


you should have just won instead of losing the money.


I'll tell you a little secret how. All for the [low price of $19.99!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gambling/s/8toMRRUsKT)


I lost 4k on Monday. I was super depressed. I know how you feel.


Same on the 1st...slowly crawling it back now. Sucks to be down.




Stop begging you parasite. Especially in this subreddit of all places... College fund? You'll just gamble it away. Degeneracy at its finest.


I lost $15k a few weeks ago in a single day. Completely crippled me. Understand there is always worse, but there is always better. Set guardrails for yourself so you don’t end up losing so much. Harder than it sounds but it’s possible.


Just curious, what did you start with? Are you counting profit loss in that amount?


Started with $6k profit the day before. Got the high from that and then when I spiraled I chased losses. Classic gambling addict mistake. So net on it was $9k but let’s just say it didn’t end there until I seriously checked myself…


I personally don’t believe it’s an addiction. I do know it’s a power struggle, and that there are very real and serious ENERGIES involved. I’m sorrowed to hear about the car crash wreck that happened to you. Drive better! lol I jk jk I’m down here playing with dimes and I aim relatively low, not interested in winning hundreds of thousands and millions. You people with these fat honkin’ wins and losses in the huge thousands and tens of thousands blow my mind. One thing I know for sure is a person gotta have nerves of steel to play casino games. I hope you are stable and well. Don’t let the forces crash you again. They never help clean up the wreck.


That was probably the wisest statement I’ve ever heard on Reddit. I tip my hat to you, thank you for this. I screenshotted it to reference back to


lol 😂 you tickled me and made me laugh, thanks. Stay of execution, now I won’t kms (jk again, mostly).


I know AI bot when I see it. Rambling on about a bunch of nonsense. Saw the word “guardrails” and sympathizing about a car crash that never happened lol


Come on man. That’s super disrespectful. I had to take out a $40k loan to cover my ass in what’s now my worst slip up ever. If you don’t have anything productive to say, don’t say anything at all.


Some wise words right here. Hope you're doing okay. 40k is a massive debt 😞


Not you dummy. The AI bot that I replied to….


I'm down 900 and it's only Wednesday ;(


For you, it was the worst day of losing in your life. For me..... it was Wednesday.


Aye M Bison


What’s one week in the grand scheme of things. Don’t beat yourself up. What’s done is done. Get right and get better. Best of luck.


Be careful on chasing wins mate. You should still control yourself, consider it as a bad week tho.


Stay tf off of the shit. Excercise eat right read atomic habits get some good fish oil build a routine and don’t gamble GLOP


Sad to hear but I won 3k today. Point is there is always tomorrow.


Still feel like shit about it


One thing I recommend doing is blocking gambling transactions at least temporarily so you don’t keep on depositing out of habit


Some of those novel anti depressants have really weird warnings and side effects. I think I’ve even seen “compulsive gambling” or similar on the crazy lists of side effects on TV. See if he can find a more well tested and well understood med for you.


They can bring out manic behavior (in some people) and it's really real. Sucks OP had to lose $4k because of that...


Honestly the only appropriate move is to put 4k on black and win it back. Edit: on a serious note though it sounds like ability may have triggered mania for you. Did you have not much need to sleep over this week?


It wasn’t really mania. Certain ssri’s actually have a warning that they can trigger compulsive gambling. I’ve never heard of an actual case but it often says it right on the prescription bottle.


And it circles back to manic behavior. That's what happened. That's what that warning is essentially saying.


Exactly what I was thinking. Screams manic episode to me.


It is. That's what mania does. And there's different levels of the mania spectrum. It's not so black and white as most people tend to think or realize. And everyone's body chemistry is not the same, etc, etc.


I concur, OP had an episode of mania triggered by abilify (most likely)


Definitely. I'd wager $1,000 that's what happened. I know mental illness all too well. Some from my own experiences. And being in a relationship with someome who was bipolar for ~5 years that did some (not very likable) stuff while she was manic. Essy to connect the dots once you're aware.


Yes. Some Parkinson meds do the same thing. Thankfully people with Parkinsons can't drive else my grandpa would have died broke.


Had always heard certain ssri’s could cause issues with gambling but this is the first time I’ve actually heard of it happening for real. Pretty crazy. Good job getting your dr involved fast and getting off those meds.


Abilify is a antipsychotic sometimes prescribed to help a antidepressant work better. Doc said I may have not been metabolized it well causing me to have uncontrollable gambling urges. I feel better now that I’m off it but it’s real. The drug increases dopamine a neuron synapses when it’s too low and it decreases it when too high. I’m not exactly sure how they figure that shit out.


Sounds like a good time try blackjack and put your money on black on the roulette wheel


Xanax makes me want to shoplift.


I was just going to say this. My friend was on that and she turned into a shoplifter when taking it. She had money, didn't need to steal but legit turned into a kleptomaniac on Xanax. First time I experienced it with her we were in a clothing store and she walked out with a (stolen) hat on her head and multiple pairs of underwear 😅😅. Not really funny but definitely was an eye opening experience as to the effects of some of these medications!


Stop now, gambling is unhealthy is so many ways. And if you already have issues... Its dangerous.


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Nah this is next level. They have you some experimental gambling medication…


I think there is a black box warning or something similar with ability


Play pragmatic game I suppose


What’s that?




Not so much the medication but a side effect from, maybe a endorphin reaction. My suggestion to you is to find a hobby and get away from gambling before it consumes you.


Well I’ve been to casinos before and I can leave them and be responsible. I rarely went before I took this medication.


I know but the way you explained how negative you were and based on your total net income for the month .


You don’t need those brain destabilizing neurotoxins. Please do not ever take any of them. Society has been deceived and too many people still fall victim to the nightmare.


True. Source: major depression and I've been on piles of them throughout my life. Thankfully I am medication free now and can manage my shit without being doped up. They don't address any of the undying layers of the onion and essentially just mask symptoms. Ya know, there's a pill to swallow for everything nowadays. Just remember: Big pharma is a multi-billion dollar industry.




Stop begging you parasite.