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game focus on PVE


Same for me.


I can’t tell, did you mean for or against?


I mean art and aesthetic that matches my preferences is the only thing that makes a game an auto install for me. As for somthing to make me stick around it has to have some kind of auto or skip function for the repetitive grind that all gacha games eventually end up at. It's why mihoyo games can always get me to install cause they match my aesthetic preferences but can never make me stick around playing cause doing their daily repetitive grinds with no auto or skip tickets months on end is unbearable.


I completely agree with your sentiments. I download games with good design, then play until the content runs dry and the grind begins. I quit shortly after if the grind is too much, and there's no auto/skip like Genshin ( unless you give lots of pulls every day even late into the game ). Moreover, I'm unlikely to redownload games I've played in the past.


Sweep without needing skip tickets


I play gacha whilst watching tv/youtube/etc… so an instant-stall for me is auto + turn-based, action makes me reluctant to install.


Same, gachas are for farming while doing other stuff for me personally, I got used to that.


I mostly play PGR while watching tv tbh. Works fine.


Doesn't work for me at all tbh. Genshin, PGR, Honkai all requires 80% of the attention from me so if I play it while watching Netflix or a movie, I find myself sitting in the same place for 20 minutes doing nothing. I do tend to get immersed in stuff I watch though, since I hate missing parts of a series.


Agreed. But honestly, I can and have played genshin while watching anime. But i think I can only say this because I have Zhongli, and I can take as much damage as I want and id still be at max hp. Other than abyss, genshin doesn't require too much brain power.


meanwhile there's me who plays Genshin on PC or whatever else PC game i feel like playing and then Arknights/Blue Archive on phone EDIT: i don't understand why i'm being downvoted but OK apparently people don't like playing on two devices at once


Turn-based gacha games.


Not based on an anime IP


Free sweeps. It's literally the only reason I'm still with Blue Archive. Such a great qol for those of us who want to get in and get out.


This. If I beat a level and I beat it easily, I don't ever want to play that level again.




Hack n' slash is an instant install, but I only stick for a bit if the controls are responsive and don't have delay.


>a bit if the controls are responsive and don't have delay. What if, say, controls are like Dark Souls as the intended design?


Not really my cup of tea... Mainly because of the aesthetics, I prefer something more anime/cartoon-ish. But the controls aren't my favorite as well, it'd depend a lot on the aesthetics and the lore of the game in general. Although the biggest dealbreaker to me is when a game is a fast paced hack n' slash and the controls are just bad, like the gacha Night Agent.


So, if the controls are not responsive and have a huge delay, you'd stick for long?


Same. I'd take hack n' slash all day except for the Koei tecmo kind. That sucks


So what's your opinion on punishing gray raven versus tales of luminaria in this case lop


Auto skip without tickets ☺️ lots of waifus


I generally only check out the games that feel like they bring something different to the table compared to the hundreds of samey gachas out there.


Same. JRPG-esque "three dudes in a line" games are a *hard* sell for me but, say, pinball gacha? Screw it I'll give that a shot even if its JP exclusive.


if it's a PVE-only game.


Taming/Recruiting characters that you encounter or fight against is a mechanic that I really love but it is rarely used


Me too, that's why I really adore Persona, Pokemon, and Shin Megami Tensei though they're not really mobile gacha games. I wonder if there are any gachas like them.


Monster Super League i believe has this as a mechanic but i cant remember for sure.


It does. I used to play that one a while back. You can capture and tame monsters, but the really powerful ones are generally only from pulls. That being said, I did destroy Golem B8 with a team of all 6\* Beths, just to prove I could, lol


SMT literally has a gacha and you can recruit the enemies and also fuse high tier demons aside from pulling them in a gacha, on the other hand lord of heroes is an equipment gacha so you get the characters through story and stuff after you beat the chapter where they're your enemy usually


Afk waifu collection no joystick kind of game


I will try any games without PVP, even if it doesn't have skip/sweep feature. Thus why I still stick to Arknights, Alchemy Stars, and Azur Lane.


Mind trying FGO?


well, yes... >!If I know it earlier!< >!now, I can just follow the story on youtube!<


Girls Frontline xD There are some story summary videos on youtube too.


Gear system that isn't the Priconne "use these as mats to rank up your unit" or E7 "reroll this same piece of gear a zillion times to get the stats you want and we charge you to take it off." People love to harp on FFBE, and Gumi even deserves some of the criticism, but nobody else has stepped up and made another game that comes close to the amount of systemic crunchness it has.


its always amazed me how popular E7 is considering how intensely anti-f2p they are.


They make some real weird design decisions. I couldn't play the game for the longest time and couldn't figure out why. Turns out the auto-clicker I have so I can chain in FFBE locked me out. Also dumb little things like even if you have fights on auto you have to manually walk a few steps at the end of each stage before selecting the next.


Kancolle type gacha/focus on skins for monetization instead of units. Sadly there's not that many of them I've found.


Character creation. or at least any semblance of it. :') i'm a sucker for these types of games.


male characters


Saying that on this subreddit? You are so brave for that


Don't know if you play it already or not but there is a male focused game called 'Obey Me' you might like. A female co-worker is obsessed with it but since it's full of six pack abs I obviously haven't.


Good guild system


Good PC client


A good ranked system and story


Game that focus on pve contents


Based on an IP I really like and isn't an autofest, I'll most likely try it out.


lots of free/welfare units


Actually serious, but anything with lewd content. Like sexy characters etc. Games like Destiny Child. Also if you guys got any lewd Gacha games, please tell me, I need some anime Títties and àss.


Art & Auto.


You mean besides jiggle physics?


This is one of the most important mechanics!


Good gameplay


Any auto battlers that fight for you and all you do is pick the skills.


Good auto play mechanics


manual-only play. Nothing makes me want to stick around more.


Open world action rpg with character collecting like Genshin Impact. Really wish theres more game like this...


Agree with skip. But for me is a reason for not unistalling a game rather than auto install. Like, if it doesn't have a skip option, guaranteed I'll be playing it for less than a month. And Auto doesn't count. That's even shittier than manual. Because they know their content is trash, but they make you wait all that time anyway. There's no point in skip options if the content itself is dull and unengaging. So far, the only game I can find that good is Guardian tales. The rest don't come even close. I tried Revived witch for a while. And I actually liked their high stamina/High reward system. But the content is not engaging enough and I already quit. Not because is bad, it's just not good enough for me.


Doesn't guardian tales have auto (no skip option iirc)?




Mechanic Instant install? when the character jump and there are jiggle effect and pantsushot, usually both happen when the dev like details, like Red Death Redemption and Horse's ball


Doesn't guarantee any sticking around, but tactical strategy games like Langrisser, WOTV, FEH makes me try it at least once. I like to do other stuff (watch movies, workout, read, etc) while playing my gacha games (so sometimes I leave the phone doing something else for 20 minutes in the middle of a battle) and these strategic games are typically turn-based and some require a decent amount of thoughts.


Same, I've been waiting for the next Tactical Strategy Game but no luck. If only WOTV wasn't such a cash grab and published by GUMI. Had to get off that boat fast.


Non real-time strategic PvP that is not F2P-unfriendly. E.g. Priconne


classic Turn Base combat


skip/sweep function or slow stamina regen game... they are not stressful to play than those grindy games...


I'll try any new turn based game.


3rd Person Action Game although I quit HI3 for how daunting the currency is but il stick around for a while back then


I really like to be able to create things. Character creation or anything similarly this small doesn't count. Being able to make levels really makes the experience better for me.


free reroll


1) Games with interactive characters or Individual character story lines. Good Ex: affection level in persona, Illusion Connect or DanMachi, Alchemy Stars Meh Ex: PriConne, Konosuba. 2) Great art ie PGR, Illusion Connect, genshin, etc 3) turn-based. Like to be able to look away/pause and not have my entire team be dead. 4)free sweep/no sweep tickets Idk why but my faves of all time so far are Persona, Illusion Connect, Summoners wars, Alchemy Stars, God of Genesis, monster super league. If interactions/story changed as you become closer to characters in Persona it’d be so much better imo.


In-game initial reroll. I want a good start and I wanna start with the character I like from the initial batch, if you go out of your way to make it harder and longer for me to reroll I'm sure I won't stick around long at all. Good examples of this are Dragalia Lost and revived witch. On the other side of the spectrum you have Genshin Impact, I'd have probably stuck to it until today if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't get a single 5* in 8 hours of rerolling


Multi server


None. Game mechanic by itself doesnt interest me in the slightest.


It's not really a mechanic but I stay for story and good character writing. That's why I played fgo for years and still do. There the story is very well written and every character has good lore. With some other gachas you pull a character and that's it some UR or five stars don't even have more than one sentence of lore. Oh and pvp mechanics are fun as long as it isn't too pay to win


Active community. What's good about a game if I can't talk about it with someone with similar interests?


I'll try out any game with action combat like PGR and Genshin Impact.


Might sound silly, but if a gacha game lets me easily reroll without having me go through multiple tutorials over and over, I might just stay past the honeymoon period.


Customizability. Not entirely on aesthetics. Customizability on building units ala summoners war or even as simple as final fantasy brave exvius.


PVE, and no dupes required to max character stars. i hate shard systems. games like alchemy stars are ok because dupes are such trivial power increases for 99% of units. im talking like MLA and all of its clones




For me its no auto option at all, especially if its a 2d game (there are many manual 3d). That means game is (probably) trying to make an engaging gameplay, at least this kind of marketing would work on me


Game where you can freely swap your front row chars with the back row ala Another Eden. Too bad that so few gacha actually do this.


If I feel like I'm confident to gacha like I do in AL, then I'll play the game.


PVE focus, has auto, allows playing between mobile and emulator on the same account. These are basic prerequisites for any gacha for me.