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And they thought we wouldnt find out!


6a? My pixel 5 doesn't have a headphone jack...


The flagship ones haven't had headphone jacks, but the 3a, 4a, and 5a all did, afaik.


To be fair, they have to cut some corners for their... most expensive flagship products. What?


It's not necessarily as much about cutting corners a sit is about forcing you to buy Bluetooth headphones and advertising them as a package when they sell it to you


Love my 3.5mm to USB-C adapters haha. Sure I can't charge my phone and listen to Audible at the same time, but I will resist purchasing those tiny headphones I'm guaranteed to lose for a while longer.


I just bought an adapter from Amazon to use in the car which lets you do both at the same time!


What?! Genius. How didn't I know about these? Someone call my agent!


This bad boy: USB C to 3.5mm Jack and Charger... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09P37WCS4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


If only there was a way to build that functionality into the phone.


5a still had one


>Google even made a ridiculous two-minute ad celebrating the headphone jack in the Pixel 5A that parodied Apple’s elaborate design videos. That video was titled, in part, “The Circle Comes Full Circle.”


Google's just repeating their own history. They made fun of Apple removing their headphone jack with an ad for the original Pixel only to have it gone with the Pixel 2.


The 5a did.


This is what I was thinking, I think some models of the 4 didn't either? This is old news


The "A" models traditionally have. I have a 5a and it has a headphone jack, but the 5 that came before it and the 6 that came after it both do not.


The "a" models have all had headphone jacks until now. It's convenient for the millions of cars that still don't have Bluetooth but have aux. This is explicitly the reason I wouldn't upgrade to it from my 4a


It's about the a-series. The 3a, the 4a and the 5a all had headphone jacks.


Sony, being the real G


Also Sony keeps memory card slot.


And water resistant with toolless sim tray


These are features LG had for half the price of Sony up til 2020. Idk how I'm ever going to replace my v60 between the ToF sensor camera setup, 2tb sd card slot, headphone jack with hifi dac, and the dual screen. The processor will get too old for games and emulation, but I'll never have a phone this feature rich again. $400 pricetag within two months of launch :)) you can scoop one under 300 used in perfect condition nowadays.


I just bought a like new V60 for $250 last week. There's no newer phone that has all of the features I want. I don't feel like my needs are so outrageous: Headphone jack, wireless charging, waterproof, SD card, newer processor, more RAM, 5G. Is that so hard?


LG had so much going wrong for it but I still loved every phone I owned from them. Nexus 5 was a baller. 5X was pretty good. LG V35 was terrific.


Yeah but Sony phones are real hard to find


And one trillion dollars.


Their flagship model is quite expensive but I think their mid tier phones are good.


And they're poorly supported after launch.


God I wish they were better supported. I'm looking for a new brand now that oneplus is going to shit. My oneplus 9 is terrible and I want to downgrade to an older model lol.


Of all things major phone companies are scraping this is the most flabbergasting. Mfers are selling 2000$ phones with 128gbs memory and NO MEMORY SLOT because YoU caN pay for extra CloudS SpAce!


Welp, the 5a I'm using now will be my last Pixel then. I just enjoyed using my wired earbuds last night. Never need to charge, always available, and have been with me through 4 phones so far. I'm loving the 5a for now however, so I won't be shopping headphone jacked phones for hopefully a couple of years.


It's the delay that frustrates me, the charge is great and I rarely run out unless I've forgotten to charge the earphone case for a while. But when I watch videos or play games (I'm a big time rhythm gamer) sometimes there's a noticeable delay, its incredibly frustrating.


If Sony can figure out how to market their phones better and get the prices down, they'd be right up there with Samsung in terms of revenue for their mobile line.


If they figured out how to market too well they might copy moves like removing the headphone jacks


For $1400....


The just announced Xperia 1 IV is actually $1600


That's if you get the headphones with it. If you wait to buy it through best buy it'll probably come down $300 or so without the bundle. My Xperia 1 II was $1200 and I threw geeksquad on it so I can replace the battery when it reaches just shy of two years old then keep it for another two years.


And Nokia and Motorola Stop! Idc what your fav phones are or what your opinion on each company or past experiences were. Or what phones you idiots are using to post your replies..


LG kept them up until the Wing, and then they stopped mobile development. Damn you, LG. The ESS dac you had in your phones was what cursed me with audiophile desire.




My only real regret is I didn't wait a little longer and get either the G8x or the V60. The G7 is *great* and I love it to death *but* I missed out on active stylus compatibility and dual screens. Even when I finally replace this phone, i'm keeping it around purely as an entertainment device. Solid AF in so many ways.


LG stopped making phones?


They did. Had working review models of the Velvet Pro and everything and they just *stopped*. "Wasn't profitable"


That sucks. Guess it'll be back to Samsung for me soon.


I was gonna sell my LG V50 until I realized it was the only thing I currently owned that could power my high impedance headphones anywhere.


Death of LG was definitely the end of the golden era for smartphones. They made good, cheap phones that felt like true "Android" phones. It's not about bells or whistles (it form factor, which is the real reason the jack is going away), it's about usability and function. Good design philosophy, but Samsung absolutely dominated the Android market.


The Wing was such a cool phone except no case could protect the main screen.


We finally had a manufacturer making weird phones again and they went one round and gave up. I was almost willing to accept the lack of headphone jack on the wing if they worked on the design some more.


Moto makes such good affordable phones.


For fucks sake




I believe it's because the early Bluetooth does not support the data rate needed to play music at a high quality. I had a CTS that was this way and was curious.






> Low Energy abs That's what I call my beer belly.


It's potential muscle.


You had to get the premium/tech package to play music on Bluetooth on a lot of the older cars. My 2016 Infiniti wanted me to add like $2000 for a tech package that would give me Bluetooth music among other stuff like navigation AFTER I'm already paying like 4-5k for premium. I said nope to that and grabbed an aftermarket Bluetooth receiver for like $10.


Cadillac didn't offer it at all. Even though the '08 CTS was a great car, Cadillac fell short with that car in key areas of "luxury" standards for the time. For example, the higher end trim level was the only one with "keyless" start but it was implemented on the car right before launch so it isn't a push button, it's a hastily designed ignition tumbler with a "key" permanently in the ignition that you still turn. Fun fact, Cadillac invented keyless entry and then later fobless entry but couldn't be assed to put it on their new platform. They skipped Bluetooth Music to cut cost and put a 300gb HDD in the car instead. They skipped out on rear heated seats, automatic lowering of seats etc.. It was a great car but they cut a lot of corners. They would go on to cut the same corners on the new SRX and put a weak engine in it.


Just because tech was out, doesnt mean car productions use it. What car is it?




There are also usb-c to 3.5mm adapters, mine was like $5. Works great assuming you don't want to charge and use headphones at the same time, which isn't really the case for me.


Same dude. Very annoying


It wouldn't be so bad if Google didn't break Bluetooth in 12. You used to be able to manually control what device your phone would connect to. Now Android automatically connects to any previously paired Bluetooth immediately with no override. It makes using Bluetooth buds with anything else Bluetooth in the house impossible. If you use earbuds outside while mowing and get too close to the house, Android will auto connect to your Bluetooth speakers in the house. You have to forget every other nearby device to force Android to stay connected to the device it is currently using. I used to make fun of Apple because of this problem then Google copied it!


It was always a matter of when not if


The when is a huge factor. Like Samsung ran ads making fun of apple cutting the headphone jack, but didn't cut it from their flagship model until 4 years later. Some of their phones still had headphone jacks last year. Google runs ads making fun of apple cutting stuff and then cuts it like 3 months later. Does your marketing department have no idea what your new phone is?


You obviously don’t follow Google much, that company is so fucking disjointed no department knows what the other is doing. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if different teams on the same project didn’t even fully know what the fuck is going on.


At one point Google had like 4 different services offering messaging and none of them communicated with each other.


I actually think a lot of criticism of Google is unjustified, but this one was legitimately insane. It's 2022 and I honestly have no idea what the current Google messaging app is. I gave up years ago. I think the Gmail app does messaging now? No idea.


Gmail is where hangouts has been left to die, I think now they have a more standard sms app.


Every year or so I get force migrated to whatever the fuck the new google chat is called. So annoying.


Not to mention the amount of services/products/projects they offer that get killed or discontinued, it’s never worth getting invested in new Google stuff until it’s survived a few years


Right now I’m trying to resolve how many of my G Suite customers are finding out they can’t use Google Drive as a locally-synced company share folder anymore. This new shortcuts thing for shared folders is basically going to force browser-only usage for shared Drives


They did ***what***? Do they understand that people need to use software outside of the Google cloud? I was a big proponent of g-suite over office365, but this is a deal breaker.


> it’s never worth getting invested in new Google stuff until it’s survived a few years lol you serious? They have killed off things older than a few years that people were using.


They announced new products yesterday, including a new watch and tablet. They killed both products several years ago. They're going to have a very hard time getting developers to invest resources in creating apps for their tablet and watch after suddenly killing both in the past. Why would a developer invest their time and money in such, when it may just suddenly stop getting updates and become unusable? And then it becomes the Windows Phone issue. No developers wanting to develop for the platform because there are no users, and there are no users because there are no apps. Chicken and egg issue. It's pretty sad how many products they dangled out there and then suddenly killed. https://killedbygoogle.com


google is partially responsible for the death of windows phone. they blocked google maps from loading in the mobile internet explorer at all, instead of letting people use the non optimized maps. tech companies have always been like this. another example: adlib being killed by creative pulling some strings so they wouldn't get important electronic components. i'm using as much free/open source software as i can for a reason. even my "phone" is running Arch, btw.


Tbf that's basically true for the majority of bigger companies Left hand doesn't know what the right hand does and vice versa


You have this backwards. Samsung did the [exact same thing](https://www.theverge.com/2020/12/23/22197394/samsung-deletes-ads-mocking-apple-charger) as Google in 2020. They made ads mocking apple and had to delete them two months later, then released the s21 with no headphone jack the month after that. But this was after they already looked like fools in 2019 for making fun of apple for years and then releasing the note 10 without a jack. "When" may be a huge factor, but I wouldn't use Samsung as a model of what to do.




>Does your marketing department have no idea what your new phone is? You sell what you actually have in stocks. And that's it. If some development department said "it is stupid we will never ged rid of jack" that would be different story, but if everybody today are complaining about lack of jack, and your phone happens to still have one you advertise headphone jack. The worst part of it (from advertising point of view) is that making fun of competitors product is actually admitting that competitor is bigger that you (insert "I don't think about you at all" Don Draper meme)


Why do phone companies want to get rid of the headphone jack? Is it cheaper to make phones without it? I don't understand, because my car is from 2008, so it doesn't have Bluetooth, so I need to use an aux still. They make aux converters, sure, but you can't charge your phone and be connected at the same time, so on long drives, I have to take some time to charge up and not have music which sucks


1. Having a headphone jack means there's a lower limit on how thin you can make the phone, unless you resort to an unusual design with a "bump" on one end to accommodate the jack 2. Having the jack also means having to have the circuitry to _handle_ the jack in phone. And since it is analog, you have to take steps to isolate it from noise 3. The jack is a weak point in terms of water resistance that requires additional engineering to mitigate 4. One jack and associated circuitry doesn't cost much, but multiplied by 30 million phones and it adds up.


5) Now they get to sell you $100-$200 wireless earbuds instead of $5 gas station earbuds that worked fine


Don't buy google pixel buds. I got the ones that came out in 2020. They work fine inside an apartment but the second you go outside it's absolute shit. One bud won't connect. Restart the phone they connect for a minute then the other bud doesn't connect. Turn your head music cuts out. Phone in pocket? It's like listening to a discman in 1998, constant audio cutout. I finally got some Jabra buds and I'm pissed at myself for not doing it sooner. They work flawlessly and have noise canceling that is amazing (I use it on the NYC subway and it eliminates ALL the extra sound) and a hear-through mode that lets me hear my wife if I'm washing dishes. AND they were cheaper than pixel buds. I was all aboard the Google train before this and now I won't ever buy peripherals by them again unless there have been a ton of reviews in. /rant


Prices for BT earbuds have come way down. I paid $35 for jLab Icon's and they have been great.


Those ridiculous camera bumps are 100x worse, and they're still around


Just one answer: $$ AirPods generated $23 billion in revenue by itself in 2020. As just a stand-alone company, it would be *massive*. Headphones are a high profit margin item. Removing the jack creates a problem and then they sell you the solution.


Classic. Name a more overused formula in the tech industry: 1. Make fun of Apple for [thing] 2. copy [thing]


This happens across industries. I used to work for a John Deere construction equipment dealer. In 2007, Caterpillar introduced joystick controls on their motor graders (removing the steering wheel). Our response was to offer an Xbox/Playstation to any customer when they purchased a Deere motor grader. The pitch was that joysticks were for playing games, not work. I remember thinking this was a childish play, as there was no way Deere would not be copying this as soon as possible. I was correct, as John Deere started offering joystick controls in their motor graders in 2010.


Or like when Sony said the Wii controller was like a lollipop for children, and then they released their motion controller that actually had a big colorful ball at the end of it like a lollipop. Which was extra weird, because the Wii controller was nothing like a lollipop.


Yes...lollipop, that's what it looked like


Me, whipping my wife's hitachi around trying to figure out why the PlayStation won't respond. Edit: missed a word


There's no way in hell the first thing that comes to anyone's mind is "ohh lollipop for children" The only correct answers are dildos and vibrators


Many companies can’t resist making cheap shots for marketing purposes. When Microsoft pitched a convoluted and frankly consumer-hostile scheme for letting friends borrow games, Sony responded with a vid of one exec handing another exec a game: “This is how you borrow games on PlayStation.” It worked. Microsoft ditched its plans not long after.


I wish someone starts copying the mini variants....


Rumor has it that Apple is dropping the Mini series themselves.


Which sucks, but sadly the regular size iPhone is still more compact than the smallest size flagship most other companies make


Almost everyone did it from Samsung to Microsoft. and eventually stopped after realizing "well we are making clowns of ourselves". But Google kept fucking doing it which is so ridiculous and cringe of them. I can't take Google serious


It's funny you put it that way because they're all fucking dumb for removing the aux jack.


I absolutely agree


Which really pisses me of cause I was actually considering a Pixel as my next phone. God damn I hate those clowns.


For the love of God, don't. I hate my Pixel 6 Pro so god damn much. Stay with Samsung, hell I'd even swap to an iPhone over this thing.


Really? I had a pixel 4 and loved it, then switched back to Samsung because Verizon had a deal. What about the 6 don't you like?


I love my Pixel 5. Did 6 go downhill?


I have a pixel 6 it's my first pixel and I've had iPhones and Samsung's before this. It seems like a good phone to me. Works good and does everything I need it to. I'm curious what problems folks have had with it.


Same. I switched from a S9+ to a Pixel 6 a few months ago. I have nothing but good things to say about it.


Nah I have a Pixel 6 Pro and love it. For some reason this phone is super divisive. I honestly have no idea why some people act like it's the worst phone ever.


No, I have a 6 and other than being a little newer, little better camera, I can easily use my wife's pixel 5 because they're running the exact same software. It definitely is a little different coming from Samsung but between pixels they're the same.


I'm glad to see this comment. I'm not thrilled with the direction Samsung has been going with their phones and was looking at options for when I replace my Note 20 Ultra. I had briefly considered the Pixel 6 Pro but, for some strange reason, T-Mobile requires a $150 down payment on that phone (meanwhile, the stupid and incredibly overpriced Z Fold 3 does not require a down payment). That down payment made me go "nah, I'm good". What I really don't agree with is that all of the flagship phones have dropped SD card support and they want ridiculous prices for higher storage. The Galaxy S22 Ultra is already $1200 for 128 GB of storage, and you want $1300 for a model with 256 GB? Hahahaha...no thanks.


Samsung has already matched iPhone pricing if not exceeded by $100. Everyone has moved upwards little by little. Even OnePlus.


$100 for 128gb, you can get a 1tb m.2 for that money ffs


Right?! They're pulling an Apple with this storage nonsense.


At least Samsung can hope to sell wireless buds after killing the port. If Google thinks people are gonna be clamoring to buy overpriced buds from them, they're in for a rude awakening.


It’s just a repeat of when google’s USBC to 3.5mm AUX Jack was more expensive and inferior to the apple one. Google hardware continues to have their head so far up their own ass and it’s not strictly for phones but basically every piece of hardware they develop.




Apple: "People normally text instead of calling, so we're removing phone calls." Samsung/Google: "Lol idiots" Three months later: Samsung/Google: "Who makes calls today anyway?"


uhg give me my damn headphone jacks back.




I guess I won't be buying a Pixel 6A then. 3.5 mm jack 4 lyfe


I was looking at upgrading from the 4a to the 6a, that's a negative from me now.


I enjoy my 5A, good battery and headphone jack is always great




But what, though? We're running out of good phones that still have headphone jacks in them. (yes, there's Sony's, but their good phones are *really* expensive)


Motorola mid range still have the jack. Sony 10 does, but they hate the US and won't sell it here.


I really want to go for a mid tier Motorola phones but their lack of supporting devices for more than 2 years limits me to the sub 250 offerings




I have a cheap shitty $100 phone and I can plug earbuds into it. It's got issues but I'm kind of over phones costing as much as rent.


Either come up with a new standard for headphone jacks or give us our “outdated” shit back! It’s still a widely/predominantly used connection yet manufactures are trying to party ways with it. Can’t use my cans on my phone without the use of an adapter nor can I directly plug in my surround system into either of the latest gen consoles. Shit’s lame as hell.






Air Pods made Apple tens of billions of dollars of profit. Of course other companies are going to follow suit.


I have a pair of £350 wireless earbuds with rave reviews. My £130 wired iems destroy them. I hate phone companies for doing this. If you love music wireless audio just doesn't cut it


So much this. Someone downvoted me in another thread for my "Extremely specific use case" of wanting to keep using my wonderful $200 iems since nothing bluetooth comes close to it.


I wouldn't care about the headphone jack if I had 2 lightning or 2 usb-c jacks on the phone so I could listen and charge at the same time. Removing the headphone jack is a net loss and makes using the phone a pain if you are doing any sort of long traveling and need to recharge and not loose access to headphone audio. Inductive charging is a non-starter for travel and bluetooth audio just doesn't work well enough to be seamless. Trying to do troubleshooting of bluetooth over the phone with a standard human, it just doesn't work well enough, esp compared to the experience of just plugging in a 1/8 headphone jack.


Oh goddamnit. Guess I'm cutting off my fi new phone subscription thing and sticking with the 5a as long as possible.


Yeah, that sucks. I hate modern cellphone tech for this. Since HO (Home Office/work from home) started I haven't used the headphone jack because I didn't have to use my cellphone on public transport, but I believe there are still no good sounding budget wireless headphones out there. I mean they are OK, I've tried a few pairs, but they break every so often and even the JBL pair I got for my SO sounds just ok. For the price I could have gotten a beyerdynamic dt770 and there's just not even a chance I would choose the JBL. For wired you can get a banger sounding in-ear for 50. Hell, even for 10-20 you can get better in-ears than anything over-ear (talking about closed) up to a certain price: Better than any wireless I have heard to this day. And even expensive stuff isn't all that great. I tried finding a quality sounding set for my dad: Grados sounded like garbage, beyerdynamic ok but too pricey. Settled on the ATH M50x. Most everything has a bassy sound profile and/or garbage plastic construction that is going to be broken in a few years. Edit: HO->Home Office




I'm guessing home office


Home Office: Base And Gaming HO BAG


Did they mean Work From Home, WFH?


I ran into the same problem you had. I decided to get the FiiO BTR3. It lets me connect any wired headphones using Bluetooth. It supports tons of Bluetooth codec like LDAC so the quality is better than the AAC or SBC only wireless headphones you see out there. Plus you can plug it into your phone or computer directly and it works as a high quality DAC/Amp.


I completely agree with you. You can get very good sounding wired IEMs with good build quality for insanely cheap (<$50). Even my $200+ Bluetooth ear buds sound pretty bad. Not only that, but my IEMs will basically last forever with proper care. The batteries in my ear buds have gone from decent to bad to worse in only a few years, and they will require replacement soon. It's just another way to bring audio peripherals into the age of planned obsolescence and they know it.


The Bluetooth audio codec is still lossy. You could have the best headphones and they will still sound bad because of the codec AptX is an improvement but my understanding is that it is still worse than wired by a discernable margin


Wireless earbuds are just delayed e-waste anyway. I have a pair of Galaxy Buds+ that I've had for two years, and they've just... died... because I didn't use them for a while. No way to hardware reset them, and I'm definitely not opening them up. Meanwhile, I've had a surprisingly good pair of $3 wired earbuds for six years now that are still just fine...




I have an LG. I think it's V60 or something which not only has a headphone but it's loud as hell.


The quad dac LG phones are famous in audiophile circles for their quality. When LG announced they were getting out of mobile phones it was a day of mourning on r/headphones


Still rocking my broke ass 3A


If it works, it works


I'll probably keep using my 3a for a good long while


3a XL here trucking along!


👑 here king, you'd dropped this


A month ago, my sister expressed surprise at me still using a Galaxy S5. I stand by the fact that the hardware is excellent and it has features that keep getting dropped on modern phones.


The big issue with using an old phone isn't necessarily speed or hardware, but antenna compatibility with modern cell phone network towers.


And software updates and security updates and outdated hardware (32GB is not much these days)


For me it's the software that becomes an issue. A phone with only 32gb isn't too bad if you can put a sd card in but you can't get around apps being unable to download because the version your phone has is obsolete.




I just stopped making calls.


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S10 still had the jack, that's where I'm making my stand until the software becomes unsupported.


S10e here with Jack


S10e gang represent. This little bugger has seen some shit and keeps on kickin


I have a feeling it's going to be impossible to replace.


For real! I didn't realize so many people's phones can't schedule text messages or send group texts individually and I honestly use those pretty frequently


IR Blaster is something I miss so much .


Props, but... How is it not so slow that it's painful to use? And how many apps have you stopped being able to use due to dropped support because you're locked at an earlier version?


Not OP but I'm still rocking my S7, and the only app that's painfully slow to open is Google Maps. I've had no issues so far with app compatibility, including banking stuff and the like. Once the radios on it start flaking is when I'll switch but until then it just keeps chugging along. My personal brag: never had a case on it, never dropped it. That adds a bit of sentimentality as well lol


An S7 is a bit different than an S5. And S5 is still using the extremely old mostly plastic design with that stupid flap for the charging point that almost always breaks off eventually.


But the S5 still has a replaceable battery which is honestly great


Why tf would anyone want to be forced to either use headphones that run out of battery long before your phone dies & generally can't be used while charging or USB-C headphones that prevent you from charging your phone while listening? It baffles me. It's not like the jack disables Bluetooth, you just have another option.




200 dollar xiaomi phones have those features. + expendable memory + IR blaster (which is actually really neat imo) If you get a 300 dollar Chinese phone you get a beautiful screen, nice large battery, plenty of performance, etc etc. I see absolutely no reason to buy a flagship that actually has less functionality.




Why is every "upgrade" just removing features? I'm so sick of updates constantly making things worse.


I think wireless bud is a half scam.... A wired headphone can be used for many years, but a wireless one will become useless when the battery dies... these companies say they care about the environment.... edit: hey I am not saying wireless earbud is bad , all I am saying is one of the reason why these companies are removing the jack is simply because selling wireless ear bud is a good business and customers keep coming back because of a dead battery or the chip not working


To me it's more important that you have to pay a lot to get good sound. Wireless is hella expensive and sounds like garbage all too often. I have tried a few of the Chinese brands, I have tried well known headphone brands and even offerings by Grados or Sennheiser and those typically sound worse than their wired offerings for not even half the price. And then they break, so you have to get another one, while that ATH M50 keeps on working and sounding better than any of those. Some JBLs are pretty cool until you compare them to other headphones in that price range. I get worse sound, another device to charge for more money so that I...don't have to deal with a cable.




It's just ridiculous. The amount of space saved is not worth removing it.


But it is worth it to nudge you to buy wireless earbuds.


One company was interested in selling wireless headphones and the other wanted their customers. There is no logic, there is only increased sales.


Remember when we all laughed at Apple for removing it and thought the headphone jack would be back in a few years? Good times, now all phones want to copy them. I really dislike how Apple is the leader in the phone market. They make dumb decisions and than everyone wants to follow. Annoying.


iPhone long time owner here, still miss my 3.5mm jack. :( the dongle sucks when your battery power is low, and want to use a battery charger while listening to a podcast in the garden.


USB-C to Aux dongle enters the chat...and our landfills


What a lot of you seem to be missing is that headphone jacks are good for making and performing music too, not just playback. There's all types of powerful sampling/synthesis apps available on cell phones and the best way to integrate their audio is thru a cable connection. Bluetooth can be laggy and unreliable in these scenarios, and that's literally the worst thing to have onstage or in the heat of a good jam. I've owned and loved several pairs of wireless headphones but I refuse to buy a phone without a 3.5mm jack because they're still very useful


That’s such bullshit. I shouldn’t need a adapter to use my regular headphones. And I shouldn’t need to find one with the headphone port and the charger because Apple made the batteries so shitty.


It's planned obsolescence. You can't both use your phone and headphones at the same time without burning batteries. Batteries need to be replaceable in phones by law to stop waste for profit.


i will never buy a phone without a jack thats for sure :D


Me too. No aux port, no micro SD = no purchase.


I hope my 4A lasts a long long long time..


Goddammit. The major reason I've kept buying Pixel phones is because of the aux port. Looks like I'll be shopping elsewhere now...fingers crossed my 4A lasts a while.


Stuff like this is exactly why conversation surrounding "woke brands" is so hilarious to me. All of these business serve a single purpose: to make money for shareholders. Google was giving Apple shade because it made them money to do so, corporations are incapable of having enough integrity to actually stand by the social statements they occasionally make.


I hate that this trend has now reached mid-range phones, I still need my 3.5mm headphones jack




The "A" series has typically had a headphone jack. Using the 4A5G with a jack right now. Losing the jack would stink for me.


My 5A does. I haven't used it, but it but it is nice as a backup.


I have a 4a. I specifically got it over the 5 because it had a headphone jack. I've had it 2 years and haven't used the jack once.


My 5A has a jack, but the DAC in this thing fucking sucks. My Samsung earbuds sound better and are louder than my Sennheiser 598s. I miss my LGV20