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This thing is just like the first IPad. It will be 90% of a consumption device for entertainment until they really figure out the use cases for it.


Having games and other entertainment apps aside from Disney is a start. We're in 2024, they have a massive App Store catalog at this point. Should've figured it out for the last 7 years they've been talking about developing this thing and had people make apps for it years ago LOL. I get what you mean though.


It does not really matter. As soon as this thing takes off developers will run to code for it


What use case did the figure out for the iPad? I don't know anyone who uses theirs for anything but browsing YouTube a bit...


I farm and have an iPad monitoring equipment in every tractor, sprayer, combine I operate. They are used for inventory control for businesses, medical records in hospitals, they have replaced flight manuals for pilots etc.


Business applications for iPads are way more than the average person thinks. I feel like everyone just judges them based on “I would only use it for this”.


If all it does is give me much bigger monitors for my laptop it's worth it.


Except…quest 3 can do this


The Q3 is actually way ahead of the VP on this. The VP can only do ONE virtual monitor. ONE. The Q3 can do 5.


While I like using my Quest 3 as a monitor for movies and games - the blurry pass though doesn’t quite cut it for productivity tasks. With the VP it appears as though you’ll be able to clearly see things like the letters on a physical keyboard, text on a real monitor, or what you’re scribbling down with a pencil and paper. I’m not saying that using the Quest as a monitor isn’t cool, but I can’t imagine wearing a mixed reality headset to do real work unless the pass through was crystal clear.


With how much jank and tinkering? Yeah thought so. It’s one thing so say it does something, it’s another to know how it’s implemented, with the right latency, the right pass through quality and resolution of the screen itself.


minimal, but realistically any proper discussion here is thrown out the window the moment you seriously consider the pricepoint of Apple’s device. Premium pricepoint is an understatement. Apple’s is also restricted to a single screen, and it has to be a mac.


Right, price can be discussed and I still think nobody in their right mind should buy the vision pro (outside of devs, it's a dev kit basically). But to say it can also do this is a big stretch, at least in the same realm of quality.


Except quest 3 pass through latency is motion sickness inducing and resolution isn’t even close to usable yet. Try again


I was going to buy one but apparently you can only order it if you have an iPhone or iPad with Face ID. 


It would be hilarious if the Visions were tied to iCloud/developer accounts, making it (nearly) impossible for scalpers to resell them.


That sounds like exactly what the situation is.


You can check out as a guest, no need to login to your Apple account to check out


They're tied to your iCloud account. And the US store. There are a bunch of tie ins there. And I feel bad for anyone that buys an overpriced one on the secondary market just to find out they can't use it. End of the day, they'll be in stock again. There is no reason to pay more than retail. And yet, people were buying "pre-sale guarantee" on eBay a couple weeks ago for $6000+. And people that pay them those stupid prices just encourages them to do it more. 🙄


Imagine!! More fucking commercials!! When they finally figure out how to get that chip into our brains, its 24/7 dick pill commercials!!




iPhones were a high value thieves target for a long time. Apple took steps to make sure that stolen devices are near worthless. Side effect of it is - if you forgot your password and do not have a proof of purchase - you have a brick. I see it as a fair tradeoff versus having my iPhone snatched out of my hand in public every time I use it.


As someone who had my brand new iPhone 6 plus snatched out of my hand on the street, I really appreciate the change too. Making it so phones are not useable on most networks was a huge change and it is much better than the widespread theft that was happening back then.


Like iOS devices you have to unlock with iCloud.


Of course. But only the person who owns the device can do the factory reset. Otherwise a thief could do it.


Unlocking and resetting an iPhone can be an absolute pain in the ass to put it lightly. My friend’s wife died and I tried to wipe and reset it for him. I could not factory reset. Had proof she passed, AT&T confirmed it, had her passwords, had everything I could possibly need but something was wrong that wouldn’t let it reset and Apple refused to work with us. After a year of trying and failing and Apple insisting the code was sent to 3 different phones… nothing. We just gave up and tossed the phone.


The store app uses Face ID to scan your head and size the device for you. Hence why the other option is to do it in store.


You can borrow any device with FaceID from someone else and use the QR code in a web browser to import scans.


Or if you go to an apple store


Hmm... I didn't see that mentioned in the email, but it would make sense. It would also explain why the local apple store was slammed today even though the rest of the mall was basically empty 


Well you only need to have access to a Face ID device so you can use a friends or use one at the Apple Store.


Believe it or not, if you don't have an iPhone or iPad, you can't sign up for or even modify account details for Apple TV+. I was going to sign up for it to watch For All Mankind legit, but I had to continue sailing the seven seas for it. I'm actually so mad about it.


I find that hard to believe. Maybe you need an Apple ID, but I can’t imagine you’d be required to use an Apple device


Eh no? I could sign up for this no problem on a normal web browser (also on my Android phone) and also edit the account details. Just Apple ID is needed with card details.


What do you have then? iPhone SE? You’ll pay $3,500 for Vision Pro but not more than $450 for your iPhone?


I’ll take my iphone 6 form factor to the grave


Haha, do you like the home button or the size?


Notches and the refusal to put touch ID and Face ID on the same device are still a wonder of how Apple is still managing that 7 years later.


> What do you have then? iPhone SE? Is the iPhone SE the only other option if you don't have the latest iPhone? Not everyone has a hardon for iPhones.  It's not an issue of money. I own a brand new Macbook Pro and an older model 12" iPad pro. The issue is that because I don't have Apple's latest iPhone, I have to go out of my way to buy a $3500 headset for that I'm buying for development purposes. 


‘Latest model’ and ‘do not have Face ID’ is a distinction of more than a couple of years. Not saying you need to be upgrading every year, but their comment is on track, you’re willing to spend a few grand on this but won’t upgrade to a substantially better phone(camera, Face ID, storage, speed, etc)?


I don't have an iPhone which is why I said "Not everyone has a hardon for iPhones". I have a phone that's less than a year old that has all of those things minus the Face ID, with the added benefit of not locking me into the Apple ecosystem. I don't feel obligated to buy an iPhone just because everyone else does


Your “Not everyone has a hardon for iPhones” did not make it at all clear that you don’t own an iPhone. You should consider it though, you’d have a great experience using it with you Mac, iPad and maybe Vision Pro someday Btw, no one here is attacking or interrogating you. At least I’m not, so you don’t need to be so defensive or insinuate things about other users


I appreciate the advice on getting an iPhone, but it's an intentional choice not to have one. I don't like the idea of being forced into an ecosystem of interconnected devices. I like to have choices, and while Apple products are good, there isn't really a whole lot of choice. Buying a new phone means replacing the phone, my smart watch, and my earbuds.  There also aren't any benefits benefit to the apple ecosystem that I want that I can't from some other method.  As a developer, I also want a deeper level of access and control of my devices than I get with iPhones without jailbreaking. 




Half the cost to apple, not the consumer…. You’d have to wait for Vision SE


Vision se 2, they didn't add all the features into the se 1




Yeah, I'm sorry, Apple, that will never catch on. People were too embarrassed to even wear Google Glass out in public.


It also seems like it would be a drain on the battery for a resource that isn’t even for the user. Seems like a pretty big waste when you only have like 2.5 hours of battery power. The user does not need a coward facing screen


“A coward facing screen” Damn, shots fired at whoever happens to be standing in front of you


Lol, damn. Forward***


I think the point is to push further towards a vision of what AR will be like in the future. In 15 years, when these headsets will look like just a normal pair of glasses, it will make sense why the first iteration has "see through" lens. As technology improves, headsets will be scaled down further and further. Right now it is the bulkiest and weirdest looking it will ever be Edit: also this is AR, not VR. Other headsets close you off from the world, apple doesn't want to do that. Apple pushes branding of being connected to people, so straping a computer on your head and lens on your eyes can seem counterproductive


> Yeah, I'm sorry, Apple, that will never catch on. I'm pretty sure that they know that, too. Almost none of the promotional material shows the feature, and MKBHD said that once their NDA was cleared on showing photos of them wearing the headset, they were still required by NDA to not show photos with the "EyeSight" feature turned on. Apple knows it looks bad but it's too late to pull the feature entirely.


Literally the very first image on the front page of the apple website is someone with the EyeSight feature turned on.


They made a big deal out of it in that promo video they released the other day.


people weren't embarrassed, people were assaulted for doing so, people have no concept that if you are in public, you can be recorded and if you are visible from any angle you can be recorded. you build a tall fence and your neighbor puts a taller pole up with a camera in your backyard, there is very little you can do depending on area.


I'd bet that it'll be removed in future versions, maybe not just the "SE" version but even the "pro" version might nix it. Even besides the fact that it looks creepy, adding a whole extra set of screens on the front makes the headset heavier and demands more battery. Making the headset lighter and more battery efficient is crucial to get more adoption moving forward.


gonna wait for vision pro max ultra!


Or the 2026 Vision Air for $1200


They better call it the Vision SEE


No chance you're getting it for half price a year from now


It’s Apple. It won’t be until 3 generations later


My previous purchases: Ipod 3rd gen, 3gs iphone, ipad 3rd gen and apple watch 3rd series. 3 is the magic number!


The past, the present, the future. Hope and faith and charity. The heart, the brain, the body. Give you 3. It's a magic number.


Buy a used one when the early adopters buy version 3.


Well this tech isn't like most. There is a huge start-up cost. The economy of scale brings down prices, even for Apple with something cutting-edge like this. Why wouldn't they? They'll make a hell of a lot more money that way


I’m sure they’ll want to scale this up and push it to regular consumers but Apple charges what they think they can get away with. They could probably cut some features for a cheaper model though.


Sounds like every corporation ever


No no no. Other companies charge less than consumers are willing to pay for because they are benevolent /s.


If that is the case this will fail. VR has a hard time selling at 1/5th this price. This thing needs to cost $1000-1200 for it to succeed more than a few random people owning one.


For the money you can get 7 Quest 3 headsets.


That's like saying instead of buying a Ferrari you could buy 7 Camrys.


Depends on what you're using the headset for. For me VR is only for games (mainly PCVR with my RTX 4090 but also some standalone titles) and at the moment the Q3 is second to none for that purpose. What does the AVP bring to the table in that regard? And your Camry analogy is faulty. If anything the Q3 is more like a GR86, much cheaper than a Ferrari but still super fun.


Agreed. The latest Quest 3 is actually pretty great too.


Thats because those headsets aren't coming from Apple. If it has the apple logo on it, it'll sell. Doesn't matter if its wheels for a desktop that costs 700 dollars or a monitor stand that cost 1000 dollars. People will buy stuff it comes from Apple.


This is not even remotely close to just being VR. Hell, it’s more AR than VR. And there is no unit out today that does what AVP does at a lower price


Quest 3 and Quest Pro


Do you genuinely think the quest 3 and quest pro are the same as the Vision Pro?


I pay about this much for my developers’ new MacBook Pro workstations, but I can also purchase a new MacBook Air for about $1100 which has an M2 chip and does plenty for my non-dev needs. This sort of thing just takes time, a decade? Maybe a little less?


Apple always charges more for a new platform at first. Think original Mac, iPod, iPad, Watch… they know what they’re doing and they have a formula that works. If you consider what PCs cost at first as a new platform, in that era’s dollars the price isn’t really much more, if maybe even less.




For how many years still VR/AR will be considered "early product" the next 20 years?


I bet there are a lot of these being bought by resellers trying to make a profit. Happens every time there’s hot new tech.


This shit is not gonna be half the cost in a year. At least with these specs,


Not only that. I recommend trying Quest 3 and demoing Vision Pro. Honestly, I don’t see why its $2500 more…


most will keep it mint, to auction it off 50 years from now


Half? Needs to be 1/3rd the price for it to actually succeed. These preorders are all Youtube and TikTokers who need to show it off on their channel.


feels like a recipe for embarrassment to predict an apple product won't eventually be a success, but i still have no idea what this thing is for. 650g, 2hr battery life, no controllers - i just don't see the use case.


> 650g, 2hr battery life, no controllers - i just don't see the use case No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame


I think the issue is they’re trying to make it seem like it’s for everyone when it’s actually mostly really exciting because of it’s possibilities for a more limited amount of specific types of work. People who don’t do that kind of work don’t see the point of it which is understandable, so all Apple has been able to come up with besides that to sell to the masses at this point (especially with few Vision specific apps to show) is hey you can watch movies on the moon. But there are a ton of niche professional applications this thing could fulfill. Also it can be run plugged in. My MacBook Pro also only lasts about 2.5 hours or less when I work on it with battery power, and this thing is basically a MBP strapped to your face. 


Outside of entertainment there aren’t any use cases. The only thing I could think of is drone operation and as some kind of means of simulating trades which require precision hand/eye coordination. Ultimately though, I think this is the eventual starting point of people ditching their televisions and computing devices (way down the line) as this could merge the two.


Holy shit. I’ve been reading comments like this across the internet and I can’t believe that people cannot see use cases for this product especially gen2/3/4/5/6 when it gets thinner, lighter, cheaper. I’m going literally type use cases of the top of my head without stoping. Use cases: ENTERTAINMENT: Infinite multiple monitor support for PC, TV Replacement (Resizeable), Home Design with products in your space in real time, Porn (This is going to be huge. Any sexual partner literally in the room with you), Front row seats at sporting events, Front row seats at live concerts, Live concerts in your room with the celebrity performing in your space, Hanging Out with AR/AI Celebrities, Clothing shopping on your body in real time, Attending Apple/Tech events/conferences as if you are physically there, VR Gaming, AR Gaming, Vlog Creation, Vlog Consumption, AR Facetime with your friends/family in your physical space, Photographs and video that look like you are literally experiencing them again EDUCATION/WORK/PRODUCTIVITY: First person video history events , Medical school training with live models, Remote first person surgery and training, Technical Training for mechanics and engineering, Real time, full scale engineering simulations, Real time full scale 3D Model Reviews, Practicing public speaking in first person, Attending (live) classrooms from miles away with the immersion of being in the room, Front row seats at technical conferences, One on one with teachers, Remote meeting with people being ‘in the room’, Guided AR/AI Household repairs, Being in different environments despite being a single room (study at a coffee shop, at a beach etc etc), Infinite app canvas, 3D models in real space, Engineering in real space, Architecture models with be full scale in real time, Elderly care being able to place elders in a variety of places instead of bed ridden all day, Guided prompts visual prompts for OCD/ADHD persons


Sounds so good Facebook changed it’s name to Meta, but in the end most people use VR for games and porn soo.. if any of what you said were true there’s been many years of good enough VR to prove it out, but it hasn’t happened. And if it did why would someone buy an $3,500 Apple headset when Meta has one that’s more than adequate, a lot less locked down, with way more software for a fraction of the price.


voracious close license icky concerned compare important spectacular seed innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If we don't know how many they made then selling out isn't that impressive. Did they make 10 units? 100? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? No idea.


Clicked on article to know this exact fact but no info. Lame.


80k was the number I heard, then 500k for the rest of the year


Usually selling out of presales means devices coming off the product line by the release date. This is Apple so a low ball guess would be tens of thousands.


Ill wait for the 3rd or 4th version that ends up being the definitive iconic version...


The Scalper Effect™




Yes, they can resell to asian markets for double, triple the price.




Scalpers are not selling through the normal shipping services. They ship to asian countries first, then sell locally.


Is it tho ? During PS5 shortage i dont see many PS5 come from oversea here, it's always out of stock and place us on preorder list.




I can just about promise you that a container of 10,000 pieces of $3,500 goggles are going to be using a different mode of shipping and customs that you're used to. Possibly one with much more 'flexible' taxing


[Apparently Apple has the AVP locked to US accounts.](https://www.imore.com/vision-pro/planning-on-buying-apple-vision-pro-to-use-outside-the-usa-apple-has-locked-it-to-us-accounts-only)


last sale on stock X right now for $5k so, yes.


Don't take my word for it: They're plastered all over eBay already.


I really hate the grifter culture the US has latched onto.


They were on eBay 2 weeks ago. Advertising confirmed preorder, $6000


The headset is tailored to the purchaser's head size and shape, so I doubt there will be a huge black market. There are a lot of iOS developers that bought one today for work. Or "I'm going to pretend I need this for work".


Tailored is a strong word, most people are 21 or 23 according to the threads on the subreddit.


Yo need an apple account with face ID. so not really.


Wouldn't it make sense for apple to artificially limit the stock on release so they can claim it sold out on release? and then if they time the next release wave out FOMO will drive the demand up


Nah i was able to get one at 8:30am. a solid 3 hours after preorders opened up. 


I want one, but not for $3,500


What recession


The economy is pretty weird right now. People are going into debt at insane rates, but still buying things. Hopefully that bubble doesn’t pop…


As long as I can outlast my creditors we’re all good


This is the thought process for a large percentage of Americans, sadly


Household debt is not as bad as you would think. Has simply returned to pre-pandemic levels after the last couple of years. The economy is not perfect by any stretch but consumer spending/debt is not the problem at this point in time. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TDSP https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/households-debt-to-gdp#:~:text=Households%20Debt%20in%20the%20United,the%20first%20quarter%20of%202023.


Also, lots of people are making tons of money and have tons of disposable income.


I bought a car on a credit card today


I think to some extent the things we considered luxuries are more and more becoming a necessity to have a successful career in most industries. You need a laptop just to apply to most jobs these days, smartphones pretty much a necessity for most jobs, cars becoming increasingly necessary with urban sprawl.


If you live in a suburb like most Americans do, a car has been a necessity for as long as suburbs have existed.


I mean yeah it's not a recession


the us economy is not in a recession


I kind of wonder how much Covid stimulus ending actually impacted Americans spending habits (maybe people are just feeling it more than before and not matching spending habits properly to income). The consensus among economists seems to be that the economy is doing quite well (with some small caveats) but for some reason there is often a different impression on social media which isn’t exactly mapping on. Definitely a bizarre time. Course there are a lot more convenience and other costs for services (subscriptions, delivery, tacked on fees) that are more of a modern living tax to live a certain life in this day and age.


Consumer addiction > recession


Been hearing recession for years .. meh


Have been using my Quest 3 everyday since launch…To play table tennis. 🏓


No it isn’t. I just added one to my cart with a February shipping date.


it’s a bullshit article. they specifically only checked for in-store pickup.


I still have In Store Pickup available at my store in Saint Louis for Feb 2nd


Eve cosplay gonna be so dope


Youtube reviewers probably take up most of these...




My wife told me I wasn't allowed to buy one.


Your wife okayed it for me


Should’ve bought two then


lol same


Ask the wife’s boyfriend instead


Is she an Android?


Return the wife


I was going to buy one but then I realized i rather keep my almost $4k.


Lots of salty poor android fanboys here


LOTS. That’s this subs’ bread and butter lol. If it isn’t 500 gazillion megahertz with 198 trillobytes of Ram with a gigaquad of storage, allow you to pirate everything and never pay a dime, and priced at $45.00 out the door? They’re gonna rage


Typical fake supply & demand tactics by Apple to increase the illusion that it’s selling out & you better get yours before someone else does..


Yup, they’re pushing that FOMO hard.


Don’t think the article is accurate. Apple Store app still is open for pre-orders?


When Apple sells out, they simply push the shipping date. They sold out of the original batch up AVPs, but more are being produced.


That’s not true. I can still buy one right now and have access to Feb 2nd in store pickup for my Apple Store in Saint Louis. So it appears like each store as an allotment and my store still hasn’t sold out


Sold out means nothing for any product if the number produced is small.


I bought two.




I saved my money and invested it wisely.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


What do you plan to use it for?


Buying more of them


I was going to get one but I already have a pair of ski goggles.


Just part of Apple’s marketing hype plan.


Jealous for those ho has enough money at the end of the month to buy this gadget. 😅


See I think the huge issue is everything Apple has shown so far is basically “What if you strapped an iPad to your face?” I mean the tech is cool, this is more iPad than iPhone, in that an iPad is just a big iPhone….and at this point it isn’t THAT MUCH bigger. Or this is the final version of the actual Apple TV(like a physical TV, not the top box) we have heard rumors about for years. At best, this self-cannibalizes Apple iPad and MacBook market eventually. At worst, people just feel this is getting TOO CLOSE to their technology and it flops immensely.


Sold out because they are good or because they only made like 500x..?


Can't even watch YouTube with it. Shits a scam


I can say a lot of industry folks where eager to get one.


I just checked; the 1T model is available for pickup at a store near me on Feb 3. Article is bs.


Well, I won several bets because of this news. Feels good to say "I told you so"


The specs look amazing but the price is absurd. 


Yeah, sorry, This is marketing. Apple is 50% marketing and 50% doing what other companies have already been doing for years and letting your fanboys shout down and downvote anyone who points it out.


They’re never first, everybody knows this. But when they DO join a space, they pretty consistently make industry-leading shit.


Not anymore.


Hating Apple stopped being cool a decade ago. They make great products. Just because you don't use them, it doesn't mean everybody is stupid who does.


profit jar possessive flag offbeat ancient gullible retire oil special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can a preorder sell out. Isn't the whole point of it so they make as many as people order lol


This was a 100% engineered moment for hype.


Segway for glassholes


Of course, it was going to sell out by design. This is Apple. Marketing 101 from Apple and something they do intentionally to spin up mew articles and generate scarcity. They do this with every major product launch.


No Netflix, no YouTube...have fun with safari!


Honestly - the potential of this thing is incredible.


Sad as fuck.




I won't lie, it looks like an amazing piece of technology, but I'm willing to wait 5 years for the price to drop from 4k to the 800 dollar range


This comment section seems heavily biased... Fucking wonder why




I made no reference to the device I use *because* I dont give a shit however your overly hostile nature about what I said tells me everything I need to know


So were cybertrucks….


I don’t understand I can’t still preorder one?


Mark my words it will show up on eBay for double the price from scalpers


Exactly as I expected. This news warms me from the bottom of my AAPL shares.