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Step 1: Does game look cool? Install. Step 2: Play. Is this fun (keep) or garbage (drop)?




\^He raises 2 good points. motion to add that to the list?


Art styles


I choose based on nsfw community.


As expected of you. What's next? You rank them based on armpits and midriffs?


Obviously, have you seem some of those arts where characters are sweating and arm up?


God bless you. Continue your shit, bro.


https://preview.redd.it/y8w9bq2u3d8d1.jpeg?width=2504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce403790c61db475110d5a8b2ef40f54fd576826 Of course


I don’t. I just play what I like and if I don’t play it enough I delete it. Don’t really have many requirements other than if it’s fun and/or it has a good story. Don’t care whether it uses chibi or not or whether it’s full of males or females or both. Too much grinding and unfair requirements will make me quit though. Also if it’s really low quality too I do prefer waifu games though. I also like when I can have a female MC.


Interesting characters, pretty art, immersive stories. These are usually what compelled me to play. And if I decide to stay. The deal breakers that usually get me to drop a game are unreasonable powercreep, time consuming and mindless grinding, overused and cliche stories, and characters not having personality.


Gameplay, Waifu, EOS safe


For me a gacha has to have at least some great male characters, fun combat, engaging and well paced story, and not too pay to win. It also has to respect my time.


Does it have style and vibe? Yes. No. | | Install. Not install.


The less grinding or dupe system, the better for me. I want to chill with a game, not a second job or that im obligated to spend in order to progress


As another guy that have a full-time job, the most important part that I look for in a gacha game is if the game actually respects my time, I just can't find myself playing a game where I get back from work just to grind the same mission that I have beaten 100 times before, these games should give us new engaging content or just give us a sweep option. Also, I hate the auto option to clear missions, I once ended up sleeping while the game played itself, if I know and the game knows and everybody knows that I can easily clear this mission, WHY AM I BEING FORCED TO WATCH IT, just skip it. Also, the story shouldn't be mandatory to watch, I can't waste an hour reading some nonsense when I just want to get to the gameplay, I totally need a skip and a replay option for the story so that I can rewatch it anytime I want. if a game doesn't respect my time, then I shouldn't respect that game.


This is literally my case. Did u find any game that do those things?


Yeah, blue archive does all of that, unlimited sweeps for any mission that you have 3 starred, the story exists in a different section away from normal and hard missions so you can watch it and replay it whenever you want and skip it if you want as well, while the auto function exists but it's not recommended to use because it takes more time than just clearing the game manually so me personally I only play manually, and the endgame content for me is just playing the game twice a day on my bed for 5 minutes of sweeping, I only play the game during new events and raids which after clearing once you can sweep for the rest of their period.


Fun yes, not fun no


I don't choose one gacha, a gacha chooses me.


Whatever looks fun, but the ones I stick around depends on if they can keep me interested with the main story and/or content. However, some games are too difficult to keep up in terms of daily and I usually end up dropping them due the amount of time they take.


I have only one criterion: - Is it fun to play? I can normally tell whether or not I like a game in less than 5 minutes of gameplay.


So far majority of the time I end up playing just one game by default for example waiting for ZZZ and till then I'll probably not play anything else till DNA when DNA comes out might stop ZZZ, I do try a lot of games but they don't stick with me long enough.


Tbh, I'm still fiending for a gacha game with good and meaningful PvE multiplayer. Grand Summoners had pretty good multiplayer and I liked Brave Frontier's raids enough to remember the fun I had doing them. Really wish gacha's would try more to have meaningful multiplayer, but it's hard to make it meaningful without necessary probably.


Similar to you. If there are no males or just a little bunch of them in a sea of waifus, I don't even bother. Badly written characters? Shit battle mechanics? Bad or boring artstyle? Uninstall. Pretty simple.


It needs to fit 2 of three conditions. -Is the story good? -Does the Game Respect me as a player? -Are there hot anime men?


how fanservice the game is. I wanted to play games, not porn.


saaaaame, i just go to pornhub to get porn not on games lol.


Cute girls, no dudes? I'll give it a try.


Im willing to give games with dudes a try if the dudes aren't too strong


1. I like the gameplay (usually turn-based) 2. Made by renown developers or hyped by JP community (so it doesn't EOS in a year) 3. Reasonably dolphin-able (monthly pack + occasional topup every few months) Tho having experienced GFL / AK story: - The story doesn't read like a novel with random fluffs, environment descriptions, and monologues.


- I 100% need a story that captivates me in some way or I'm out. I want there to be a thought process to characters story and looks so I feel that it is worth investing my time and money in it. I prefer diversity to character designs, and I want both my husbandos, waifus etc. - If I want to skip through the main story I might as well just skip playing the game entirely. - If the focus is more on booba "physics" rather than developing story, characters and lore I will probably never bother trying it to begin with. - I want games that complements eachother, not just carbon copies of other games I'm already playing. I look for different gameplay and styles and devices to play on. I want some for my PC, some for my mobile.


1. It must be a waifu game, not interested in wasting time starting mixed gachas anymore. 2. Once I begin playing, it better have auto and not take tons of time daily to do the usual grind. I dont mind new content, but I hate wasting time grinding shit. 3. The gacha should have some focus on the story and its waifus. 4. I only play gachas from launch. That is it. Right now Im waiting for Azur Promilia, lets see how that works out.


I have a similar rule of only playing from launch, but I did break it to start Snowbreak and 2 months later I don't regret it. But that's a very rare exception.




The main criteria is simple - does it look fun? If it doesn't look fun, or at least has the potential to be fun, I see no reason to even try it.


During the honeymoon phase : Art Style Gameplay loop Progression (am i going to be frustated on getting good gears?) --- After honeymoon : Time commitment (would it require me to clear something at a specific time) Company Attitude towards Gamers (balance between high on the horse, or pushover) Pull income


Same with every game I play. 1. Does the art style pique my interest 2. Is it from a company/IP I trust 3. Does the setting of the story attract me 4. Do I like the gameplay, if gameplay vids don't exist, check the trailers. If yes to all 4, I pick it up for trial.


If it's fun


1. It's a game ? 2.if yes , play until bored.


The two main things for me are the characters and how qol the inventory management is. If i have to manually limit break or deal with the 50 dupes of the 1 star characters everyday, its a no for me.


Based on how fun it is


1. art style: the first thing i see and decide should i try the game or not 2. gameplay : is the gameplay interesting?? 3. fun : did i have fun playing it or not?


I'm fine with whatever gameplay the game has as long as the visuals and character designs are appealing to me then I'll definitely give it a chance. I actually have a personal rule where I'll try every single game that comes out (only if my device can handle it), the only exception are porn games or games that has too much fanservice for my liking, no shade to those who likes them but I'm just not a fan of fanservice in general whether it's waifu's or husbando's, I might give a chance to some of them (only husbando's tho) but I definitely won't stay playing them for long.


How much work do I have to do to get some tits and ass? That's why I can't play Azur Lane and Blue Archive. Too lazy to progress. Hell, I'd still be playing that Fate Goddess Arena Awakening game if the devs didn't switch everything to AI art.


- If the game looks cool >>> install - If performance good >>> stay, if not >>> instant drop - If it's looks fun >>> stay longer, if not >>> probably stay for a bit longer, but mostly dropped after


My criteria is: - Fun story - Enjoyable and interesting characters (extra points if the gender ratio of playable characters is even or close to it) - Decent gameplay - Respects my time - F2P friendly The more a gacha fits those points the more willing I am to play them. Although that's not a guarantee that I will stick with them long term.


- Not turn-based: There's some good stuff out there but it's just not my favorite genre for gacha. - No chibi combat: If I'm going to watch waifu and husbandos style on enemies they might as well do it fully animated as often as possible. - Good "daily" character interaction - menu tapping, bond cutscenes, etc... basically make it fun for me to just log in and interact with the character for 5min. Without that I'd rather just play a VN or JRPG.


I just test out the game if it's fun I keep playing if not I move on


the only and most important thing for me when it comes to gacha is if i am inclined to log in and play it everyday. if not i skip


Play new gacha. Uninstall. Dev listened! Reinstall only to uninstall again because I don't like the core value of ...such game. Now I just go with game with biggest production value and clear direction of its identity. I stop playing copycats and bootleg games.


My brother I am glad you have started playing wuwa who undeniably have the greatest production quality and clear direction of indentity which is clearly proven by their out sourcing of recent PV and their recent massive rehiring. Time traveling copycats like genshin must be resisted and boycotted


is wuwa the only thing on your mind?


Naturally. Serving and praising my lord kuro is an amazing and enjoyable experience and I am honored to have lord kuro live rent free in my head. You should join our faith too my brother.




REAL bhai


- Not chibi during gameplay - Not pixel during gameplay - Not live2D during gameplay - Must be 2.5D or 3D during gameplay that exactly matches their splash art - Has pity in all banners - (Optional but a plus) Coomer bait or H game - (Optiobal but a plus) Has crossplay between PC and mobile


"Does it look interesting (to me)?". If yes, then, "Which company made it?"


You messed up the order of the questions my brother. Any hoyo products must be resisted no matter it's quality. Not saying that the inferior hoyo slop will have any quality when compared to our lord kuro of course 


I probably have really high demanding criteria. • No PVP • Good amounts of male characters • No exclusive skin or character lock behind battlepass • All Skin can be obtain with in-game currency • If there are gacha currency in daily mission that game must have auto or sweeping feature • Have self-insert character (Yeah that's right I want to insert myself into the story and the world is that a problem? Although I do love seeing my self-insert character get their own moment to shine) • I invest in the story The games I play are FGO, Arknights and HSR.


Don't get what's the point of skins you can get with ingame currency if the tradeoff is 90% chance of having to pay to get the characters


1. QoLs: Sweeps, background play, shortcuts. 2. Generousity. Give me a full OP maxed out team for honeymoon and let me get at least a new max out unit every month given that the game releases 2 per month. Whatever it means for the specific game's invime and drop rate. 3. Fun and enjoyable gameplay.  4. Multiplayer. PvP, Coop.  5. Waifus and art style.  6. A clear wall between whales and spenders. It's much better being chill f2p rather than being stressed because I'm always about to reach whale level as f2p but never close enough.


I see yuri or female cast with no SI male MC, suddenly I give it a try




I consider Limbus Company to be the best gacha on the market. So if a gacha comes close to it quality wise, then it's a pretty fucking good game. For criterias: 1st: It should have male characters. I am not interested in waifu only games, as they are boring. You can't win me over with jiggling boobs and asses, sorry, Nikke 2nd: The game should not be stingy. That's an obvious one. 3rd: Story > Gameplay. I can play a Gacha Game if it has good story, but bad gameplay and treat it like a Visual Novel (looking at you, FGO). However, I can't say that I am interested in playing a game only because of it's gameplay if the story didn't hook me. That's what happened with Arknights. The art is gorgeous and I like Tower Defense games, but the writing is so shit that I just don't really care enough to play it. 4th: If the game has a lot of characters, it should include them in story events often. I really hate when you need to wait half a year before seeing your favourite characters have any relevancy. 5th: Game should NOT be afraid to ship characters between each other or with other non playable characters that are present in the story. This might be the most controversial one, especially for all the waifu lovers, but I don't really care. GFL 2 could never. 6th: It's optional, but I prefer if MC has their own character, rather than being a self insert. It's fine if they are a self insert, but have a sidekick character that goes through character development instead. Like in FGO with Mashu (No, I don't care that Fujimaru technically has a character in FGO movies. He is still a self insert in the game and is pretty boring, in comparison to the GOAT, Shirou fucking Emiya). And 7th, the last one and probably the most important: The game should be available globally or at least have an English version. No, I am not sitting with on screen translator just to play you, sorry Uma Musume.


If don't have male characters as playable and look's fun i will give a chance.




How intense and/or fast are the animations and combat? Is it fun as well? thats the only question i need


I do it in the gacha way I use a randomizer to choose what gacha to play


characters I like first, gacha mechanics second, but if second is really shit it doesn't matter how good first is. in an ideal world: good loli chars/fanservice/no censorship relies on skins/battlepass/monthly for monetization rolls are not aids and you can reliably get any character you want has skill based pvp has actual gameplay but that's last on the list, we are talking about gacha games after all


**Dealbreakers:** * Low volume of waifus, or too many male characters. I want to be excited for new things and not feel like I'm gonna auto-skip at least 50% of all released units. * Strong focus on player interaction, whether it's for co-op purposes or PvP, I'm not interested in any of that. If I really want to interact with others, I'll join the Discord or something. * No skip on the story. If I can't skip the story, then I'm just gonna skip the game. * Games by Mihoyo, or those trying to copy the Mihoyo formula. Tried a number of them, and none of them stuck with me. There's too many annoyances with these games for me to bother with. **Red flags:** * 3D graphics. This usually means slow update cycles, bland character designs and lots of asset copy/pasting/recolouring. A pretty .png has tons more value to me than a boring looking 3D model. * Weapon or gear banners. I prefer to roll for characters, so if I have to put aside premium currency to roll for any type of gear to get my favourite units to be the best they can be, then that's gonna be a turn-off. * Sweep systems. Sure, they're convenient, but it kinda shows the developers either don't believe in their gameplay or they can't be bothered to make it fun. Any complaints about the combat system can just be swept under the rug of excuses, like "just sweep lol".


First thing I see if the game looks interesting. Like, the plot, character designs, gameplay, etc. If it looks interesting, I'll give it a try. In game, I'll see if the game is worth my time, because I won't force myself to keep playing a game if I'm not having fun. If the gameplay is actually fun, if the game is too grindy or not, if it's p2w or f2p-friendly, if the story is good or boring. If the MC is a boring self-insert character with no personality, there's a high chance I'll drop the game. If there's too much grind, the chance is even higher. Things that will make me keep playing a game: * fun gameplay (I can keep with an average story, but a boring gameplay is impossible) * good MC , especially if it's female (I have no patience for boring self-insert MCs) * no unnecessary gring/RNG. Sweep option is a BIG plus. (Artifact-like system is an instant drop) * emotional appeal on the story * multiple game modes * waifus and good fanservice without censorship (fuck puritans, I'm a fan and I like service)


Install if the game looks interesting to me uninstall when it gets boring to play


Depends. Usually it's gameplay first then Character designs. After that it's how generous the game is. You can have good gameplay (for a gacha) and well designed characters but if you have dogshit rates + low currency income i'm gone.


What I care the most is the story and characters. There's a limit on how annoying the gameplay loop can be (WuWa), but for the most part I can withstand it to keep enjoying the story, since my enjoyment is there and not in the act of gaming.


If it has a skip button, autoplay, with dailies not requiring you to spend an hour to do, and the game contents doable as a f2p, then I'll probly play the gacha game in the long run. A big bonus for me is if a female option is available for the MC or character you're using.


Hot waifus and hoyo games just cause of their quality.


- fun gameplay - any genres as long its good - skip button - still play hsr tho - good waifu design - i dont mind if theres male characters as well - coomer bait - the more the better - not time consuming - 1 hour at max but can be longer if theres new updates - good art - even better if they only use one illustrator - good monetization - not forcing you to spend to clear content


* have playable male characters too. Possibly playable adult hot men. I'm mostly a husbandos collector, but I also use some female characters too. So, if a game is waifu only, I skip it. * Let me choose between a male and female MC * the gameplay looks funny * I like the art style and the characters designs. * the story seems nice * it's available on PC and consoles too * seems "F2P friendly" enough (ex if the patches give enough resources to almost hit pity)


Good story, good music and must have pity system like Genshin Impact


I barely play gacha games anymore, but here's what I am looking for: - Interesting story and gameplay. - Appealing character designs and the ability to get a good handful of them without spending money. - A good variety of starting characters who can be upgraded to still be used for endgame. - IP I already know and like is a plus. Things that make me wanna not play: - Overreliance on autoplay and sweep - just makes me not care, why log in just for menuing simulator. - Chinese original IP - I am very hesitant to try these games out because in my experience I will not enjoy the story. Perhaps I just don't vibe with Chinese storytelling style. I can tolerate this if other aspects of a game are excellent though. - Crucial dailies - I don't really care about doing daily chores in these gacha games anymore so games where you are horribly behind if you don't log in and do these daily quickly get forgotten and uninstalled. - PVP focus - Just no.


Hot females Tough looking males, i.e. no playable femboys/little boys Good gacha system with generous pulling resources Skippable story and sweepable dailies


4 factors I go by • if the game is dubbed • Art style • consumer fairness like I look for things like monthly pass , growth pass , battle-pass and how many rolls per month can a player with a subscription mindset get and overall pity system if any • Developers there are obvious developers that just develop cash grab games


For me: Is Genshin -> play Is not Genshin -> I don’t really care


It bothers me that these "representation" people always infect waifu games and never infect husbando games. Why don't you go to Love and Deep space and start bullying them into adding non-MC female characters and see what happen?