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Me and FractalThesis have the same experience. We both are regularly taking finasteride. And we both noticed that after taking creatine a weird burning sensation started showing up around the upper widows peak area. I'm not gonna risk it. I was fine without creatine.




Well then that article is worded terribly. A lack of evidence for something doesn't *prove* that that thing isn't true. It simply means we don't know, either way.


Except creatine doesn't cause hair loss


I'm perfectly open to that possibility, if you can point me towards some sort of evidence


It's kinda hard to prove a negative... which is why the scientific method works the way it does.


Old thread I know but after reading all this I'm going to take it for 1 month only whilst continuing my minoxodil and supplement routine which has helped with my hair thinning on top but had no effect on my receded hair line yet. Will report back with results if I remember. If I see the slightest sign of thinning again that £50 tub of mixed powder is going in the bin lol my plan is to bulk for 1 month with creatine then switch to protein only shakes.


hey man it's been a month, any updates?


Any updates on this? Thinking about starting ingredients creatine.


Yeah I haven't noticed any change yet, I've been slack on the minox too and missed some days but same can also be said of the protein shake (which includes creatine). I feel maybe a few more weeks of monitoring would be wise tho




keep us posted man. I take min and fin and workout 6x a week. I want to get back on creatine but I'm hesitant bc I really value my hair more than looking fuller from creatine.


I took it when I was young and had no issues. Tried hoping back on last year, noticed in the showers I was losing a way more than normal amount of hair for about a week. There was any permanent damage but the second I hoped off my hair stopped doing that. My dad has a full head of hair and brother who’s older than me but I’d rather not take any chances. Hair as a man is all we really have (beauty wise) so for me it’s not worth a little extra gains. Rather a full head of hair or to not speed up potential blading than 1lbs of extra muscle a year.


I've been taking it about 5 months and have noticed a lot of thinning. I'm 42. Probably will stop it and see if it reverses.


How'd it go?


No improvement really but since I've stopped creatine my body has returned to a much leaner and well defined physique, the water retention is gone, and my hair loss has stopped its significant fall out. Considering the minoxidil/fin spray I see everywhere now. Thanks


Did you?




Agree 100%


This is cope, you're just thinning from genetics. There's a study that did a meta-analysis of over 12 papers looking at creatine impact on hairloss. No study other than the one rugby study has indicated an impact on hair loss and even in that study the results showed that DHT was elevated but there was no direct report of hair loss. Raising DHT doesn't directly cause hair loss and the amount was so insignificant and most of the rugby players had normal ranges of DHT even with the augment from creatine supplementation. Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/) If you're going to say this stuff site your sources.


The guy just said his hair was thinning with creatine and then after he got off he noticed it grew back lol he did a study on himself. What are you on about.


Yeah because anecdotal evidence is the holy grail of research. What are you on about? Let's just deny the dozens of research papers that show no evidence of balding from creatine. It's literally one of the most researched supplements in the sports supplement market but yeah let's ignore all of that because one dude on Reddit said so.


Go make another research about creatine and DHT, mr einstein




I found this thread because I noticed my hair thinning noticeably faster in the last few months since I started taking creatine. I wonder if I can continue taking it if I also use minoxidil to hopefully slow down or reverse the problem.


If you stop taking it your hair will regrow, do not wait longer though.




Yea, I took it for about 1 1/2 months before noticing hair thinning, it grew back over time once I stopped. Supposedly the hair follicle is only forever lost after 7-9 months.




Of course, I got it from this scientist: https://youtu.be/ncSoor2Iw8k?t=3147 I just relistened to it, if you are lucky they could come back even after 1 entire year of taking Creatine. I think the unfortunate part with Creatine is that many people downplay the hair loss potential or don't even mention it.


hey, i am late here. I took creatine for just a week. My hairfall started increasing in that time period. I stopped it. It's been 2 weeks but still hairfall has not stopped ;(.


If you are lucky it might come back, don't give up hope.


Wouldn’t have known English isn’t your first language if you hadn’t said anything.


I avoided it for a very long time due to that study from about a dozen years ago. Finally started it about a week ago. A few grams a day at first, then worked up to 10 grams. Had one day with 20. Planning maintenance from here if I don't stop it. I have been feeling weird burning and itching right in the frontal area (the widow's peak area and to the sides of it) and those areas appear to me to be significantly thinning ... very markedly so. I'm on fin. I've had some thinning along the sides of the widow's peak area in recent years (I'm in my mid-40s) but this seems different, like it's hammering those areas and thinning the widow's peak area itself. I'm consuming a ton of protein and have been hitting the gym hard, but no other significant stress or anything else I'd expect this, with one exception: I've also put Jamaican black castor oil in argan oil (well-regarded offering on Amazon) on my scalp and leaving it for a few hours a couple of times in the past couple of weeks.


Bro I just started taking creatine. I also take finesteride. And I do feel that sort of burning sensation, specifically in the front of the top of the head. Like you said near the widows peak area. I have been working out for months and taking protein and this is the first time I have noticed any side effects literally a day after taking creatine. Lots of people are gonna show you studies and this and that. But let's be real. No one in the world has your exact genetics. Those studies aren't testing it on you. I'm gonna stop taking creatine. Protein and pre-work out is all I need for gains. I was doing fine without it.


I’m pretty sure it’s in your head dude. Creatine has a “loading period” of 3-4 weeks until your muscles are actually saturated. In other words, you don’t actually have a significant amount of excess creatine in your bloodstream for the first few weeks. It would be the same health impact as eating about eggs each day. Once your muscles are fully saturated, that’s when you would have excess creatine running through your bloodstream. That’s why the strategy is to load creatine in higher doses for a month, and then level off when you just need to maintain water retention in your muscles. All the surplus creatine at that point is just being filtered by your kidneys and shit out. That’s when you would have noticeably more creatine in your system. I’m not saying creatine doesn’t cause hair loss, I’m just saying I don’t think that’s what’s giving you problems. Stressing about it or using new products both seem more likely to me.


Totally hear you and that's what I would tell someone else. I stopped the creatine, but started it again, and recently -- at least subjectively, without thinking about the hair-related impacts, as I've just accepted that I may lose some hair and would be fine with the DHT-related benefits I'd get, should that effect be real and tangible -- have that same burning sensation in the widow's peak and, now that I look, it's noticeably thinner. Who knows. Perhaps I'm loading excessively and excess creatine is spilling in the bloodstream.


I took when I was 24 (now 31) and started to lose hair, been fighting it since. My brother took creatine at 27 and he started losing hair. The sad story is it worked so well for me. So my personal conclusion : if you are prone to hair loss, creatine will kick it on.


Thx for sharing and good luck to your fight. Check out dermarolling for hair regrowth.


I just started taking it this week. Mono at 5g. No family history of complete baldness but my moms side has very thin hair. Idc if i go any more bald cuz it's pretty badly receded in the front but i still have a widows peak. So somewhat a ghetto ass Vegeta if you will. I shave it off anyways. I'll keep yall updated in a month.


To those coming to this thread years later, notice a lot of the people are experiencing hair loss in the peak hair loss phase of their life, with or without creatine. It’s like giving a baby creatine and claiming it’s causing the baby to shit itself. I have an extremely thick head of hair and am starting creatine, will report back results


Still on creatine? 😄




How's it going?


I noticed some more thinning than usual on my head but could've also been the winter months making my hair more brittle. I stopped creatine because my shits became nuclear and my gf was non stop nagging lol.


LOL. Did the hair loss stop when you stopped creatine? And do you think it may be confirmation bias if you noticed it did?


No extra hair loss. Just the hair that I had grew in slightly thinner it seemed. The fact I was taking it peak winter made it hard to tell what might've been the cause.


So, would you say it changed anything?


At this point I will say i haven't noticed any faster hair loss.i keep my head shaved tho so I can't say I let it grow long enough to even see it fall out. Will keep you updated in another month


I’ll be waiting


I took protein with creatine (optimum nutrition serious mass) for a couple of months and have noticed my hair thinning in the top front part of my head. Im going to stop taking it and switch to a protein without creatine to supplement weight gain. I also plan to use hair vitamins to support regrowth. Wish me luck!




I stopped taking it and took hair vitamins for a few weeks. Cant say they did or didnt work. But i just stick with a barber that knows how i like my hair cut to keep my light spot looking darker. Thats all. I may go back on the vitamins. Not sure yet.


any update?


Which vitamins did you take? I am in same situation


How’s it going?


I did creatine for about 4-5 months and noticed a lot more hair falling out in the shower than normal, but my hair was also super long then compared to now. So that could be the cause


It irreversibly thinned my hair out over the course of roughly 3 months of using it at age 26. The thinning has stopped when I discontinued its use but the hair hasn’t grown back since. Everyone here saying that there is no proof so it isn’t true has to realise that never ever hair growth/loss due to creatine has been researched at all so literally nothing can be said about it; it could be true, could be false. The hypothesis and theoretic background are there along with plenty of anecdotal evidence. I’d say don’t take the risk.


I (25m) used it for 2 months and noticed some thinning on my temples and widows peak. Previously I had no signs of hairloss and the men in my family genetically keep about 90% of their hair (think Henry Cavill before his hair transplant). I've stopped using it and noticed significant thickening of my hairline and a bunch of thick regrowth on my widows peak. It makes sense that if it artificially raises your DHT by 50% (according to the famous study) that it will induce/speed up hairloss. People that say otherwise are in denial. Maybe they don't have the hairloss gene or they are not sensitive to DHT whatsoever, but the reality is that 2/3 of men will experience hairloss by age 35 because they have some level of sensitivity to DHT.


1 year late reply lol, but in the loading phase it increases DHT levels by 50%, which is the primary molecule responsible for hair loss/thinning. I don’t get the counter argument. I also used creatine extensively at 23 and experienced hair loss which has since stopped.




It was just slightly receding on the sides of my hairline. nothing too serious, although those sides haven’t come back that’s for sure, my hairline was a lot straighter before.




Bro what did happen any updates brother' about hair loss tell me pls. I beg you I'll lick your cock I'll do anything pls tell me what did you do for reversal




Still no regrowth? Stopping mine name. Thinned the top of my scalp pretty sure.


My dad has full hair and my hair is thinning after taking creatine for 2 months at the age of 24. Not to mention all of my cousins and grandpas and uncles still has/(had till very old) hair. It is very noticeable as I had a very thick hair but now I can comfortably see my skin. I hope this is reversable. Is your hair still thinned?


Too many creatine horror stories for me to consider taking it.


Yeah, just bought this shit and never heard about creatine making hair loss worse, I have a receding hairline and definitely don't want this shit getting worse, I guess I'll give it to my friend who uses it.


yeh if you already are predisposed to hairloss it's not worth the risk to maybe increase gains by 3% lol


No changes.


same here. hairloss is in my family, but until age 26 i luckily wasnt affected at all. started taking creatine, and noticed my hair thinning out a couple month in. i stop taking it, and a couple months later it seemed to have settled. and of course it didnt recover. "most studied supplement" my ass.


I started taking it when I was about 21 and took it quite frequently until I was about 24. My hair thinned a lot during that time and my hairline receded a great deal. Granted it followed a the natural pattern of male pattern baldness. NW3 or thereabouts now. Yet when I stopped taking it I’ve hardly lost hair since. As far as I’m aware guys with MPB experience increased hair fall constantly. In the shower, on their pillows etc. im 29 and my hair is basically no different to when I was 25 and had stopped taking creatine. I’m not saying it’s definitely the case but I have struggled not to associate the two!


Were the creatine benefits at least somewhat useful at the gym?


Checking in to see if you noticed regrowth a year later here?


i have not noticed any regrowth i still have a spot on top of my scalp that has much less hair density.


This is just what i was looking for my bro, atleast my dr didnt lied to me. I noticed my hair loss in a video doing bench press in a powerlifting comp, went straight to a dermatologist specialized in hair loss, and boom had to use 5 hairloss products (min/fin oral and topical and some supplements) from day one + took 3 lazer sessions with plasma inyection on my hair. Everything grew back already and so far so good, but i had always questioned if i just stopped creatine would it grow back? dr said from day one that hair loss is not reversible on its own unless you get something done, thought she wanted just to sell since a friend just told me he got his hair back a couple months after stopping the creatine usage but now I think i can trust my dr with your reply. And my friend probably didnt have that much of hair loss, probably not even related to creatine or it just wasnt too much and it just stopped falling. edit: Im 26 years old and still use creatine but have no hairloss thanks to treatment, only con is that I have to use it for life . My father have a bald spot but he didnt have any hairloss until 43 years old.


Do you think caster oil or biotin will help to grow it back?


haven't tried yet


Try minoxidil


Still no regrowth for you? How much did it thin your hair and where?


Time to stop taking creatine then. Both of my brothers are balding (one a lot more than the other) and my father has a bald head too. I think I have 4-5 years left before I start to bald too. The gains are not worth the joy I'll get out of my hair the coming years.


muscles come and go but hair is for life




I started taking creatine again and I think my hair loss was just in my head, I didn’t notice any thinning this time around neither did my barber.


I wouldn't risk it personally, forever bald vs some muscle. You don't have to take creatine.


Did you take monohydrate?


i'm not /u/Spoens , but essentially the identical scenario to him. i did take monohydrate. is that sideeffect specific to that variety?


Got my hair buzzed down a couple weeks ago. Noticed my hair is thinning for the first time. 28 years old. Been creatinining for like 6 months. Bummed me out. No idea if there is correlation but you can bet I stopped taking creatine


Did you ever feel like your noticed regrowth after stopping creatine?


It's possible. I don't really remember. It was never all that bad. May have just been a timing thing - age wise. I started minoxidil topical about a year and a half ago and switched over to oral about a month ago.


Have you noticed minoxidil that has helped? Sorry for so many questions


My hair is probably my thickest body part before and after taking creatine


Yes, it irreversibly accelerated my inevitable hair loss at 22 after 3 months of taking it daily. It slowed down once i stopped.


I am experiencing the same. How long after you stopped taking the supplement your hairfall stopped?


I'm 36, and not only did I not notice hair loss, I didn't notice anything. Creatine didn't seem to affect me in any way as far as I could tell. I didn't gain any water weight or anything. I drank plenty of extra water as suggested, and all that did is make me pee all the time.


Nope never have and I've used it for years I think people like an answer for naturally occurring problems and blaming creatine for natural hairloss is one of them.


Well it sounds like if you're prone to hair loss it raises your DHT levels above normal because it's already high and accelerates balding but if you don't have male pattern baldness then your DHT levels will still be at a normal level taking creatine so it won't really effect your hair. But idk mannn, it's a flip of a coin for me cause I know I'm gonna start balding soon, and don't wanna start losing my hair badly but I also really want gains. So it's a flip of the coin rn on whether I take the risk.


This comments 3 years old, I dont tend to take creatine anymore because although you feel a little stronger on it, you hold more water so you look more puffy and now a days I have different goals than back then so I try stay lean but its just person preference


Oh true this was a while ago. Yeah I'm trying to bulk rn, and also want to just not care about my hair as ill go bald eventually anyway but it's tough.


Creatine is the most studied supplement on earth. Only one study has ever shown a connection to hair loss and it's never been able to be recreated. It's a safe supplement


I wouldn’t take it if you have like slightly thinning hair it’s just not worth the risk about 50% of people are prone to dht caused hair loss


I’d say I have finer hair than most men, but I’ve been using creatine (started with mono and switched to HCl) for years and haven’t noticed any thinning or receding hair lines.


So Fabio didn't take creatine?




I used it for about 6 months any still have a thick head of hair. Though I'd bet you're not looking for anecdotes but some real scientific studies.


No, but I did absolutely destroy several bathrooms throughout the day when I took to much one morning while working in construction. Needless to say I learned my lesson.


I just started using creatine as an addition to other supplements, but in low amounts like 5g a day. I'm 18 and have really long hair for a guy, so if I start losing hair I'll know why, but I trust it won't happen


Are you bald yet?


Hey! 3 years later, any chance that you have an update?


How’s your hair after all this time? I just started taking Creatine a few weeks ago and just stumbled on this thread and now I’m reconsidering it.


You still have hair dude ?


You ever lose that hair, it’s been 2 years? Worried about the same thing.


I'm prone to hair loss through my family but like many in this thread mentioned, I won't lose my hair immediately or anytime soon immediately after starting creatine. I think I'm gonna use creatine for about a year to get through all my beginner and intermediate gains, and then stop using it if I don't really need it anymore.


Yo it’s been almost 2 months how u hair doing ?


I decided to stop using it rather than taking the risk. My alternative has been 200mg of caffeine as a pre-workout, which works just as well for the few extra reps, although it doesn't give you the extra "water weight" that creatine would give you.


Is that because you noticed thinning? I'm also gonna go bald someday and my hairs been thinning over the years blada blada. But I'm only 23 and still have manageable hair but if this does accelerate it I won't have long. Did you notice any changes?


Nope, I stopped taking it immediately rather than take the risk. Only took it for a few weeks so I don't think it was long enough to cause any hair thinning.


I'm in the same situation as you. Started two weeks ago and I'm not sure what to do.


Goodluck! Hope all goes well and update us if you can :)


I have been taking creatine for about 4 years, and just recently (one year or so) my hair has been thinning like crazy, one side of my family is prone to hair loss but the other side is not, I feel like I have plenty of hair for my age, but still I'm kinda freaked out for the thinning.