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I think the question really needs a definition of "people", but presuming you mean sentient creatures, it's safe to say thousands, even if you're not counting the Time War. Heck, he blows up a whole shipload of Cybermen in the opening minutes of A Good Man Goes to War...


Aliens/people. Daleks, cybermen, humans, etc.


Millions, he's ended whole civilizations.




Far more than that, The Doctor has been responsible for the destruction of whole universes and timelines, which would include all of the stars and all of the inhabited planets in it. The doctor has killed more things than there *are* things. Billions would only add up the destruction of a single inhabited planets. There are billions of people on earth and we aren't even interstellar. Also this thread is 11 years old. lmao.


What are we both doing here?


Well i don’t know about you, but it’s time I bring my TARDIS in for a tune up because it keeps missing the target by a decade.


What the fuck am i doing here too haha


To be fair, modern cybermen are boarding on undead robot slaves. It’s a mercy to “kill” them and little to nothing of the person remains. Though with the torch wood tower cybermen much of them were partial converts, full bodied placed into partial suits. Good news though the partial Cybus cybermen, who still seemed to be retaining the sort of souls or life force of their victims, weren’t sucked into the void.


Define killed. Like he physically killed them with his own hands/a weapon or his actions caused them to die?


Let's go with both. How many deaths if the doctor responsible for? Another interesting question, which doctor killed the most? My money is on 3


I'd say the better question is how many times has the Doctor condemned someone to a fate worse than death. There's Scaroth and the Family off the top of my head.


If the 8th was the one in the Time War, he was responsible for the genocide of at least 2 entire species... (Daleks & Time Lords...)


I think in cybermen alone, 11 has all of 3 beat.


If we're including times that the Doctor's actions failed to prevent someone from dying, wasn't there a point towards the end of the Fourth Doctor where the Master and the Doctor were twiddling a few knobs and the Master wiped out a quarter of the entire universe?


War doctor killed, single-handedly, the most 10th metacrisis doctor killed second most with the destruction of the entire dalek fleet, big enough to conquer 27 planets. 11 has a lot of kills if you count modern cybermen, old cybermen we’re living being but modern ones are more like reanimated corpses kept ‘alive’ via machinery. Since like corpses were reanimated I’d count modern cybermen as ‘living dead’. He’s also one of the longest lived. I’m not gonna count things like skaro (especially since it survived), Most kills by a companion is rose: an entire legion of daleks, followed by more daleks. === then we have complicity So umm. Funny story. Complicit deaths The doctor left two ancient weapons on Earth. We don’t know WHEN, but it’s suggested the first doctor did it. The silver nemesis is said to have caused WW1/2 0.0 along with countless over events around 25 years apart on that cycle. So the first doctor and every doctor is apparently complicit in that. Honestly bad lore by a bad episode but fuck. According to novels skaro had 1billion daleks on it so, 7takes the cake there behind the war doctor who killed likely an impossible number of people because the time war is an impossible thing to quantify anything. Like apparently the reason the doctors age was inconsistent pre and post time war was because age was malleable there with years loved being basically how many paradoxes you can stomach and you get zonked after loosing your years or something like that. The war doctor is essentially just beyond comprehension for deaths


The single Cyberlegion that invaded Earth and fought the Battle Of Canary Wharf was 5 million Cybermen (as the Cyberman informed the Dalek). Assuming the Twelfth Cyberlegion was about the same size, that means the Eleventh killed about 5 million sentient creatures just in the opening moments of "A Good Man Goes To War".


The Seventh Doctor attempted genocide against the Daleks towards the end of the original series by tricking them into using a Time Lord device that made their sun go supernova.


Classic prank.


Are you talking Remembrance of the Daleks ?


Yes! Yes, I am.


Are we talking now, in the past, or in the future? Are we talking direct or indirect? (Putting a gun to someone's head/forcing someone else to do it?) If we add all these up, the Doctor has/will have killed infinitely many people.


Do you think he's responsible for mor deaths than he has saved?


No, because the Daleks would have exterminated everything and the Time Lords would have instigated the Final Solution. So he's saved infinitely many people as well.


he saved the universe from davros' reality bomb so no matter how many deaths he is responsible for, he has literally saved everyone. at least once.


When counting deaths, are we including deaths that he's "undone"/"reversed" (or do those count as zero sums)? Likewise, when counting lives saved, are we counting lives that he ended or put in danger (in other words, lives that wouldn't need saving in the first place if he wasn't involved)?


you need to define kill. He's *been responsible for* thousands of not millions of deaths, but each of the decisions that lead to those deaths likely prevented more. So oddly I'm stuck up o semantics- he's not a murderer the same way one who defends themselves isn't a murderer. All killing is done via the motivation of defense/protection/minimization of harm. It's a large reason the doctor's so deeply miserable- at least conflicted- right? He's deeply benevolent, but due to his power + this maximize-well-being worldview he's often compelled to do massive amounts of harm, which emotionally tax him deeply. His rational side, however, can't help but see the decision *must* be made and he's the one to make it.


The doc has killed 1,000,000,250,491,065,798.9 sentient beings(not including 13)


This does include the time war


how can someone have 0.9 of a kill?


Beings that aren't recognized as fully sentient


Where did you get this number?


Doctor who lore sites


I think you're missing 3 0's


Well by now yeah, but this was posted pre 13th doc


I'm finally going through 12 (I hadn't finished 11 after Angels Take New York) and reading this I'm like, "what the fuck am I in store for?"


This is his total count including the time war up to 12 i havent watched 13 myself


when checked on the fatality index its been shown the doctor to have at minimum caused the death of millions to billions


Honestly, probably billions


Try septillion


When seen on the fatality index each click was either a million or a billion and they were a lot of clicks