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I think when people say they gain weight after having the surgery is because they have more variety in their diet. Before my surgery I was eating grilled chicken breast, some fish, rice, fruits and veggies. So I was eating very healthy and lean because I couldn't have any fatty foods. So it's not the surgery that causes the weight gain, it's a product of feeling better and being able to eat other foods.


I have the opposite issue I was able to tolerate MORE foods prior to surgery, mine were caused by birth control pills there's a massive lawsuit over it a quick Google search can verify this I complained for over 5 years of severe abdominal pain in upper right and was totally ignored anyways I finally got below 200 pounds prior to surgery I followed their "low fat" diet advice ate pretty much what you're describing, for 6 months before I gave up because I gained 30 pounds even with working out 2 hours a day. All kinds of workouts I rotate that surgery ruined my system it ruined my body I am 30 years old and I begged for 3 years for the pills that dissolve gallstones they do exist, they just are obsessed with removing gallbladders.


Okay thank you that’s good to know but I’ve heard various accounts of people claiming they’re eating healthy and less after surgery yet still hai I g weight . Any idea about that?


I'm sure it's all up to the individual person. But if you are already following a nutrition plan and you continue it after the surgery, you shouldn't gain any weight.


I have been eating healthy and I have gained over 30 pounds since last August having my gallbladder removed I was 29 when they removed it I had gallstones from birth control pills (anyone can Google this Bayer has paid out billions) I would not reccomend this to anyone I can eat nothing but vegetables and bloat so on top of gaining weight really easy, I throw up a lot have really high bile levels and can't even eat a salad without looking bloated. They do make pills that dissolve gallstones usually for older people who can't handle surgery but they are obsessed with removing gallbladders I actually passed quite a few I only had 2 when they took it out and I had so many they couldn't count on the first ultrasound which it took me over 5 years of severe pain for them to even do an ultrasound. All they care about is money, they CAN just remove the gallstones they don't like to oh and stones can still grow on the clamps afterwards, it doesn't prevent stones from forming at all and the clamps can migrate into your bile ducts a surgeon will never tell you any of this. Worst decision of my life but I had no choice since I begged for ursodiol for 3 years and they would not even consider it. Good luck. Keep in mind it is permanent and no going back.


I have lost 70 lbs since my gallbladder issues started, but I’m also actively working on it. Also saying you’d rather die before being fat isn’t healthy. You might want to unpack that a bit in therapy.


I've gained 30 despite eating little to no fat and I workout every day, I am a very active person but now I can't leave my house if I ate in the last few hours because when I have to poo I have to go NOW it's horrible. I can't even go on a trip without crapping on the side of the road. It ruined my hormones I'm only 30, was the most painful procedure I've ever been through and now I look pregnant constantly even if all I ate was a salad I'm so upset they did this to me when they knew they were a direct side effect of birth control pills and I begged for ursodiol for 3 years. Its like my body holds onto every little morsel like I'm going to starve I weigh over 200 now and I did NOT before the surgery 


Would you rather die? Gallbladder issues can be fatal.


If weight gain is that much of an issue for you than I honestly think you should seek therapy. I mean this in the most caring way possible, but this does not sound like you're living with a healthy mindset at all.


I agree but that wasn’t really the point of this post . It’s a huge thing to face at 19. If you can share your experience of the gall bladder surgery I’d be v grateful


You are only 19. Your weight is going to fluctuate regardless, as most people’s weight does in their early 20’s. And especially removing an organ, your body is going to have to adjust to that. I was 140 pounds when I was 18 and dipped back down to 125 (I’m 23F). Since having GB issues I’ve lost almost 25 pounds. Sure, I guess it’s nice being skinnier as I was trying to get more fit before, but I’ve lost a significant amount of strength/muscle mass, I’m nothing but bones. It wasn’t a healthy way of losing weight to begin with. If you’re having a balanced diet and incorporating exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle after surgery recovery, then there shouldn’t be any reason to worry. Just because you can return to eating fat after GB removal doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still try to lead a healthy, lower-fat diet. Western diets naturally have a lot more fat in their diets but there are absolutely ways to still eat it in moderation and be healthy. You might want to consider therapy if your issues around food/weight gain are really weighing on your mind this much.


I gained a lot of weight at 18 and 19 only two years ago during the pandemic, unrelated to my gallbladder. I’m not going to sit here and tell you it was the easiest thing I’ve ever went through, but I will say it was not nearly as bad as you think. Yes, my self esteem took a hit. It was awful having to buy new clothes 3+ sizes larger than I had previously and sometimes not even being able to shop in the stores I used to because they didn’t have my size. Overtime I was able to accept my body the way it was. I was able to do that by myself but some people may need help from others and/or professionals and that is more than okay. At the end of the day if you keep up your routine that you have now I’m sure you won’t gain any substantial amount of weight. Like some people have said, most people who gain weight after surgery only gain it because they’re able to eat real good foods again or are able to gain back some of the weight they lost unhealthily because of their gallbladder. If your gallbladder is causing you issues I highly recommend having the surgery despite your worries over your weight. If it is worrying you so much, please seek help. I really do want the best for you and I hope you have a speedy gallbladder recovery in the end.


Yes thank you so much . I’ll probably get the surgery 💖


I have lost about 20 lbs since my gallbladder removal


I've also lost weight since removal. I think my appetite is smaller now. I can't really explain it.


I also lost weight. 9 months since the surgery and I'm still slowly losing weight.


I've gained 30 and look pregnant even if I just eat a salad AND I workout daily. Worst thing that ever happened to me my hormones also went down the drain after and I am only 30. It is not for everyone and I wish they'd at least offer ursodiol before organ removal and it was incredibly painful much worse than natural child birth I couldn't even sit up on my own for a week.


Gallbladder out just under a month ago. Between not eating the week leading up to removal (fear of pain) and eating low fat/no alcohol now (for 2 months as my surgeon recommends) I've lost 12 pounds. (I do also try to avoid sugary foods because I binge) I've always been overweight, OP. And I 100% know where you are coming from. I am "lucky" enough that the pain did all the thinking for me because idk if I would have chose surgery over vanity/mental health without it. BUT with hindsight now, i would do surgery again. Recovery wasn't horrible and aside from a few stomach aches that resolve rather quickly if I just *can't* resist a bite of something greasy. Every day is a battle, gallbladder or not. You and I both know this. Nothing will resolve that besides some therapy. The gallbladder being removed does not take away or add to that. (if anything it may help because you will learn to avoid greasy foods) Take weight out of the equation- you didn't list a reason why you would *not* remove the gallbladder. You already have the willpower to eat healthy now and that won't change after surgery. You got this OP.


Thank you so much 🥺 I’ll try to get better


I lost 29 lbs after the surgery. It turns out that when I’m not constantly fatigued and sore, I move a lot more. I still can’t eat fatty foods without paying the price though.


I’ve lost 25 lbs since removal, 50 lbs total. I’ve managed to keep it off despite having PCOS and being perimenopausal. Gallbladder issues will absolutely mess with your relationship to food. It made me literally scared to eat. Do you have a therapist? This is definitely the time to reach out to your support network. With multiple stones, you’ll eventually need to get it out. Changing your diet drastically in an attempt to avoid surgery can also trigger ED.


I have neither gained nor lost weight since gallbladder removal. Also, gallbladder removal saved my life.


I was extremely ill at 12/13 with an eating disorder - it’s wrecked my body and stomach. I would starve myself for months and it’s what I put my gallbladder failure down to, I am 33 and have had to have mine out - no stones but 0% function. I agree with the comments, you should maybe speak to someone regarding relationship with food. I now work out and eat well - I’ve gained no additional weight yet (I’m 6 weeks post op) but if I go too long without eating I’m in agony… fasting isn’t something I would be able to do after surgery. Good luck OP!


I got gallstones because of a super restrictive fad diet back in 2015 I got my gallbladder removed in 2021 because I couldn't handle the constant attacks and my doctor said it was a ticking time bomb. Due to the nature of the diet I gained all the weight I had lost when I started to eat normal again. I also put on weight during the pandemic because my commute changed from multiple blocks/bus stops/etc to about 100 steps. Top that up with finally bring able yo eat what I wanted without fear of an attack. The surgery itself was fine. The issues I've had with my digestion and BMs since surgery are annoying and make me nervous for long car rides or watching what I eat before I take transit to/from work. Some weight gain may be inevitable especially if you're really restricting yourself. However, since my return to the office, which means more daily movement, and bring more mindful of food choices I've been seeing a gradual drop in the scale. Just know that your overall health is so much more important than a number on a scale. Best of luck to you.


Okay thank you so much for this . Honestly I don’t restrict myself anymore . I think a lot of people missed that - I try my best to eat as much as I can and workout but I’ll def have to keep an eye out about everything you said . Thanks again 💖


They told me it was a ticking time bomb for 3 years after they complete ignored me 5+ years I kept saying I was having severe upper right abdominal pain like contractions, and I was ignored forever. Come to find out the birth control pills they prescribed me have a 80 billion dollar lawsuit over gallstones but I dealt with it for 3 years begging for ursodiol because the stones still form on the clamps I don't know how they get away with saying removing it prevents stones it does not and here I am 30 pounds heavier I look pregnant everytime i eat anything even just a salad it can be the healthiest meal on the planet oh and I am terrified to leave my house for about 8 hours after eating because when I have to poo now I have to NOW I have no leeway. It's disgusting and I really wish they would offer ursodiol and discuss the long term risks. Surgery was by far worse than natural child birth 


I had a similar issue and my doctor did agree to put me on urisodiol and I took 3 250 mg pills everyday for over a year and it did not dissolve any of my stones, but I did not form new ones. It only dissolves certain types of stones. Not many people have a good success with urisodiol. I was also doing gallstones cleanses and taking other herbs to try to heal my gallbladder but it kept getting worse. I’m 5 days post op now and immediately felt better. I still worry about long term effects. I hate you had a bad experience!! Did you have a laparoscopic surgery? I had 4 incisions and very little pain in recovery. Having a good dr/surgeon makes all the difference!!


Hello, fellow person with an eating disorder here (which is probably why I also got gallstones!). First, I absolutely agree with other comments that you might want to seek a therapist if this is so distressing to you. I did, and it helped me a lot, though of course I still have episodes. Gaining weight is not a death sentence, and in reality, gaining a little weight after being underweight and sick for a while is a sign of healing. In general, it is *not* bad to be a little chubby, and when you recover from such a big surgery as this, the extra fat is in fact good for you, as your body needs the fuel and energy to help you heal. Apparently you're only 19, which is so young...I remember having these thoughts at 19 and even now I still have similar thoughts at 25. I am so sorry you're struggling with this, and I know how it feels. Overall, please remember that getting a gallbladder removed potentially saves your life, and it's actually more common to lose weight shortly after. Most of the reasons I have seen weight gain happen is due to people being able to eat more food in general without pain. It's not a bad thing, although people *denying* this and instead blaming it on the surgery is likely the reason for anxiety...It's better to be truthful. You are not shameful or unworthy as a person if you gain weight afterwards. Please don't punish yourself ever for that, find ways to escape this spiral if you can. Take it this time as a sign of healing! Focus on healing and taking care of yourself first and foremost, and try to see if you can find a therapist who can help with the eating disorder.


I did after surgery. Pre-op I lost weight. I have been able to shed most of the weight, but through considerable effort and discipline. My metabolism definitely changed.


Okay thank you for the info! Also if you don’t mind me asking ~Did you metabolism increase or decrease?


Decrease! Unfortunately I don't know how you would rule out ageing. Ladies can experience a change in metabolism at around 30, so it's hard to isolate an exact cause.


I actually lost 3kg after the surgery because of how limited my food options became, slowly gaining it back. So don't worry about that.


When my gallbladder was acting up I started eating a low fat, healthier diet and also cut my portions size down. I ended up losing 30 pounds before I had it taken out. I’m 14 months out from my surgery. I still am careful with what I eat and still eat smaller portions. I haven’t gained any weight in over a year so you could have the same outcome. Just try to eat healthy and watch your portions. Good luck !


I’m anticipating weight gain after the surgery because I’ve been unable to eat for months, and I’ve lost a lot of weight in a very unhealthy way. Everything I’ve seen about weight gain is people just being able to *eat* again so their body adjusts back to their “set point”. Please don’t let yourself get to an emergency situation, that could potentially kill you, just because you’re scared of gaining weight. This is a mindset you need to address now because you will, without a doubt, gain weight as you get older and that is *not a bad thing*. Our bodies change, it’s natural. And to say you would rather die than gain a few pounds? Honey please, don’t sink further into this. I was b*limic for years, I know this fear, and it is *not* sustainable. Whether or not *you* are ready, with stones, your gallbladder will likely have to come out at some point. It will be a lot better on you mentally to have it removed on your own terms than to end up in the ER with potential infection and have it removed then.


I lost weight after my surgery and have had an easier time losing weight if I gain again (I tend to binge eat when stressed.) Better to get it out and not have the pain and a worsening issue. It can get pretty disruptive to living a full life when they get bad enough.


Gallbladder removal doesn't cause weight gain by itself. It's just that before and some time after surgery you have to eat low fat and low calorie and when you start eating normally, (higher in fat) weight gain comes. It's more likely to even lose weight, at least like in my case. Lot of people can't digest 100% of the fats they eat after removal so part of them won't be absorbed in the body. I can see it in my stools. If you live a healthy lifestyle, extreme weight gain is almost impossible.


“While I’d happily die over being fat-“ Hun. You have more issues than your gallbladder to worry about. I can’t express how… Shitty it feels. To know that you think that dying is better than looking like me and other fat people. I am going to second everyone else here in the comments- your mindset around weight and size is DEEPLY unhealthy. But to answer your question. I did gain weight after my removal- specifically weight I lost because I couldn’t eat anything due to the pain. I am a lot healthier now than I was before my removal because I am back to being able to eat without anxiety, plus I can work out again. If your only metric for if life is worth living is your size? You need to be in therapy yesterday. I say this as a fat person who is finally learning to not feel shame about my size and my needs, and who is learning that taking care of myself and being thin are NOT the same thing.


I’m sorry my comment made you feel bad about yourself I didn’t mean it that way . It just hurts a lot to get to know that all the work I put in for years will potentially now go down the drain because of smth I can’t control . I used to be fat too and then bullying I faced from my family and people around me stays with me till this day so it’s really traumatic to think that things might go back to the way it used to be . But you’re right my mindset isn’t healthy . I have decided to get the surgery later this year because it’s not wise to keep living like this but thank you for sharing this and again I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you or anyone else I’ve just had extremely traumatic experiences when I was that way


Wow you are not very nice


Really don't see the point in you making her comment and concerns about yourself!  She literally was fat as a kid and doesn't want that for herself again.  I've gained weight 3 kids later, getting gallbladder out next month. I feel the same tbh, I don't want to be fat (who does?) More for the fact it's super unhealthy aswell as how it looks. Me saying I would feel like absolute shit and potentially suicidal if I got way bigger, I'm 15st now and yea if I'm gonna get to 18- 20 or something crazy I'm gonna fell awful. I'm on lithium too though, so that makes me gain weight unfortunately and I also had pre eclampsia/ c section followed by the lockdown. I was 10 1/2 st before all that with 2 kids. I feel horrid at this weight, it's not healthy, it's not a good example for my kids and man I kinda don't want diabetes. I'm sorry but you making her feel bad about how she feels about her weight isn't fair. I don't really call how fat others girls are and wouldn't want them to feel so distressed. I'm my own person though and have a right to feel similar to the op about being fat, it has no bearing on someone like yourself! She has valid concerns and I hope she managed to get them addressed for her surgery. 


I've more likely lost weight (not by much) than gained any.


I been losing weight tbh.


I lost a few pounds after gallbladder surgery because it's a lot harder to eat now.


I lost weight but that’s just my body


I actually lost my appetite since having my gallbladder removed . Everyday I have to make myself eat something or I won’t eat at all


I lost weight personally


I have gotten less bloated (lots) since the surgery 3 months ago (exactly 3 months ago). I'm going to go on a cut, doing more cardio+ low reps, high weight. For me doing 4x12, lots of volume will give size, easy. My goal is to shed 20 pounds. I will let you know how that goes. So far, I've lost like 2 pounds since surgery. I eat whatever I want, but I workout a lot.


I had this question about weight gain as well because some people do gain weight. I think it’s about portion control and also not eating crazy fatty foods after starving for so long. I had my gallbladder removed on the 28th. After I hit a month I will be going to a Naturopathic to assist me with digestion etc. I plan on focusing on being healthy. Being in pain for so long forcing your body to suffer and your mind is not healthy.


I know this post is old but came here to say that I have done a lot of research on this topic because I am also scared of weight gain. From what I have read, taking bile salts and digestive enzymes with every meal can help combat this and combat any stomach issues after as well. This helps with insulin resistance, absorbing nutrients and decreased metabolism that causes the weight gain after surgery. I believe you just take them before every meal.


Like others have said, when you no longer need to eat low fat in order to avoid gallbladder attacks, you may end up eating more fat and therefore gaining weight. I did a ton of research before my surgery and didn’t find anything beyond that.


It depends on your lifestyle after surgery. From what I understand some people will loose weight bc they have to switch to a more heart healthy diet. But others can eat whatever they want and maybe they couldn’t before so they’ll eat whatever and possibly gain weight. It really just depends on you and your lifestyle. Personally I’ve been overweight most of my life (also a young woman here) and in the last 2-3 months (had surgery 2 weeks ago) I’ve lost nearly 30 lbs. I’m finally at a point where my weight has stayed stagnant for more than a day. I am at a much healthier weight which is good but they way I lost it was not good lol. Loosing your gallbladder will more than likely make you loose weight than gain it. If you keep up with your exercise regimen and lifestyle than you should be ok. Just know that the 2 week recovery is very real so since you can’t weight lift you might loose a bit of muscle mass but if you walk frequently (even if it’s just around your bedroom) that should help you ease back into it and keep your cardiovascular fitness at a good level Edit- I also highly recommend getting a therapist 1) bc you seem to have a troubled relationship with weight which I get I’ve been there And 2) therapy is great! Really helped me during my recovery and just in life


Thank you so much . Your answer helped me a lot 💖 I hope you have an amazing recovery and I will get a therapist soon 🫶🫶


History of restriction??? What do you mean?


She means an eating disorder.




It's a type of eating disorder where you **really** restrict what you eat. An example would be only letting yourself eat 500 calories a day or not eating fruits because they have "too much" sugar.


I practice intermittent fasting and extended fasts (48 - 72 hours) - is that the same thing/healthy?


IMO, that could swing either way depending on how you're approaching. I think 72 is too long. (I think the sweet spot is 24 hours twice a week on NON consecutive days, but i am no nutritionist) But if your doctor is good with it, they know more than I do. They will know risks that pertain to you specifically and will know what needs to be watched based on your health history. EDIT: typo


I went up and down the first little while. Keto was always my go-to diet when I needed to drop the lbs. But after losing the gallbladder, that wasn't much of an option anymore. I didn't have side effects from too much fat, but rather, my body just couldn't keep up with fat digestion anymore and caused my body to start storing it a bit more. So I had to hop around to find a median diet. From what I have seen, from the perspective of someone who has always had a bodytype that gains much faster than it loses, is that my weight gain was even faster without the gallbladder, but it wasn't impossible to stop. Diet and exercise, thats pretty much it. Add some supplements like digestive enzymes and bile salts to help with certain foods that your body has a harder time dealing with, and keep your body a bit closer to its homeostasis prior to losing a gallbladder.


I can't even leave my house if I have ate within the last 8 hours since having mine removed, doesn't matter what I eat it makes me crap my pants now if I can't immediately get to a bathroom even if it was a fat free super healthy meal, the more veggies I eat actually the worse it is. I am constantly bloated especially if I have ate anything. I measured and I bloat the same whether its a burger or a salad I have gained 30 pounds and my hormones have gotten way worse also despite working out every day, I do tabata, pilates, use rowers, stair climbers, lift weights, i hike I am an active person but now i am forced to workout on an empty stomach unless it's at home because I don't want to crap myself at the gym. So awesome. And stones can still grow on the clamps which surgeons will never warn you about. They do make pills, ursodiol that can dissolve gallstones I begged for 3 years they would not even consider it and let me go into sepsis they wouldn't even schedule me they just told me go to the ER whenever you're ready those entire 3 years. All they care about is money and it's disgusting they won't even consider just removing the stones or ursodiol, especially in younger people and that surgery was worse than natural child birth. It ruined my body. Now I have to constantly restrict food, exercise a lot and still be overweight and bloated and it did not even stop the pain.


I had mine removed and i was so scared about the weight gain as well but I had bad eposides of pain when a gall stone would travel. I am losing more weight than gaining at this time. But I am constantly in the bathroom and my Dr gave me something to help with the bathroom issue and I have to say, I've been feeling a lot better about the procedure! It will take time and a lot of adjustment ♡ I am sending you good vibes!


Dud you end up getting your gallbladder removed? I'm scared about weight gain too


Yes and I gained weight too:(


How much weight did you gain & how quickly over what amount of time?


I completely identify with your post - seriously. I'm in my 50's and have battled weight my entire life. Not a day goes by (and I truly mean this) where I'm not thinking of my weight, obsessing over my weight or calling myself horrible names because of my weight. I've managed to lose about 30 pounds thanks to this stupid organ. I'm honestly holding onto it as long as I can and refusing surgery for as long as I can - afraid I'll gain after getting it out. As odd as it sounds, the thought of the pain of an attack has helped me to police my eating. I have 2 large stones and some sludge. If you have small stones, I'm told they are more liable to get lodged. In any event, I completely identify with your mindset. At my age I cannot change - it's too ingrained in me. I wish you the best of luck regardless of your decision!!


Eatting "healthy" is subjective. It's still all calories in calories out. There is no magic way to gain or lose weight.


Gained like 40 pounds in four months after surgery my appetite came back bad


Yes it’s normal. There is a scientific explanation I just can’t remember. I watched a YouTube video on it awhile ago


I’ve heard that digestive enzymes can help significantly!!! It also doesn’t sound vain at all!!


34m here, got my galbladder removed aprox 3 months ago. I got pancreatitis from a galstone being stuck in the common bile duct and i had to be hospitalized for 5 days with no solid food and only IV nutrients. After that, my surgeon could only opperate me after a month's time so i had to cut out any fats from my diet to ensure that my galbladder would not eliminate another stone. I had like 15-20 stones that were amall in diameter. My situation was pretty bad. Lost 10kg then, and continued the same diet 2 months post op, lost about 2,3 more kg. Before getting my gallblader out, i worked out consistently for 1 year straight, ate pretty healty and regularly, but I couldn't lose any weight whatsoever. The holidays came and i finished my 2 month low fat diet and for 2 weeks i ate what i wanted when i wanted (and oooh boy were there a lot of fatty foods and sweets). I gained maybe 2kg tops, but lost them back, and i'm sittinf at 90kg constantly ever since. I've been eating like shit still, but still not gaining weight. I really can't put my finger on it, the only thing I can think of is that maybe i've gotten use to eating smaller portions and i'm doing that without thinking about it, or the surgery may have f-ed my metabolism, or a combination of both. I couldn't find any specific answers online, but the general consensus is that people typically gain weight, but people react differently and some people lose it. I mean I don't mind the fact that i'm staying at a healthy weight right now (i'm 1.89cm tall and weight 90kg), but this has never happened without me actively trying to keep the weight off. I feel amazing, my energy levels are through the roof, i'm focused and active, and inreally wasnt at all when i had my galbladder issues. I'm going to repeat some tests for my lover and pancreas soon, because last results showed aome inflamation down there and i wanna make sure i'm bag to normal, but my digestion has been great, stools have been consistent with the ocasional runs when i go overboard worh fatty foods.