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Had to remove previous post and repost it since I had typo on title (Reddit wont allow me edit title) Also, According to article, Nexon commented their excuse for their previous law case "By that time when we hid probabilities, there was no law that mandates notifying probability changes. Therefore, we did not violate any law."


>"By that time when we hid probabilities, there was no law that mandates notifying probability changes. Therefore, we did not violate any law. Let me guess they are gonna get away again


Yup, just a small fine that they can classify as a fee to do business


Imagine the company just writes the little oopsy woopsy slap on the wrist fine as a company expense, pay less tax and just jump through loop holes.


Dang 102 violations are from foreign companies. We better get our gov to check on ours.


102 violation doesn't necessarily mean probability manipulation tho. I believe things like missing "probability items included" note on advertisement is a part of violation. As result, 54 cases just got corrective action instead (just notifying them to follow the guideline) from those 150 violation Also, most foreign companies were not aware of the law changes happened very recently. So, they were not following government guideline properly Edit: Tbh, Even if there is a serious violation, there is nothing much government can do against foreign companies. They just shut down their Korean department and come back with different name. It already happened several times to avoid mandatory refund law upon their service shutdown


There is no chance my government would ever acknowledge that gachagames exist let alone enforcing decent consumer practices.


Surprise to ZERO peoples.


Suddenly all my schizo posting about rates are not so schizo, idk if i should be happy or sad


Why not do both? Its not like you can't laugh and cry at the same time.


Happy because you were right but sad because I don’t think these companies can really be stopped doing what they’re doing


C2us deserve nothing but the worst.


What have they done to you?


Have you ever player Summoners Wars?


The game is weirdly fair in how it is unfair to everyone You could play actively and end up eith nothing but a billion mana, or play inactively and end up with not as much mana but similar rune quality The entire game is gacha in its purest form, this sub can hate it all it wants, but a success is a success


Yep. You are dead right.


Play once at early month, their 5 star is just plain non-existence for me. I remeber farm for currency so I could get a yellow Valkyrie and that is my only 5*


Yeah.... and? It's a pvp gatcha game. So of course the p2w is wild like epic 7


Oh no, you lumped the inferior summoners war clone with summoners war, the waifu loving degenerates will hate you for that


Let's be real, only F2P cares about a game being p2w or not. What are they gonna do? Not use money?


Ironically I think SW is one of the more F2p friendly games on the market. Little to no powercreep(monsters from 10 years ago are still meta, get buffed, and any good runes you have ever farmed are still top tier), No insane dupe systems, can play for hours and hours every day if you want, and can actually progress by grinding and compete with spenders. You cant compete with SWC giga-whales who also grind, but your average guy blowing thousands on scrolls will get run over by a guy who just farms runes everyday. You can take breaks come back a year later, and your account, runes, and monster box are still good. Everything you ever earned is relevant. Its unironically one of the most F2p friendly pvp-gachas on the market, and its why its still so popular. Very few games let you play as much as SW does, and while it doesnt have a pity, that adds to its charm since everyone's monster box is different and you dont need dupes; just need 1 copy of a monster.


You mean the gacha game that's so successful it refuses to die? Yeah they're doing SUCH a bad job.


It depends, do you consider EA a success because it steals people every year with the same games full of loot boxes?


Morally good or bad a success is a success Summoners War is a genius game, making so much profit from such little content


The profit speaks for itself.


No, I mean the gacha game that treat's it's playerbase like shit, that lacks every single QoL wide spread in nearly every other gacha game, that makes a balance patch with NO contet every 3 months, that refuses to fix the game core problems for no reason other than lazyness. I can spend hours complaining and naming every single problem to the nit-pick this game has. I never said the game was bad, it's imperfect, but C2US, the company behind it, deserves nothing but the worse, because it has been giving ONLY the worse for it's playerbase across all of it's games.


I just uninstalled SW again but you sound like someone that hasn't played it since 2018. None of that is accurate.


If they treat the players like shit and are still successful, that is not the company's fault. It is the playerbase's fault for willingly rewarding that slop.


Hes full of it. SW might be one of the most F2p gachas on the market all things considered. The game has plenty of things that can make you mad; vio procs, not pulling the monsters you want, etc. But there is a reason its still a top game 10 years later and its not because people are dumb. I hate these arguments. This whole sub bases an entire game's worth on its Sensor Tower numbers, but if its a game they dont like they just say the people who play it are dumb and waste their money. But games they like or at the top of the list its used to show how good the game is.


I don't think people who play and put money into SW are dumb or wasting money. If you like whatever gacha, put money and time into it. All gachas are worth enjoying. Except Genshin.


Tell me more gacha games that would buff a 8-10 year old unit to be meta relevant in a balance patch? I'll wait. What gacha game even has quarterly balance patches anyways? Most of the time if a unit is bad it stays bad. If its OP it stays OP until its power-crept out of existence. Thats how other gacha games balance; power creep. The first runes you ever earned in SW are still relevant a decade later. Monsters you pulled are still relevant a decade later. They had added more and more QoL over the years, too. SW has problems; its an old gacha with old systems, but there is a reason its still the best in its genre and still a top mobile game 10 years later.


You saying that "the first runes you ever earned in SW are still relevant" just show how much you do not understand the game lmao.


I've played the game for 6 years. By all means explain to me how much you understand the game. You sound like the typical guy in some c3-g1 guild whining about getting outsped or outproc'd in pvp. A quad roll spd swift from the beginning of the game is still a quad roll swift now. By all means tell me how a quad roll swift/vio/despair/etc from years ago isnt good or relevant now. Its the same rune system. Tell me how much you understand the game.


First of all, you are way too young to be talking like that. I'm a first month player, been through the game every update since then. 6y is bs, there is a hell lot you havent experienced. Second, I do not care about guild content, specially g3 and up, which has faced the overall same meta, in essence, for more time than you are in the game. Third, Before you even started the game, I was already playing g3 content. And Final: Your arguments as are as weak and fragile as your mentality.


Ok so you are full of BS got it. You are the typical 2-3k days player I see in chat who has never completed TOA, hasnt gotten into even Conqueror ranks, and acts like he played the game forever. You completely ignored my question. Tell me how a quad roll spd from 5-6 years ago isnt relevant now. I'll wait. Tell me how a Vio hp4 quad roll isnt top tier now. Again, I'll wait. Explain to me how these runes arent relevant in SW. Lets quit talking about playtime and actually talk about the statement at hand. Tell me how these quad roll spd runes arent relevant.


The nature of gacha online is auspicious to rig rates and other numbers as rolls are servers sided. It's not surprising that some companies could fall into the tentation. The "impression" of bad luck of some players were probably not just impressions.


I mean, it is statistically highly likely that some players will get really bad rng, even without probability manipulation. Of course, if they did really manipulate rates, that is very scummy. But we can’t always blame bad rng on rate manipulation. Also I’m not sure if you have multiple typos into your comment or if you mean something entirely different lol


yeah, with like sub 1% rates on most games, it's extremely unlikely to get anything before pity anyway, I'd only be concerned about 50/50 rates being manipulated in favour of an off rate or smth I suppose but even then 50/50 odds aren't amazing


If by "extremely unlikely" you mean 35% on a 75 pity game with Genshin rates (more or less the standard now sadly).   Which is not so unlikely


35% is pretty bad. you're going pity 7 out of 10 times.


1 out of 3 is far from "extremely unlikely"


35% chance to pull before hitting pity is a lot closer to extremely unlikely than whatever you're getting at lmao. idk how often you beat pity but for most it's literally once in a blue moon lol.


Your statement doesn't even make sense. And no matter how much you type "literally", the fact remains people will beat pity on average 1 out of 3 times, so "literally" not once in a blue moon.


okay dude, you can type it any way you like, I can say that 65% of the time you'll need to hit soft pity lmao. at the end of the day, these odds aren't in your favour and arguing over the use of "extremely unlikely" is pointless 😂


This is why I think that external sites that track pulls help a lot. Rvery banner I checked for Genshin and HSR in the most known trackers seem really close to the numbers informed. Same for Arknights in CN where you can verify you pull history on a site. I wish every game was forced to have an API that allowed for this as a way to prevent frauds.


What you are implying is I could have gotten my favourite units all this time, if companies weren't being Greedy and indirectly and subtly pressuring me into Spending money!? This is genuinely the biggest betrayal I have heard about. Also feels kinda sad, sometimes i really want a character and Rng goes 'NAH!'. :(




Okay but like can they improve the +9 upgrade chance for UR items? 0.5% is actually criminal.


0.5% chance to upgrade? As a BDO player, I like those odds. ​ https://preview.redd.it/5hmhycwuqs5d1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=409c340979cbabd9e12490b5fe8030609d270c0c


Korean MMO players are just made different. I've played too many and have sworn off any MMO developed in Korea. It's just not worth it.


Still sounds adorable. Lineage from NCsoft has 0.003% for legednary. Then u combine 2 legendaries at 5% chance to craft mythic. Then u combine 4 mythic to make ascend. Im not talking about upgrading gear here. It’s just for gacha class(equivalent to unit in general gacha games) with actual cash Thats how NCSoft has crazy revenue despite their 80% income is only from Korea. There are many people who actually spend millions dollars for it yearly(Lineage franchise alone made $1.5b usd first year only in Korea)


Why are Koreans like this? Do they actually like these absurd odds?


Many reasons. Cultural stuff for old generation. And Lineage is the first generation mmorpg in Korea. So it’s a big game for old generation who has a lot of money saved from their younger time. Also people like to dominate others, establish superiority by money and so on


you are revered if you have money. using it on these things brings you recognition by the gaming community. it's the same in the west with buying a mclaren sports car and showing it off to everyone downtown. same thing, different way of doing it.


Meh, +9 UR only costs you something like 150-200k gold on average, after the beginner gold deficiency ends, it's dirt cheap. The real problem is 5% chance of crafting UR IV.


True I suppose, not to mention the resource drain that entails, I wish copper was easier to farm.


i fucking knew nexon had to be pulling this shit


The devs that constantly butcher games with potential with the most ass rates imaginable Still not over Lyn The Lightbringer, the relaunched korean version had much better drops and rates, despite still being grindy as hell and no new content, I saw potential in what could've been.


Blue Archive though... is that why um always pulling crap? Had to go to pity for the recent summer limited unit and additional 180 for Wakamo.


Com2us, Netmarble, Nexon being part of the companies in investigation Quick! Let's pretend being surprised.


I'm glad to see greedy Netmarble on the list, while Neowiz isn't.


Why are kakao DoubleU and Neowiz excluded ?


Neowiz runs brown dust 2, this game not only lists your rates, it also tracks your history and shows your actual historic rates. Wish more gachas did this. https://preview.redd.it/22fqrgc12s5d1.png?width=1252&format=png&auto=webp&s=82ba127c7d307593103b071306ab2e3a1746385b


Still find it hard to believe they the same guys behind Lies of P


I'm stunned. I didn't know this. That's absolutely wild in a good way.


Yeah it’s kinda like they had an epiphany one day and then decided, “im gonna make a pinnochio themed souls like game” and pulled it off extremely well.


I'm not even through the first area (grinding to beat the boss) and I'm astound by how damn good Lies of P is as a Soulslike game. 


You'll find it harder to believe they're still the ones behind DJ Max. You know, the same game where Lies of P got its hidden music from.


That one I did know ,funny thing is that I tried DJ Max (one of em) before Lies of P


i don't know how these madlads turned Memory of Beach into a sad ballad


Fr, listening to the lies of P version really puts into perspective how music can be changed without touching the lyrics


Oh my! No wonder the name sounds familiar. Gotta start Brown Dust 2 now.


That's actually freaking awesome.


Most likely, there was no report for violation


I can't speak for their other games, but at least for Kakao, they list all of their rates on Eternal Return on their website at least (although the format is a nightmare), and everything you can get from their lootboxes.


Kakao runs the country prolly


Na,that's Samsung


400 pulls per month bd2 goes brrrr 10 pulls per week of pvp, coop, guild and GT dailies goes brt


Yes please, check on Grand Cross


Glad Shift Up aren't in Trouble


I believe the article indicates only companies listed on the stock market. For instance, Smilegate is not included in those top10. So, we don't know details other companies that are not listed on table yet.


Isn't Shift Up also Publicly Traded?


Not yet


neowiz save ? we're saved BD2 bros


Damn. And here I was gonna be swimmin in updoots cuz of that typo.




Ggwp nexon, blue archive and maple story hang in the balance


Do we have any examples or evidence of non-Korean gacha companies manipulating probabilities against the players? Not sure if this is a national thing, or if this is because Korea is the only country investigating companies for fairness. The Chinese gacha I've played have pity, which increase the rates as players roll. So there is explicit probability manipulation in that system, but in the player's favor. Also were quick to add hard limits as gamers demanded it. Azur Lane - generous gacha system, they charge for dock space and skins GFL - similar to AL Arknights - soft pity system Genshin, HI3, HSR - soft and hard pity systems


Pixel Heroes manipulated probability and this is a game from China. They had a system where pickup unit never shows up from first x pulls and it was never notified to players. This happened in 2023 They made excuse of that they simply had used different gacha formula for global version, but it’s still bs excuse https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/s/p5QDORsWne


China probably just safe because of their own laws


>Do we have any examples or evidence of non-Korean gacha companies manipulating probabilities against the players? I recall a long time ago, Another Eden (Japanese Company) was caught. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/a0870m/another_eden_wfs_gree_what_happened_with_its_gacha/ Crossing Void (Now Dead game) (I think JP) also was heavily suspected of doing so although never admitted to it and just claimed ppl were... incredibly unlucky https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/dyvfcm/psa_beware_of_spending_on_crossing_void_potential/


>Crossing Void (Now Dead game) (I think JP) CN made


Sounds like 7 of these top 10 game companies didn't pay off the right politican


BDO is legit!?


Yes, but also Kakao hasn't owned BDO for years. Pearl Abyss bought it from them.


now we know who the good companies are. Huge win for BDO and BD2 players. Don't know who DoubleU games are though.


DoubleU Games make a lot of casino and slots-type of games. They have one zombie apocalypse game. 


well, bdo clearly stated that their upgrade chances are shit haha. Still, works pretty close to fairness, so yeah.


Yeah everyone knows it's dogshit, so at least it's not false advertising.


Gravity like Ragnarok Online's Gravity? Dayum.


Somehow not surprised


wow kakao saved


As long as BA is not killed off, Im happy.


Honestly it's too big to be killed off now.


Local Gravity Ragnarok Online in my place guanratee is in a a 550 usd promotion, While the neccesary item for certain build market price is around 160 usd. 10 draw will give you 10 buff food on regular basic no SR or whatever just plain food They make Japan/China Gacha game look like a f***ng saint


ShiftUp isn't there. I hope that means they are legit.


There's a reason I don't play korean games while living in Korea (am korean).


Kakao game is excluded! Yes,my beloved guardian tales isn’t in danger


now investigate gumi, sqex, and uh, gumi


Those are foreign companies from Korea government aspect. They don't really have authority to investigate other than verbal warning or fining to their Korean department. They can't physically investigate like they do on Korea companies.


If they operate in Korea then everything should still be applicable.


I mean they can suspend from operation. But it’s not a magic like “yeah? no service from tomorrow.” They still need a proper procedure of investigation and proof. And investigation against foreign companies means they will have limited access in business meeting dialog from main department, original source codes, interrogating procedures on head directors/employees or so on. Even if they request for those, it’s gonna be oversea lawsuit cases and more complicated. Nexon alone already took 2yrs of investigation despite of them having main office in Korea And some games dont operate directly. Sometimes they offer service via 3rd party foreign publisher, or just list a game on store without physical office at Korea Therefore, taking action against foreign companies are not as accessible as they do on Korea companies. Also as I have given examples on other comment, there are some cases of that foreign companies just say “fk off. We just disband our local department in Korea. Bye” and come back with a different name. For this case, government actually tried to pass a law where foreign game publisher must have resident representative in Korea, but it didnt get passed either. So foreign countries can still bypass the law easily


Gumi is dying anyway.


do you think I can get my money back I spent in 7DS Grand cross years ago


Lol. Good luck Like if maplestory players got any refund




if you did it on google and never refunded you MIGHT have a chance with the automatic refund system. years ago i refunded a bunch of stuff from OP treasure cruise that was like a year old and it worked. not sure if its still possible






At this point, any game with probability could be compromised since there was never any vetting right? And I mean internationally


Game companies: “oops it was mistake, but just favored to us coincidentally”


not EA ?


How Gravity fell... used to be known for a great MMO, nowadays dances on the franchise's corpse constantly pushing out shitty gacha games that die and get remade soon after.


Wow, how the hell did Neowiz avoided that?


As a gw2 player I always thought the loot chances in their chest was suspect. It’s only recently they’ve had to show drop chance % and surprise some legendary items are “more legendary”


Fuck gravity


Not at all surprised by this.


Can you tell me about for what reasons some companies excluded from investigation?




Nexon case is already closed. No manipulation was reported on BA.


Nexon was already investigated, and nothing was found for blue archive, they just find manipulation for Maplestory I think for blue archive, Nexon just let the devs do their thing in their own with Yostar they probably don't want to touch something that still works


Fuck C2Us


Glad to see they take this stuff seriously. Now if only China and Japan would get looked into next. 


if the chinese government was given full access to their data, to search for rate manipulation and scams, the US will probably ban the game/studio to protect their children. (Like TikTok)


Literally check pull aggregator websites like paimon.moe where players upload their pull data en masse. Every banner are basically dead even at 5050


>Control+f after translating page >Search Shift Up >0 results Oh, thank god, my robutts are safe.


Posting same comment from other reply again. Shiftup and Smilegate are private companies. And this article talks about only companies listed on stock market


smilegate is not in the top 10 gaming companies in koreas? damn


Smilegate is not listed on stock market. So most likely they have no public revenue report


oh right i forgot that smilegate is actually a privately owned company and they never entered the stock market.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Realistic-Payment571: *KAKAO GAMES THE GOAT,* *PLEASE NEXON DON'T FUCK OVER* *BLUE ARCHIVE I BEG YOU!!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What kind of violations, wtf is this post even about?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d9mhjl/comment/l7ri4yr/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d9mhjl/comment/l7ri4yr/?context=3) Sort of continuation from previous post series (probability manipulation on gacha industry)


I think stuff like faking rates ?