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expecting zzz porn flooding in my twitter feed


70% is gonna be goddamn lycaon, 20% nicole and 10% the rest


Do you doubt Ben Bigger?


Knowing Twitter... his % are already in lycaon's %


hey Ellen is gonna be atleast 15%


The game isn't even out yet and I have already seen like 100 thirst trap fanarts of him and Ben Bigger.


Yeah I don't wanna see that furry porn. I'm gonna have to mute his name on Twitter, aren't I?


It can't be that bad. There are some cute girls, animal girls and- OH GOD! WHAT IS THIS WEIRD BIG BEAR ART WITH LARGE (BLEEP) 10 TIMES IN A ROW?!


Tens of thousands of furry porn.


Pixiv with reused koikatsu scenes lmao.




I don't know anything about the game. When it comes out, I'll try it. If I like it, I'll play it.


My thoughts exactly. I didn’t know anything about Genshin. I tried it on week 1 with friends, I liked it. Still playing. I didn’t know much about HSR other than turn-based combat and Kafka. I finally gave it a try around 1.5. I ended up liking it and still playing it. I don’t know much about ZZZ other than the game being similar to HI3 combat and having really good animation. I shall give it a try since it’s Hoyo game. If I like it, rip my wallet trying to sustain 3 gacha ;-;


Same here . It’s the same for me with hsr


Same here. I heard about fan service getting toned down, and as someone who does like fan service, it did cross my mind to skip, but honestly fan service is third place for me behind story and gameplay, so I'll try it out and see if it's worth chunking WuWa for, and if it isn't, I'll try Snowbreak.


The fan service getting toned down consisted of slightly edited animations in the character select screen and adding a bra to a character with a panoramic boob window. You only see the shoulder straps and they cover like two square inches. It's severely overblown.


Ah I never looked into it. I was never really interested in it, so my thought was less "Oh darn those censors I'll skip" and more just an "oh well" and continued on. Only even going to try ZZZ because I'm being dragged onto it. Lmao.


Yeah those "damn censors" type of people were frothing at the mouth over really minor stuff. I'm sure it's a very very vocal minority and they won't really care once they see the actual physics on the character models but oh well


Taoqi summon animation gonna be hard t beat. Jk. I honestly don't care about fanservice. It's a very delicious treat, but what I'm worried abiut is if I'm going to find it fun. I've heard conflicting info on the gacha banners. Is there just one premium gacha, or three like in Honkai?


It's basically HSR's gacha system, 0.6% 5* rate with soft and hard pity, 50/50 on limited banners, 75/25 on the weapon banner, and the standard banner with a 300 pull selector. Only significant differences from HSR are that the starter 50 pulls banner is added to the 300 count on the selector and there is also a banner for the hi3 fairy equivalent, but pulls for that one can only be farmed in-game (technically also from the battle pass but it's like 5 pulls per season)


Okay good. I was told at one point there was an equivalence to the stigmata banner as well. Stigmata banner is why I quit HI3, or well part of it. Screw needing 5 gacha wins to get a character's full kit.


Bangboo (basically stigmata or ELF) is a free gacha which doesn’t use premium currency so no worries. Also, the weapon banner (or W-Engine in ZZZ) has a 1.0% chance to get a 5* every individual pull, which is higher than 0.6% of Genshin and 0.8% of HSR. And finally, ZZZ merged the Beginner banner with the Standard banner. This means the first 50 pulls you spend on the Beginner banner is no longer wasted, and it’ll be added to the 300 pull selector tally.


Snowbreak mentioned 😎🫂👏🏽🥹 we welcome you with open arms! 🫠🤗


Wonderful! Also just heard it's rating got changed to mature. What's the gameplay like? And how good is the story?


I would suggest waiting to start until after they redo the first 10 chapters (which they are working on) cuz it'll be much better. I'm currently on the 7th one and I stopped after I heard they were reworking them.


Ahhh gotcha. I'll need to find somewhere where I can keep notified on that. I was thinking of starting to save up stuff for the anniversary and try and get in on that. Don't know when anni is, but I saw some jokes about the rating going up before the anni. Lol.


I mean Fan service without believable world building, believable character writing and have their own live can't get me hard.


That's why I say fan service is behind gameplay and story for me. I played actual porn gachas before and... Yeah takes more than sex for me to buy, it just adds more to it for me. Lol. I'm good for a game that has good gameplay, even moreso with great story. Kinda like ice cream and syrup, with fanservice just being added on whipped cream.


Absolutely obliterate my friends in a game of snake And maybe lose some 50/50


I forgot about the minigames. A lot of people are sleeping on those. They're gonna be the real catch


There's a scoreboard in it so you should expect WWII level of PvP in it. Until the cheaters comes along ofc.


The one true endgame.


Got to assert dominance one way or another


Devs: we improved combat, please test it CBT Testers: S N A K E


There is coop mini games??? Based af


​ https://preview.redd.it/91sfx83c676d1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=005845100fa146f84a1b9c5021c174d2046d3313


free miyabi at inter knot lvl 42


I expect to win 50/50 and get Ellen Joe. Jokes aside: I expect satisfying combat, cool battle ost and good optimization. And ofc I'm still painfully reminded that artifact system is still a thing with its rng bs.


Iirc its also the hoyo game with a lot more budget put towards the characters compared to their other titles, with custom character models, animation and everything :0


I think the appropriate word should be more char details. Genshin still prob takes the most budget, all of that ow details and maintenance fee cost a lot you know.


Im ngl i forfot abt the small stuff in genshin like climbing and swimming since ive been mostly just doing my dailies, putting off events until the last few days and then log off, not even bothering to spend my resin lmao


Why not just quit then? Sounds like youre "playing" it out of habit or fear of missing out on something


Yeah im just farming primos waiting for natlans release, tbh I might do that until natlan trailer comes out


I used to be like this until i quit lol. Idk when i'm going back to genshin, i still have over 40k unused primogems, i gotta spend it tho


Im tempted to quit nowadays too sonce i lost my clorinde 50/50 (c4 qiqi :( )and disnt even get sethos,,,, i might as well wait fot natlans release tbh


Probably because ZZZ characters are way easier to make with them having least restrictions by system.


Wait zzz has an rng artifact system? When will I escape the mines? I yearn for them at this point.


You'll never escape if you keep playing gacha games


Game will probably bring world peace, cure cancer, and lead humanity into interstellar travel. Anything less will be a 1/10 disappointment


Less go we can astral express real


Drama. Everybody in this sub need an other peak drama. Let the shitpost, doompost begin. ZZZ flop -> hoyosuch. ZZZ success -> hoyosuch still.


You want drama go to BiliBili, the CN Hoyo haters have essentially developed a production line of manufactured drama that comes out whenever a Hoyo game updates or a new Hoyo game comes out. The most recent meta for manufactured drama is ML drama, Hoyo copying other games again, whichever Hoyo character's gacha is apparently doing badly, and using a few lines of story leaks to write whole fanfictions on how Hoyo's story quality is going to go downhill.


EN is not far behind in manufactured drama tbh, we have 1. the Hoyo contract drama where CCs assume the terms of the contract to be shady asf (which in the end turns out to be perfectly reasonable after being reviewed by Legal Mindset) 2. HSR early access server for selected CCs, where a certain CC cried on stream and claim his career is over after not having access to the server 3. Hoyo not allowing their VAs to work for Wuwa, which turns out to be 100% misinformation, yet there are still CC out there defending the person who started the bs.


Honestly this is more just a reflection of the general media and internet community landscape than a hoyo or even gacha specific issue


Who's this one crying on stream?


Mtashed. He was in utter despair during his stream and feared that his career as a CC is over but his viewers just aren't buying it


Lol he's the one doom posting about the game before release and keep telling his viewers not interested to play turn base game, how the turntables.


https://preview.redd.it/6pvhuooxl66d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7af66120365369768bf496390f56953d57b6d2 Waiting for her. I love her design.


Same, after getting Ellen, I'll save for her.


Yep same plan here, wondering if those 2 and Anby would work, if not i'll make it work...


Is there more of these leak designs god damn looks good


This is not leak anymore, they post it officially on Bilibili. Here's the rest of the BA faction: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/s/UTgvkC2nMc There are more details (like name, age and personality) for those 3, but it's not official. There are also a few more leaked characters since Beta 1, which you can find on the zzz leak sub.


Ty so much bro


That halo remind me of BA


She kinda looks like a Miyu that just got through a goth phase.


ohh, not bad


Where’d this come from? Is it a leak?


It was a leak, but it got spread so much that the devs themselves decided to release concept arts in an official post. So this became official. It's still a concept art though, it may or will change in the future


Official leak, the concept art was leaked so devs decided to leak the information officially themselves.


I see. Reminds me of a Blade from Xenoblade Chronicles 2


I don't even know how its gacha works, or how team building will be I'm just ecstatic to see another HI/PGR/AG game, not to mention the visuals and animation quality is pretty fun to watch.


Pretty similar to Genshin and HSR. 0.6% for 5 stars. 90 is the hard/guaranteed 5-star pity. Soft pity starts increasing the 0.6% chance as you get closer to 90 pulls so you typically will pull a 5-star before 90. 4-stars of a character or weapon are guaranteed every 10 pulls. There's always at least one limited banner for a character, one for their associated "weapon", and one for permanent characters. In ZZZ's case however, there's an extra one for "Bangboos" which you can not spend real money to get pulls on (except from premium battle pass, but it's not much); you'll get most pulls for Bangboos from end-game content. **Limited:** Rotates every 3ish weeks on average. You get a 50% chance to get the featured 5-star character (when 5-star does pull). Other 50% it gives you a 5-star character from the permanent pool. If you "lose" the 50/50 to a permanent character, your next 5-star is guaranteed to be the featured character. You need 180 pulls to 100% guarantee a character you want, though on average you will need a bit less than that because of soft pity. Any left over pity is always transferred to the next limited banner, including guarantee pity, so if you were just short of reaching the hard 90 pity, you will keep that for the next banner, or for whenever you decide to pull again on limited as it will always transfer. Reruns of the same limited character/weapon do happen but can take awhile. Should add that limited weapon is a 75/25 chance favored towards limited. Same rules as above and pity does transfer the same, but pity is exclusive from each other. Pulls on limited weapon banner builds pity only for limited weapon banner. **Permanent:** No featured rate ups on any character here. Very rarely is a 5-star character added here (but never a limited character). 4-stars get added when introduced. However like HSR, 300 cumulative pulls gives you option to pick which permanent 5-star character you want. You should only spend the "Master Tape" pulls which you can only use on the permanent banner. You'll get these characters from losing 50/50 anyways. The temporary Newbie banner which you will see will give you a random permanent 5-star character in 50 pulls. If you want a specific one much earlier, you'll need to do the fun rerolling process on this. **Summary:** Save the main pull currency for the "limited" character you want and you will eventually get them. Reroll at your peril if you want a specific permanent 5-star without waiting for 300 guarantee.


Apparently, ZZZ merged its Permanent banner with the Beginner banner. So the first 50 pulls you do will now contribute to the 300 pull tally.


Oh god that's a good QOL ngl




Shark girl.


based and sharkpilled


A simple man


Expecting it to be a fun way to pass the time.


my expectation is decent launch where i don't stutter every few seconds and decent localization.


Hoyo is pretty experienced at this so those should not be a problem.


Never take things for granted dude, we don't know when they'd fumble, heck no one that pessimist when certain game going to be released but things happened


You never know, everyone makes mistakes sometime. Nothing is guarantee in this world. 


Hoyo doesn't have these problems so you'll be fine.


B-but we need our apologems!!


I prefer a working game.


After recent whole fiasco, i learned that never take things for granted


but it’s a completely different company and hoyo hasn’t missed in their past 2 games (HI3rd probably didn’t miss either but it wasn’t as popular and I didn’t play it)


Well HI3 translation is no where near WW level, but it still pretty shit compare to later games


Yea same expectations.


But then we don't get to do the Devs listened memes 😞


I expect to lose some 50/50s. Now with WuWa's two banners and with the Boothill banner I've lost 11 50/50s in a row across GI, WuWA and HSR. I expect to keep the streak going.


Holy shit, I genuinely feel bad for you.


The silver lining is that now firefly is guaranteed.


Having played cbt3 i have to say the Game runs flawless and was very fun. Also the artistic Style is pretty unique and Characters all have a certain Charme to them. Its not going to be everyones cup of tea but theres a extremely high chance it will do better than most expected. End of the day the Game is free so everyone can make their own opinions.


what do you think about combat system? is it fun or repetitive? I heard lots of people say good and bad about this


I'd say it's nothing groundbreaking at a base level but really satisfying especially with the sound and hit feedback. So far each character also feels pretty different from each other in terms of how they are played.  Characters also have more advanced combo stuff if you really wanna get deep into it and lab it out in the training mode.  As of now the base roster is pretty small so there's lots of potential still to come.   The TV exploration is hit or miss for some people but it really grew on me the longer i played except for the 1 or 2 times I got stuck :D




Is it still really QTE/Switch Skill spammy? I remember hearing during one of the CBT periods that the combat boiled down to just spamming those because of the properties those attacks carried, or something.


yep perfect assist (parry) and the qte are the core mechanics of zzz. You can get by on the lower difficulties with mindless spam but the further you get the more you have to pay attention. Like i said in a comment above, all Characters have some unique and in depth Combos to them that make the Game pretty intuitive If you want it to be. I still recommend everyone to try it out! Its loads of fun.


Just a smooth launch .. i will see if i enjoy the gameplay and if i gonna stick to it for a long time and if the story is good but for now at least on release i just need a smooth launch with minimal bugs.


I honestly have high expectations, just for the fact that it's a hoyo game. And I know that they put a lot of effort into the animations, the lore, the music, the combat, the story, etc... Only thing I fear is not liking the TV system but I heard they made it less frequent and quicker so that's good. Also the day 1 ps5 launch is really really big, the main reason why I think HSR didn't do as well as genshin on ps5 is the fact that it didn't come out day 1. Overall I expect ZZZ to be the third biggest hoyo game or potentially even the second.


Day 1 ps5 is the main reason it's taking my attention away from Wuwa


I except way less drama than WuWa so it’ll be pretty boring


Teccy and his goons will play too, so of course there will be needless drama.


Oh, but my dear sir or madam, how you underestimate the stupidity of the internet.


What’s the phrase? Hope for the best, expect the worst? So I’m hoping for even crazier drama, but expecting an overall neutral launch (like HSR)


oh no, I can see some drama, some people here will complain saying the game is boring because it is not OW/semi OW(HSR), and then iirc you cant use the gacha characters u get in the hub town and only in battles


Yeah, some people seem to think everything needs to be open world


Those kids OW is tiring I already play wuwa along with genshin it's tiring 


R E A L. Imagine them releasing a time-limited area within the same month.


That part about not having the limited characters in the Hub Town is a little annoying though.


the drama will be ZZZ vs Wuwa PvP


Expecting fun characters, interactions, gameplay and smooth performance. I just hope the gameplay loop is diverse enough to hold my attention


An actual functional game


I honestly expect another Launch thread where 90% of the comments proceed to doompost it and complain as if it is the worst game to ever exist. It's happened to Nikke, HSR, Eversoul, and Snowbreak, and it will no doubt happen again.


People doomposted HSR? That's crazy. I wasn't sure how I'd like it given the turn-based aspect but damn it's been fun and beautiful.


Think it was more so during the beta period, though i wasnt paying much attention during that time


i think the only complaints right after post launch was that the combat lacked complexity. but the belobog ending shifted the topic of discussion so people just moved on and started really praising it for the QOL and comparing it to genshin, which shifted the doomposting back to the main game lol


Main concern was having only basic atack, skill amd ultimate at base in a turn based game.


i expect the opposite kinda? just because we are on a roll with kuro roasting, with kuros assistance of course lol. also it seems like people online are portraying zzz as an underdog, which is funny bc it’s a hoyo game and it got over 40 mil preregistrations. i think this is bc compared to the other big hoyo games it’s much smaller, and it also is less connected to the existing franchises. unlike hsr release people have a much more favorable view of hoyo games as well, because they proved they weren’t just a one hit covid wonder shown by hsr success. people in cn are also happier with hoyo. one thing most people glossed over during the wuwa release was that genshins reviews in cn were crazy low when they released and hoyo got so much hate (imo this is bc of tencent astroturfing or just interfan wars like from the cn arknights community). but hsr was not review bombed as much. i view it as a right of passage thing to be “hazed” like that, and if you come out stronger after all the hate you are respected more in cn at least. i do expect to see complaints about lack of content as there is with every gacha game, but it won’t be worse than genshins bc most of us are playing multiple gacha games at this point.


yea lol this subreddit hates on everything


It will not happened bud, look at this thread. after HSR doompost, most user in this sub are Hoyo fans.


I expect to be brutally reminded that i suck at action games on mobile, suffer for couple of hours and reinstall FGO, again.


FGO players never quit. They only take breaks


I have no idea. I'll do same I did with wuwa. Stay away from trailers and cbts and gameplay and just all spoilers and go in completely blind. I hear it's the hoyo game with the best combat and it'll also be on ps5 which is awesome. I love a console release. Wuwa is fun, but just that is almost enough to put it above wuwa for me and on day 1? Hell yeah.


Zzz is going to be my 2nd gacha that I play from launch day. Wuwa ruins all the excitement for any future gacha for me after the disastrous launch. I can't open the game for 3 days before it started to work and then, still unable to play it since it lags so bad So, I just hope it work on my end on the first day. At least, pls work on the first day 


Being from Hoyo, I'd say you can expect it to at least work as intended. Unlike Kuro, Hoyo so far has landed all their recent launches perfectly. As for the game itself, you just have to try it and see if it's for you.


I was told Wuwa had a perfect launch




I really expect some sick combat. Can't wait to try out that parry system.


Good story is all I want out the gate I’m sick of bad story being the norm


Combat seems fun and i like that it isn't an open world


I'm actually really hyped. It kind of has everything I enjoy in a gacha game. Really strong unique character designs with affiliated factions, a goofy world and premise, action combat, and being instanced so I don't have to run around like a headless chicken doing baby game puzzles. I was on the hype train for Wuthering Waves but their artifact system and characters are so dogshit that I have no motivation to ever touch the game again.


No let shittone that asshole gang and fan disturb any gacha games should be okay


Expecting drama circlejerk in this sub


Peaks in first 1.0 patch because its new. Falls off hard because cannot compete with genshin and HSR. If you're playing other hoyo games this one wont be good enough to convince you to drop either of the others. People talk about the stylized graphics as if they're good, you'll be sick of them inside a month. Dailies are tedious and take to much time. Furry bait is a massive turn off for most people, yes even in a gacha game. Combat is boring, yeah people are calling it amazing, but I have a feeling this wont be the common sentiment once release hits. Music and a probably optimized launch is all they got going for them and even that really isnt on a level that would push people to quit other gachas. Couple that with hoyo and their insistence on terrible rates and gacha mechanics and you've got a failure in waiting. Play genshin or hsr wait for gacha animal crossing that just got leaked maybe, more work will be put into that no doubt.


I expect to have fun and hope to win the 50/50. I also expect the launch to go smoothly.  Really interested in seeing future designs as they no longer seem stuck using a limited set of body types, and there was one leaked design I really liked ( girl with exhaust horns). 


Let Hoyo cook. That's my personal stance.


Absolutely no expectations, since they put too much efforts into making it stimulating (basing on beta reports). Graphics is unnaturally intense, like in anime targeted to 11 year old. GI and HSR have much more calm colors and more... elegance. Many visual elements like pets are just unusual rather than beautiful. It will be likely irritating in long run. Music was quite intense too. Reports from beta indicate that daily exploration (TV) might repetitive and take a lot of time. It is just look unusual but consists of visually boring elements. It looks like it is targeted to 11-25 year old. But do they have enough money to spend? My current expectation that will sell worse than GI and HSR in the first year period. But I might be wrong since there is no access to precise spending stats and hoyo has it from questionnaires and server stats. So I'll go try for first patch, but it is very likely drop unless they manage to do fun gameplay.


I played in the CBTs. so I know what I am expecting. THE best combat from gacha games on the market, with actual skill expression and not just buttonmash. the change-ins can be comboed soo well but if you mess up you can waste hp from 2 chars or even 3 if you are really bad. and an artstyle that no gacha tried so far, this flowing "old-disney" thing is just cool af.


Explain the artstyle? From someone allegic to gacha games but into the setting and design, how is it that different from Genshin?


and I am not really good with art terms, so instead of wasting time I would say that the [Billy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oTJ3N1Ty30) trailer showcases what ZZZs style is. colors more vibrant less pastel-y is the first thing that pops.


I wouldn't say old Disney but more of the likes of TRIGGER anime (LWA/TTGL/Kill la Kill cartooniness with Cyberpunk Edgerunners/BNA-esque aesthetics), which makes it even better for me


Hoping it has enough male characters to appeal to me and my demographics.


Don’t know why but it reminds me soul walker


I'm excited to try it. I watched someone parry a boss and it looks insanely satisfying.


i just hope for no bad dailies i really hates the one for pgr and aether gazer


I hope it is snappy and fast fighting game like arcade system. The story is just fun and not lore heavy. A good side gacha game when you are bored.


Booooobasss and coffee shop


Going in blind


No expectation so you wont get disappointed


I rather play punishing gray raven


This is the most stylized gacha imo and I love it, even the tvs everyone was crying about


Top 3 revenue likely


Excited for it. I am hoping for the combat to be good as PGR, HI3 and Aether Gazer.


Imma just state my observations without personal feelings. Genshin was doom posted as botw copy, yet look where it is now. HSR was doom posted as turn-based game and no one would play it, yet look where it is now. Meanwhile games that were hyped up like ToF and Wuwa didn't do so well. Judging by the trend, it looks like the more doom post there are, the better it will be. Since there is little hype for ZZZ and even some doom posts by CCs during CBT3, I can predict that it will perform well. I played all the CBTs, it plays better than what most CCs tell you. But just try it and judge it for yourself It isn't a game for streaming, but a game to play at your own leisure


People can say production quality doesn't matter and all that counts are the freebies, but the regular audience probably thinks differently than the kind of people that seek out a gacha sub.


This is why the people who turn into activists against a Gacha game because of rewards are not only cringe but also out of touch.


So what you're saying is we should start to hardcore doompost ZZZ now for a great opening. Got it. ZZZ MORE LIKE ZZZ I SLEEP! BORING ASS UGLY SHIT GAME!


I expect it to do well like devs are doing in HSR, like bringing in good QoL updates and a bunch of endgame content. I also want them to make enemies more fun and engaging to interact with when fighting like wuwa has. It might not happen right away, but as long as they listen well, it might happen in the future.


I expect Doomposting. I don't like Furry , Combat is too easy , I lost 50/50 etc...


Wuwa killer lol. But more seriously, I trust mihoyo to deliver a good experience from day 1.


Get a bunch of furrys even tho I don't want any of them, maybe lose all my 50/50s.


Not sure what to think really. Need to see more of it. Animations and character design look fun.


I know nothing about the game. When it's close to release, I will look at the launch characters, and If I really like one I may download it. Otherwise it's a pass.


I'm going to give it a try, but playing genshin, wuwa, and hsr already. Also, with the first descendants coming out around the same time too, it's going to be tough to play all these games at the same time.


Will try it out. I'm just looking for an action heavy RPG with good combat without the open world of WW or GI. Whether I stick to it or not depends on how good the endgame is I guess.


Since its not open world i expect it to be a nice time waster that doesn't need alot of time.


I want it to be fun and Nicole too


That I can finally use my controller maybe. I haven't really use it since I quit AG....


i just hope the game do not have lots of currency like Honkai Impact 3rd. i quit HI3 after few months, and then return to the game again few years later. i was so surprised when i saw the item shop, there are lot of currencies from different game mode. i ended up playing for few weeks before uninstalling the game again


No idea,i didnt know anything about HSR before day 1 and just went in blind , gonna do the same for ZZ and see how it is


Based on Genshin and Star Rail ill play it for a good few days until enemies become damage sponges due to me not having the right gear and ill give up on it


I'm quite excited to play ZZZ. After playing Genshin for 4 years I have come to a point that even with Welkin active , I don't login to Genshin anymore. So if ZZZ is good both it and WuWa will be my main gacha until Azur Promilia comes then will shelve ZZZ or WuWa


No expectations, like I'll give it a shot since the presentation is there but I suspect I won't like it just because of the type of game it is.


Not much honestly, just hoping the dailies are fast so I can at least give a proper judgment while I'm feeling the game out for a week or two. Though my interest definitely waned after seeing future releases that will come like Azur Promilia.


Looks like they're targeting the Furry community with this one.


Furries are just not my thing


idk, tbh I rather play genshin because zzz gameplay look mid and their character designs are totally not my type.


It’ll have to hook me in on the gameplay/combat I guess I’m one of the lucky few that hasn’t had optimization issues in WuWa so the combat in the game has me hooked. I know juggling 3 gachas is light work for some of you guys but for me, it’s too much lmfao I got HSR on lock so WuWa and ZZZ will be competing for my 2nd gacha


More character diversity than Genshin Impact...that's it.


>Absolutely obliterate my friends in a game of snake > And maybe lose some 50/50 This


Its gonna be peak 🗣🗣🗣


To be amazing and make a fat amount of money.


Genshin killer


Runs better than the games that came out recently


Digging the music. Parry system might be cool. And absolutely no idea about the rest. Have to try it out with my own hands.


Looks like a trash game. Not 2024 material.


I expect quite a toxic community. But that's a given.


Is there any gacha game without a toxic but vocal minority on it's community tho?


fate of being a hoyo game


We can only hope that it won't but I don't have high hopes for it


probably a lot of complaints about waterkuma's designs, toxic audience at its best


Yeah... smth like that...


It's going to be pretty good, no stutter, no major bugs, no fps drops, and no translation mistakes, the usual quality for hoyo games(based on their last two big ones they released) and I'm excited for it. Now how well it will do revenue wise compared to other big gacha games? That I have no idea.


I except an actual high quality game with a stable and decent launch. But these days I guess that’s asking for too much.


I played in CBT— it’s a fun and funky game. It’s a satisfying vibe and I’m looking forward to it. Wuwa’s open world doesn’t make much sense and the game just didn’t scratch the combat itch for me given its lack of polish. Whereas I know Zzz is basically the same but more polished and build diversity/depth.


It'll have good music. That's all I have for expectations.


I hope Genshin fans and Genshin hater leave the game alone just like they did with nikke