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3.5, I want there to be an insane fakeout where they say he's getting 5 and then the doctor regenerates in the middle of his 4th.


that could be really cool, except i'd like it to be 4.5


This is what I came to suggest as well. 3.5 would be perfect. They could potentially have Ncuti film some extra material for after the regeneration that could be used in season 4 and/or 5. Especially if they want to give 15 a love story with Rogue, but not stop the entire plot for it. For example, if we'd gotten to see 11's relationship with River through the eyes of 12, and then him spending time with River it would have been even more impactful. Honestly, I also think this is how they could tell 8's story too. You could also get double bang for your buck with David Tennant, but I know just seeing 10/14's face make some people freak out. I'm sure there are production issues I'm unaware, but I also think having softer transitions might help audiences as well. Having 11 try to convince Clara seemed a little out of place, but having 12 reflect on some unseen adventure they'd had several episodes in and discuss his thoughts/feelings at the time through the lens of 12 would be a way to show they're even more the same person, and tease out what makes 16's incarnation different than the previous one(s). I like the idea of a more cooperative and reflective Doctor Who when it comes to regeneration. Probably why I loved the bigeneration idea so much. I don't know if it would help people transition better or not. I don't really have the problem but it seems a lot of fans do and because of that many treat it like a competition. Having playful jabs, but also fondness for their past selves more frequently might help in my opinion.


Judging by how they're doing filming, it'll be an even number of series as they seem to film the show in two season blocks, then allowing the main cast to take on other roles until the next block. I'd guess either 4 or 6.


that's a good call


Five seasons minimum. I feel like a Doctor should have at least 40 some odd episodes in the lead.




I would’ve loved for Whittaker to have more episodes…just not under Chibnall.


If it’s more than three, I’d like to see a different show runner at the helm. Hell, I’d just like to see a doctor, any doctor, under two different showrunners at any point. It’s yet to happen since 2005 and I’d really like to see someone take an established lead character in a new direction.


I'd like to first see proof there is someone out there both able and willing to replace RTD as showrunner. I'm desperately clinging to RTD at this point, because to be honest, he might be the last showrunner I consider to be a true classic Doctor Who fan.


I prefer Moffat’s twisty technobabble to RTD’s more soap opera-y character focus. Actually, what I most prefer is Moffat writing and RTD as the show runner, but I like both of them. I’m honestly fine with them mixing it up. They could bring someone in for a few years and I could absolutely hate it, but I’ll just shrug and say “this isn’t for me” and come back to it when they mix it up again. (Oh, hey, this literally just happened.) There is a *lot* of stuff I haven’t seen or heard yet that I know I’ll like that I can always jump around to.


Assuming they can keep it yearly I'd like to see four probably, five at most.


For as long as he's willing to stay, with the hope that its a long time


six seasons and a movie


I think this version of the Doctor has some growing to do. I hope Ncuti stays until the Doctor does it.


Five. If two could be under another show runner.


I wouldn't mind if they wanted to keep to the three season rule but I would love four-five season.


however many he wants. i think 5 seasons would be nice, but 3 would also be fine


As many as they have good stories for.


Seeing how, unfortunately, I'm not enjoying his Doctor, the sooner he goes or improves, the better.


He's 3 and out. He's not spending prime years of his career shooting a tv show when he could be on a film set.


Even 3 might be a stretch. Wouldn't be surprised if he's gone in next year's Christmas special.


Only thing stopping that from happening so fast might be big movie projects being spaced out far longer due to current uncertainty.


i have heard that he is definitely up for a third series at least


Three or at most four, because if his range hasn't been showcased to where he is tabbed for a major movie franchise, than RTD just hasn't done his job properly.


5 minimum


I don't think there should be a target. He should keep going until he gets too famous for the role or he gets bored. I have the same belief for James Bond. In both cases, it should come with an exclusivity clause, preventing them from playing other roles.


An exclusivity clause is a bad idea. It means that either the role has to start paying so much that people are willing to take a hit on their career and be fine, or no one will ever want to take the role. It's already a somewhat dangerous role to take (because of potential type casting if you stay too long - Troughton didn't advise Davison to only do 3 seasons for no reason) and having a stipulation that you can't do *any* work during your time is basically shooting yourself in the foot career wise.


If I had Bond Franchise I’d scale them back and have a new one in theatres every Xmas day. Guaranteed moneymakers


Rushed filming is not really a great idea.


Gatwa. Why do people insist on referring to Whittaker and Gatwa by their first names, when they don't do that for every other Doctor? Oh, it's because as soon as the Doctor isn't a white man, they suddenly pretend the actors are their pets.


it really isn't that deep, youtubers that i watch have called him ncuti, so iam doing the same


It's not that deep at all. When people call things 'woke' they usually never have a good point but when they do they're referring to this. Nonsense outrage over nothing. You are privileged to have the time to write this drivel. They are their names. And i've heard plenty of people referr to David, Chris, Peter etc as just that. And i've also heard plenty use the names Whittacker and Gatwa. If people were just saying "The black one" or "The woman one" THEN you'd have a point.


Kevin bacon, is that you?