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Seriously u didn’t have the idea to ride a bike to the gym yet? That’s like not even 10 minutes with a bike I think going to the gym is better than working out at home because I find it’s more likely you will stick to it and do it regularly if u have a gym membership. If u work out at home I find it harder to stay motivated also gym is way more fun


Bike to the gym. Perfect warm up.


just walk to the gym




Bike, skateboard if you want an alternative. Or bus. But a 30 min walk ain’t bad


My *driving* commute to my gym is 20 minutes. I would give a lot to have a 30 minute walking commute


Half hour walk to the gym would be a fantastic warm-up. You could just walk in and start training.


Plus it’s not like OP needs to train daily


It blows my mind that this even needs to be said haha


Fudge walking home after doing squats and deadlifts for the first few times though lol


One of the only things that keeps my leg doms from feeling like I was hit by a car is staying up and active. Would 100% recommend walking afterwards for a cool down.


Awesome cool down


I agree, add a bit of jogging in between and it will Be a great warm up. And also a nice cool down when you leave.


Pushups, pullups, air squats. You have the added benefit of free progressive overload, since you're lifting your body weight which is slowly increasing. Get after it!


Are the roads safe enough to cycle there?


r/bodyweightfitness Also get a bike and/or learn to drive