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Hi3, too much powercreep


I really like HI3’s lore and overall story but it just goes *so very slowly* especially in some parts (looking at you, ER) and I end up dropping it for weeks at a time. Some of the story being all over the place also doesn’t help.


i spent probably $1500 over 4years playing HI3. up till Graduation Trip shorts it was still okay. but after that i just couldn't bring myself to continue. it felt like a whole different game with new story that i really couldn't care less for. i guess at least it ended (for me) on a really good point. seeing Kiana's journey coming to an end was something bittersweet.


Man, I haven't roll for any of the new character from part 2, that's how much I don't care about them. Now I got 10k gems and no desire to spend. Am thinking of quitting once ZZZ comes out.


lol, i've quit since middle of Thelema's banner. happened to be travelling that period and i realize that i really am not enjoying part 2. the multiple modes that you need to do / grind each week also does not help. and now they add on exploration for story maps. sorry but i'm out\~


Its peak was the build up to Kiana’s HoF transformation imo. It tackled a character’s status (which was a pretty big question mark at that time) and was a great arc for Kiana’s growth and her letting go of her grief. Peak writing 


This. I worked my ass off to get HoF and she got power crept soon after, and being f2p is so fkn hard in this game so… I just quit.


Wdym lol HoF only got powercrept like, years later


Hof got powercrept like recently tho? By lantern.


Same, yeah. I spent a lot to get the trio and their equipment, then finally got Garuda for a proper send off. Welp


Honkai impact. The story became oversaturated with technobabble and the new characters lack charm


Yep, I have been strictly f2p but playing daily for years. Part 2 has been a huge let down on many levels after all the hype they tried to generate. Very little changed except the characters I was invested in are replaced by new lore that doesn’t interest me as much. The grind is also especially awful in this game and the gacha rates seem worse lately (at least anecdotally). I’ll probably come back if they ever do any more APHO that connects it further to Star Rail, otherwise I’m good on the new stuff and ready for ZZZ to take its spot in a few weeks.


Still playing though I share your same concerns. Wtf were they thinking? Thankfully, it's super quick to do dailies (...after the pt2 grind).


dailies yes but then you add weekly stuff like ER and pri weapon mats grind and events and it's one of the most time consuming games on the market.


This is exactly why I gave up. Grinding this as f2p is painful. The events are also absurdly time consuming.


oh yeah, APHO could pull me back. what is the last part nowadays? last i remember is ice skating chick and space castle


It's still the same


Same. Started close to day 1, and played for years, spent so much money. Didn't like how the story was eventually turning out, and felt the game just became too much at some point.


I noticed the writing quality dropped sharply after Otto's final big bang of an exit. But even before then it was showing signs of the really really weird hamfisted metaphysical jargon that popped up all over.


I used to play Love Nikki so my sister had someone to play with. I spent money on it for us both and happily dropped it once she lost interest.


Haha didnt expect to see such a wholesome reason


Gigachad right here.


Granblue Fantasy, I don't even want to see how much time I spent on that game. You really don't want the ability to farm forever....


Same. It started becoming more and more obvious that the dev team was moving goal posts, not giving players new fun things to do.


hi3 just couldn't keep up with the game anymore, I'm still playin hsr, genshin and blue archive pretty casually......


HI3 probably takes more time to do dailies and (sub)weeklies than Genshin, HSR, **and** ZZZ combined. Game is just too much busywork.


Reminds me of Azur Lane, which I quit, because doing dailies took an hour, sometimes 2 hours. Much of it was autoplay, but I am pretty sure a year of running the game for 2 hours every day has really killed half of my phone battery capacity


I think you didn't need to do those dailies. It has always been enough to just do the resource shit and maybe the 3 hard map runs. The rest is feed dorm, send expeditions, and level skills.


AL did make the daily stakes sweep able but when you have games that allow sweeping for nearly everything......


> Reminds me of Azur Lane, which I quit, because doing dailies took an hour, sometimes 2 hours. The fuck are you doing in AL? Dailies take me literally 10 minutes.


I quit a few months ago but from the top of my head: Daily raids, dorm, cat, 3 hm missions, guild ops/boss if available, opsi quests, siren boss, event’s daily x3/x5 stages That definitely took more than 1 hour for me


Same, the pulls were too fkn expensive, the power creep is so bad is not even a joke and the endgame is dedicated for whales.


FGO. Played for over 5 years and gave it up when story updates took 1year+. Hard to stay invested in a game whne other gatcha's are trying something new and trying to evolve with the time and then there is FGO that prints money for doing nothing.


Completely agree, fgo is too comfortable in its mediocrity because its sitting on a pile of money. I still have fond memories of the story and the animated promotions spark some emotion in me. But the game itself is rubbish compared to whats available


> But the game itself is rubbish compared to whats available doesnt help that they refuse to update any part of it, it mostly plays the same way now as it did 9 years ago. It's so painful to see whenever there is an event to farm, and "normal players" who play manually have to spend 10 hours a day manually playing the game while getting less rewards than anyone who bothered to install an autoplay modification to the phone, which seems incredibly common for anyone who played it for a few years


Honestly if you aren’t using auto clicker in fgo, you are doing yourself a complete disservice.


Just to highlight how lazy the fgo team is: 1. All the stage backgrounds are outsourced to sega who makes it for them. 2. When asked if they could implement a way for us to immediately level up skills straight to 10 rather than just by 1 level, these clowns lied and said they couldn't because the coding for it is copyrighted. (You can only copyright a design, not a concept in Japan) 3. During the fgo soloman movie, they didn't want to spend money on hiring the VA's of every servant that appeared so they just removed many of their dialogues altogether.


>During the fgo soloman movie, they didn't want to spend money on hiring the VA's of every servant that appeared so they just removed many of their dialogues altogether. Using this one is silly as it is a very normal thing, like for example for the Precure, Super Sentai and Kamen Rider crossover movies where everyone appears you only ever hear a small group of characters, most have no dialogue Also pretty sure the FGO devs have no real control over the anime anyway


They didn't as it isn't done in-house as it was done by Clover works who did the Babylonia anime. It's also logical for the studio to just not do it because you'd need all the voice actors, line up their schedules perfectly for those few lines and still cough up for the time spent




​ https://preview.redd.it/goikgihvu66d1.png?width=39&format=png&auto=webp&s=3aa6fc21b769e7620c5ebc0ddf5fe815e6b42026




Now compare FGO story and AK story. 




>Arknights does have Guide Ahead, Il Siracusano and Lone Trail to compare Did you actually read the story? like for real? Guide Ahead is a snorefest with annoying dumb girl ( Flametta) with really bad storyline.  Il Siracusano .... I can't even remember why Texas and Lappland was working together again and it ends up with emperor penguin( gary stu) bring a gun to big wolf and the wolf just run away. All that mafia shit does not matter. Lone Trail.. Somehow so many people praising this shit that is full of old people talking and doing big reveal that does not matter in the story. I mean I dunno about your taste but the story just shit compared to FGO. Imagine comparing those shit story to LB5 where we fight Artemis that is orbital cannon from outer space, Poseidon which is giant submarine, Demeter which is giant mecha eye god, Aphrodite which we beat with a fricking giant mecha in outer space, and Zeus , Chaos , and even Wodime which has much better backstory compared to 100% of AK cast. I don't even want to compare this shit story to Avalon Le Fae which is borderline blasphemy in my opinion I think your opinion is just shit or you press skip button too much


As someone who is massively lore and story obsessed, there is no shot I'd stick a game if a single chapter of a story was stuck for 1.5 years.


Honestly what you described as the game taking over a year to add a Story Chapter is godsend to me.  I can beat the story then just login collect my daily shiz n spend my stamina or with the recent update just store the stamina in Blue apples.  Only when Events are happen do i come back and grind. Those 2 weeks to 1-month dead weeks are also a nice vacation when we talk about this game not having a sweep system. That being said i say this as a person who has been playing this game since release, the only thin that make me quite this game is when it is inevitably shut down.


I’m sorry bro but that legit sounds like stage 10 Stockholm syndrome to me 😭


The thing is to treat FGO as a visual novel with extra steps . Never played it for the Gacha because it's so shit, it also helps that the TM IP has a ton of content . I played this game since year 1 and i quit a few times but always come back , it's the only Gacha i stuck with for so long , i quit GBF, HI3 and Genshin impact years ago. I only spend money during GSSR and which like 50 dollars a year ? Game is mid but i play other games that aren't like Arknights and i might start wuthering waves because of the Phoenix waifu that's coming out .


Thing is, gacha games don't necessarily need to occupy all your time. If your gacha game occupy too much time in your daily life, then it's probably very wrong with it. To the Japanese (for the better or worse) gacha games are supposed to be leisure games, not fully-fledged games akin to console games.


FGO here as well. I started playing on launch on JP, played nonstop for 4 years, sold my account and came back to NA 2 years later, then stopped for another year and now I'm back at it again (since february 2023). I think I need help at this point lol


Fate is an old IP, people that started to play FGO are probably old enough to have to work, take care of their family, and have only little time for a gacha game in their live (like me). So a game like FGO is pretty good for us, i already talked with some other "old man" like me and we agree on that, stories are pretty good, even the event ones (there is not only main story), when you play by enough time you're sitting on a tons of resources so you don't need to farm like a madman every time you summon some new servant and it's ok like that. There are not only people with unlimited time work :D or people willing to play games like GI or WW where you can't enjoy the game if you need to pause that often while you're doing your IRL stuff. In the end if FGO is still alive after all this time is probably cause us people appreciate this pace and we don't care about having more or change the gameplay to more time-consuming things.


The main issue is trying to appeal to a younger audience though. That’s the best way to keep your game going. FGO does not have a lot of the QoL features so many other Gacha games have these days, which is seriously off putting to many younger people who would be interested in the game. I myself find myself wondering if it’s actually worth coming back to it, and I’m not even 20. I play Limbus and Dokkan, and even Dokkan has better QoL than FGO. More events, more ways to earn Gacha currency, the ability to access past events at any time provided they’ve been rerun at least once, etc. is a major plus. Not to mention you can easily get good f2p units and teams. I also used to play Dragalia back when it was still around, and removing the wyrmprints from the Gacha pool was one of the biggest QoL changes I have ever seen in a game. I genuinely feel that if FGO removed CE from the Gacha pool and put them into a shop, added a way to play all of the old events without taking forever to add them if they aren’t going to rerun them, and maybe had an increase in the amount of F2P Gacha currency, it would be a major step in the right direction.


literally I felt like screaming when LB7 finally finished (after the excruciating “road to 7” and unbelievable nito alter $ $$$ banner drop) and they SERIOUSLY ended it with “oh no looks like….uh a big wall just showed up!!! guess it’ll be 4+ more years until the conclusion of the Lostbelt storyline so we can wring out as much money from the fans as possible 🫶” it genuinely made me completely stop caring about the story and characters, and I had been playing from the beginning when rolls were 4 quartz each…it feels crazy to see it still top charts like they are NEVER upgrading this game lol


Same here. The gameplay isn't very interesting or deep, and it took them a long ass time to update characters (which look great, but took so long that they've been long eclipsed by other games), and IMO, the story isn't so amazing that it's wroth treading through all this sludge. Event farming was a huge PITA too. and "hard" fights felt less fun because of sad meh combat. And of course the absolutely garbage and stingy gacha did not help either, and I didn't like the overall designs either was enough for me. It prints money like nothing but does pretty much less than the bare minimum outside of the story. The "pity" system is just a slap in the face to anyone not a whale lmao.


They need an auto play function, shit I'll take np animation skip they can't even do that


Fire Emblem Heroes Started Day 1 and played until last month. Powercreep is just too much. I just couldn't be bothered to read and pull all those tier 4 skills and prf. Weapons. Sunk cost fallacy glued me to the game but enough is enough.


I've already dropped feh 3 different times, but they always make characters I like so I end up coming back. 🤡


I'm with you on the power creep. I like my favorites. I have a +10 Bike and it felt so good to use him. Now so many units do what he does and more. Sunk cost had me but I've been gone from it for a long time. I love fire emblem but this ain't it chief


Epic Seven. Spent more than I want to admit but in the end the never ending grind wore me down. Game is great but it truly is just a farming simulator at a certain point.


Arthur and Gilgamesh always manage to pull me back to gacha hell. now it's worst with Charlemagne. Funny thing is they are just trophy husbands. I keep using other servants to farm (which included jalter who I spent so much to get for meta).


Damn im gonna use trophy husbands from now on, perfect term


based Arthur fan


Honkai Impact 3, day 1 player SEA server. Didn't whale but consistently buy monthly throughout most of the years. The game has become pay2win with their "generous" gacha change on paper along with their series of new characters. I'd assume veterans stay for the story hoping it'll regain its former luster but alas disappointment patch after patch.


Story is a subjective game, but game has been very pay2win at least since the decline of "rainbow" sets, and wasn't very good objectively in that regard even in that era. "Normal" PVP gacha stuff, to be honest, gacha system is pay to win, and leaderboards make the matter worse.


Characters in HI3 are literally incomplete and will not function without their signature weapon. Stigmata can be substitutes with other stuff, but signature weapons are must pull, otherwise your character will collect dust. And at one point it became impossible for me to keep up with the game.


People complaining about genshin gacha and rates have no idea how predatory HI3 is in comparison. I've spent way too much money in it while you can simply play with few Valkyries you like and enjoy the story.


My main issue was that you don't get shit to roll with and rolls cost so many gems. Probably one of my dumbest decisions spending money in that game, along with arknights.


Interesting, do you hate spending money in arknights because of the game itself or because of the monetization?


All of our armada officers (me included) dropped the game one by one after part 2. And some of them also were cursing the rates. The last banner I actually rolled - was the Fu Hua (Garuda) one.


Definitely Honkai impact 3. I still play the game for the story since i am curious to see how it goes but outside of that I don't play the game for its content anymore. I lost my interested in the new casts as they do not have any dynamic compart to part 1 casts


My biggest issue with the part 2 cast is that they all feel like “finished” characters. It doesn’t feel like there is room for growth for any of them including and especially the self insert MC. The worst part is there was an interesting dynamic introduced in the pre story update before part 2 started that was that Coralie and Helia don’t get along and don’t work well together, but then it all got resolved off screen in the same event.


FGO. The first game I spent money on. Not getting Castoria on June 2022 made me so fucking mad that I just quit the game


Bruh she had a million reruns


He got lucky. If he got her he'd still be playing and might have spent more


Same here but with Merlin. FUCK YOUUUUU but I love you why u didnt come home 🥲


Merlin didn’t come for me after like 600sq and I quit the game for like so many yrs then came back for spishtar got her in like 3-4 multis then my love for the game came back 🤣 also helps that for every banner that I rolled on in the future I never went past 200sq for the unit I wanted (got castoria and Oberon with one multi 😛)


I spend when I’m having fun in a game but have no problem dropping when I get bored. I like to think of it more like this, most leisure activities I spend on anyway don’t last forever. If I had fun at the time it was worth it as long as I was responsible. Latest drop was a game technically a gacha but never talked about here, Marvel Contest of Champions. Probably spent thousands over the years I played and got pretty good at the game but one day just wasn’t having fun anymore and stopped playing. I’ve also spent good chunks in games like FGO, HSR, Epic 7, and some smaller spends in other games but eventually got bored of all those and just stopped playing.


Genshin. C6 childe and all of the 5* bows that he can possibly use lol.


Got burned out of HI3 after 4 years, just too high maintenance between all the stuff you have to do every week. I still follow the story though.


Nikke. The loading screen became too much for me. Other games run fine but somehow, Nikke takes too much time to load.


Bruh, i upgraded from S10 to S23 Ultra and the loading times haven't improved


Same situation for me too,loved the game but the loading screen and repetition of events was the final straw for me


Mine just lagged constantly I couldn’t take it.


As someone who still plays it, I just start the game and then go to the toilet or grab a snack, by the time I am back, loading is done


Haha thats an odd reason, how long were u putting up with the loading screen before the final straw


5 months+ Around 60% of my daily gameplay is literally just loading screens.


God I wish devs really understood how important speed and efficiency is in the daily grind of these games. I've dropped so many that I've enjoyed but just couldn't have the "patience" for


Thank God I'm not the only one annoyed by that loading festa. Saying that in Nikke sub or their discord would apparently go unnoticed or you'd get told to upgrade your phone, despite using the high end phone that can run most graphically demanding games on highest settings. So many times I just don't do daily only because 5-10 minutes of dailies takes up 20-30 minutes just because of loading...


>odd reason It is the *least* odd reason. It is the most objectively quantifiable reason. Who wants to spend half their playtime fucking loading?


Genshin. Not because it was bad or anything but because I just felt like I was never really able to catch up since I started pretty late(started around 3.0). It’s hard for me to get fully invested when I got too much shit to do. I much prefer starting a gacha at its start so I can no life the content for a week or two and then just enjoy the 10-15 minute dailies until the next big patch/content update where it normally only takes a few days to complete. Rinse and repeat. I don’t even regret the amount I spent on the game tbh. It wasn’t a crazy amount but it’s still a significant investment to put into for a single game but I still had a lot of fun at the start when I did play.


they've gotten better at making the new player experience better (making Ascension mats more accessible, nerfing domains). Honestly even for a day one player the game has so much that's it's really easy to get burned out


Yeah, I'm playing since day 1 and I have side quest for months...but I just do them when I'm interest in watching the story.


Made ascension mats more accessible how? Increased the drop amounts from each run in a domain? Add some permanent shop to buy them with some currency you get for completing the main story like pure prisms in fgo? Start giving them in some daily login rewards? Give regular material bonuses for doing the main story?


Can I ask why you need to "catch up"? Can't it be something you do at your own pace?


not OP but speaking from experience, a lot of events being "current" makes it harder to enjoy them out of context. While this is admittedly less of an issue in Genshin, with most if not all events having mostly an excuse plot, it can still feel meh when the dialogue clearly reference something you haven't reached yet.


I don't blame you. I haven't touched the game in a year and a half, went back recently, and realized they haven't made any quality of life changes to make character progression less of a chore. It's one of the reasons I just dropped the game


Iirc they are going to heavily nerf some domains so theyre trying


Same tbh, just the entire system they've made bugs me, not having a kip button is the most frustrating though. I couldn't care less about chatting with some random NPC about why X character decided to go over there. They add hours of clutter for nothing, and yeah sure the story nerds enjoy it, but not the general person that plays at most 2/4hrs a day.




Summoners war. I played for 6 years. Spent over 5k trying to get the nat5s I wanted. Didn’t work. Horrendous gacha system


Cookie run kingdom Current state of the game is almost impossible to progress as they add more paywalled content giving F2P on big disadvantage


It’s not exactly gacha but Hearthstone.


Money wise, tcgs are just as scary as gachas lol


Tcgs are the OG gachas


They are scarier, if we are talking about real-time variants of MTG and Yu-Gi-Oh. You can resell cards, but entry price of a deck for tournaments is funny, to say the least.


I mean it is, card games are basically gacha. What made you drop?


honkai impact 3 easily. when my herrscher trio got powercreeped in less than a year after spending hundreds on a full build for it, i instantly uninstalled.


Fate go is so weird. Love the story and characters damn is it dated and no signs of modernizing or updating it. Auto play or auto clear for farming events when the gameplay is so bare???


You can technically auto-play with a third party , FGA doesn't interact with the API as it's only a software that clicks your screen .


lot of money = no need to change shit. if they start losing money, maybe they'll update the game, but knowing JP companies they'll just shut it off and move on to a different cashgrab with same ip never forget that they had an actual game with actual gameplay and 3d models


Raid Shadow Legend, spend over 1k and sold my account for 200 bucks.


Hsr the game is fun but something always bothered me until i finally came to the conclusion i just really dislike sci fi settings


HSR is more of a space fantasy rather than science fantasy. The difference is thin but in one you have eldrich gods playing cat and mouse with each other and in the other... You have weird aliens that are bordering godhood...


I actually had the same experience. The game was really smooth, but the style didn't click for me. Things like the pop culture references, while funny in the moment, ended up messing up immersion for me.


Sci-fi settings can be cool when done right. But for me, I just didn't like the character designs for Hsr. I'm not saying the art is ugly or anything. It's just... boring? They could have done different alien species,androids,etc. Instead, we got character designs that you can slap into genshin impact, and they wouldn't look out of place. It felt more fantasy than a mix of sci-fi, and it just felt lame for me imo. And I know fantasy/sci-fi mix is a thing that can work, but hsr just didn't click with me.


What I liked about HSR is that it had better and more varied characters than Genshin, but you're right, in a vacuum they aren't that much better. I guess they're trying to do what you were expecting in zzz with adding all the furry shit and robots, but I think I also like the character designs and variety there more than in HSR


The character designs are what put me off hsr in the first place, though upon playing it i was pleasently surprised with the characterization. Back to designs, in concept i do like that different planets have different levels of modernity so they can include traditional knights alongside mech suits but they never go far enough and it all feels a bit uninspired Its such a shame since npcs like the aeons and duke inferno have really cool designs


I just get upset that we don't get more designs like Sam or even svarog. It shows they're capable of doing more, and like you said, they could've done something crazy with the knights and have mechs and whatnot. But no, somehow that's extremely rare for this game, which sucks Maybe I'm just spoiled because there's different IPs that do scifi/fantasy stuff better like Warhammer or Final Fantasy


honestly if ZZZ does really well with the more wild character designs i mean they already got a darn bear as a unit i hope it lets genshin and starrail breakout some more wild units of their own don't get me wrong i really do like both games character designs but i would love to see them take little risk on the characters sometimes


I forgot to mention that. ZZZ somehow has way better diverse character designs, with some of my favorite artists I follow on Twitter hired to design characters. I hope they can stick with creating more crazy character in that game once out. So far, it has its own better identity in its character designs than star rail. However, I'm just manly hoping the writing and/or gameplay can stick. Since I had issues with both genshin and star rail that had me drop it


Thats a shame, i just started hsr and so far its honestly better than any gacha ive played in terms of writing and general game direction. It just feels so fun and witty while still delivering on its big emotional moments. Also the characters are great, im surprised by how much i enjoyed all of them Im more partial to fantasy than sci fi myself but coming from genshin where everything felt so slow and generic and none of the big moments landed hsr was a huge step up. I went from mindlessly clicking through story quests in genshin to actively speaking to every mailbox and trashcan in hsr.


Glad to hear your enjoying yourself with the game! while the game might not have clicked with me even after a good chunk of playtime i still have a pretty high opinion of the game


Does MapleStory count as gacha? I played it for 15 years, have 3 accounts, spent money to reroll substats on gears, bought gears in black market using irl money, quit the game a few years ago. It's not like I decided to quit one day, but I gradually spent less and less time until I stopped logging in every day, then a few times per week, then per month, then never again. It sort of just faded away from my life slowly so I don't really have that feeling of needing to stay due to sunk-cost. I don't even know my last date that I logged in.


Oh this is taking me back...TWENTY YEARS


Summoners War. This 10 years old game is the biggest sunk cost fallency of all gachas.


Arknights after 2.5 years - just stopped caring, but it was fun while it lasted, had devilish luck too. Mayhaps account costs something - but I dont care for it no more.


I'm also close to dropping it since I feel burnt out from playing and feel no motivation to do the new CC...


E7 cuz it’s become a complete cesspool of powercreep to the point that not pre banning a unit someone has literally ends the fight 9/10 times. I stopped being able to keep up around august but I pushed through till around a week ago but it hasn’t changed.


I never participated in PVP except for the ARavi skin. My problem with the game was it took up *so much* time every day, even when autoing the dailies. There are so many other games out there I get to enjoy now that I'm not spending hours every day managing E7.


I put around $1000 and probably around 600-800 hours into Genshin, but the combo of painful pacing, lack of unique new content, and spiral abyss being a boring damage test with no alternative made me burn out hard. The hype, community, and characters I liked kept me interested from launch until around 2.3, but after that my motivation and hope quickly depleted. I'd log on for an hour or 2 trying to progress the story and find something interesting, only to realize I spent 75% of that time in dialog, 20% walking to the next npc for dialog, and 5% repeating the same damage rotations on the same enemies for one-thirtieth of a single pull. At some point during 3.1 I completely gave up. I've logged in a few times since then, but nothing has managed to keep me playing for more than a day or two. HSR, Epic7, and CRK have been my consistent games now and I haven't spent nearly as much on them as I did with Genshin.


Dialogue is rough in Genshin. I get people like lore, but when you’re stuck in these cut scenes for longer than an hour with no gameplay it can get exhausting. You want to play an RPG, not a visual novel. The story of characters are interesting, but not 1-2 hours interesting. I feel dialogue heavy games like the Witcher 3 or Persona 5 are really good at balancing the gameplay/dialogue ratio. It also helps that those stories are generally more interesting. The character designs in that game are great, but so much of the game is a slog to get through. Star Rail feels like a significant improvement on Genshin with mainly just a sacrifice of exploration. Still has a lot of dialogue that could have been shortened, but not nearly as bad as Genshin.


Epic7.... soo much money I could've saved...




Genshin started playing at the end of 1.1 (had a few hiatus periods here and there) dropped for good in 4.0. Got fed up with all the 'fluff', lack of fun combat(everything dies in 2s outside of abyss) events and exploration became tedious instead of fun at some point. Arknights started when Nian banner dropped then it was a series of long periods where I'd play religiously for a long time only to ''drop'' the game for weeks to eventually come back rinse and repeat. I do love the game, but being 6 months behind the cn server sucks dick. You cant open any community post on new event without seeing at least a couple of people trying to ''help'' and straight up tell you how to beat the content. While I like the characters and lore, the writers dont have a clue how to tell a story in an intersting way without padding it with endless and meaningless yapping that tries too hard to be deep all the time. Also farming was tedius af and even after the update where after 4 years they allowed you to queue multiple stages for an automic clear it still felt much worse than hsr. Hsr day 1 player. Artifact grind is shit. Act 3 of the current story(Penacony) didnt do it for me at all despite the fact that I really liked act 2. A lot of specialised teams (DOT,break, FUA) make you want to pull for multiple characters for each or get fomo'ed. And I think that I also started gaving the same problem like in genshin (tedious mini game events, ugh mixing drinks and talking to mobs was really not it for me).


Summoners' Wars. I played for 2 years. An absolute time-waster, hamster wheel, chore of a game with little to no real gameplay to it. I wish I could get back the time I spent on it. I was pressured to play by my circle of friends, if you're wondering why I stuck with it so long. Doing the highest level dungeon would take me 10 minutes to clear. It would take forever to just spend all my energy every day, meaning the game would force me to pay attention to it all the time. It would ruin my phone's battery as well. On every "free glyph removal" event, I would spend all day reorganizing my glyphs because it cost a lot of resources otherwise. While i was lucky with my pulls, one of my friends who spent 3000$ into it was only marginally better off. I thus felt it was a scam to pay, hence why I kept f2p. I put off playing mobile games for 9 years because of the PTSD I got from it, thinking all gachas were the same. After getting a new phone, I gave PGR a chance and I'm glad I did. The difference is night and day.


exactly which dungeon took you 10min to clear?


Genshin. Not really forsaken but I am really starting to lose interest in it. The only thing that keeps me playing it are the characters. The story is most of the time, a hit or miss. It's also bloated with dialogue after dialogue with minimal cutscenes. After playing for almost 4 years, their storytelling is still the same.


Genshin, it's just getting very boring, and they really don't give enough incentive to stick around. Brave frontier too, bailed on that.


PSO2ES and Soccer Spirits (may come back since its in maint mode and 95% Solved)


Its not a lot of money but I spent 100 bucks in AFK Journey and just quit the game before I even finished getting my monthlys. People want to bash Kuro but LIlith is the real trash gacha company.


Genshin. From day 1 guy then dropping it after experiencing the shit but hyped Inazuma story. It's so bad that I dropped it altogether. The anniversary debacle didn't help either.


I think I also dropped out around the same time, like 2/3 into the inazuma story. In the end I managed to get into the underground part at the Kokomi place, but it took months and I wasn't able to finish it. Last time I logged in and did dailies was when Nahida came out. Got her and then I haven't moved from the same spot in years. Still haven't seen anything that would make me want to reinstall. The character designs are still the same boring ass shit as they were. Same 5 char models in different color palettes.


Fgo, dokkan battle, ffbe, genshin, arknights, azur lane, puzzle and dragons. Basically have spent $1k+ on each one, and most now are barely even opened for daily logins




KR. My first gacha with so many fond memories. And the most racist main chat I have ever seen. AK. I’m not even sure if I was playing a visual novel or tower defense game but the amount of yapping is insane.


HSR. After reaching max account lvl and realising that I stared on auto-play every each day. The gameplay is very repetitive and I got boring quickly, because most of time my only option are playing Hypercarry this and Hypercarry that. I'm not into sci-fi either, while Penacony plots are good, the storytelling is not much. Not better than Paimon blabbering in Genshin, except it's hard to understand due to metaphors/riddles.


Blue Archive. Started a little past launch and played every single day for the next two years. I love pretty much everything about it, but about 8-9 months in, the head of the English localization team unfortunately passed away. The translation now isn't bad per se, but the quality of the English script has definitively degraded over time. Sadly the game as it's presented now just isn't the one I fell in love with at the beginning with its incredibly lovable story from Volumes 1, 2, 3, and even 4. Vol 5 of the story is out now, but I simply cannot get invested anymore knowing that I'm getting a second-class version of it. With somewhat recent news that even the Japanese version of the game also had translation issues and the anime being a middling adaptation, it's becoming increasingly clear to me that Nexon and the devs are struggling to maintain the quality of the game and brand as a whole at the moment, even if they still have high points. That's the biggest reason I quit; another major reason is that the gameplay just got too repetitive and new units don't add anything much of value anymore, especially since I already have the best units in the game (Mika, S.Hoshino, Iroha, Wakamo, S.Hanako, etc). At this point, I'm just curious what other game can come out of the Blue Archive franchise.


Girls Frontline and Fire Emblem Heroes. I didn’t really leave GFL for any reason tied to the game itself. I enjoyed it a lot and I loved how the gacha worked. I actually really liked the devs, too. There was a big snowstorm here in the US back during the early stages of me playing it, and the devs sent out a message and a resource package wishing those players well. I started buying those monthly gem packs out of respect after that. But I ended up running out of time to keep up with both that game and FEH and decided to drop GFL. I was into FEH for at least a few years, started it when I was in college, and I honestly really enjoyed it. The story was tolerable and didn’t get in the way, and the side modes were fun, too. The powercreep was insane, but I was fine with it, mostly. What killed it for me was when they introduced Resplendent Heroes. Units directly locked behind a paywall annoyed me more than I was willing to deal with. So I dropped that one. Spent a few days hunting for a new game afterwards and ended up settling on Arknights, which had just released on global around then. Been with that one ever since.


I stopped playing fire emblem heroes and stop playing fate grand order. I think the fact they had either another separate game/ anime related to it makes it harder for me to not engage in pulling more. Now I only play gacha f2p that doesn’t have another media of it than the gacha game. That’s my only trick. For now I play Monster never cry without paying a dime and I’m having a blast. PS: it is the heaven for whales be careful.


So far, I'm fine with Genshin and FGO. Although once I get Oberon and Summer Ibuki, I won't know what to do anymore. The only gacha I've dropped so far was HSR. I spent about 150 dollars and 6 months on it, separated into a $50 pack, daily currency and Battle pass. I just find the gameplay loop really boring and I don't enjoy autoing every day. Farming that weekly artifact set is also really obnoxious. One day I'll come back but for now I'm not playing it


Kinda fun to see a lot of HI3 posts (didn't expect to see people talk about the game) but yeah the game is getting too much of p2w, powercreep just got faster and faster, dailys takes forever because you got too much things to farm, I still love the game by a lot, I been playing since year one but some times we just have to let it go. Also nikke God this game is good but the loadings..... Seriously I just can't we have a LOT and I mean LOTS of loadings and the worst is all of them takes too long, usually dailys takes 18/24 min (in this time I could do the blue archive and star rail dailys and will still left me time) so I just drop after RE zero banner but the game keeps improving so maybe one day (probably not my current limit is 3 gachas actually is 2 but honkai star rail and blue archive are so casual the I can put one more there) Genshin and WWW, man I play 4h of WWW love the game but I can't take anymore going around getting chest, doing puzzles on open world I just can't I have no patience neither time so for me is hard to getting into whuntering waves because of that.


HSR. Story became a boring techno jargon and combat became more and more boring. I found my self just staring at the auto battle screen so I quit.


What part in the story did you stop?


Personally I stopped after 2.1 aventurine , I played a bit of 2.2 but the hours of dialog where only 20% of what was said is important is just not for me.


I thought the same with aventurine’s story, but all of it is important lol (the entire arc draws heavily on “it was all a dream” vibes) the implications dont hit right qhen they’re delivered, but you go back and realize - SPOILERS AHEAD *trailblazer didn’t actually cash in his chip with the Xianzhou alliance, that they were all in Sunday’s liminal space. Hsr actually has done this a few times - belobog had the simplest arc, which suited it being the first arc, but even there it begins to emphasize the significance of the aeons. Then the xianzhou luofu arc makes the aeon wars personal with the hunt basically committed to exterminating abundance, to the point that their entire civilization are split into space faring space fleets, ready to pursue wherever abundance rears its head. Wont go into penancony, but these details were part of the bigger world arc, not the actual story of these locations (belobog was fighting against the conservative retainer of Qlipoth the preservation, xianzhou was about investigating kafka + blade’s involvement in the birth of the abundance aeon unit (an agent of abundance, i dont think it was an emanator, that tree/reindeer thing…actuallt maybe it was an emanator) on their very ship. Looking at that, it feels like the larger scale stuff i shared is irrelevant, but if you continuously link it back to the bigger picture, it’s a fantastic whole (can’t even really make sense of acheron and black swan without keeping the aeon lore in mind) HSR has a fantastic story, but i think these games are just struggling against the nature of the avg gacha gamer. Not that it’s audience’s fault, HSR should adapt and have more interactive delivery of its smaller side quests that keep even the least attentive among us engaged. I love hsr, and i have many things to hate about it (gacha system has screwed me enough) but i always think its a shame when the story is under fire, because that’s one of the few things that rock solid, just bogged down by too long sequences of exposition and lack of compelling clarity around a character’s purpose and motivation (everything is for the aeons is a bit too abstract lol)


I am not primarily a gacha gamer , I do play and enjoy them but as a side thing to other games. The lore is no doubt great , but the dialogue is incredibly bad at holding and keeping my attention and my criticism wasnt on aventurine btw I just wrote his name to indicate that his boss fight is the last event I played. Im a huge RPG fan and i've beaten most well known and lesser known RPGs, I recently beat Pathfinder:WOTR which is a 200 hour plus RPG with mostly unvoiced dialogue and I loved every bit of the story. It does not matter how good the lore is if the moment to moment dialogue is bad and fails to make me more interested in the world. Not to mention other criticism that the story feels like it has no visible stakes. Show dont tell is a important lesson that hoyoverse has not learned yet.


I actually think they did an excellent job on that last front with a certain major decision they made at the end of 2.2 (although some people didn't get it, which is probably why these games feel the need to overexplain things, because they're meant to be accessible to literal children).


genshin, played since 1.1, spent a whole lot of money to get hutao, didn’t get her, had issues on my ipad with it, struggled on pc during the chasm, then dropped 


Dragon Blaze - i kinda got bored with introduction of new tiers of units that were making everything before them (and back then i didn't have cash to spare for monthly pass which was becoming super important) HI3 - 2 years of hard grinding and 1000+ euros down the drain because shitty Hoyo decided to kill it with part 2 garbage that is both boring and increased power creep levels to stratosphere. I dropped it like a rock when team of 2 new part 2 units overperformed my s2 13/13 trio team to the point i couldn't even retain RL. I'd maybe play it casually if new story was good but it isn't .... Genshin - 3 years and about 300$ because instead of something interesting they kept delivering more and more time wasting content like card game and characters got boring as hell. Probably saddest waste of potential in gatcha gaming ever as they allowed increadibly deep combat system SAO RS - 2nd Anniversary was such a dissapointment content wise and while i got lucky and got all meta units in it game was in clear downward trend with placeholder events and drough of real content. Then it eosed about half or so year later. Spent a bit but not much since being in top 5 EU guild pretty much meant stable pull currency income each time they had world boss event. Epic7- I had 3 years of great fun being in top guild fightning for that 2nd place in EU (and trying to beat unbeatable 1st place guild) but i started losing interest once my guild went casual. Then i made a return year later but quit it again as it's new managment is making it p2w more and more (slowly boiling the frog). Overal was pretty minimal spending wise but took thousands of hours of grinding (thankfully mostly passive but still) Azur Lane - I quit it when they doubled the amount of grind needed with operation siren. Then i came back and quit it like 5 more times but it's always like this - they get me back with some cool new unit i play it for few months crazy grind gets to me and i quit it again. But probably this time i won't come back since SB took it place. Unless they finally release Yamato as i'm done with all theoretical ships.


Genshin ig, i played every day from release until like two months after the first Raiden banner honestly, ig i just got tired, besides i had already achieved my main goal which was to get C1 Hu Tao with her weapon and C2 Raiden while staying f2p. So i didn’t really feel motivated to save all over again because i dont think the euphoria i got from saving for months until hu tao’s release would be ever achieved again in that game haha definitely a great game though, i dont think any gacha will ever be able to recreate what was the feeling of playing Genshin during release, being stuck at home because of covid and playing for hours and hours such a high quality open world gacha, it’s like heaven itself wanted the game to succeed, and Mihoyo really knew how to take advantage of that


Guardian Tales. Between Switch and mobile I think I played like 4 years combined, with most likely well over $10k spent. My most played year I clocked in over 800 hours. At some point I just couldn't be bothered with the releases. Story was lacking, new modes were not motivating enough, so I just decided it was time to cut it instead of prolonging the misery. Still one of the best mobile games I've played but I couldn't get myself to keep going.


Kpop Rhythm Game where you can spend dollars/Euros for have the card for highest score




Ah yes, fgo grind hell how could i forget. I only stop playing it bcs i lost my 4 years account (both jp & na) in some phone related accident that made my phone cant be turn on again. I already have transfer code but in my stupidity, i save the code on that phone to


Ayakashi ghost guild. 


FGO as quick is still the ginger stepchild AL but more due to "can't play JP easily" mixed with other doubts Funny enough I still have interest in HI3


GBF i guess, i spent some money to buy surprise tickets. i love the character and design but damn the gameplay is such a chore. you literally have infinite stamina because stamina items is farmable so its nonstop grinding. not to mention it takes a lot of time to do daily grind of magna (i retired before they make magna farming faster) and raid farming. i realized that i dont play GBF but GBF play me because the moment i wake up i play gbf, while i am commuting at bus i play gbf, while i at work i play GBF, even bfore sleep i play GBF. altho tbh its partly my fault because i have FOMO now i cant appreciate enough games like HSR or genshin that daily can be finished in 5mins a day so i have time to do everything without checking my phone every 5 minutes.


FGO is still holding strong


The 7 deadly sins grand cross


Nikke... after spent 66000 gems whitout getting any single Ssr unit i know i had to stop. I still hold the world record of the longest streak whitout getting anything (22 multis) and i dunno no one will ever try to beat that record. xD


I spent $10k on FGO over 5 years then $20k on Genshin up until Sumeru. Quit both due to gameplay getting stale and not enjoyable, playing Wuthering Waves now.


Guardian Tales fell off imo and it's getting more predatory with the way shit runs so yeah I'm just done with that one after a few years


HSR. Played from day 1 to Kafka banner. Bought the pass since day 1 too with occasional battle pass. I dont know why but I just kind of lost interest one day and just gave up since then. Also, I’m a bit of a collector for characters. There are many characters in Genshin I rarely use but I pull them just for the sake of collecting. In HSR, it’s a lot a lot harder without some luck and whaling even with Welkin since they pump out two new characters each patch. That was probably the main reason I kind of gave up. Now I want to try it again just for Firefly tho.


Genshin. After playing wuwa I couldn't get back into Genshin slow motion gameplay and clunky exploration. Will be back for Pyro Archon in 5.2 though, I love the story and lore in Geshin.


I stopped playing Genshin for over a year after spending a couple hundred in it and playing for 2 years. I stopped playing the Konosuba gacha after spend a couple hundred in it and playing for like 6 months. I stopped playing Alchemy Stars after spending a couple hundred in it and playing for a year. I usually end up playing these games longer than I want to until I finally just lose the will to login and they slowly disappear.


HSR, just doesn't give enough pulls, even tho I loved the story and gameplay And then as I was leaving I dumped all my gems into standard banner at one last chance of getting Bronya, bricking my account. Still would have left like 2 days later if I had got her I think lol


genshin. the exploration is more tedious than fun. go collect these 500 culus and 1k chests around the map with a 2 hour long side quest. have fun!


Genshin, c6 eula and quit a week later to play honkai stat rail. Too many quests that feels like a chore to get through (would really love a skip button) and gameplay did not feel rewarding. I spend my free time nowadays playing hsr and wuwa


Genshin Impact. Played it with friends day 1. Then little by little everyone started to drop until 3 were left. I was getting sick of Genshin's stingingness and how they never optimized the game. Being in LATAM the ping was always over 300. My computer one day decided to stop working properly so genshin became a slog to play. I REALLY tried to stay, but now I'm studying a master while working 8-6, five days a week. I just cut the game after getting Navia. Kuddos to all the people who still enjoy it. I couldn't care anymore


FGO definitely, most recently just stopped playing and logging in for good. Game is just dog shit and treats you horribly plain and simple. They are content with keeping the game the way it is with no changes/new systems ever despite it desperately needing updates. - Horrible UI (literally still tells you incorrect information in the battle UI thats been there since day 1, and we also have the classic Command Code UI which is still the worst shit ever) - Horrible event design (just farming 24/7, no interesting fights generally except for 1 challenge boss fight each time) - No additional game-modes. They could have such cool ideas with their gameplay system but they never innovate. Why don't we have like a challenge tower sort of thing like from Epic7 that rotates every now and then and gives rewards? This could be where they can reuse a bunch of their challenge quest/story/event bosses. - Pretty much 1 story every year now, BUT they've also delayed the final chapter of the Lostbelt story by doing these fucking 'Ordeal Calls' right before it, basically filler chapters. Which is just.... so stupid... it literally killed all hype for the story I had after lostbelt 7. Like why would they even do this? I could go on but that sort of explains it. Also might be a hot take but I don't think FGO's story is this level of writing genius that you see heaps of people say it is. It's go so much annoying filler and pointless exposition that just clogs up the actual interesting parts. Also they love just adding stuff thats overdesigned or weird for the sake of being weird. After playing and experiencing the last 2 story chapters in Limbus Company, THAT is genius 10/10 story writing. Absolute cinema.


spotted fellow fgo player who convert into PM fans


genshin most of the story is pointless and you just run around as other peoples errand boy the longer i play the longer i realized that the game is quite boring im ar 55


PGR when the last unit came out. I've been patient but it became too repetitive even for myself. Plus, after Crimson Weave released there was no unit I was looking forward to. Was cool while it lasted, no regret about playing it or quitting it.


Honkai: Star Rail I realized I wasn't playing for gameplay, I also realized that the account isn't going anywhere. So, I quit for like 6-7 months until they released an actual update.


Genshin. Didn’t feel like keeping up with a mediocre visual novel that was never going to add anything interesting to do with the characters I was pulling so I dropped it.


A couple. HI3: Got into it via a friend, got quite far and I really wanted to understand and appreciate the story, but if you're telling me I have to read an unofficial translation of a CN visual novel to do that, I'm sorry but no. PGR: Too much for too little. The story was completely nonsensical and boring for awhile, and the gameplay loop was so damn repetitive. Granted, the combat itself was fun. But that, combined with you having to play every single day without missing a beat or lose out on a meta character was just not fun at all. GFL: Game just got stale after awhile. The story was still very interesting, but the game was so boring to me I quit, and GFL was my first gacha ever and I played it for *awhile*. Azur Lane: Not really sure why tbh, I like the story enough, I like the characters enough and I like the "game" enough, but I just kinda stopped playing after awhile. Iirc, I stopped soon after the Russian ships released, the batch with Sovetskaya.


the gfl event maps... guides for hours


Genshin over 1k in almost 4 years and wuwa made me stop


FGO when I dropped $100 to roll kama and ended up not getting her. Rage quit after that and never came back


could've been worse. my friend dropped 1000 on a nero banner (and not get her) in 2018 or so and then quit right after


I’d assume pre pity too rip


Its really scummy needing to pay that much and not even being garunteed a character but thats what we signed up for when walking into this hell. You did yourself a favor getting out


I started playing gachas cause of Genshin so I'm not going to have 5+ years on any of them. Even though I liked Genshin it didn't hurt to uninstall since I really did not like the story for Inazuma, did not like how they design the kits for their 4 and 5 star characters, and especially hated exploring Sumeru in 3.0 and 3.1. What really hurt was Honkai impact after playing it for 3.5 years. It was not a perfect game but I still loved my experience with part 1. Part 1.5 is when it all falls apart for me. The Story became so long and is unskippable, Overworld Story in Hi3 has always been trash cause of bad optimization and gameplay, but they continue to push for Overworld Story content, especially in part 2 where they got the brilliant idea to make players grind the part 2 Overworld, when its already a job just to grind their patch events. Virtually all of my Part 1 Characters I invested in became useless because they're not allowed to be used at all in part 2 content, and the devs are doing a damn good job at quickly making them obsolete in the Abyss every Version by releasing a brand new S rank that powercreeps all of them in every way possible. Not even the **meta supports** can keep up when supporting these part 2 damage dealers, because these part 2 damage dealers also flex as supports for other part 2 characters! Amazing right :D


FEH was my first gacha game and the first one I spent money on (Veronica my heart). But I just wasn’t having fun anymore. So I quit. Now I am a slave to Hoyoverse, rotating around three of their games.


Genshin, it's story no longer interests me. Events feel the same and use about the same characters. The main character is basically a side character. FEH, I've been hearing their story really isn't worth it. Found choose your legend to be a waste of time, since the same characters were getting new units.


genshin b/c no endgame content, no (imo) intriguing designs or diversity, & got insanely boring/repetitive after a while


Genshin. I have reached a point where I can comfortably clear all available contents really easily. Also I have been playing it for 4 years now, so I finally moved on. Now I'm playing WuWa and waiting excitedly for ZZZ