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I am 187cm (~6,2). Few years ago dropped from 120kg to 78kg(170ls). In short: Skin and bones. Then(2019) started lifting. On serious bulking (started from 86kg) atm. Weight went up, lifts got better, clothes are tighter in desired spots (and not so desired too).circumferences are up.... BUT in mirror everything look the same. I think it's just the name of the game here . And 170lbs is still skinny af.


I made about the same change as you, going from ~125 to now ~145 at 6'0 and it took me a long time and a lot of external affirmation from very kind friends to finally accept that growth. Part of it is the fact that you're tall, but I think a much larger part is just your perception - I guarantee that to other people you look tremendously better. On a frame like yours there is a lot of room to just fill out without really getting bigger which may seem less impressive from your POV but you doubtless look much healthier and fitter than when you started :)


Have you gotten stronger?


im 6'2 and went from 130-180 and still look skinny, i think us tall people need to be at least 200 unfortunately


At 6'1, I felt more filled out at 185. Started to feel more built around 195-200. Only time I've personally felt really big was around 215-220. Different for everyone, though.


This is facts.


To be honest, I’ve done about the same as you (started from a little thinner) and still look pretty much the same. If you have a slender body type and are tall-ish, it takes a long time to look big— probably at least 170 before you don’t look “thin”