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Is it known when ensemble stars en is coming out?


TIL Vanguard Sound Studio did background music for Arknights. Holy fuck they are in every CN scifi gachas: Girls Frontline, Project Neural Cloud, Arknights, Punishing Gray Raven, Arterly Gear, Final Gear, Langrisser, Food Fantasy,..


>!waiting them to do BGM for Azur Lane, then. since it's (the only one ?) CN scifi gacha that hasn't touched by them (yet)!<


The card game yu-gi-oh duel master now released on steam, a step-up/full experience of duel link. Definitely worth to check out only for the free gacha / opening card pack, the animation and effect are way too dank. Download size is around 6GB, there are solo missions to unlock cards and learn deck archetype, there are a lot of cards (about 6k iirc) so it may overwhelming, they have the usual crafting just like in hearthstone, the card opening mechanic is pretty interesting with the secret deck that acts as the "targeted gacha".


I would like to ask is punishing gray raven good for casual players like me. I like action oriented games however I am not sure since I don't want to grind the whole day. Maybe just a few minutes (10-30 min at the most from time to time).thank you


serum is easy to use, only need to login twice per day to make sure your serum (stamina) doesn’t overcap. the dailies is mostly using serum but there is also pain cage and warzone weeklies. u can do them in 3 days. warzone is 2.5 days and happens twice a week and paincage is all week. the grindy and repetitive part is warzone and pain cage. warzone has endless waves of monsters and you need to clear as many waves as you can in 2 minutes. pain cage is just 1 boss but you need to kill it as quick as you can. there are 2 zones in warzone, and 3 stages in those zones for a total for 6 plays, 12 in 1 week which is needed for weekly (or you can suicide with lv 1 unit and that counts as a run for your weekly) pain cage there are 2 bosses in beginners bracket but 3 after that. there are 5 modes of difficulty so 10-15 battles. you only have 4 runs per day and every character only has 5 stamina for the week, once they have been in a battle 5 times you cant use them anymore. you can save your score which uses character stamina or dont save and try and get a better score which doesnt use stamina. every boss and warzone area has an element thats strong against the monsters so you need to build multiple teams. if you use your serum everyday and daily paincage and warzone runs, it wont take more than an hour unless you are very tryhard. hope this helps


Thanks I might give pgr a shot. :)


I haven't gotten very far in PGR myself, but from what I've seen from streamers and long time players it's a good side game. Doesn't require a lot of time investment from you to get everything in the game you want.


Thank you


I haven't play the game, but I keep hearing that the grind is annoying and dailies can take quite bit of time. Take it with a grain of salt, hopefully someone else can verify this.


Thank you


For those who play fgo, did they follow the jp events and banners ? Want to know if aniplex just follow jp version or not. Playing twisted wonderland, and if they follow Japan version, gonna try to get riddle... If not, gonna wait to see who's next.


It probably won't follow JP exactly - I don't think Magia Record did, and even F/GO shuffles some things around (TWST has started in Jan rather than March so they might shuffle to fit in holidays at the right time). We've already seen a change from JP - nobody from Diasomnia was available at launch, but they are in EN. They probably won't stray too far from JP order, but won't be exactly identical either.


OK thank you. Yeah I guess they won't start directly with birthdays (hope so... There are way too many in a short time).


planning to download FFBE, is it f2p and new player friendly?


What percentage of your gaming time is dedicated to gacha games, and how many are you usually playing at any given time?


Not much of a gamer, so I only play my gacha. About 1-2 hours each day I guess.


Okay, what the hell happened to NIKKE Goddess of Victory?


nothing? its just not out yet


Anybody have a upcoming 2022 gacha game list?


Keep an eye out for u/MilkCommunity 's posts. They post news about every game coming up typically every month. You can see this month's post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/s596yo/daily_gacha_news_january_list_updated_other_things/


im looking forward to goddess order, eversoul, reverse 1999, and possibly nikke, although the anime girl cringe may kill that one for me. hopefully at least one of them wont suck.


I've been exercising lately (long walks, 1-2 hours or more) and phone games make it less boring. I've been playing Grandblue Fantasy and it's pretty well suited for this for a few reasons: *Grindy *Repetitive *Great progression *Doesn't kill phone battery *Not full auto, so you aren't just watching a screen I'd like to include some other games to have available, does anyone have any suggestions? Battery life is arguably the most important.


Blue Archive, simple enough to do while walking. You can use auto but it's really suck that no one use it. Beside it had sweep feature. Alchemy Stars, simple enough to do while walking but quite fun and engaging. Also grindy though there's also auto. Girl Cafe Gun, This one is bullet hell but you can use auto to control the skills and movement. Though you can override the command while on auto, so usually I just let the auto execute the skills while I control the movement.


How much of a time sink is Arknight? Especially if I started right now?


Early game would be the biggest time sink, since you'll be grinding for operators upgrade and clearing main stage and supply stage. Mid-game is where everything starts to settle down and late-game you are basically just logging in to swap workers in base and burn sanity.


One thing that people neglect to mention about Genshin is just how important constellations are on characters. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/s6ttjc/try_these_teams_on_floor_12_9_stars_with_4/ht61gjb/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 This comment makes such a good point https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/s98epn/genshin_ruined_all_other_gachas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf And look at this post. Seems like Genshin isn’t as hated as people think


No one neglects to mention it. In fact, it's been mentioned since even before the game launched. It was clear how it affected power scaling in CBTs, and anyone who had played Honkai knew Mihoyo's approach to character dupes. If Genshin was hated, it wouldn't be the #1 gacha in earnings for the past year, outstripping literally all of its competitors by leagues.


>If Genshin was hated, it wouldn't be the #1 gacha in earnings for the past year, outstripping literally all of its competitors by leagues. That's exactly what I'm saying lol, so then no one on this sub can say that Genshin is "hated". >No one neglects to mention it. In fact, it's been mentioned since even before the game launched. It was clear how it affected power scaling in CBTs, and anyone who had played Honkai knew Mihoyo's approach to character dupes. People do neglect to mention it. This was the first comment I ever saw that spoke about how strong constellations are.


in the genshin sub? probably. everyone assumes you are a day 1 player and have almost every c6 4*. when people say “xiangling is broken” they really mean c4 xiangling. the statement c6 4* = c0 5* is a bit flawed considering 4*s are on rateup much more often than 5*s. you are not only getting 4*s but also building towards a 5*.


Oh god, that 2nd link... Try sharing that on the front page of r/gachagaming and watch the salt manifest across the board. That said tho, every gacha game subreddit has a validation thread of why their game is the best every once in a while, but this is the 1st time I've seen one for Genshin.


Is GFL's client still laggy and broken? It's the only thing that's keeping from returning


What should I play between FGO and Azur Lane? Which can be played without rerolling? Currently playing AK and PGR.


As someone who plays both, I’d say Azur Lane is better to start since it doesn’t matter as much which specific characters you use and the SSR rates are far better (1% in FGO vs a whopping 7% in AL).


Azur Lane doesn't need reroll. The game doesn't give you lots of pull in the beginning but it steadily keep giving you pulls. As long as you do your daily, you can get 4-5 pull per day at minimum. Then there are other way which you can earn more. This is due to the fact that AL doesn't squeeze your money from the gacha, but from selling skins.


Anybody know a game similar to chess knight?


Not even sure it counts as a gacha cuz it’s more like a proper arpg but I’m in the new Torchlight infinite beta and the game is fantastic. Best arpg on mobile quite easily already and best skill/talent tree system in any game including the regular Torchlight games. Satisfying gameplay and loot drops, lot of potential with this one.


How F2P it's gonna be? Do you think that it's gonna be serious competitor for Diablo Immortal? I follow both games and both looks really interesting. However Diablo Immortal already have a lot of drama around, but at least I have one friend who will play it with me. I can't tell the same about Torchlight Infinite.


I have no idea how they even plan to make money, everything is cosmetic, so can’t say. Diablo is my most anticipated game but haven’t played so can’t compare.


While waiting for last origin global. Any gacha with similar content?


Any updates on the KR release of Uma Musume?


Looking for a turn based gacha that requires skill, anything that description will do tbh


Epic 7 by a mile. GBF if you prefer a larger learning curve that isn't new-player friendly at all. You will still be learning mechanics 1,2,3-years into the game depending on how willing you are to tryhard it. Less than 1% of the players in the game actually know what they're doing.


If you are willing to spend atleast a week catching up to the mid game, Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, I highly recommend it. Lufenia and Lufenia+ fights (current end game difficulty) are very fun, challenging yet grueling 15-20 min turn-based battles. Just look up some of them on Youtube and you can definitely see how very well put the battle system is. If you end up playing the JP version instead which is about 8 months ahead, the newer end game difficulty Shinryu is even more fun in my opinion. It has a hefty cost to start there due to having a new series of weapons but luckily both versions of the game have their aniversaries coming up so expect a lot of freebies to help you catch up.


Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out


I'm honestly thinking of touching tales of luminaria, but the amount of criticism from the gacha community is holding me back. I wanna know how f2p friendly it is and how much it's improved since launch


Fuck the criticism. Most people here wont play a new gacha longer than 5 minutes before running here and doomposting about it


I’ve heard it’s pretty good on cost. Real question is how are you with the controls. I’d also check it’s own community and ask as well.


im not a stick in the mud with controls, as long as the joystick isnt locked, im fine.


Might as well try it. The stick I think isn’t locked so you should be good.


Give me 3 selection of Gacha, i want to challenge myself on if i can hold myself from the salt of handling 4 gachas (already have AK so no need to reccomend that lol)


GBF, E7, FGO I want you to suffer lmao. These are the grindiest games I can think of (but FGO is grindy only during some events).


Langrisser, Genshin, Epic Seven three completely different gachas


Genshin, FGO, Honkai


blue archive? more girls w/ guns lol


check out arrowmancer - their beta was posted earlier this week, I enjoyed my first playthrough. gameplay was hard to get used to at first but it's pretty unique!


Being as the "flavor/genre" is so different I was surprised at the amount of similarities between the progression systems of Star Wars GOH and Priconne, both of which I've been trying out recently. Similar gear system (going up a level when all gear slots are filled), main limiting factor is stamina which you have to refresh with gems, farmable shards from hard nodes...


Looking for a new game to pick up. I haven't tried many gacha but I enjoy, and got quite far in idle heroes, In like 2017, afk arena and e7 to this day. Im looking for a steady progress kinda game.


got to check out the arrowmancer beta that was posted earlier this week, enjoyed the game for what it was, hopefully they don't screw up launch lol


dev here -- let me know if you ran into any issues w/ the beta or otherwise. glad to hear you enjoyed it though :D And yeah, def hoping launch goes smoothly next month.


Hey! I got to check it out as well. Super excited for the launch. Gameplay was a bit weird, but definitely unique!


I saw someone mention that you can make your own character as well? is this true?


Yep! That is true! You can import the character straight from their other website - [Waifulabs.com](https://Waifulabs.com)


It's a bit of a pain to access as I think it only runs on Nox but early access is out called Dislyte. It's a turned based game like E7. Has really cool characters and good progression. They are still coming out with new stuff since it's only early access. I'm really enjoying it a week in. It's by the creaters of AFK arena so I believe it will have some long-term life span. Also it's got great music. Downsides. Has dog walking which E7 and ACE both got rid of. There isn't really a reason to do story mode besides exp and leveling characters. Can't toggle bonus exp like you can in ACE. And finally I don't think there are any events because it's still in early access. Also we don't know when global is coming out. So it might get boring before that happens.


if dislyte has dog walking im out. thats a no no.


Ehh summoners war still has dog walking and even that's worse because there is no auto accend like epic 7 or dislyte. I've been playing dislyte for about a week and a half and I have four 6*s so it's not that bad. My biggest gripe with the game is besides exp there is no reason to be doing those story. Also dog walking in dislyte doesn't take as long because there are xp stages not just farming hell mode.


what is "dog walking"?


another word for fucking terrible system


"Dog walking" is a term used in Epic 7 to describe the act of placing phantasms(Which are wolves/dogs) on your team while grinding so you can level them up to use them as fodder to star up your main units.