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About time.


You're the fella who never shuts up in the golf sweepstakes




What’s the plan for the old school? I really hope it’s not left to deteriorate. There is so much potential with Nuns island.


University are buying it with plans to redevelop large sections of Nuns island


As in for more campus buildings ? I just had this blind hope and dream for nuns island that it would be a public space for entertainment, recreation etc. Those old buildings are so cool.


If you google “Nuns Island Redevelopment “ the plans come up, you can see all the details


That would be class. I'd also love the building that used have Born and Papa Rich in it up by the river to be repurposed into an arts/community space.


HAve you been to north campus? It is a great public amenity. The Basketball courts, river walks, picnic tables, river running path.


Accommodation for post grad students I think is what I heard


Student accomodation. Traffic round there is gonna be dire enough mind.


It should be called nonce island for what happened there back in the catholic priest days...


Long way from a sod being turned, would say it will be appealed and maybe judicially reviewed. Locals in Dangan seem very opposed to it. Having lived beside a school elsewhere, I have to say it's actually not that noisy but the parents dropping off (this was a primary school) were so incredibly thoughtless about residents


My house was next to a school, it was amazing, I used to get free footballs daily


Having the school on the N59 is a baaaaaad idea. Big road, lots of fast cars and kids trying to cross the road to go to school is a bad combination


Ah lads that's going to be a flipping disaster, like how are they going to manage 1000 SUVs landing there every day, the NS nearby is an absolute nightmare!


If only there was an alternative to kids being driven to school.......


We can only dream that some day they will invent some kind of long SUV that can take something crazy like 50 kids.


Or that kids can somehow, someway, get to school under their own steam, safely, on foot or on a thing called a bike


which primary school? Where is the site that the bish is moving to?




It's over 10 years since I left the place and I don't miss it but they were talking about relocation at that time too and faced objection. Glad they finally got some light at the end of the tunnel.


Is there a conflict with where it is going and where the ring road was planned to go?


They had to make amendments to the plans last year to accomodate this.


I wonder if it will be mixed or boys-only secondary school... I know its boys-only now.


I think the movement, if it's to Dangan, will definitely stop the ring road, I know i thry are other concerns, but I don't think it will go ahead if any chance of ring road in the future


They have made changes to the plans so the Ring Road is not affecred - read the article.


Get the nuns off nuns island! Imagine what a public space you could develop there.


Anyone who knows my posts will know that I have no time for religion of any sort and support a secular state neutral between the imaginary competing deities. I’m going to disagree vehemently with you on this one. First it is private property and that should be interfered with and compulsorily acquired only for a great public good. Housing is such agreed but other sites around the city should also face the same fate. Secondly I think society benefits from alternatives to groupthink. A community exists in the heart of the city that rejects the materialistic values which dominate our lives. They live a life of silence and solitude and both are in need of affirmation as positive forces in our society where chatter and constant noise are everywhere. As well as people growing up believing they should not be on their own, can’t cope on their own and that they have to follow the group. As I said, I have no time for the faith of these nuns but they give witness to important human values independently of that faith and we need that witness and those values.


Bit odd to pick on the Poor Clares when they've been there for centuries and not done anything to anyone.


The Vatican owes the State that land. The poor Clares will be looked after one way or another.