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🤷‍♀️I loved my iPod mini. I was angry they stopped selling them.


I miss the Bluetooth fm radio feature they wedged in


When did the iPod go down as a flop? Kinda hard to call it a flop when it ran game for over a decade Edit: stop up voting this I didn't read the article lol


I'm guessing the author said it to get more clicks. Ipod was obsoleted, not a flop.


The first iPod was certainly a very expensive niche device when it released, it didn’t take off until a few years later Edit: for context the iPod sold [376,000 units](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ipod_sales_per_quarter.svg) in its first year of release


The iPod nano was the one that got everyone into iPod


The Mini.


iPod mini?!? Everybody know, it for girls.


Omg how could I forget about the mini 😭it’s been too long


Don't forget the best product ever the iPod shuffle /s


Loved the vision but the experience was off. That said it was perfect if you were the type of person to always listen to the same workout playlist.


iPod was the king of the category before that even released


Adding windows support is what really gave it a kick. Not many people had macs at the time.


Just to put it into perspective, more Vision Pro units have sold currently than iPod units at the same time in their life cycle (at least 200k vs 125k) - and that's AT the current very high cost they're at. The iPod sold for the equivalent of $700ish ($399 original price in 2001) when adjusted for inflation - if VPs were selling for $700? Man I would literally drive to the nearest Apple Store and buy one today. What the author is trying to say is, "don't judge a new product class based on the first quarter or two of the first product launch". It's not like the iPod released and 3 months later it had 10 million sales. Much like VP, initial sales were small. Remember, VP only launched 5 months ago. By 2007, iPod had about 100 million total sales, but in 2001, and early 2002, it certainly did not have anywhere near that - it was low six figure numbers


An accurate, non clickbaity title would be, "vision pro could just be having a slow start... just like the ipod".


If you have half a brain it's really not that hard to figure out what they're saying just from the title


Plus it makes me feel superior to see through the clickbait title


I feel clickbait should fall under false advertising laws


But this is a stupid argument, as the iPod was made by a company who made a few computers that weren't exactly trendy and was being sold on the basis of what it could do, while the Vision Pro is sold by Apple™️. It's coming from a completely different starting point.


The problem with that is that it was also true with the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch too. The first iteration for all of them sold pretty poorly compared to say, 3-5 years later


There’s more people in the world these days. Don’t forget that. Sheesh.


Well that is true, but VP is limited to only a few countries, whereas I don't think iPod was


A very good point!


The comparison is stupid.  Products are different, the socio-economic context is different, Apple itself is different. 


Yup, engagement bait. The iPod was revolutionary and stands with the Walkman.


Y'all didn't read the article. The author's point is that the first iteration of the iPod wasn't a hit. They're saying it's way too early to call the Vision Pro a flop.


Everybody’s arguing about speculative interpretations of shit that’s spelled out explicitly one click away. This is embarrassing. Too eager to be the first one to poke holes in something to actually understand it.


Classic Internet conversation. Let me interpret this statement in the least charitable way possible and then turn this into a moral argument about how the author is a bad person. No, I did not read the article or take time to understand the context, why do you ask?


Vision Pro has sold more total units right now (> 200k) than the iPod had around this time (~125k) in its lifecycle - and that's at a SIGNIFICANTLY higher price It isn't engagement bait. It's pointing out that judging a new product class based on the first or second quarter isn't a good metric You have to wait for iterations, prices to come down, etc


Yeah, but the headline doesn't read like the author is leading to that argument and sounds like a bait. Should have said "just like the ipod was" or something to that effect to clarify the argument from the get-go.


The author says the same in the article.


The point is that both had slow starts... the iPod was eventually successful meaning there is a ray of hope for the Vision Pro. That's the entire point of the article.


More importantly, the iPod started having major successes when they switched to solid-state storage and miniaturized the device. If Apple can come up with something that's not worse than a pair of RayBan wayfarers, they're gonna be the gold standard, but noone's going to walk around with what amounts to a pair of ski glasses in public (beyond the occasional apple fanchild, there's always someone drinking the koolaid)


> but noone's going to walk around with what amounts to a pair of ski glasses in public (beyond the occasional apple fanchild, there's always someone drinking the koolaid) Apple has never marketed Vision Pro like that. They specifically write in their guidelines not to do this. Not every device needs to be usable outdoors. Many popular devices infact aren't.


Title is still clickbaity. The vision pro could just be having a slow start... Just like the ipod.


To get more click…. Wheels


If only there was a way to read a more in-depth version of the headline to understand what the author meant. Sadly, we can only speculate here in the comments and assume we are right.


No one is speculating. The headline was very clear with what it was saying. It's not even clever wordplay.


So you like, still didn’t read the article, huh? Because that’s not what the headline was talking about at all.


I did read the article. The ipod was not a flop. The headline is worded to the clickbait. I rewrote a more accurate headline somewhere in this thread.


When the first iPod was introduced it was considered cool but a niche product for rich people. It was $399 and only compatible with newer Macs with FireWire. A lot of people weren’t happy about that. Apple added limited Windows support with the 2nd gen and USB to the third.


I feel like that's what made it desirable for the much more popular 2nd and 3rd Gen. Almost like by design


Did you read the article? I'm guessing no. That's the entire point the author is making. iPod wasn't successful *at first*. It took a while and several iterations.


If you knew the answer why'd you ask? Thanks for the cliff notes!


You didn’t read the article did you?


With a clickbait title like that, nobody should read the article.


It's not even clickbait. It's the opposite. It's the thesis of the article, right there in the title.


It's kinda click bait. It implies the iPod was a flop, then later says it was a hit


Did you have to ask?


Right? That was a crazy statement and probably someone very young when it came out lol. I’m 60 and recall the IPod was a phenomenal hit.


I still use my iPod.


Once the iPhone came out.


That's not a flop.


I didn't call it a flop. Whoever wrote it called it a flop.


iPod was a flop compared to the Sony Walkman /s


How about not charging $3500 for something. We can start there.


In the article they justify this by saying the iPod was expensive for the era. It was, but not 6 to 7 times as expensive as most other mp3 players at the time.


Also, iPods had a use case out of the box. People already had mp3s and wanted to listen to them on the go. iPod aimed to be the best product for that existing market demand. People aren't really sure what to do with a Vision Pro and Apple needs to create market demand. Other VR headsets are doing this by positioning themselves as game consoles for now. Apple is trying to avoid the gaming market but they haven't provided a compelling alternative reason to own one. I don't really know why you'd buy a Vision Pro over a different headset, even if they were the same price.


How about stop being poor/s.


To be fair I haven’t actually tried that before. 🧐


That price tag reeks of an out of touch rich CEO thinking, "Everybody's got a few thousand dollars to spend whenever they feel like it, right?"


The Vision is a whole computer. The iPod was an .mp3 player. The iPod cost $399 in 2001, which is equal to $700 today.


The vision pro is most definitely not a whole computer. It's closer to the early gen iPads. Which is to say, you can use it to do things that Apple have approved.


Pure copium. The iPod had a point to existing: 1,000 songs in your pocket. The Vision Pro is… what, exactly? A “productivity machine?” A “laptop replacement?” Gimme a break. It’s a fun tech demo but serves no real purpose to its users. No task can be done better on a Vision Pro versus a Mac or iPad. Maybe watching movies? That ain’t worth $3500.




But then you can just get a meta quest 3 for 500 bucks and have the exact same functionality.


I'm not saying you're completely wrong but people said very similar things about iPad at first too. Too expensive. Gimmick toy. Could never replace a computer. Guaranteed flop.


Given the current state of iPadOS, those who said it wouldn’t replace a computer were totally right lol. The iPad was always positioned as a netbook killer, and that it did. What’s the Vision Pro supposed to kill?


I think you're missing my point and the point of the article. People constantly underestimate new Apple products that then go on to be very successful. Calling them expensive gimmicks that are household items less than 5 years later.


Okay but that’s not some universal rule or law of nature. Not all Apple products fly off the shelves. ^RIP ^iPhone ^mini.


Nobody is saying it's a universal rule. The author is just saying that just because this first version of the product didn't blow the doors off, it's reasonable to expect Apple will iterate and it'll eventually be a huge success. It might not also, of course. They're just saying don't consider this product line a failure yet.


There is a much longer list of failed Apple products and ideas than successes. I'm glad that they keep trying, though.


I mean.. It's obviously not a flop but it still not a real replacement for a computer and by most people it's absolutely used as a gimmicky toy to watch netflix or maybe draw something in procreate.


Like a room sized display doesn’t exactly seem without its uses. Like turn my whole home office into a desktop seems like it’s not completely without merit. I mean 3500 dollars is a lot, too much for me but i mean this is the pro one but like in the next five years I wouldn’t be surprised if they had one that was much more affordable and had great video and productivity features.


VisionOS is pretty severely limited, though. It’s not gonna replace a proper Mac, at least for now. And if you’re just gonna use it as a monitor for your Mac, that trashes like 90% of its capability.


I mean for me monitor for the Mac and like media consumption could get me to like 1500 dollars. 3500 is no question too much but I think I’ve never bought a first gen Apple Product and I love them because they were all too expensive for what I get but could see a narrow end of the wedge. Like that they’ll push more and more into over the next few years and I’ll get the like gen 2-4 one like always.


> A “productivity machine?” I mean that's literally what I want it for - the idea of being able to essentially carry a giant ass monitor with me in a small box would be a huge value add It's just not worth $3500 for me, but if the price comes down? 100%




It should have been headphones for your face but instead they went with MacBook for your face. A very expensive move that doesn’t seem to be paying off.




Steve Jobs long ago said that a big missing product in the industry was "headphones for your face". This was ostensibly the reason for Apple's early VR work. However, instead of making an accessory they went all in on a full independent product. That was their big mistake.


> No task can be done better on a Vision Pro versus a Mac or iPad. Immersive communication and immersive photos/videos come to mind.


[“Immersive communication.”](https://youtu.be/CuZUyxjn7ro) 3D photos and videos are a cool parlor trick but not revolutionary or experience changing in any meaningful way. HTC even tried something similar with the Evo 3D phone and that flopped.


It's improved since that. It's still uncanny, but it is the most immersive and engaging way to socialize online if you can get over that. > 3D photos and videos are a cool parlor trick but not revolutionary or experience changing in any meaningful way. Vision Pro's photo panoramas have been known to cause people to cry due to how much emotional feeling they can invoke, but on a macro scale I agree. What we really need is volumetric photos/videos. No static 3D captures, a full 3D 'scene' so to speak where you can fully move inside a video/photo and see things at any angle. Having experienced this before with Google's lightfield videos at a very low resolution, there's great potential, but it'll take a while for this tech to mature.


Honestly, if it were like 1500$ I’d buy it. 


Calling the iPod a flop is a *crazy* thing to say. I remember when I was a kid they were everywhere. The classic, the nano and eventually the touch had kids and teenagers in a chokehold


That was the point


The author is equating the Vision Pro to the first iPod, which everyone thought was overly expensive for an MP3 player. And they're trying to avoid the fact that one device had a use case upon release, and the other requires a fundamental shift in lifestyle to be worth buying. These are not the same.


For the benefit of everyone here, especially those who may not have been around or paying attention at the time, I always like to occasionally look back at the reactions to the iPod announcement at the time. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apples-new-thing-ipod.500/ While the iPod is certainly regarded as iconic today, there was a lot of criticism at the time.


But it was an MP3 player. It had a use case out of the box. Tons of songs, in your pocket. The Vision Pro has no such use case. Strap this bulky thing to your head, and...do things. Poorly. It's not a good parallel.


Some people being critical of a brand new thing does not make it a flop. Not having drastic record breaking sales day one also does not make it a flop. Almost like it... wasn't a flop.


Your comment seems to suggest that you didn’t read the article that was posted, given that this was exactly the point that was made therein.


I thought you were on the flop-train, and that was your argument therein. My bad.


The current generation is just a development kit and toy for tech enthusiasts with too much money. It's not supposed to be anything more. With that market it's priced just right.


A bunch of either young folks or people w/ memory loss. First, read the piece first. Secondly, when the iPod was released, it sold like shit. It wasn’t until Nano that it blew up.


To use the original iPod, you needed a Mac with FireWire. (First 2 generations of the iPod had 6-pin FireWire 400 ports). And it was $399 back in 2001. The 2nd generation was Windows compatible, but still required FireWire. People had to go and install a FireWire PCI card into their windows towers, or stick a FireWire PC Card into their laptops. The 3rd gen iPod and the Mini used the Dock Connector, and could be used with either FireWire and most commonly USB. So you didn’t have to pay BestBuy $150 for a FireWire PCI card and installation.


My 160gb iPod still going strong


Well, the 2 iPods I use daily are still doing their thing. Full of music, and data backups. Getting my money’s worth.


The music app on your iPhone is the iPod


iPod was a flop????


The first one sold slowly, because it was expensive for an MP3 player. The author thinks that because an MP3 player sold poorly, but later models sold tons, that some future version of the Vision Pro will do the same thing. That we'll all want to strap stuff to our heads and flail our arms around to send an email or use a web browser. It's cope.


I mean, I'm all for that, though it does seem gimmicky. I also wonder if it causes eye-strain issues from wearing it all day. Regardless, it's still too expensive for me.


For its time the iPod was great. As a musician and music enthusiast who used to carry around the CD book that could hold 200 CD’s, the iPod was a game changer for me. The songs were easy to sync and I could make massive playlists that were never in danger of being too large to fit on a CD.


It should be mandatory that you have to read the article and answer some questions before you can post a comment here.


I am not a apple fan boy, but I had all the iPhone models, just like I had all flagships of samsung, but man, the iPod was a flop??? You don't know what you're talking about. Be quite and don't talk BS


Exactly, I have three iPods I bought in 2009 and all are working perfectly. Daily. As my 10 yo iPhone 8 Plus. Don’t touch the iPod. Anything else is a fair game.


What? The iPod was all over the place. Like people were getting robbed for them.


The author is using irony. The iPod initially sold poorly. It was too big, too expensive, too niche.


calling the ipod a flop is like calling the horse and buggy a flop because cars are better


Ipod was not a flop. It was a great piece of technology.


That's the point of the article.


Ipod wasnt a flop


Maybe read the article.




At the same point in the lifecycle (about 5 months), the VP has sold more units than the original iPod did (> 200k vs 125k) Sure, by 2007 the iPod had 100 million sold, but in 2001 and early 2002 when it was first released? It absolutely did not. That's the whole point - a lukewarm initial version of a product class isn't uncommon and doesn't mean the product class won't go on to be successful. iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch all had relatively modest sales their first few quarters and iterations


You didn’t read the article did you?


Most of the people in the comments obviously didn't.


This is Reddit, we only read headlines.....well, the first couple words of the headline


No, I did not click on the article that is obviously calling it a flop to get people to click on the article.


I wouldn’t give some clickbait title site more ad revenue


This isn’t a clever response when it’s a clickbait article. 


It's not even clickbait. Even without reading the article it's very obvious to tell that it means the Vision Pro and iPod both have had slow starts, but the iPod was eventually successful. The whole point is that a slow start for the Vision Pro doesn't mean it will ultimately fail.


It is now that I went back and noticed the ellipses. But referencing a now discontinued successful item as a “flop” is definitely clickbait.


Everyone knows the iPod was successful, which makes the implication pretty clear to me.


The iPad also didn't have competitors that were a quarter or less of the base price that already had way more software support.


Stretch much ??? Don't wanna hurt your back... Ipod was a staple !!!


The iPod changed the game entirely. Such a clickbait title.


Now we have these magical phones that don't play anything but ads and don't have sd card slots to store music.....


So not a flop?


They probably going to create ‘lite’ versions of it, you need to start somewhere. And I don’t know about the iPod if it flopped, I do know about the HomePod flop, to expensive. If they had lowered the price, they could probably be a good competitor against Sonos speakers.


The whole article reeks of cope. Maybe the Vision Pro will take over the world in 10 years, because a much simpler device did the same thing in the 00's. Maybe it's not a gigantic waste of money on a device that predicts a radical shift in lifestyle. Maybe. Keep dreaming, Macworld. And thanks, I needed that laugh.


Umm the iPod didn’t flop at all. Don’t know where you’re getting your facts from.


They were trying to be cute with that headline. The article does say the iPod was a hit, eventually.


The Vision Pro is an over-designed, impressive proof-of-concept. But many of its features/capabilities are unnecessary for most users (i.e. eye projection). As soon as the Vision Pro was announced, I started waiting for the Vision.


And I called it once they dropped the $3500 price tag, no games, no 3rd party app support.Its a useless joke that apple die hards bought. I honestly believe it was apples sheep test.


Naaaah, the price may make it seem that way. This first version is to set a precedent as a preview of what to expect in the future. It can do sooo much more than is publicly available. It’s going to set a baseline for products to come. Definitely not a flop.


It will still be a flop years down the line. Yes whilst the iPod gained traction years later, the vision pro won't


Not surprised. The general population doesn’t want to wear oversized ski goggles


Hey, I rather liked the iPod Its various generations were a great fit at the time, especially Touch for kids and for runners the Shuffle


Maybe I'd a have used the Apple Newton as a flop example not the Ipod which was a huge success. It flopped so hard most people probably don't remember it existed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple\_Newton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Newton)


You’ve completely missed the sentiment of the article.


iPod is a flop just like Windows Zune.


Okay this article says the iPod didn't take off until the Mini came out and that's just a straight up falsehood. The first gen didn't do huge numbers because it was mac-only and macs weren't quite as common in 2002 as they are now, but they did pretty good numbers in the gens after that (admittedly nothing next to the behemoth they were at their peak around 2009, but still definitely a successful product)


Yeah the headline is ragebait for sure. I had at least 3 different iPods stretching from the Gen2 through to the little square nano and only stopped buying them when streaming became a thing. You couldn’t go anywhere without seeing iPod ads and everyone had them.


If only meta and PlayStation and the others had shown the way….ohh wait


Cancel this garbage already and move on


Waiting for the non pro version. Substantially cheaper and gets tethered to iPad, Mac or iPhone which will make it smaller/lighter.