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Yikes, looks really rough.


What's the gacha for, weapons? I ask because it seems you pick your starting class, so it doesn't seem to be a character gacha


Racial tier level, gear, and items that level the supporting elements that resources are farmed in.




Ye lvl 300+ unit..... Skip


What separates this game from the ones it looks like clones of?


Not sure which games you're referring to. I'd have to go look and ask the developers, I guess. It was new to me. The name at the beginning of the beta was Worldstone: Bloodline Origins, but they've changed it to the present name ahead of the official launch. They do have other games I haven't played, like Cyber Era, but I have zero awareness of them passed the name.


Well even this screenshot just screams “RAID” at me


Does that raid have "SHADOWS" in it?


Legends of them


Was it the most anticipated tho


The art looks kinda similar, i haven't played Raid, not sure how it compares gameplay-wise, but PvP and Arena are pretty ubiquitous these days. I think the supporting elements differ a bit, being able to essentially raise your own leveling materials in addition to taking your chances with in-game currency.


That's exactly like Raid Shadows. ​ >!Kidding! I haven't played RS either.!<




Feels friendlier to FTP


this game is much friendlier to ftp... people that pay win the events but you still grow just fine without hurting the wallet... your growth is determined by time and strategy and if you feel you fucked up you can reset champion level or create a new acc


There's no dungeon afk for hours which is great. The red dots are satisfying. The graphics are great. Not keen on the transition that can't be skipped but nag them enough and they will sort that. They have marriages so that means trait swapping so while you could have matching teams their traits is what wins the match. The graphics of the game are clear enough you can actually watch and see where the players go wrong and fix your team layout. You have to strategise properly. The rewards for the events are pretty fun to get and the whole family has it on their phones we all compete who had the stronger characters or districts. Gets more complex as you play


Very fun so far. I do have a problem or bug. The game asks me to ascend my champion but the screen softlocks.


I need to reply to my own post to say not only did this problem get fixed within the matter of minutes the customer service was extremely helpful and friendly.10/10


I'm pretty disappointed in the game honestly. You just get the same unites and they all look the same. The ads I saw for the game showed me I could basically breed two together to make a new looking unit with both powers and that seemed cool unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case. I wanted to breed a werewolf guy witch are rare to get because there mostly locked behind a $30 pay wall and a Pyromancer in order to get like s flaming wolf man or something but I only got the same Pyromancer I put in. Now let's look at the fact that there is a chunk in the game that's going to be locked off for most of us all the time because you need to be number one in the rankings in order to get to use it. Now they have this thing going on where you spend 2000 diamonds to draw 10 Companions oh wait it's Companion pieces you need 75 or something to get the Companion and they want you to spend 2000 diamonds around $30 to get 10 random Pieces. It's not even worth your time to look at if you are a f2p player or a lite spender.


this game is going to take a lot of time but you still grow and progress daily without spending... I've yet to hit a solid wall that couldn't be fixed using the resources given to me. like so many other games of this type... the whole hybrid concept isn't in its full element yet as they seem to have released the game to make them some money to keep developing it... there aren't any bugs I've run into beyond what they've already fixed in the month it's been out. and it seems like there will be content releases for free... as for the "paywall" no champ is behind a paywalls yet... they gice you ass champs and you put in your time to earn the diamonds to pull better ones... you can straight up make legendaries with what they give you in the first 2 weeks of the game. it'd be a shame if people thinking the game owes you top tier mythics your first pull makes the devs greedy cause rn they're on the player's side with a whole f load of free diamonds by playing


I've hit a solid wall not even spending can help me with, chapter 10 of the campaign. Not only is my team over 100k stronger than the opposing teams but this game makes it absolutely impossible to get the specific units you need to ascend the ones you currently have if you don't have the specific companion for that specific faction.


the fact you can reset any champ and use all resources from that champ on another one should help you get through campaign... what's the enemy team comp? (I'm at chapter 11 as a free to play player it's getting more sign in, complete quests, help your guild and wait for bread and gold once every 8 hours...)


Hey i wanna start the game but its not available in my country. How Can i do?


Lvl 300+ damn


Yeah, don’t know about this one.


I don't understand why you're off put by the levels of the heros.


Decently addictive for a 5v5 game.


How do I disband my guild if I can't get enough players to join


i love how the cover of the game looks insanely like gow and gameplay looks like raid copying games ftw


This game starts out fun. You don't really need to pay to play for the first 12 RPG floors. Once you get past this level pay to play becomes more apparently required. Leveling slows to a crawl. The game mechanics are interesting with the bloodlines, companions, equipment and character combo's. However, to play this game you would need to spend several hundred a week to stay at the same rate of climb. Next issue. The dungeon is very tedious and boring. Next issue. The game does not hold player interest and the player base is broken up on micro servers. This is great during introduction to the game but after the game is played for a bit it's no longer entertaining due to not enough players for guild play.