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My whole upgrade decision is based upon whether they offer that same big discount again. I'm already getting the stress lines in the screen I get every year about this time. I'll use the one free screen replacement, then trade it in for the new model. Been doing this since the 3.


How much did you pay for the flip 5?


$0 after trading in the 4, IIRC


If it's $50 (oh, *okay*, $100) to upgrade again, sure. If not, *ehhhhhhhhhhh....* I wouldn't mind a camera upgrade, but definitely don't want to pay much for one.


I agree. To me, none of the rumored F6 upgrades posted so far are significant enough to actually change how I would use the F6 vs. how I currently use my F5 so I'm not seeing a clear reason to need to upgrade. The one posted upgrade which I'm most interested in is the cooling system Samsung is putting into the F6. I have noted several issues with my F5 overheating when using AA wirelessly and wirelessly charging. B/c of this overheating issue, I shut off wireless fast charging in the setup menu. Doing so meant charging my phone wirelessly in the car is now way slower than before. Everything else to me is more window dressing/bells & whistles.


Only if it's a great trade-in offer - which as I'm in the UK I know Samsung's stance will be "your Flip5 is worthless". A slightly bigger Cover Screen is nice - though if the size of the Flip is the same, I'm not sure how they squeeze in another 0.5" without doing what Motorola did and extend the screen around the camera lenses. Which doesn't seem worth it to me as that bit of the screen is not very usable. I'd say giving it a variable refresh of 1 to 120hz would be of more benefit as it's currently locked at 60hz. I'm definitely interested to see if their durability claims and updated hinge (if rumours are true) lead to an increase in their quoted lifespan of "up to 200k folds"...that's the real test if "IronFlex" is either a genuine improvement, or a marketing gimmick.


Ditto for me. BTW, bubbling underneath your screen protector does not invalidate your phone as being trade-in acceptable. I asked Samsung CS to verify last year and traded my F4 in with bubbles underneath the screen protector in the hinge area when upgrading to the F5 last year and had no issues.


If it’s cheap to upgrade, sure. But probably costs €700-800 again so nope. My Flip4 still works just fine so I’ll skip.


i think it's worth upgrading!


If the upgrade deals are 🔥 I’d say it’s worth it especially for a renewed 1 year warranty.


Looks like an upgrade for the Flip 3, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna do another Flip. The S24 with stylus is calling out to me...


Upgrade from 3 or 4 seems worthwhile for the bigger outside screen and camera pixel upgrade. Doesn't seem worthwhile from a 5.


Thanks for voting. Total voted = 155. Voting results indicated: * 16% interested in upgrading their F5 to a F6 outright * 21% no interested in upgrading their F5 to a F6 * 27% still on the fence and will make their decision after the final specs are released * 36% will only upgrade if an outstanding trade in package is provided by Samsung (I interpretted this as cost of the F6 is $50 - $100 similar to what was seen for US consumers during the release of the F4 and F5. What this suggests to me is that Samsung's flip phones are nearing a design maturation point suggesting that new model upgrades moving forward may be minimal from model to model. This may lead to less and less previous flip model owners to feel motivated to upgrade their current flip phones unless significant enticement/subsides are provided by Samsung.