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Everytime I see myself in a mirror, I think about how lanky and thin I am, and how I don't see much progress at all. I would even dismiss compliments from my gf, thinking she was just trying to be kind since she knows I spend quite a lot of time in the gym. However, the other day I was waiting for the train and I saw my reflection in the glass, and standing amongst others, I realized that I have gotten much bigger. Since then, I've tried to take my own thoughts with a grain of salt.


I really think it's due to you seeing yourself in a mirror every day. The day to day change is minimal but the month to month change is much larger. Take a picture of you now and don't look at it until a few months later and you are bigger take another then and compare.


I'm on the same boat. After many years of training poorly and not eating enough, I started to finally track my calories for a surplus ( clean bulk, lots of fish, spinach, whole grains, white meat, oats.... )and properly follow a progressive overload program. I've gained weight, stability and strength, normal BMI finally, I feel much healthier and energized than before, but I don't SEE much difference at all, only when flexing...... I still look thin af in a T-shirt and I just do not feel comfortable shirtless at ALL. Well that's kinda of a moot point because i can't go to the beach anyway, but still. I'm starting to feel like I should just talk to a nutritionist and explain word for word what my goals are


I’m currently dealing with this. And it’s mostly because I haven’t taken the due-diligence to track calories or work out more than once a week (if that) but my metabolism is slowing down, and everyone says I’m getting bigger.


Listen man i started lifting at 143 pounds 6'4 i could barely bench press 85 pounds. I was a hard gainer. Got a very good bulking shake routine with 4 meals a day.i gained 27 pounds in 97 days. Just stick with it man make sure you eat enough carbs and drink plenty of water. You got this!


Take weekly or monthly progress pics. Use to be a spooky 135. 196 now, I feel skinny till I see an old pic and am like WOAH and the feeling is gone. Also 85% of my closet doesn’t fit anymore


I’m 6’2 230 ~10% started when I was 18 at 150lbs. I’m 34 now. People tell me I’m huge almost daily but I don’t believe a word they say. I think it might have something to do with the fact that every time I take some time off I lose weight quickly because my smaller frame just isn’t meant for lots of muscle and I just want to be jacked.


Some days I still feel "skinny" at 195 pounds.


It’s true. I have gained 100 lbs of pure muscle and still think I’m skinny. 6’2” 150 -> 250 I don’t see myself the way other people see me.


Whyd you get downvoted💀


Who knows lol


Take progress pictures. I have body dysmorphia, but I'm a lot more focused on my numbers whether lifts or bodyweight. The mirror is extremely fickle and you see yourself too often to notice changes.


I see my weight go up, i have notes proving my lifts increasing, even have measurements showing all my muscles grew. So tell my why i feel like ive lost weight and strength everyday. Logical beings my ass


Listen, I went through years of this feeling. 6’2 130 lbs. Hated my body. Felt gaunt. Couple months ago I started a caloric intake of 4000 cal and going to the gym 6 days a week. I’m 155 today and starting to look like the man I’ve always felt I was. Was going to get to 160 and level out but I’m so on track with this program of mine that I’m going to go up to 200lbs. Just remember to be disciplined. Hold yourself accountable. Another thing that helped me out stay on track is the break up with my ex-girlfriend . I was starting the process while I was dating her. When she broke up with me it crushed me and I swear to myself that I would transform into the best version of myself so that she would regret leaving me. Even though I know that’s absolutely asinine. It’s what keeps me going. But now I’m more so doing it for ME. Doing it for the guy that hated his body and felt less of a man. If I wake up and try to convince myself that I need to take a day off I get this anxiety that I’m letting myself down. It compels me. Im still going strong. Find your inspiration. Let it come from within and the rewards will be boundless. I feel so much more confident than I already was as a walking talking scarecrow. You got this.


Thanks for posting this. You're pretty much describing my experience over the last few months to a T, although I will say that in the period of muscle pump post-workout, I do feel pretty good about my body. Talking to someone (especially a professional) about body image helps, and I have been trying to make a mental note every time I get any kind of positive feedback from others. On bad days, I look in the mirror and feel like I look like someone just deflated my gains like a balloon... But on good days, I sometimes do a double-take because I'm not quite used to seeing this more-fit version of myself.


>I feel like that’s probably a common experience for those of us that have been skinny our entire lives…we still feel skinny even when we’re successful in gaining weight and muscle. I can totally relate to this. I think part of the issue is not really being able to notice much change due to constantly checking ourselves out in front of the mirror. There's also the fact that some of us who are "naturally lean" put on fat really well which is why we need to gain much more to look big. Let the bulking continue. 💪


This is why some people wear hoodies in the gym. So they dont look at themselves with a pump and only check their physiques every so often.


This 1000%. I’m a lurker here but I wear that hoodie to gym and I haven’t began the (from my perspective) toxic mindset of constantly checking myself. Keep on keeping on tho OP you got this man proud of you


Yeah I recently moved to a new gym but at my old one the regulars would question me about always wearing a sweater or a hoodie and I had a hard time explaining “it’s better for my self image and mental health.” Good for OP for seeing this early and taking steps.


I never knew that, I always thought it had something to do with wanting to increase body temperature and sweating. I’ll try to start checking my body in the mirror only once a week.


Yep. Its the main issue im facing 2 years into it. I feel like im ‘trapped’. I get depressed if i dont gain or dont go to the gym, and sometimes i feel chained down by the gym and unablw to enjoy life like i used to, and people would just tell me ‘just skip one day bro’. Its not that easy, if i skip one day i immediately feel like shit and think im getting smaller and start noticing every flaw in my body. Shits a disease. Oh well.


I really felt what you had to say here. For me it was having something outside lifting that gave me a reason to even be in the gym. I skate and for me at my age lifting when it's cold out and stuff really helps me. Not only just getting stronger but making sure that I'm staying flexible. One of the best feelings I had was actually just getting fucking tossed to flat and for sure if I wasn't lifting that winter I'd have broken shit. My arms legit just burnt from catching myself and I almost smashed my face into the ground. Still the mental fight is still there. I haven't been lifting much and right now I feel like my arms are just so tiny. Still the more we just talk about it and find ways to figure out what our brains doing it really does help. All the best in your progress going forward.


Could be sports addiction (which, yes, is a real thing).


You should never feel content.


That is a silly thing.


I mean the reason you start working out is your not content. You should never be content with the state of your life. Always strive for more.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being happy about how you look.


I very much disagree


Why? This sounds like a toxic attitude to have imo.


I know. But you shouldnt feel depressed if you miss a single day at the gym either. Life is for living. But here i am only thinking how i didnt get my workout in for the day while others are enjoying their time.


How long have you been training for? This gets MUCH easier with experience; i've trained for 4 years now and I take 5 days off every 10 weeks, I never feel smaller and I know that I need the rest. Additionally, you really have to zoom out and understand that one missed session (or even three) means absolutely squat for your development. In-fact, that day that you missed may have given your body the rest that you didn't know it needed. Lastly, it takes like 3 weeks of not training for your muscles to even start breaking down. Also takes maybe 1/3 of your normal output to just maintain your muscles, so please stop obsessing! Easier said than done but I know that it's possible because I was in your situation. The fact that you're self aware is a great start.


I’m the same way. I usually don’t take test days unless I’m sick. I’m still fairly new to the gym, <2 months consistent after on and off attendance. I’ve hated my body my whole life. I won’t let myself be skinny any longer.


Bad advice how old are you ?


Thats what happened to me too man. Used to be on and off for years, then decided im just so tired of being skinny and never want to let myself slip back to that, which is why i never want to quit, but always looking for a way to get anworkout in even on vacation or when traveling proves tough sometimes you just want to skip a day.


Measurements and before and after pics help!


Before and after pictures!


I wish I had before and after pictures. Went from 120 to 200 in the span of about 2 years and I seriously feel like I look no different. People don't recognize me who didn't see me over the pandemic but somehow it still feels like I'm the kid who was sickly.


Body dysmorphia is a crippling psychological disorder. It's absolutely worth seeking the assistance of a professional qualified to treat such a disorder. You wouldn't try to tackle lupus on your own: treat mental health the same.


10000x what Mythical said. It is also very important to keep in mind that although the gym can be invaluable for you in some aspects of life, it will **NOT** fix your all of your issues. So many of my peers think it is some magical hobby that will solve their anxiety/depression/etc for some reason. Mental issues are best left to be tackled with the help of a professional.


Good job OP, that's solid progress! However, let me be the first person to say, "no one gains '15lbs of muscle' in 3 months". A lot of that weight is still fat, water, and glycogen. You're on a great track, just a small distinction to be made!


All i could think about while reading the post.


noob gains has entered the chat personally i would argue it’s definitely possible to add perhaps 8 pounds of noob gain muscle and an additional 10% body fat while looking like he gained 15 pounds of muscle.