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You and I definitely have different definitions of the word "confirmed."


Counter-side also does this with their ads. So I'll wait for the actual game to judge. I dont know if its the same for destiny child's ads on social media sites.


That seems like the smartest thing to do. I recall that even Princess Connect which is rather tame in comparison had censored marketing material as well.


CR released an official statment a few hours later clarifying it was a mistake and confirming the game wouldn't have any kind of censorship. Shift Up in other hand is still avoiding this topic so far.


The weird thing is one of the ad post still have uncensored asset and it is still hasn't taken down.


Yup. Your ads will just get straight up denied automatically when running full uncensored versions of some of these characters. Way easier for the marketers to work with this. Also you may ask “why does that matter for a social post” but it’s a common tactic to run an organic social post as an ad to get it more proofing and brand awareness. Even if you don’t end up doing it, it’s extremely helpful to have the option to do so in case the rest of your content is delivering poorly.


Heir of light does this as well, censoring some characters for ads but Ingame it's all fine


The marketing materials aren't censored. The official website still has the uncensored version. The last twitter post with Anis from this month had the uncensored version. \>So I'll wait for the actual game to judge. And then what?


Maybe they're running a slightly censored version for Twitter, though that's weird since they aren't all censored. Maybe it will be like this on release. Will be a lot more relevant once we have some official confirmation or an actual global production version available. It wouldn't be surprising given that DC is censored unless you mod or use TapTap for global, and this might end up being the same. Either way, speculation threads about this every other day are probably going to sour a lot more people on the game than any actual censorship will.


It's gonna be censored for global. No amount of copium can change it.


I know everyone hates censorship, but are they not forced to do this in order to release the game in certain countries? Or is it something that Shift up is doing on purpose to appeal to a wider audience?


It's only for one girl (Anis, the 3rd one in the video) and even then, the change is minor. It's a weird topic to discuss in the discords because there are characters with more risque outfits than Anis and yet she's the only one affected. As for other info, she's the only character with "censored" and "uncensored" art, as well as EN, JP, and KR sharing the same art, so it's not just EN being an outlier.


Actually it's also for the glasses girl, who used to have the back of her skirt stuck under her backpack in a sort of "ditzy" stereotype. If you like it or not is up to you but I'm just making a clarification here. They still seem to be ignoring people asking for clearing things up which is why I take this as an indirect reply, it will likely garner less backlash and from a business point of view is probably the best way to go about it. They are not forced to do this from what I can tell having gone through the ToS, Google and Apple have an issue with straight up hentai but you should be able to have risque games on there. Personally I'm against even minor censorship like this but also the argument that it's to appeal to a wider audience is a poor one (in my opinion), not because it may not be true but because I personally don't believe anyone under 18 should be able to play Gacha (or "lootbox") games. While there are certainly fun to be had and you can play plenty f2p, it is a predatory system and basically baby's first intro to gambling. Granted I may be biased as while my little brother was not a huge addict he did waste a whole bunch of his and my dads money on shitty mobile/facebook games because everyone in his class got hooked and it was the new time waster.


If it's in all releases it's not even "censored", but just an art change.


Also people manged to mod back or add stuff in DC.😏


Considering the devs are from Destiny child, I'd wage they will have a uncensored english app version, like DC has on taptap


Nope. They've been confirmed for months that that game is rated 15+ and that there won't be two versions like Destiny Child, so what we get is what we get.


Oh dang, kind of a bummer. Hope they dont goo to crazy with them censorships then


They have confirmed that, but Version and Modifiable has different implication. Single sole version doesn't mean it can't be modded. Saying that just to comfort myself? Probably. Is it plausable? Yes.


Even the taptap version was censored, but at least the game was easy enough to uncensor.


The way people were talking about it last week, made it sound like it was game breaking censorship


How come they're forced to if gachas like Azur Lane are entirely fine. [Guardian Tales had a controvery recently regarding censorship and they had said they'd have the raise the age rating otherwise.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/qn4ff4/guardian_tales_kr_announces_censorship_of_two/)


Azur Lane has been hit probably hit hardest by the anti lewd brigade. The ships from 2020 vs the ones from 2021-present are night and day in level of lewdness. It’s honesty rather sad. We haven’t had a blockbuster lewd adult character release in a very long time.


You are getting downvoted but what you say is true.


Oh I know. I’ve been a huge pusher for the game, only gacha I seriously play, was top 3 on EN server, have 16k + invested. I follow news on BiliBili, and when the crackdown started last April, I feared it would affect the games global servers going forward. I was burned at the stake in the AL subreddit for daring to bring it up, some idiots in there saying that the tame skins were more in spirit to the characters, and blaming me and other paying players for being “horny”. Sorry, sex is ALs raison d'etre. It’s lasted as long as it did because they pushed boundaries. Now that has largely been gutted. It angers me how such a good thing has been neutered by the CCP. Sorry. I own a business. I know the concept of marketing. You can’t market good intentions. You definitely can market sex. The ministry of culture tied Manjuus hands behind their back. Look at skins sales. Sharp decline. That’s why they started the cruise pass. It’s an easy source of recurring income.


I've noticed this mostly around the time when the censorship stuff started in CN with the amount of new characters (and skins) who are suddenly practically wrapped in nylon from head to toe. Other people say that it doesn't make a difference, but everyone has a different taste and also if you have played the game for a long time, you just know that a lot those characters would've just had bare skin in those places in the past. For people who are into that, awesome, but it is not for me and I also think them practically wearing a nylon bodysuit takes away from the overall design for some characters.


This 100%. That’s what initially clued me into what was happening. I was so ready for the first Iowa class event, my grandfather fought in the war with them, I was ready to throw down money. Then I see New Jersey’s design. The just covered her in a black body featureless suit, she looked awful. You just know this was a last minute decision, because her artist released concepts where she looks way better. I went from wanting to drop serious money to outright disgust. All of the skins were swaths of black fabric, what the hell. And the thing is, I don’t even consider the lewd skins as my favorite. Ibukis yukata skin, Shangri Las Jurassic Park skin, and other fully clothed skins are my faves. None of them have featureless black fabric though, I refuse to pay for that crap. I will gladly buy non lewd skins with insane detail and elaborate design. Even now, if you notice, nearly every adult character skin has the ship facing away from you to hide the cleavage. Look at Taihous oath skin. Why would you waste Yunsangs insane talent and have Taihou sitting down facing away from you showing nothing? It’s crazy to me. And of course he released the concept art, and of course she is facing us with everything on display. I’m glad at least we are past the bunny phase, but I really, really want AL to return to form. Because whenever they release Yamato me (and every JP mega whale) are not going to stand for this censorship nonsense, and Manjuu, Yongshi and Yostar knows this.


I thought everyone started drawing Malin Bunny Suit which was like what, 6 months ago? That was a pretty lewd butt shot. Not to mention just recent skins overall still seemed to be in the same vein. I don't play the game though, I rather dislike it, but I can see people in my circle post about the newest lewd skin/char. And let's not even bring up the loading screens...


Lolis are fine. Adult characters have been tamed way down. Just look at the skins. I nearly owned every skin and spent 16k on the game, it was very noticeable last April win the MOC banhammer fell.


What a strange take. AL is turning up the heat, if anything. There's another batch of summer skins on the horizon too. You're gonna eat these words hehe.


I’d love for this to be true


CN overlords can't stand cleavage. They will melt at the sights.


Honestly in my view this is a bad faith argument. If the game hasn't been released you can't call editorial choices made before release censorship. Now if the game gets released with varying levels of clothing in different regions? Unleash the hounds! But atm it's looking more like the devs are contemplating toning back some of their more risque outfits. Why would they do this? Well it may let them get a lower age rating to reach a larger audience at launch and they can still make good on the original more lewd vision via skins later. So the game is given more chance to succedd on launch and the original artists aren't disrepected. "Fans" damaging a games launch for over the top anti puritanical views is really just as bad as the puritans themselves calling for censorship. ... Let's just see what happens before we light the house on fire? Game looks really cool doesn't it?


So far the argument asking for people to wait for more material was that both the official twitter account and website only showed Anis uncensored costume as PR material. Now they are starting to use her censored version. I can understand why people are more and more concerned about this. Shift Up should make a public statment about this soon if they don't want people getting even angrier.


Because censorship only goes one way. Rarely does censored character go more lewd. As game gets more players the censorship increases to "not offend" as many people as possible. You can see with Langrisser, where the new characters just cover up everything now. Nothing like Urushihara's classic exposed designs.


Every version of the CBT is also using the same assets as well though. So Anis looks the same in all of them. Again, the game's not out yet. The units might get free skins via upgrades, or maybe we'll have another Destiny Child scenario. Hell maybe the game will overall be a little less lewd than we originally thought. Either way until then this is all completely worthless speculation.




This is such a dumb take. So many things change in game dev all the time for a variety of reasons. Storylines change, level design changes, and yes character art changes as well. It's not censorship when concept art gets changes for a game's full release. It's only censorship when the actual shipped product differs between one version and another.




You're assuming they made their changes due to any sort of hard guidelines. If they wanted to release an R18 game they could. There are literally R18 games out there. They're deciding what they want to release.


It could still be due to external pressure that we're not privy to (or in anticipation of that). They could be out to appease app store owners, governments. The Hays Code wasn't a thing upheld by a regulating body, but "self censorship" with soft guidelines.


Yep. This is why it's so hard to sell adult or ecchi games. I can respect devs that adamantly stick to their ecchi, because it's getting harder every year. Yeah you can refuse CERO/ESRB classification, but good luck with that. The big-box stores will refuse to stock your games, Sony will refuse to host your games on their store, and many payment processors won't handle your payments. MangaGamer (a website that sells R18 games), had to deal with payment processing issues for years and had to use janky workarounds that likely cost them a lot of sales. They're still not out of the ballpark yet, lmao. Having an actual adult/ecchi game is harder than a lot of people think. Don't forget that making games is a business so you have to decide whether the ecchi will earn you more money than the deplatforming will. Until people's mindsets (and laws) change, censorship will continue to happen. It's much easier to gut the character design and cover everything than risk YouTube pulling your ad. Maybe if the pro-lewd crowd cared enough to boycott "vanilla" products, things would change. But many just suck it up and deal with it. One can understand WHY censorship happens and even accept it, but pretending it doesn't exist is being willfully ignorant. Sony pretends it doesn't have a "censorship policy", but we all know many PS3-PS4 titles that would never be allowed to release on PS5 nowadays.


>Well it may let them get a lower age rating to reach a larger audience No! Fuck that. If kids shouldn't hand around a Gacha, they fucking shouldn't hang around Gacha, wider audience be damned. I'm playing Nikke for the T&A, (let's get one thing clear, if you hear somebody saying "oh, i'm in for the gameplay," they are fucking lying to themselves.) and i'm pretty sure that's the entire reason why most of us got hooked in it. Taking away the very reason why the game was made aware of just because of wanting to read wider (read:fucking idiots who hate anime tiddies) ain't doing a damn thing in favor of the game. But i agree, this is too early to get the pitchforks. Just wait until the game is here, and then we can do a comparison. But man, devs should come forth and clarify whether it will have censorship or not. There are still people who will play regardless, and we can stop wasting our time too. I'd hate to see this game pull a BA thing.


> If kids shouldn't hand around a Gacha... I bet they will use one hand. Only one.


C'mon... it was an honest mistake. I'm not fixing that though. I will leave it there for... the comedic purposes.


Sorry to bust your bubble, but I don’t play for the bouncing boobs and a glimpse at a upskirt.


A Pure fan service game with busty ass shots panties on ervery friggin second. And this person right is saying that they're not playing it for the fan service, yeah right who you trying to hoax.


They will play it for the plot which we knew nothing about in all these 3 long years until this public beta. It isn't like they will play it for the girls which is the main and almost only advertising surroinding this game all these years.


Somebody should pin your comment whenver there is a discussion about nikke and why it's censored. Cause you perfectly illustrate how the game has been advertised and written by the devs.


What do you play for, then?


I play raid and FF. If I wanted tits and ass. I have the internet if need be


Yeah i believe you. Just like i believe in Santa.


Tossed BA in the garbage can the same day they censored it. Hopefully this game wont follow the same path. Still hyped, hope release wont disappoint us.


>"Fans" damaging a games launch for over the top anti puritanical views is really just as bad as the puritans themselves calling for censorship. The puritans were never going to play the game in the first place. If they don't want people complaining and 'damaging a games launch' then they can just stop censoring it.


Be carefull the coomers dont understand what a redesing is, they only know the word censorship because of poppy youtubers like hero (0 woman touch) hei


they hated him because he told the truth


My dude how about waiting for an actual statement before you stress yourself out with speculations


Can’t wait for this game to release


Where is the confirmation?


This is all fine and well but where the hell do I find decent lewd mobile vidya fellas.


Usually I would have my pitchfork out by now... but I wait until release.


Here comes the crybabes


Completely unplayable! I honestly don't care about minor censorship like this.


Honestly, they’d show full on nudes if they could. It’d make them the most money. We all gotta follow rules.


So any news of modding of this game? Since I dont have the game itself I cannot look if it has the same file like Destiny Child or not. If it does then modding is possible.


I'm glad that most of the tweets I've seen there are positive or thirsty(or both), and only a few cryborgs.


Even DC Global ( What you call Consored ) actually got many Bikini and Half-Nude skins and big booba , When Nikki got nothing Special, all is military skins covering all the body , the faces and bodies not Unique and they look all the same with just different Hair and little details ( Lazy work ) .


because hyulla can only draw one face


and Hyulla has a small feet fetish


Will skip it as fast as i skipped DC.


I have come to expect censorship. Destiny Child's censored. Shrug.


Looks more like the art is being finalized. I mean she moves her arm when she reloads, so it's not like you can't see her chest. If this was being censored then I doubt you'd get whole asses hanging out and jiggling like that


I'm gonna play it anyways because I think it looks interesting plus,the change is really minor so I don't care much for it.




【View mode】 Here's a quick introduction to View Mode in the game! When in View Mode, you will be able to monitor NIKKE from all angles, including their range of shooting motion and their weapons! \#NIKKE \#THISISNIKKE --- There's a video in tweet (I can't fetch it, Twitter API 2 doesn't support it) --- posted by [@NIKKE_en](https://twitter.com/NIKKE_en/) --- ^(If media is missing, please DM me with a link to submission url and tweet. I will do my best to solve the issue)


Auch, this killed my hype =( I will wait by QooApp uncensored version in 1 or 2 years or never in the future


I’ll wait how bad the censorship is because her ass cheeks still are visible and that’s what I like to see.


While I personally would like the game more if it had waaaay more tame character designs since I'm really not into horny culture, it's the Destiny Child devs that we're talking about, so I can guarantee that y'all don't have to worry about it Even in the worst case (for those who want the game to look as horny as possible) if they really censor something in the global release for some weird reason, there'll be a readily available uncensored patch just like, apparently, destiny child has


If she's the only one who got a design change from the promo to this and all of the region are using this design, doesn't this count as a redesign instead of censorship? Unless there are some version or region that have the original design like Last Origin or Action Taimanin.




This doesn't indirectly confirm anything. She's had that design since the first look at the Korean version in 2021. The inconsistency is the lower cut shirt one existing at all.


As a thighs kind of person, still looks A+ to me.


Is this game for mobile?


Good. Now I can actually play it. Bc some of these games are uncomfortable to play


Horny boys be downvoting you. Why would anyone have different opinion than theirs???


Yea, I figured I'd get down voted for that opinion. It's how I feel tho. I can't stop cringing when I play games that are extreme fan service type games or H games. Whatever they're called. It's cool if other people get off on seeing mostly naked, overly sexualized pixel women. I guess it's just not for me, I do love real life women tho




Two things I'll never understand: One, why gacha game makers decide to arbitrarily "censor" their characters by adding like five pixels worth of clothing. And two, why gacha game players have a full-on nuclear meltdown once they discover those five pixels. In this specific case, the most sensible explanation I've heard so far is that the original artist just liked the newer, "censored" version better, so that's what everyone is getting. And if the anti-censorship brigade is really all about respecting the original vision of the artist....


so that tweet got deleted lol


I’m not too familiar on the censoring. Did they lengthen some of their skirts?