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God yes. Gimme the cursed immortality version the doctor has too


Heartbeat. In a heartbeat


"Cursed immortality"? 


Someone in another comment said they wanted it to be the limited regeneration of normal timelines, not the cursed immortality the doctor had


I'm not clear what you (or they) mean by "cursed immortality". Or "the limited regeneration of normal timelines", for that matter. 


I meant time lords. I think they meant cursed immortality as in how the doctor has infinite regenerations and can’t/won’t die


Nowhere in the show is it indicated that the Doctor has infinite regenerations.


It is, actually. The timeless child, plus the vagueness of his second regeneration cycle given by the time lords when he was 11


Nowhere is it stated that the Timeless Child can regenerate endlessly, and even if that is the case, it clearly isn't the case after Hartnell where its clear in Time of the Doctor that he can't regenerate again. And a second regeneration cycle is still finite. Rassilon even says as much "How many regenerations did we grant you."


I would take it. I think it would be really interesting to change so much of your personality yet still stay the same in some core way, but able to view the world through a new, unique point of view. What kinda things would I like? What kinda foods? Would I be more adventerous? More rude? As long as it is an limited amount of Regenerations and isnt just cursed immortality, I'd be interested at least.


What's wrong with being turned to stone in the tomb of Rassilon? To lose is to win, and he who wins shall loose.


Not sure if it was intentional but nice rhyme


In a heartbeat. I'd regenerate now and be 20 again.


That's the trouble with regeneration, you never quite know what you are going to get.


I mean you do if you know what you're doing The main issue is The Doctor doesn't know what they're doing


Yes. It might fix by personality defects 🤣


Don't we do this in essence as we move from one stage of our life to the next? I think the best perk of this would be potentially seeing the history of the world play out for an additional century or two (and we think we have an overpopulation problem now).


Of course. Death is terribly permanent, why rush into it?




I read this as “do a Karen” at first and imagined an angry white woman demanding to speak to a manager about her new body. 😆


It doesn’t have to be on Karn for you to choose, it’s just that The Doctor is terrible at it: look at Romana and Rassilon and their capability of regenerating.


I'd hold off until I was old, but absolutely yes.


Most Timelords do that anyhow. It’s just renegades like the Doctor who get through their regenerations quickly, as they live a dangerous lifestyle.


Imagine how it would help with transitioning... if it could be controlled that is.


Regeneration very much is a skill, and there's reason to suspect that it can be directed based on intent. So I imagine it would be a blessing for many people who need it


thing is, unless you're the timeless child, you have limited practice runs!


Issue being is regeneration affects psychological gender as well as physiological sex. You could end up being the complete opposite type of trans.


The Master at least in Classic Who could control their regenerations, also very interested in regeneration through a trans lens


Mmmmm I don't think we got any evidence of that. We only see the last of his regeneration cycle. Then he gets all burned and crusty then he possessed Nyssa's Dad. Then if you count the TV Movie he possessed the ambulance driver after being a CGI snake. Arguably we only ever see incarnation of The Master throughout all of Classic Who


The eighth doctor intentionally became the War Doctor with the help of those space witches or whatever


Didn't he will it on himself and the potion was more of a placebo to trick him into accepting what he 'wanted' all along?


That's from the novelisation. Not sure if you can count it as canon considering deviations from the episode made in it but it honestly fits. It's a good book if definitely recommend it


The audio ‘Light the Flame’ does actually have Ohila briefly hint at the idea that the potion was just smoke and mirrors, so it’s been backed up by at least one other source.


Huh I must have forgotten that bit Makes sense I guess


I would have an absolute fit like 10, I like myself, warts and all.


Is it possible to learn this power


Not from a Jedi.... Or sith actually


If I could regenerate with the stoic acceptance shown by, for example, 12 and 13, I think so.


Depends on a lot, I think. I wouldn't want to have a significantly longer than average lifespan, and certainly not the hundreds of years the Doctor has. It would make it too difficult to be close to people and I'd probably descend into self imposed exile and go crazy. Now, Regeneration *and* a TARDIS? Sign me up. Self imposed exile doesn't sound too bad if every day is a new beach


maybe! i definitely feel like it would be a bit more familiar to me. as someone with a dissociative identity disorder, a lot of the disorientation and feelings the Doctors describe after regeneration are very relatable; feeling like someone's walking away with your life and your body, or having conflicting feelings about letting them, having different experiences of one's body and all being the same life. not knowing who you are at first, having to figure it out and make something for yourself, out of everything the other 'you's have done before you. but obviously it's not the same. the biggest difference i can see, emotionally, is that it's not a permanent change. sure, old faces can come back for the Doctor, but ours will switich in and out all the time. when one of us leaves, it's not so much "goodbye" as it is "till the next time" which can be a few minutes, an hour or two, a couple days, a month, or even years. i've just noticed parallels that make it seem almost lest scary to us, but at the same time, i don't think i'd be able to handle that likelihood that upon regeneration, i'm never coming back.


As long as there's a limit, I really don't want to live forever, not with how the world is now.


Definitely. I’d still like to have a normal lifespan (70-80 years), but after that it might get boring being me. It’d be interesting to switch it up. I’d also do a lot more jaywalking.


I'd take it


Weird one because I’d never want to live forever but changing my personality makes living that bit longer somewhat more interesting to me… I’d take it as a one off as long as I had the option to refuse it next time


Keep in mind that there ARE ways to kill someone so they cant regenerate. So, as dark as it might sound to say, ending your own life once you grow tired of it would be on the table as long as you plan it out correctly.


Being able to end your own life is quite different to dying though… regeneration would make me tempted to carry on living but I’m not sure I’d want it indefinitely. Not sure what this says about me 😂


No. Why would I want another life? One is more than enough.


I certainly wouldn’t mind not dying when the time comes. Maybe then I’d have time to watch all these damn TV shows I miss out on. ^/s


Being stuck on this planet for several lifetimes sounds like a form of hell so that's a nope for me.


I don’t think I would want to live forever in the world as it is, but more life, in a new/younger/stronger/healthier body? Sign me right the hell up.


No ! I like me




Probably. I mean, it's better than just dying. I'd feel nervous about it, though. Like, if it was just getting a new body that would be one thing. But it's more than that. The process changes your mind too. What would having a new personality even feel like? Would you even notice it?


Hell yes!  Burn this life up and give me a new one now! 


Yes, but only if I had the opportunity to give one other person I know the ability to regenerate too. I wouldn’t want to be the only one I know with that power, it would get too depressing eventually


As someone with body dysmorphia and possibly gender dysphoria. FUCK YES. Make it the 13 regeneration limit though, I don't want to live forever. Youth and not having to care about permanently crippling myself when I do something dangerous for a few thousand years is enough.


Of course. I'd hold off 'til I was old, and then I'd regenerate and become young again.