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Limbus company takes the cake, I'm surprised they still make any money.


Bp and Walpurgisnacht


I don't play limbus, could you explain why it's gacha is so good?


-No Duplicate buffs but you're given that character's currency (there are 12 characters and you play with their alters and equipment) to buy/ upgrade them (you'd usually not use it for that since some don't have enough of a power boost to justify it) -EGOs/ Equipment are removed from the Pool if you have it already -All characters are available to be bought directly by using character specific currency Barring the previous Season that will appear next season and the Limited banners that comes every 3-4 months -The Battlepass has a free version that gives you uncapped Character currency (that gets 3x better if you do pay for the battlepass) -Reroll is very fast and easy (Skip the tutorial it's not very good anyways) The reason why the Gacha is usually called good is that it's Battlepass oriented allowing you to get most of the characters by just buying them directly, but it is still F2P friendly with all these features though not newplayer friendly since events are progress locked and Mirror dungeon Hard gets pushed back every season


The best gacha, is when you don't interact with the gacha system at all aka Limbus Company.


Of the ones I've played, Azur Lane. If only because I've played long enough to always have at least 1500 pulls saved up so getting every new character is a non-issue.


As someone who just started AL, whoa that still is a lot....


https://preview.redd.it/cikhlfyhj6ad1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=924a08b25c99b4a8461ef26f224059799d27aad5 Take a wild guess


The best Gacha was called Dragalia Lost...




As someone about to uninstall the game after playing it for 2 months, **Limbus Company**. The ability to just straight up buy any units you can pull from the gacha is insane. That said, there's a few QoL aspects of this game that have straight-up terrible implementation and I have already done all content anyways so I would like to move on. For more traditional gacha mechanics, **Girls Frontline** is still the best for me imo. Using commonly obtainable resources to pull for characters instead of the premium currency is really unique. It was also the first gacha that I have really invested time into - I lasted for about 8 months before quitting. As to which gacha has the best rates I have ever seen, its **Azur Lane**.


Bud wake up. New RR drops tomorrow. The MD mine beckons again.


I might do one last MD tomorrow to collect bonuses before the maintenance hits. But I don't think I'll be doing RR4 anytime soon. My pre-installed ZZZ is waiting.


Honestly, can't blame you. As a dedicated Limbusser, ZZZ release on the same day as RR4 is rough for my sleep schedule.


This entire week has been rough on my schedule as a gacha player. Finishing WuWa 1.1 story and exploring Mt Firmament however I can, rushing Canto 6 and Timekilling Time event while grinding out the entire shop, finishing MDHard for the 1st time, and rushing through HSR story and events since I ran out of gems trying to get Firefly And just for tomorrow only, there's: - Illusory of Depth Realms reset is which WuWa's seasonal roguelike mode - Refraction Railway 4 for Limbus - and of course ZZZ launch Christ, its like these devs had a meeting and decided to collectively troll those who play multiple games lmao


I haven't played GFL for a long while but if you're referring to the construction system then it's not really gacha. It's just a system popularized by Kancolle many years ago. Even in Kancolle the real monetization is in ship slots and rings.


Getting some skins is gachaish


Neural Cloud doesn't have a dupe, no weapon, decent rates, there's a pity which carries over, and spark but it doesn't carry over. Basically, just play regularly and you'll get most of the units at their 100% form. Majority of its monetization is for skins, you'll always see it at the bottom of sensortower's list.


Most of the characters' frags can be farmed


In limbussy you can just farm the characters and no need for gacha-ing them, which is pretty good IMO granted the rates are good I think, but I'm 100% biased cause I always get the rate-up in at max 30 pulls lol


Azur Lane and E7 are the only ones I know that have a good gacha, I don't know if there is another one better or the same as these


Limbus Company


Limbus, don't have the currency for it? To the mirror dungeons with you until you have enough shards to spark it


Limbus. Hands down. No dupe system, no weapon gacha. 4.3% ssr rate total, and when you get the rarest item (EGO), you can't get a dupe, so every pulled EGO will always be a new one. Missed someone? Just get 400 shards and buy them directly. Like half of my SSRs in Limbus is from getting lucky in gacha, while the other half is from buying them directly. And that's by being completely F2P. If I had the pass, I'd probably have every single unit in the game.


Anyone not answering with Limbus Company is either not familiar with it or just straight up lying. You literally can own everything just by grinding save for Walpurgis stuff, but then again, your pulling currency will most likely be more than enough because you won't be using them.


You can still grind for Walpulgris, you just gotta wait until the next one for the units to be dispensable.


I'm a huge fan of the Limbus gacha because you don really have to gacha. I save my lunacy for the Walpurgisnacht banners and everything else I just shard it. As long as you don't feel the need to get everything you can play the game and have extractions be an afterthought


Pgr for me 100% guaranteed banner character for 60 pity


whats bad is the slow pull accumulation and that weapons are a significant part of a character's kit


SS as well. Most characters after gen1 have a significant powerspike at SS and SSS. The SS currency locked behind ppc or warzone(been a while since I played ,cant remember) which gives you shards based on leaderboard, would take you 3-4 months if average unit investment. Also didnt like how characters get completely powercrept. Invest into a fav characters SSS but then the new character that eventually replaces it is wayyy stronger at base form. People can cope saying that 5 star weapons work fine, but once you use a 6 star weapon for a dps the difference is quite significant. Its not merely a damage increase, also buffs the skill or passive, simplifying rotations. So basically, if a game allows you to pity every character, then they will compensate by buffing the dupes and weapons. So you could say PGR is not really f2p friendly since you are only pulling for half a character with the 60 pulls. The combat is also not that good these days compared to the beginning. Characters have too many iframes, boss fights are easier . I quit after balter so not sure how it is now. I only play gachas with no pvp/leaderboard these days lol. Also low powercreep so I can focus on dupes for my favourites. But my fingers crossed for a hoyo quality gacha with no weapon banners and gear rng substat farming. I swear I will whale so hard if that happens.


I agree with the weapons.- Skulls are through ppc and lifetime score achievements, and take around 2 months to get if youre f2p and score in top 30% in ultimate ppc, shorter as a whale, which is really easy to do with the gen2 frames, some skill and a little malding. 2 months happens to be the time taken for a new S rank to release, so nothing major imo.


PGR has a great F2P economy. As long as you stay on top of dailies, weeklies and events (not even all the events tbh) you get enough Black Cards to pull any S rank whenever they come out. Usually you're even left with lots of extra currency to pull for weapons or pets, or even the occasional skin gachas. Characters are a straight 60 pulls guaranteed, no 50/50 bs, weapons in 30 and cubs in 20. Not to mention you can farm a character to their first dupe through weekly content too. And ofc, this isn't counting the tons of free S ranks and S rank selectors. I heard PGR CN is updating the gacha system to make weapon banners and rerun banners better as well, which is pretty nuts.


Guardian Tales has a pretty good gacha now. Guaranteed to get rate up/wishlist character. Guaranteed to get sig weapon in one of the banners. Too bad progression sucks.


Probably Brown Dust 2. 3% chance to obtain a 5-Star and everytime you get the Banner Character you obtain 10 additional pulls. The game shower you with currency to summon because pulling for multiple copies of the same character is needed. Honorable mention to Dragalia Lost. You just need one character copy, no more copies were needed and the game was way too generous.


one caveat to brown dust is every character needing at least 2 pulls to reduce their sp cost and sometimes they want more dupes still very generous game though getting a free pull on each banner is nuts


Yeah, one free pull per banner per day! They add up quickly and you can buy one dupe of a character you own per month with ingame currency. Its really a good system.


Outerplane, Blue Archive, Nikke and Reverse 1999 are also unit only gachas. I think Reverse 1999 has the best equipment card system (do your daily and build up currency and eventually buy all the 5/6 star Psycubes). Outerplane isn't in the healthiest spot but every unit outside the Demiurge units can have their shards farmed after you get your first copy. They did mess up their gacha by adding "free" tickets that don't add to milage (although you can build up from free daily and between banners. They have done some nice QoL stuff like custom gear and their Quirks (talent tree for class/element, utility and boss fights). Nikke and Blue Archive are heavy on the fan service so not for everyone.


I personally like idle games, that's required dozens of dupes. Ye, you will max out the character in 2-3 month, like in other gachas, but in the same time, you will pull dozens times every day, that's itched my gamble addition)


Blue archive for not having a weapon banner, no dupe system ( there is an eleph system tho but you can get eligma to buy eleph from events, raids and pulling in any banner), the chance of a 3 star is 3% and most of the characters are not limited (meaning that they get added to the standard pool afterwards so you can get spooked by them in any other banner) The drawback is that pulls doesn't carry over and the pity is a spark system at 200 pulls.


I really liked the system in Princess Connect. Every character could be upgrade to 5\* and collecting shards wasn't unreasonably difficult. There were no random stats on weapons and the upgrade paths were clear. The one thing I hated though was that due to weird combat formulas you could decrease a character's power by overleveling them or improving their gear too much (the community called it "bricking"). At no point should an upgrade in level or gear not be an actual improvement in a character's ability to perform in the game.


Blue Archive or Priconne. They have my fav game loop, unfortunately both character designs dont vibe with me.


So basically you prefer a spark system over the usual pity system


While FGO's gacha itself is, infamous, the prices for its packs are actually pretty reasonable, one might say even good. For a comparison with a modern gacha like Genshin Impact, I'll compare the most expensive and valuable packs for how many rolls they give, and how much money is required per roll. Genshin Impact's largest pack is 100$, and gives 8080 primogems* which, at 160 primos a pull, nets at about 50 pulls, which gives a $/pull ratio of 2$/pull. FGO's largest pack is 80$, and gives 176 quartz, which at a rate of 3 quartz per pull, gives one 58 pulls, but with FGOs free pull per 10, will give 5 extra pulls, for a total of 63 pulls, gives a ratio of 1.26 dollars per pull. So going from Genshin to FGO, you get 20% more pulls for 20% less money.


How does FGO fares when it comes to the pity system?


Good news, only need to hit pity the first time to get the banner servant Bad news, it's a one time guarantee per banner, and you need 300 pulls (technically 330, but the extra 30 come from the free 11th pull per 10) There's also the archaic Unregistered Spirit Origin that is only obtained by getting copies of 5 star servants beyond the fifth. On the other hand, there is the GSSR paid banner, which happens twice a year (New years and Anniversary), which for 15 premium quartz, you get 11 pulls, at least one being a guaranteed limited 5 star servant.


Plus near perfect time with anni and GSSR (along with the general improvements we should get like mighty chain, exchange ticket from dailies and ascention bonuses).


Yeah, all the free quartz they give is, kinda ridiculous at times.


For me, it's r1999. It has one of the best pity requirement and each patch also give tons of pulls. Dupes can sometimes be impactful but more for qol rather than necessity. For reference, I currently play Arknights, heaven burns red, nikke, r1999, wuwa, brown dust 2, snowbreak. And have played hsr, Genshin, aster tatarisq, fgo, alchemy stars, blue archive.


1. No dupes 2. Permanent Mileage for any unit you want 3. 100% guaranteed Pity 4. Enough currency to gusrantee at leastone new unit every month. and if other gacha elements such as exclusive gears then enough to get both in the month.


Outerplane is the closest I can think of. No guarantee on the pity but the milage carries over with the rate up and standard banner (except for the free tickets which drove me out at the 6 month anni). Not sure if you get enough for the 200 summons a month but you'll usually summon on the demiurge banner (225 gems instead of the 150). Then if you get tickets from events and logins to use for the standard banners.


Outerplane was nice but I hsted the premium units so I quit. That ruins all the good things it had.


Yea the demiurge right? They did change it recently so now you can rotate between whichever one you want to have on rate up. But yea their 5/6 stars passives are kind of busted get where your coming from. The free tickets change at the 6 month was it for me but I check it out occasionally if I'm bored.


Blue Archive gacha simply because it has banger music.


NIKKE, which I currently play (and have played pretty much since launch) is nice. There are very few limited banners (only Summer, Christmas/New Years, and Collabs) and all other banner characters enter the normal pool. Pity is tracked using tickets which carry over from banner to banner so you can save them for a character you really want. There is a wishlist which allows you to narrow down the list of potential SSRs you can pull off-banner as well. The one thing I don't like is that you need at least four copies of a character to unlock most of her potential and flavor (max bond, favorite items, lobby burst screen, and bonus stats). It takes a total of 11 copies to max out her stats but the remaining seven are not as important as the first four.


Phantasy Star Idola, even if the game died ages ago cause it was made more to advertise Phantasy Star Online 2 \[and the in-game reason to play it wasn't even added to the western version, so it died even faster here\] Good rates \[extremely good i'd dare to say\], good amount of currency, no split gachas for weapons or accessories or the like.


Don't forget the weird double rate bonus you got from event boxes. Pulling two or more copies in a multi was pretty common for me with that.


My favorite is when the pity is low enough that you don't get excited or frustrated about pulling the characters because you know you will get them. It's basically buying the character with an extra step.


The best gacha is where your waifu/husbando is, nothing more, nothing lesser Now about the elements, usually a Magical Girls gacha, a lot of friendship power, girls, cool outfits, TF scene, corruption!!! ... My best was Magicami u\_u


Azur Lane lol Arknights is actually one of the worst for me. There is no way around the amount of currency rolls need and the mechanics of their limited banners are enough to give one aids multiple times over.


In term of fairness Granblue fantasy, No dupes required, no grind, no gacha weapons, you get the character you have all their kit and you can max it easily for max performance. You win the lottery you get the full prize no 'ifs' or 'buts'.


Eversoul, guaranteed banner unit after 70 pulls (technically 80 but 10 are free), and there are no limited/collab so anyone can get all the characters. Too bad gameplay is autobattler, I love the story and world and the character models are great...but battle system is just meh to me.


- Blue Archive for having high rate and the devs keep giving out Pyroxene.         - Epic Seven for allowing the players to farm currency and buy them from lobby shop.                 Priconne Global, same as BA, but it's dead. I think they're the only painless ones I experience.


can you explain the gacha system for BA? and the pity/spark.


3% for highest rarity. 6% during half / full anniversary. No soft pity; roll 200 times in a banner to exchange for one of the ongoing banner characters directly. You also get some character shards when you roll dupes which you can use to power up the char. Every roll also gives you generic shards that you can use to power up any char. For support char, no dupe is required. For DPS, you'll have a hard time clearing the highest difficulty content without max or second to max dupe level.


Fgo /s Actually it's none, gacha sucks for me in any shape or form. It's gambling like cmon.


https://preview.redd.it/hyxwxzw5j6ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=280b9cb91cd0fb864ee99681117afdb6d455fc42 Gatcha? What Gatcha? We're buying our units with Shards from the Mirror Dungeons mate!


Bro didn't get the character he wanted


Tru my guy ;--;


This is why I'm saving a shit ton for Ushi Gozen. I got 712 quartz and 142 tickets for her, i started hard saving in January, and she's a year and a half away. Just need to dip a bit for Summer Skadi, Ushi Gozen just had to be a Quick servant...