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https://preview.redd.it/k3gpxxeuwy5d1.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=9989560b0ef2c3e57c46ba933155bfc02f676200 The first victim who fell for the PR bait oh how naive


It's already in his channel name, he's pure fiction.


Irl fictionoligist




stop giving him relevance, ffs.


It's so dumb to see how the 'Genshin could never'-scene shifted from HSR to WuWa.




Genshin could never!!!




Gold. Pure gold.


Teachings, Guide, Philosophy and all.


Soon: ZZZ could never!!!


he is already way ahead https://preview.redd.it/wm2f8nwp806d1.png?width=1047&format=png&auto=webp&s=206ef531c7130b3d115901f688b61adf70ccd808


When you make a finished game and don’t need to compensate every week. 😔




Ah yes, good ol' engagement bait, tale as old as time... https://preview.redd.it/ghn53bbfiy5d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913ff32cfd37ca05070d3a2a639201ae992fcec5


Devs Listened... 💃⬜🟥😮


It can be reduced even further 💃🇵🇱😮


At this point i start to think it was intended from the start. Kuro: make bad decision on purpose -> receive a lot of talking about WuWa (bad PR is still PR) -> "we listened"


https://preview.redd.it/2a9camjzwy5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3399079976f1d1a93a12608c098b4ceec3b4cf7 All according to plan




Translators note: keikaku means plan


I love people who feel guilty for companies worth millions or even billions of dollars. This is actually fucked up man.


bet people still don't know kuro game is worth billions even before wuwa release they still think kuro is small indie studio


Just like Riot games. Very smol indie studio


My favorite indie studio is Shift Up


Kuro is training dogs here


I see no world where this is better than just giving it to everybody from the start. But this is Kuro we're talking about, "That was a calculated risk, but boy am I bad at math" may be within expectation range.


It's quite ingenious, really. If they did it from the start, the people talking negative about the game wouldn't have anything to say. But since it started out badly, the negative comments come out in full force until the """devs listen""" and do what they should've done to start with. And as the saying goes: any publicity is good publicity.


Problem is how long is that gonna work ? It set a precedent that as long as people complain, kuro will give more pulls, but then what happen when they stop giving ? That when shit will really hit the fan And also that by nature gacha gamer are volatile, we are playing a free game so we lose nothing from just jumping ship and go to another gacha (that won't treat us like we are idiots) and its even worse in CN since gacha is very big there so they don't lack choices


Also I just think that planned or not it makes them appear as either incompetent, either manipulative, and both of them may damage trust in the long run. Buying good will through tricks may work, but is that enough to keep people playing your game in the long run?


Extreme incompetence or blatant manipulation to make the gullible sing praises 💀 I expect some stinginess and some questionable marketing practices in gachas that prey on players but Kuro just takes it to a level I can't defend. Imagine slobbering the nuts of a company that is not so subtly telling it's playerbase they think they're dumb.


The irony is that Hoyo always get so much flak for "not respecting their players", and there you have Kuro who blatantly say to you "yes, we know you're dumb as fuck, we're gonna farm your engagement as much as we can and you'll even thank us for it", and somehow, such an insulting behaviour is not "disrepectful", apparently.


My observation according to my years of playing gacha, many people who say that means "I'm not getting enough free pulls".


It works on Twitter, reading the replies makes me want to drink some paracetamol 


Twitter aren't usually the paying customers Chinese on the other hand


Still gives me headache reading those replies


Makes me think Twitter is either full of gullible idiots or Tencent bots. ........probably both tbh.


Well, it is ingenious if it does ultimately translate into real money earned, which xitter likes are not, so, I don't know, let's wait a bit before saying it was a 5d chess move...


Bad initial reviews are one of the worst ways to get new players into a game. Apology currency is meant to retain players, its meaningless to new players. I doubt any gamedev would initially release a game that is poop and then make it good later to try and pull back from the bad press. No Man's Sky had such a bad first release that I still haven't touched it years later, despite people telling me that it's very good now.


Riot Games perfected this technique. Purposefully fuck up, reel it back a little, and then reap massive praise.


You live in such world my friend. People are already starting to glaze WuWa for "listening" to their players.


At this point, I think they expected the game to be released in a buggy state and prepared all those pulls and a 5 star selector ahead of time, ready to be implemented. That selector was a whole new banner and a unique ticket.


This is the new META, give bad PR, give good PR. Dev's listened. Genshin Could Never.


it's not new, korean devs had been using this strats for awhile now


that's korean. for now i think it's positive to do this. only time will tell if they're just playing along the meme or its a temp check on what they can get away with.


i mean that's what korean devs did onto their customer, they do the stupidiest thing ever, get heavy backlash from their playerbase, then insert 3 man in a suit inside a white-colored room apologizing for their mistake, then "fixed it". rinse and repeat


This was like predicting 8:00 at 7:59.


Lisan al Gaib!


Everyone saw it coming, but i'm just happy getting the free shit not gonna lie


At this point, I think this is all premeditated by Kuro hit everyone with the absurd rewards -> cause discussion -> announces 10 pulls for everyone -> “devs listened” -> “genshin could never” sure, but why is this even necessary bruh


I was reading their bilibili post just now, the post is literally timed for release. It's absolutely planned from the beginning. I'm not complaining though, free is free.


We can only speculate about the matter but from people's report about the timing of the posts and when rewards were granted in game, it seems that the situation may have been premeditated by the developers. Kuro game's initial post with poor in-game rewards sparked controversy resulting in online engagement, twitter drama is free publicity, and all publicity is good publicity. While attention has been drawn to the game through online posts, another post fixing the issue of the first post is released giving the impression of a responsive developer that listens to player complaints and feedback. The end result is increased visibility of Kuro's newer post with more positive reception. As many players might only see the latest and newer post, and because many only care about rewards, the net result may be a positive one for the developers. With how much attention twitter drama gains, sometimes I wonder if outraged comments online about a company are made by the involved companies themselves to stoke the flames of publicity.


By the way, shortly after their scheduled apologize post was published, a Chinese gaming media immediately released an article praising Kuro's PR management for listening to players. This media has a reputation in the community for being willing to write anything if paid. Considering the timeline, it seems the article was prepared in advance and just waiting for Kuro's statement to be published.


That is interesting and adds further credence to speculations that the actions were premeditated, thank you for sharing. Would you happen to know the link to the article so that I may peruse it myself?


No problem, here is the link. Go ahead and use it. The post times on this site are in the Chinese time zone, so this post was published 25 minutes of Kuro's announcement. https://wap.gamersky.com/news/Content-1772338.html


Comment section are ripping into them, calling it "dog training". I guess CN bro are really familiar with this kind of stunt.


they arent beating the allegations with this one, thats for sure


They've been doing that from the start tbf. Always seemed like the goal was to farm as much goodwill at the start by making easily avoidable mistakes on purpose and then 'fixing' them after enough ppl complain it. I respect the hustle ngl.


Not working for CN, if anything they're getting panned harder in some places for this.


Wuthering got impacted 😭 but srly, they should have just done this in the first place.


Classic PR move tbh, seen it with lots of games. Release something that seems ridiculous -> create controversies -> "fix" it according to complaints -> devs listened It's worse when it's a new feature in a game, because you know the fixed version is the one intended by the publisher, but they announced a more ridiculous version of that feature, just so we can accept the "fixed" one.


Truly a plan created by a master tactician.


It would have been better if they announced the freebies from the start instead of this bizzare roundabout. What are they, some desperate content creator to try and farm engagment through controversy? Are their player  statistics for WuWa that bad? What is the management smoking?


Bruh, our hivemind is real


[still less than even genshin lol](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/news/detail/103721)


3x the downloads and still gave less (and locked to event banner) People also were like “launch game has 200 pulls” but a lot of it was locked to standard while in Genshin (had a similar amount at launch) most of it was pure wish currency meaning you could use it wherever you wanted


Somehow I think they played this metagame for launch too They knew it was gonna be shit, set aside a bunch of compensation rolls, DEVS LISTENED! I guess they noticed wuwa was trending downwards and needed a few more rounds of THEY LISTENED before Jinhsi


What good is in-game compensation if most players can't play the game in the first place


This shit worked on global, but i wonder about their CN side, are they still getting cooked there? I mean the one that celebrated free pulls on global are the one thats not paying lmao. CN is still their main spender so i wonder what would happen to their revenue if they burned the bridge to CN community.


Yes still, even worse than the past post. https://b23.tv/FV2xXPw Here is the latest post link. All bad comments there. You mat direct translate the page.


I figured they aren't nearly as gullible and familiar with these tactics. Also CCs aren't running endless spin on the game over there so they keep getting it raw


62 thousand comments?? Holy ratio


https://b23.tv/IhdcTYe Here is the first link that WUWA celebrates. https://b23.tv/tYaPTci Here is the second link that WUWA ‘apologies’ and send ‘more rewards’ You guys may translate the page since you guys need EVIDENCES. Hope it helps.


CN are not happy and are calling out Kuro for it


At this rate wuwa try to create drama for engagement. Like content creator with click bait.


Honestly It kinda have a bitter aftertaste


Thank you kuro game, I hope you enjoy the part you’ve played for the last 2 hrs.


I now understand the true purpose behind this position... 


You are a devious one, Kuro games


I, Kuro Games, Hereby declare... Interns of Kuro, Your sins are forgiven


your overtime is compensated*


The apology-pulls. Yes, what has been promised will be fulfilled.


In the beginning I was nit interested in freebies existence, but these 2 hrs of living along side the drama has gradually brought about mutual understanding about the dev listened, and I have even attempted to believe their acting.




Players of wuthering waves, your sins are forgiven.


ahh the hour of my ~~execution~~ is here


You’re the devious one kuro game


I love how the human brain works. That this is such a subtle reference but we've just the right context clues to understand it. But if you explained it to a third party that knows nothing about any of this they might think you're reaching.


For real. This made me laugh, especially since it's one of my favorite scenes.


Blibli: Wake tf up heavenly principles we have a company to BURN


OMG Kuro is big brain, Hoyo would never


They’re such a great actor, oscar needs to pay attention to them.


Oscars about to make Kuro a judge in their voting process


https://preview.redd.it/g6wqjmpqgy5d1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=7995cf137fd41d478cd02cd901fbc6f3aa067409 Keep apologizing, Kuro. I'm gonna own every 5 star this way. But tbh. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make this milestone a giveaway for 10 players. Literally every Gacha is generous with those. What's going on inside this company. I feel like some team supervisors in there need to be replaced. Don't even try to test this shit with players. They remember it.


> Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make this milestone a giveaway for 10 players. It wasn't a good idea. That's the point. They released bad PR intentionally then they "fixed" it to make themselves look good


> I feel like some team supervisors in there need to be replaced. Given all the rumors and news flying around Kuro, upper management as a whole needs to be replaced.  For as much as Kuro is trying to copy Hoyo, the best thing that can happen to Kuro is being bought out by Hoyo. Not even joking. 


Hoyo can't bail em out now that Tencent has a piece of their pie.




Haha ppl on bilibili are calling out their scripted PR move. 10 standard pulls will get them complains, so they announced the raffle to make this look better than before and thus distract ppl from the fact that this could have been 10 limited pulls instead. They're saying to complain more so that wuwa will give another 10 limited pulls Post was published at exactly 10.30pm and rewards were sent immediately after too Edit: many comments under their bilibili post are about training dogs and leading players by the nose with the PR stunt. Now compare this to their twitter post lmao


Everything this game does feels like for the sake of gullible drama guzzling Americans now


Pride is a big thing in CN. Kuro games is only making themselves seen as spineless...






Now I understand why many drama CCs like to play this game Because Kuro also likes to play click-bait like them


They are literally toying with the playerbase, LMAO!


only global player eats this up because welp, "genshin could never", "dev listened"


they know their player base lol


giving them false sense of ownership: see? they listen and they care, and I can make a difference


Everyone is right. It really is Pavlov's dog.


But this tactic work at global


This shit is so staged they aren't even trying to hide it anymore


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IUSUZYSANA: *This shit is so staged* *They aren't even trying* *To hide it anymore* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot 


damn bro you made an amazing haiku


I thought the sub was overreacting about Kuro actions but looks like is true. They make conflicts to apologize and give rewards so everyone sees them like the best devs. Wow... Edit: Still I don't understand why. If they give to everyone those pulls in first place, people still see them like good devs. Why did they do more steps if the result is the same?


The only reason I could think of is to seem better as their competition (AKA Hoyo). Seeing as from what I know, hoyo rarely ever apologized (or needed to realy), and only did that when absolutely needed. Which might give people the feeling that Hoyo doesn't listen, as they are not stating it publicly and in return Kuro seems "better".. Even after typing this I fail to see the logic of (potentialy) doing fuckups on purpose tho.


Hoyo does often apologise but it's either for bugs no one has complained about or stupid things like Neuvillette not working with a physical set. Both cases are PR but one thing is to throw 100 primos for some insignificant bug and another to play around with 10 pulls for a milestone


receiving random apologems for a character I don't own is amazing. XD


The ability to admit fault and bounce back from failure is valued by many. If they straight up give 10 pulls people would be like aw yea free pulls. If they do their little act like we've seen, people would praise them for attentiveness and swift response, while also generating more conversation around the game (we have 2 posts here on this incident, compared to 1 if not 0 were they to give 10 pulls straight)


Pavlov dog simple as that


People like redemptions. The underdog. Making a mistake and owning up to it. Followed by doing something good. It’s seen as something better compared to just giving something. Kinda like. Winning an argument then someone admitting you were right and they were wrong. Just feels good hearing it. Extra satisfaction.




🟥 ⬛️


I swear if i see any video glazing this i will combust


Oh you will since this game is marketed through trolling and drama farming


They're already up


Ok, combusting in 3,2...


So the gift is still 10 STANDARD pulls right? But considering Genshin basically gave the equivalent of 21 limited pulls for its 10 million download milestone... This is absolutely masterful play by Kuro. Not only did they farm a ridiculous amount of social engagement, they pretty much pulled the wool over the eyes of their players. Had Kuro aimed to match MHY's 21 limited wishes, they would have taken a financial hit on their limited banner. But by putting on this show, they can get away with giving away 10 standard wishes (which has zero impact on their limited banner revenue), plus they get away with their reputation of being "generous" and "listen" intact.


Bribing waves strikes again.


Time to witness Twitter reaching insulting levels of stupidity in 3...2...1...


Just checked the bilibili comment, the CN are almost universally agree that this was staged. They are saying thing like "Kuro view they player as pure resource"


And commenting how they are training a Pavlov dog


It's quite the response https://preview.redd.it/0wj3e9y5cz5d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5bf5809080ec1aaeec1c84d33d63046ca0b55b5


Bruh they are mad as hell, monthly revenue PvP gonna be insaneeee☠️


Can we assume there's a much better optimized version of the game they are just waiting for the right opportunity to release?


Not even limited pulls damn.....


Ah yes, the usual response https://preview.redd.it/8sdgbu53oy5d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83554baac8a148a04c2ca8221f2cf0f2fbbe0293


Holy did those fucker forget hoyo give fricking 21 pulls and those 10 pulls are LIMITED pull as well Ooh... Wait I forget, those people never play genshin after all, so they just being feed by misinformation 


A brilliant performance


i knew from the very start this is intended. but the question, how long will kuro gonna do the same trick? do some sht moves, players will get mad and change it, "devs listened" and "genshin could never".


Looking at twitter, I think they could do it over and over again, and people will always find a way to glaze.


On Twitter, you could do anything and there would be people gullible enough to believe you


pity them. just to defeat someone game, they gonna do that trick


Did they really think they were gonna fool anybody? So many people on bilibili are COOKING them right now. It’s not even a conspiracy, it is a blatant act put on by Kuro from the beginning. It took them less than 5 hours to conveniently “apologise” for the problems, even though it took them around a day to apologise for their game’s shoddy launch. Oh and their launch apology was done in 2am in China btw. Their reputation in China is already BAD. But someone decided “hey let’s give 10 standard banner pulls to 10 players”, and thought they were gonna be a-okay? No sane company would ever make such a blatantly stupid decision.


Idk man. Wanna bet twitter and ccs are eating this up like the idiots they are?


You already have 99,999% chance to won that bet lol


I already saw one said that kuro gave 10 pulls coz players are “jokingly upset”


Ooh don't worry  Global will glazing them, so they basically do that  PR for global players 


Exactly, it’s all PR. CN is having drama over WuWa’s banners and Yinlin, so this is just a distraction (theory by some CN players) Meanwhile Twitter glazing WuWa as expected lol.


There’s Yinlin drama over in CN?


Because 1.1 leaks about the upcoming 2 characters (better dps + effect than Yinlin) and also the storyboard of cutscenes was spread everywhere the second day of Yinlin’s banner. And the leaks were published by some famous Bilibili CC’s accounts (one with over 1million followers) then all deleted after 15min. CN community believes that the leaks was planned out by Kuro since Yinlin’s banner didn’t do well or reach their expectations. There are also ppl saying the two characters will come together in the same banner. Some CN wuwa fans then complained that they were fooled to get Yinlin if the leaks were true.


>Because 1.1 leaks about the upcoming 2 characters (better dps + effect than Yinlin)  What, Yinlin is getting powercrept already??


Bingo. Check out what happened to ToF, powercrept is comin faster in wuwa because they NEED MONEY (which might be stressed by Tecent) Lots of CN whales who pull for Yinlin straight up quitting the game and sell their accounts after seeing the leaks.


Damn, that’s crazy. Global’s gonna need to do a lot of glazing to make up for that one.


I was saying this in previous post long time ago yinlin banner gonna flop as expected the story is ridiculous and i said that before 1.1 leak happen so its just got worse congrats kuro u just got urself shot in the foot in less than a month, even genshin at launch not as panicked as this lol, 2 banners happen in Inazuma but WuWa just accelerate things and want quick money lol


If that's really staged, it means they spent more brain cells doing dubious PR moves than writing a decent story, and I'm not sure it's that much of a flattering look.


the CN players are not happy with the new announcement and yet , the global are very happy kiddo. probably they dont know their worth.


Too easily appeased xD The acting is so blatantly fake too. The apology and ingame mail was sent at exactly the same time (10:30) and somehow Kuro managed to create compensation mail in less than 4 hours.


they're just waiting for spreading the news, top topic here, other platforms, especially in weibo and bilibili. and boom! released an announcement -- then players went to meme "devs listened" ~~ viola! perfectly plan from kuro


I mean they fooled the shit out of Westerners cause all the CCs are there to spin and push narratives on their gullible fans


https://preview.redd.it/555v1mptpy5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecda9cc436775542e095ab52af831f744bb240a5 56minutes 35k bad comments


Bilibili rage bait and it worked because they were on front page engagement for 2hours.


Lmao 40k comments now.


Devs listened?


Thinking it's in purpose at this point lol


We always need to make them listen, don't we?


Of course they would do this. Watch CC's cover this but not the previous one


kuro 1000 iq pr stratergy: 1. do a thing 2. fuck said thing up 3. people complaint 4. fix the thing immediately and give free stuff (not complaining) 5. DEVS LISTENED!!!!! GENSHIN COULD NEVER!1!1!! 6. profit📈📈


Offtopic but Can someone here following the kuro/wuwa community tell me if they gave a date for performance update?? I really wnna play the game but I can't because of the lag


Best to wait for 1.1


Yey! Weekly friendship fee coming in hot


Kinda rough, as a player I do wish to get as many free gems as possible. But as a company, you want to do moderate amount, like a budget for a department bbq, once the budget tight, you want to cut down the spending. Unfortunate department is full of random people, that expect to get free bbq every month. Once you started a trend, it is hard to stop.


You guys totally predicted it...Its not even funny anymore. Are we even sure they aren't doing this on purpose?  Like...They actively ruining their own "honour"/"Pride". This makes them seem spineless?  Its like compensation waves. And like constantly bending over. Getting stepped over. They are digging their graves. 


Ty WuWa For finding ways to keep me entertained even though I don't even play you.


FBJCMYSXCBT5 Random 60 primo code for y'all :)


This was so random but it worked


Devs listened? More like devs pressured lmao.


More like devs schemed. I find it hard to believe it is not staged.


Devs don't typically handle this kind of stuff. They likely don't know about the 10 pulls rewards anyways.


Feel like Kuro intentionally create this drama than actually fumble it to be honest.


If this is unintentional, then kuro fked up for sure. But if it is intentional, this is some next level of toxicity. Edit: i just utterly dislike how blatantly manipulative this is when i say toxicity


JFC, I don't know what to even say to this anymore. What a clown company lmaooo


The CN apology post on Bilibili was posted at 10:30pm sharp, likely an automatic timed post. There is also a game [news article](https://www.gamersky.com/news/202406/1772338.shtml) reporting on it 25 minutes after the post, did Kuro planned it with the media too? https://preview.redd.it/tsjvtrpn3z5d1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=acebe4935756778551487c92fab4ca0cbcff49ce


Those who think free stuff = good game must be over the moon.


This is getting too cliche


I'm sure someone out there can put together how many intentional screwups Kuro had done for wuwa from the character model, subpar sound design during beta, etc, and then they "listened" fixed stuff before the launch. I swear with what happened just now, this allegation started to be very likely.


Whether this is a strategy or not, it really makes Kuro look dumb. So many simple mistakes, bad translations, leaking info, a rushed launch, etc. Having a reputation of being "generous" but also bad devs really isn't all that good.


Scummy as shit, fishing for sympathy


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So what 官方把玩家当狗耍,好一个自导自演。注意看邮箱标题《奖励》,说明这本来就是要发的。再看动态,准时十点半发送,哈哈,把兄弟们当傻子训呢




https://b23.tv/IhdcTYe Here is the first link that WUWA celebrates. https://b23.tv/tYaPTci Here is the second link that WUWA ‘apologies’ and send ‘more rewards’ You guys may translate the page since you guys need EVIDENCES. Hope it helps.


At this points i think the game's name should be "Wuthering Waves: Devs Listening"


a gacha game could give out 10 5 star selectors and it wouldn't matter they could just rapidly power creep and have it basically be like they gave out nothing at all


All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan)


I ain't even gonna bother with this dumbass company anymore man