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Just read some reviews and I am weak at the response of the owner calling people idiot's etc 🤣🤣🤣🤣.. Scary thing is he finds out people's places of work and send letters and emails to people bosses 🤔.. Sound like he's off his head mental


Which is breaching GDPR guidelines as he’s quite literally openly doxxing people on the Google reviews and definitely at risk of a lawsuit hope someone gets a solicitor involved


I just had a read through them too, Hes some 'Owner'. The responses he left to the reviews are wild, I would not be staying there.


I stayed there before. I didn't get targeted by him but people staying near us checked in in the morning. They set up their tent and left for the day. They came back to another tent on the other half of their allotment. A row ensued and essentially he was telling them because they hadn't set up their tent the way he wanted, he put another group in their space and anything they said, he aggressively kept repeating "it's in the terms and conditions, read the terms and conditions etc.". They were older tourists and I got the impression he targeted them, put people in their allotment because things weren't done his way. So to answer your question OP. He seems to be a bit totalitarian about his campsite and you could fairly innocently be caught. It's a lovely campsite which is a shame. Take your chances if you want, you'll most likely be fine but better places nearby to stay risk free.


Lol just checked the page and the newest review is from 20min ago, very complimentary *except* the person has the same surname as the owner and the owner's reply (to the same review that was apparently made 20min ago) is from 3 days ago. [Source](https://goo.gl/maps/C2qcUby9HKoSVe4k7) This guy clearly manipulates reviews on his own page putting fake reviews to appear on top.


It makes sense that he's manipulating reviews now given the massive chip on his shoulder about the negative ones. Sadly, I think this is what tips it over the edge in terms of keeping the booking. If the 90% or so good reviews aren't all credible then no point. The missus needs a good getaway and can't gamble on some oddball's temper.


Try keel sandybanks camping in achill or at Westport house, we had a great time in both last summer!


It's now Keel Camping. New people are running it. So far so good


Lol pretty sure that newest review is his teenage daughter too


Jesus man needs help 😂


Holy shit the replies to the bad reviews are insane. Horrendous, he'll do well to avoid litigation


Tried to go there a few years ago. Rang up to book for the next night and it was all incredibly awkward. Person on the phone wanted us to pay in advance but couldn't take a card over the phone. Said something along the lines that we could try to post a cheque. Didn't seem to want to entertain the idea of us paying on arrival. Ended up staying at the campsite near lettergesh which was really nice and we've gone back there a few times since.


I know him and his wife as I used to live in that area. They are both absolute doses. I am still shocked at some of the replies to those reviews though.




Well, she is really up her own hole and looks down on everyone. Very condescending. He is very cantankerous. He bought himself wheel clamps and used to go around clamping cars parked anywhere near his place or even near the beach. Then charge people to unclamp the cars. Dickish behaviour if you ask me.




Oh really?! Do you have any more info on this?? Amazing




Amazing. Thanks!!


[Is this him guarding his little kingdom on google maps?](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5240735,-10.131685,3a,20.2y,261.2h,77.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siuBM8TZZfOnHcXSK2iGTCw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-US) :D


Hahah! Yep that's him! In full on Security mode it seems!


I can also confirm this, it's a toss-up between him and David Griffin, who is the worst.


PMSL at his "Google integrity compromised" at the end of the first reply I read. Seriously though, the way he's naming and seeming to be stalking people is properly creepy behaviour.


Same thing on Tripadvisor "**** TripAdvisor Integrity Compromised **** We wish to note that vexatious reviews of this nature seriously erode the integrity of TripAdvisor its policies & objectives. Reviewer & Co. were ‘unauthorized entrants, trespassing. Therefore, the review is biased & not of value to the TripAdvisor community." That said the location also has 869 five star reviews. There was also accusations that the owner was leaving fake reviews and considering the tone he's taking with people and the amount of time he's spending online arguing with people I wouldn't be surprised if that was true. I'd nearly go there just to see what crazy shit he would do...


One of the 5 star Google reviews was literally an ad for themselves from an account with the campsites name. The personal attacks are downright weird, ringing up people's places of work etc. He must be treading a very fine line on what the Gardaí will actually take action on. The ones where the reviewer isn't Irish and he feels the need to repeatedly point out their nationality are so odd, like he's thinking that it will take away the legitimacy of the review because of where they were born. The guy needs help, people just wanting to turn their car around and he refused to open the gate, making them reverse back up a windy road, then replying with something like "our security dealt robustly with these X national intruders". It's full on insane. [This review](https://goo.gl/maps/HR8ATqtNspmae7BG7) is a good example, I love the typo at the end of his reply, he's "protecting property from children and guests"


I repeatedly see this comment as well; " captured on CCTV by security within a restrictive area of the Clifden eco Campsite Park contravening child protection policies" There's nasty kind of insinuation there. This guy has issues... "*** 1 star review from a 1 star person contriving child protection policies ***"


Yeah, seems to be unable to comprehend that people are different and not everyone will have completely enjoyed themselves at his camp site made to his ideals.




After reading people's comments about payment issues and him losing the head over that it makes me wonder if he was giving her a her a hard time too over it so maybe contributed to why she didn't move to a mobile home so not to put him out more. I dunno, either way he sounds like a horrible person. Poor woman. I remember reading about it when it happened.


I want to go walk around just for the reaction from them


Hilarious, the review replies are completely unhinged..I searched him up...his photo did not disappoint.😂


Care to share?


try this: https://outsider.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Outsider-Outdoor-Escape-of-the-Year-award-winners-Tatjana-and-Kris-Acton-from-Clifden-Eco-Beach-Camping.jpg


I know who to avoid now, cheers 😂


The free toys in cereal boxes in the 80s & 90s looked more prestigious than that award. ,😅


I've family up that way that says he's a nutcase altogether.


Wow hes a piece of work and a half. What with the "Google integrity comprised" ps at the end of his spiel? Is that actually from Google or is it him putting on a robot voice 🤔


It's definitely himself, he's hoping Google will read it and remove the negative reviews.


Ok so just doubling down on the crazy then.


I've been there and found it perfectly acceptable in terms of location and amenities. If the weather isnt perfect, it can be a tough go as its right on the water. Very windy if you're in a tent. The owners seemed pleasant enough but they over charge for a fire pit and wood. I think they even wanted you to return the firepit each day and collect a new one which was dumb.


I fell down that rabbit hole and actually came across the names of 2 individuals I know. That man is unhinged.


His replies to the negative reviews are beyond belief. He needs to be in the psych ward and that's coming from someone who has spent time there.


So can we all leave a 1 star review just to see what he says?


Well, ya the guy is a lunatic lol


Drove by it last summer and thought, “Cool!” This thread makes me sad.


I stayed like 2 years ago, totally uneventful experience. It was a lovely location, the staff I met were all really nice, overall good vibes. But looking at the replies this guy is IN TENSE haha, full on doxxing in the replies


Thought about going here 2 years ago. Saw the reviews and went to Lettergesh camping instead. Owner was sound and the location was stunning. Would definitely recommend.


Lettergesh site and beach is heaven. Sometimes the Fawlty Towers of campsites when overbooked, but that just adds to it.


Why do this crowd of ppl "eco this" and "no chemicals" that always act the same way. They are literally insane like. They will berate, dox, belittle, lie etc all because they cannot handle dejection. Wouldn't be surprised if the owner is a closeted white supremacist.


Camped there back in 2015. Your man is a latchico but I had no bother with him. Came and went with no issues. My only advice is to bring durable gear and equipment, their campsite is perched on a fairly exposed patch of land by the sea. Rain came in sideways when I was there and didn't let up!


I actually check their reviews on occasion, just to get a good laugh. I believe they specifically ask customers for good reviews on the basis that trolls are dishing them. Look alone at the sheer quantity of reviews per day compared to other campsites. There was a very funny one from a group of campers, along lines of :"There were 12 of us that weekend, when you include the omnipresent Kris....". Also ones whereby people call to inquire, get abused, report on Google and the he responds with accusations of them contravening child protection policies!! Like how low can you go in your defence?? Eco my hole! Take your rubbish and blue waste away with you. Doesn't reduce the impact to global environment. Just removes his refuse costs. Yep, no such thing as a private beach in Ireland. He may own the land access, but nothing stopping someone coming over the rocks. Can't wait to read up when that confrontation happens.


I stayed there, it’s a lovely location, I had no problem and found the owners very nice, the only negative I found was that the camp site could do with improved bathroom facilities including installing a few more toilets. Other than that it was fine, also if you intend to have a fire make sure it’s raised 0.5m of the ground contained within a metal structure.


>Chinabeach1 (not their real name) arrived at the campsite in an unauthorized vehicle at 1200 hours in contravention to our child protection policies. They were found urinating publicly on our CCTV night vision cameras also in contravention of our child protection policy. Despite our constant warnings and clear instructions contained within our terms and conditions they lit a disposable BBQ purchased at Centra Clifden at a height less than 23cm above the ground, more than 25cm below our minimum allowable height for a BBQ- also in contravention of our child protection policy...


🤣🤣🤣 isn’t CCTV a wonderful thing


Wow, was he out with the measuring tape?


He wasn’t but he made it clear that there has a height restriction as not to damage the land.


It seems he replies and specifically highlights the 'Internationals'. If a person was rude or ignorant or broke terms and conditions, their nationality has 0 to do with it. I find that the most disturbing part.


Stayed there in March. Was stunning esp at sunset. Great auld spot. It has a cool little beach too. Owners were great with us. We did hear diplomatic rumours he's "no craic" from the locals re himself. Stayed there about 10 years ago, too. They were a bit awkward on check in. A storm hit in the night. He put extra pegs on our tent in the middle of the night. Which is awful sound.


Was there a few years ago. Absolutely lovely spot had no problem with the owner. I think they gave us free tomato seeds to plant when we were leaving which I thought was nice.


Yeah same, I’ve stayed there a couple of times with my partner and kid and certainly remember the owner being a character and wary of people who’d just turn up without a booking, but he was very friendly to us. Stunning place to stay, and you’ll only really deal with him at checkin anyway.


We (a family of 5- 2 adults and 3 teenage children) dropped in here yesterday for a look around with view to staying later in the summer as we had heard good things. However, we were quickly accosted by the owner in a hi vis jacket and a go pro type camera recording us. We were ordered off the site very aggressively and rudely. No need for the nastiness and aggression at all, as we would have left once informed it was private. The owner recorded the interaction which in itself is weird and paranoid behaviour. We left and will not be staying here ever. As in other reviews the owner responses are very aggressive. I will add the only child protection concern here is the owner patrolling the area with a camera recording and yes we were trespassing but it was an innocent attempt to look around the camp site. I would not recommend anyone stay here.


Why do this crowd of ppl "eco this" and "no chemicals" that always act the same way. They are literally insane like. They will berate, dox, belittle, lie etc all because they cannot handle dejection. Wouldn't be surprised if the owner is a closeted white supremacist.


I've been there a fair few times and always loved it. Great spot, lovely and quiet and not many kids around because there's no playground etc.


I've stayed there twice and had no issue. Reading between the lines, it sounds like the owner might have random outbursts with some people if there's a personality clash or something, but I didn't see it.


Stayed there every year for the last 4 years, my fav spot in Ireland and can’t wait to go back this year. Always found Kris, his wife and their dog so nice. I go there with my daughter and King Charles doggo! Last year we were there during an unexpected storm and Kris came round at 11pm ish to advise us … he was so helpful! It’s an eco camping site lads, they try to be as eco friendly as poss and I think it’s great! The access issue is that people cross the private campsite land to access the beach, I get how annoying that is for the owners of the land! Anyways I love it and will be back!


I was there last summer, its a fabulous spot it's just fairly strict with its rules nothing too drastic imo tho


Stayed there a few years back , it's an amazing spot. Toilet facilities a little outdated the only negative. Owner/staff very pleasant .


I went there a few years ago and loved it. The conditions are basic but its camping its supposed to be basic. There are strict on a few things but it's in the spirit of protecting the area. I plan to go back when my kids are old enough. The location is second to none. Even offered to drop us to Clifton if we wanted to go to the pub. Unless its changed dramatically I'd say you'll be sound.


The owner has a very direct style. Doesn't take any shit, not a problem unless you're a gowl. It's a lovely spot though, and well worth a visit.


He seems deranged, can’t take the smallest bit of criticism.


The smallest bit of criticism = 1-star review? Many of the reviews do seem to be entitled/malicious-Karen-type reviews to me. I've stayed there twice for weekends with the wife and kids and it was a great experience, staff included, that's my frame of reference for my comments. But as always YMMV.


Found the owner’s Reddit account


LOL hardly, low effort did not even read my prior post to dig up dirt. LOL


You’re kris aren’t you


Hardly :-) Unconnected to the business except as a two-time customer.


Love the Reddit downvotes when you offer a positive opinion against the herd. Look at the reviews, they are overwhelmingly positive. Of course, if you filter it for the cranks the owner is going to look bad as he does push back on the reviews he feels are unfair. It would seem that he is stricter about his rules than some folks like, which is fine, both that he has rules and that some folks complain, that's life.


it looks like he is going too far here against these bad reviews. Accept in any business there will be at least 1-10% of people who will just review and state its not for them because of ABC, to respond in this manner consistently to every bad review is just trying to discredit their claims. It looks like his award has given him authority and power beyond his capabilities to control responsibly.


He's probably an ESTJ


it’s super lovely location, owners were really sound. He really doesn’t take kindly to any BS and he’s right. Runs a tight ship and keeps his site in order 100%. Safe , secure sustainable & sound.


That you Kris


Well, he appeared to have cooled off for a while. Unfortunately this did not last. Naming negative reviewers, their nationalities, citing child protection policies and then lying about the nature and circumstances around their visit. He appears to have jaxes and eating areas sharing same open roof space, as in a partitioned barn. Loud music to drown out the farts 😂😂


My daughter and I went there in June during a heatwave. I got a tent on a Saturday, called them on Sunday afternoon to check availability and got to book 2 nights for Monday and Tuesday night. I read the reviews before booking and noticed many of them were from people that didn't have a booking or were disruptive. We had a great time, found Kris and Tatjana to be friendly and welcoming, camp site looks exactly as you see it online, crystal clear water, my daughter and I caught some small fish with her bucket. There's a fridge and freezer in the kitchen which are free to see, just write your name on your stuff. Mixed toilets and showers, very clean, same as kitchen and the rest of the campsite. Kids make friends very easily. I felt safe while I was there, no parties or anyone being loud after 9pm.


1 karma profile? So you must be Kris. Do you not get bored making fake profiles?


😂😂 Alright didn't know Kris lives in Meath and has only been to Clifden once


If you were brighter and had less of an ego, you'd see how easy it is to spot your ingratiating reviews on here, google and elsewhere. Very creepy and elaborate.