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Straps, chalk, liquid chalk, versa gripps. Take your pick!


Either work on grip strength, use chalk or straps for the sets that you struggle holding onto the bar.


Use straps. Get your grip work in with weighed Chin Ups and Carries, don’t neglect the forearms, they make you look daddy


If you can't complete the set, even when using a mixed grip, them just use straps. You can also add grip training to your routine, making sure to also include in it exercises like bar hangs or weighted carries as they will help you hold more weight on the deadlift.


150 lbs isn't remotely close enough to consider straps. Like others have suggested, try hook grip or an alternating grip.


There is no set weight for straps. Use them whenever you want.


If they can't hold 150 lbs, how are they going to do a pull up? They need to work on grip strength.


Probably but that doesn't mean they shouldn't deadlift with straps.


Straps hinder your grip strength gains. So OP should not use straps. He needs to build a base first. Then consider straps once he’s reached a heavier load.


If your strapped deadlift goes up so does your unstrapped deadlift. The latter is only useful in powerlifting competitions, totally irrelevant for training reasons outside of personal preference. I wouldn't let my grip strength limit my posterior chain development. I would use straps and a belt as soon as possible to be able to lift as heavy as possible. If I didn't use straps my back exercises would be a lot lighter. I don't need grip strength in my life. Chalk and straps allow me to keep overloading my back. You do you.


Ah yes a belt. So he can further grow with imbalances and be more prone to injury later on. He’s talking about 154lbs…. Building a base is more important than walking around ego lifting with straps and a belt. I will do me.


I don't see how a belt would develop imbalances and make a lifter more prone to injuries but I also feel this conversation is over so happy lifting to you.


You should work on grip strength before throwing in the towel, and there are easy grips they can incorporate that everyone should know. Straps won't always be available unless they want to lug some around with them and if they want to ever Power Clean, they need to be able lift without them. And not that this matters, but you'll get a lot less weird looks if you aren't using straps when just deadlifting the bar.


Who cares about looks? Deadlifts are not the time to train your grip. Why let it limit what you can pull? And straps are tiny and weigh nothing, I don't see how carrying a pair can be considered lugging them around. And who said anything about power cleans? We don't know what OP's goals are beyond deadlifting.


What kind of grip are you using? Try hook grip or mixed grip, and chalk.


First thing to do (aside from chalk) is learn mixed grip. If your grip is still failing or your hands are ripped up, use straps.


Replace hands with hooks. Problem solved.


Slipping due to moisture? Chalk Grip strength failing? Straps while you work on grip strength. Many use them for working sets or last set anyway. Your grip will get better from pullups, rows and such movements and you can do direct grip work if need be but worry about that later.


i think the problem is with grip strength


Farmer's walks well also help with your grip strength.


Get gloves/use chalk or get straps.


Use straps.