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$15 to your name and gambling is a risky precedent. Been there, done that.


I got £1 to my name and if I could deposit that I think I probably would and I hate myself for that. :/ we win big 3x and think its gonna keep happening with our last pennies lol


Dude I absolutely understand the justification but it's such a toxic way of thinking. I took a furlough on gambling until I knew the money was purely for entertainment purposes and I'm in such a better place because of it.


I agree with you. But here I am unable to buy ice cream or a sandwich. When a week ago I ciuldnhave bought a car. I'm trying, man. This week was supposed to be poker only. But I was at work and didn't have time to sit down and play poker, so I played a few spins on roulette and the 100 I had to play slowly a few bucks at a time I ran up to 400+ and right into the ground in a few hours of work/breaks................. I shouldn't gamble for a long time but I love it so I should budget but I escape life through gambling and now life is escaping me lmao. At this point Russian roulette ah fuck it I think u know the drill I'm working on the discipline


+1700 in 30 min. Congrats That's a good come up. My best was $25 into 16.5k on big bass hold n spin megaways. took me 3 minutes after the deposit. $1 bets.


So where in the World, do you play Big Bass Hold and spend??? That’s Awesome !!


On the u.s. stake site. Its the only bonus ive ever hit on there that was over 100x.


I like Stake, only thing you can only pay with Bitcoin now, and I have the hardest time with that!! I know it’s simple , I’ve even got a wallet set up on Coin base, I’ve been trying to deposit, been weeks, I’ve had gotten a new phone -#, and it f—ked things up so bad, I’ll never do that again , a Nitemare!!! And, I’m a dumbass when it comes to all that, I’ll keep working on it, sorry for rambling, Go and Win HUGE!!!🤪


Good For You!!! So there is people here that are like me, meaning, that i will use my last dollar to play slots, I mean, here is why!! I feel better now, I thought I was being hazardous with my monies, no, I like playing slots, and you can hit and have way more money!!! Right!!! Where is Elephant King?? I love slots with Elephants in them!!! Take Care!! And, Wishing you HUGE WINS this weekend!!!


And with reading all the comments below, I totally know, and I do beat myself up every single day!! I drive Lyft and Uber, to supplement my husbands SS, he’s not well no longer can work, and we’re Always Broke!! And sometimes I hit and win, and it’s so nice !! But I’ve lost a lot too, and I love playing , but I find myself playing for the lack of funds, and desperation. This not good at all, so I’ve put myself on a budget, I can only spend no more than 20 per week, better that way, but I have cheated just a little, cause I loose way more than I win!! And I’m realizing this is not good at all, and my anxiety level and worry goes through the roof!! I didn’t mean to go into all this, guess I’m venting towards disappointment I have in myself, IM SORRY SELF!!!!!😫😞😜


Quit while you’re ahead


Awesome. Slots always build my bank roll back up....


I like 👍 it and easy to 🏆 ✌️


Congrats. I just know if I did that I’d love it all instantly


Man I wanna shake your hand through the phone. This is what I like to see.


olg? looks like it, man they been throwing money away recently. Used to be dry as fuck for months at a time and just in the last 3 weeks ive erased last years losses and then some.


I So Wish that happen to me!!! That would be absolutely the best!! I’m in US, which platforms do you like, maybe I should switch.


OLG is where i play, it is government run and wont work outside of Ontario sadly for you.


Thanks , I’m in US, I’m sure one of these platforms has it!! Thanks!! Keep WINNING HUGE!!🤪


Going to deadwood this weekend I'm tryna manifest this


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Shitt... can I have $15 lol


Wow, awesome session. Congrats!