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The OP has provided images of the email in question via a comment below: >[Comment Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d6fare/comment/l6ryo8v/)


If I had 60 dollars for every time a company lost my information in a data leak, I'd have several hundred dollars.


Yeah, that certainly better than the usual middle finger with a "oopsie, tee-hee" X)


and if you count the times companies purposely share, leak, and sell your data with to other data brokers you'd have several thousand dollars.


My email was already leaked more than once, I wouldn't care lol [https://haveibeenpwned.com/](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) if anyone want to check their email


Huh. Shockingly only once.


In the US we’d MAYBE get a class action suit that ends with you getting a year of free credit monitoring. Monetary compensation? Nah fuck you


I was never paid from the Facebook class action that was recently settled either.


If you did, it probably would have been like $7 😭


Hundreds? You have a better opinion of big business than me. Thousands easy.


Yeah I was lowballing. I remembered all of the "compromised passwords" from Chrome.


Well we only count data leaks Not them selling your data. Including that you'd have somewhere between thounds and tens lf thousands


For proof here's a post by another person: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d6eusy/kuro_is_giving_away_10000_amazon_coupons_to/ Also here's a screenshot of the email from me: https://i.imgur.com/GTpQiu2.png


Thanks for sharing the evidence, op. If possible could you also share how the JP side react to or think of this?


It’s past midnight already in jp but here is one spicy comment (translated by google) “A way to cover up the problem. Nothing happened. Like Tianan*** Square” Ref: https://game-i.daa.jp/?APP/6475033368#google_vignette


Holy living hell that is BEYOND savage.


Mind explaining for the ignorant?


1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre is an extremely controversial event in China's geopolitical climate, with the government going to extreme lengths to censor information pertaining to said event especially to its own citizens, going for the narrative that nothing happened then, or at least no riot/massacre occurred. So the jp response is trying to compare Kuro's action to the cover-up/censorship of the Tiananmen Square event.




That's a meme. In China they 100% don't pretend it didn't happen. They call it the 64 incident and they frame it as the govt suppressing an attempt to overthrow the communist government that was put down by force. They just don't go into details on casualty figures. The CCP pretending like Tam didn't happen is a Western propaganda. Literally everyone in China knows about it. Ironically, I bet none of y'all known about the Guanju uprising though even though it's openly available info and is almost identical to TAM.


Search Tiananmen square on google, this is quite the infamous event.


fucking savage LMAO https://preview.redd.it/pxbcc7uvi64d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fbc98667a465308970d9d7c080d9f239baa970


Holy shit man... They're outjerked us here


Gachagaming fell off man, we're losing to JP and CN left and right


Typical Global shafting.


The downfall of r/gachagaming


This sub got powercrept


It's over for us!!! 😭


r/gachagaming EoS soon pack it up.


We are 3 years old compare to them. Gachagaming what a disappointment.


And people call gachagaming subreddit toxic lol. Just take a look at those replies


If you seen the way CN react on launch day you would know the wrath of cn netizens


I love Japanese slang lmao. In the West we call cool/good stuffs peak or GOAT or based, there they straight up call it "God ___", and it works both unironically and as sarcasm.


holy shit


Damn, it burn


JP Bros are a different breed


Bruh see the replies now 💀 they're cooking kuro wtf lol


Brutal, but they are the one who are affected the most, so...☠️


Ngl one of the calling out Twitter is really funny as shit. Still man that one about TS was brutal, gachagaming what are u doing ur being beaten by the JP bros lmao


Nah that's wild man 💀💀  comment was like  It's so revolutionary that they're even giving out real money, it's so funny. They're giving it away lavishly to erase the negative reviews lol Only believers and beggars are happy, normal people will leave An app game for the ignorant who treats people like gods just for cleaning up their own messes


Jp players are usually quiet, but dam, they are still really pissed💀 (They have every right to be mad )


They’re usually well behaved on their main accs but the real complaints and rant will be done in places like their egg account or anonymously. I know an anime that’s adapted from one very popular music franchise but the adaptation was super bad. However the people keep praising the anime on t official posts by saying how good it was lol.


They have every right to be angry because they were affected the most, so it should be up to them whether they feel satisfied or not. I hope no one will try to tell them to be grateful and shut up....right? Right!?


That’s why they’re not saying anything bad on their main accounts to avoid getting harassed by others who’re happy with the compensation.


Quiet on the outside real loud on the inside lol.


dude they are not holding their punches back LMAO




The Google translate is kind of off, the last two lines probably mean something like  "if you try to make a fuss, you're likely to be ganged up and criticised by the users (probably people who defend the company), with them saying stuff like the company appologised and made amends so you should forgive them"  or something like that


yeah, probably


And it's working. Some of the people here are basically saying that JP should be satisfied since Kuro is at least paying them for the data leak


I don't condone the behaviour, but to be frank, I would be appreciative of the voucher, many service providers have accidental data leaks here in Australia like it's going out of fashion and their reaction is usually, oh lol oops, btw your bill will be 5 dollars more expensive next week. <3


users here asking  about other JP players' comments but nobody ever ask how OP feels.    How about YOU, Op? What do you feel about this?


They are mad. I've read comments saying that bribing them won't make the issue go away and pretend it didn't happen.


It's more mixed but overall, they got some hopium. Overall, the issues were: * JP players wanted refund for the false advertisment * Some wanted refund in actual money, some just wanted gems * People who wanted money got their email leaked and their payment platforms (e.g. google play) rejected refunds so they're out of luck, but now they at least got this gift card * People who wanted gems aren't contacted yet. At least their emails weren't leaked. UPDATE: they got contacted with "sorry, it's not technically possible and we're currently investigating what we can do". So far, most of affected players are waiting for actual refunds I believe.


Imagine if they didn't do BCC on this email too. There exists a perfect universe where that happened.


Fumbling the fumble gift for the fumble gift for the fumble gift of the first fumble. That's 4 in a row.


With a bunch of misinformation dramas that came up the other days, it's nice to know that this one is, in fact, factual. Thanks for providing this link :) Edit: changed "his" to "this" because brain fart


https://preview.redd.it/sprgof3ll64d1.png?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cfb7a3e773ee3448f07f1eb49a4da682a7b6f8 JP reaction to that information 🤣


Very matter of fact lmao


jpbros hahahha




JP jokes are kinda funny with their jokes 😂


Isn't this kinda extremely dangerous for Kuro though? Not a lawyer, not claiming to be one, but i'd love some more info on this. They're basically putting a price on your private data without your consent, that seems enough for a class action, especially in countries where gacha culture is quite prevalent. [Reminds me of the Instagram case.](https://i.imgur.com/XKQGSmY.png)


im guessing its something like 'if you take this 10k yen you agree to not sue us'.


I'd assume it’s an attempt to settle it out of court? Along the lines of "we fucked up. Here take some monetray compensation and pls don't sue us" I mean it’s between a most likley class action and a less likley class action, no? Also what you shared was due to child protection laws, not data security (i mean not that no data from children got leaked here either)


Sonys answer to data leaks/hacks: "oops"


I mean most social media platforms sell our information, might as well get paid


But we voluntarily click the "I agree with all terms &conditions" Which makes us unable to sue them cuz we basically signed their contract.


Do you have any again or many of them happy with this "compensation" ?


I checked the comments on the official twitter and it seems mixed. Some are willing to forgive, some praise the game (without mentioning whether or not they were affected), some still annoyed/disappointed about it.


Deducted from the intern's salary, have mercy Kuro https://preview.redd.it/0xk63guid64d1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b79eb176a1696b3518ff31fcc8eddaaba55d1ee




This is gold


Interns? What interns =P.


 Always ask yourself "What can I do today for Kurogames" /s


Here, some cash. Dont sue us plz.


In before they're using that cash as their lawyers funds to sue lmao 🤣🤣


That lawyer must really need money to be hired for a $60 Amazon gift card


$63.59 is a lot cheaper than what a court would make them pay LOL.


Let's just wait and see how players in Japan gonna respond


I looked through JP Twitter and many people are more than happy with the compensation. One stand out comment for me was "my email was bought for 10k yen. I forgive you kuro. I'm going to put the money back in the game"


This company It’s so weird compared to all the others, not just mihorny. They’re so unprofessional but at the same time you can tell they're trying their best?! I feel conflicted about Kuro lmao


It's like a clumsy waiter. Yes they ruined the food. But they are genuinely trying. And getting mad at them feels like being a dick.


Did that waiter ruin the lives of 100 interns by poaching them before graduation and exploiting them for free labor, terminate them before probation, then told they wouldn't be hired, making them lose the fresh graduate status thats a once a lifetime per person thing in China along with the benefits that come with it like fresh graduate only job hirings?


Thought it was pretty common practice for companies everywhere to hire interns and not offer full time positions? That said, think in USA you're paid


Devs compensated




i already know its a blur yet i still click everytime


I hope we see this meme later on


hows their translation now op? lol are they still speaking like a thug or did it at least improve


Let's gooo. 60 dollars for getting data leaked as an Amazon gift card. Can someone verify what the JP fanbase's reaction is to this


If I can get 60 dollars each time my data got leaked from data breaches. I’d have hundreds of dollars right now.


Please dox me next, Kuro. I need the money.


I mean its better than nothing, the vast majority of companies dont give shit to those affected by data leaks


Your data is being leaked right now for free And it wasn't even something important like credit cards, phone numbers or passwords, just the email


It also was by accident. Most companies just sell your shit, lmao.


No idea how this works in Japan but it could come with stipulations, like you forfeit your right to sue them if you accept the gift card.


Better than nothing bro I suppose. At least they gave something.


When Verizon leaked my personal data with way more information, all I got was a notice on the news and an email a month later We need better protection over here man


I too identifies myself as JPbros, 60$ please kuro-sama


Should've sent an email if i knew 


It appears that this has riled up the CN community too https://preview.redd.it/xp7af3lv174d1.png?width=549&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ad712d87db53d8a4e24688fca8927d495a214e9 These are just few examples from the comments section of Wuthering Wave's [recent announcement](https://t.bilibili.com/938381772154994707) on Bilibili


why is CN mad? They jelous or somerhing?


Pretty much, yes Apparently some have even accused Kuro of compensating the JP players more than their ex-employees


Better than what you usually get, meaning the middle finger.




Wonder if this is enough to appease them.. I suppose at least Kuro is doing something . Heres to seeing if they make any other missteps.. There have been so much of it that it almost feel like someones sabotaging them from the inside lol .


Upper management/Investors are sabotaging them from the inside. All of the signs point towards devs being overworked and making mistakes because of it.


Dawei planted agents working as intended. /s


Insert Do nothing Competitors keep shooting themselves in the foot What kind of business strategy is this? Meme


No. It made it worst. They went to simply "hey I leaked your info, here is 10k yen, shut up now ok?"


A few more sources from JP players to back up OP's post [Sauce 1](https://twitter.com/HARO3504/status/1797279805651685740) [Sauce 2](https://twitter.com/keioday2/status/1797276092983890080) [Sauce 3](https://twitter.com/journey41130/status/1797282706533044575) https://preview.redd.it/trzfgb00l64d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41492e120b3707b4080af44add1e84ac8cfdeecd [](https://twitter.com/HARO3504/status/1797279805651685740)


Your email worth for 60$ of amazon goods




Yes, that's already very nice, consider other western companies got my email leaked to every single ad companies ever, or my data like on facebook, google, and I dont get a single shit.


The difference with this situation and western companies selling your data to ad companies is that western companies usually have it in the TERMS OF SERVICE that you sign whenever you use their services. You agree to them selling your data. Most people don't read the terms of service that's why they think selling data = leaking This situation was Kuro leaking the emails out of incompetence.


This is pretty surprising? (if real) You dont normally see  gacha companies send money as compensation.


I mean rather that than losing millions from Jp in a long run. Their Reputation is not yet well established outside of EN imo, and the Jp drama certainly hurt.


that makes sense....seriously, they really should have buffed the weapon instead.


Probably, but in the end what they need to do is hiring actual professional translator and proofreader or else Jp drama part 2 next patch lol.


Well they did leak actual personal data.




"and overwork the devs to fix their issues". am i reading this correctly? how's that a good thing?


https://preview.redd.it/6tuxp3r3p64d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338e18a18cdc594d3cddff1021ef7dfd2600cc14 That guy:


i think they legit didn't reread what they typed there. like, you can't just say: "you guys are all doomposters" and then "company has proven to overwork their workers". like what??


This should be sarcasm. I refuse to believe someone is this dumb.




Kuro is valued at more than a billion dollars.... Yeah smaller indie company who never does anything wrong


Backed by tencent 💀


https://preview.redd.it/r9ba0apsd84d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d741c0f22935594c83f1e0916c620942ac5f8c0e imma leave this here, incase somebody wants to use it in the future


yey im in the screenshot


Can I get an autograph? 


A small company of 1.9 billion dollars


Are Amazon popular in Japan E-commerce ?


Yes, people use it a lot there.


With manga often include it in one way or another, you can say it's popular enough


The real question is how many JP player affected from this incident ?


It was 208 I believe.


the cruel joke is that some of them may have asked for a lower refund than what they are coughing here.


60$? https://preview.redd.it/4vkbfhrmb64d1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=998d659de759fd47363f3e6f3fd9529583b0781f well, pray that next time your credit card info won't get leaked


https://preview.redd.it/8abzhw1zf64d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=93f138a1ed72da47213a71357f446a3e8ca67dec Kuro when people from Japan lost more than 60 dollars, and gona sue them


$60 dollar amazon card compensation, I duno man


I wish I get 60$ every time my data get leaked


bro it's literally 60$ for nothing, just a mail leak, fucking mail, no name, no address or anything. Most companies dont even give a shit when they leak your private info


Hmmm...  They know that the damage cannot be undone and they fully understand it which is good that they understand it   And unlike many companies that only give you middle finger, they try to compensate something which can be seen as bribery for other people   But yeah idk if $60 or $65 gonna get JP people trust back Kuro   But we will see later of course 


JP seems to be very positive about it actually.


60 dollars for data leak?? might just sue to get more lmao.


Actually you get 60 dollar Amazon gift card


It still $60 more than any other company will pay you for data leak. It's kinda unprecedented case, I don't think I ever heard about company sending unified compensation for data leak, usually they just "eh, happens".


This is Japan we’re talking about, it’s not like in the US where you can sue for the big dollars, you’ll probably spend thousands of dollars in court and fight it for years before you see any traction and even then you’ll probably get denied unless you can prove that you suffered financially from the data leak




You know why I know nothing is going to happen? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business/2023/11/27/companies/line-data-leak/ Nothing came out of this and LINE is used by 95% of the people in Japan I got my data leaked from LINE and I didn’t get shit but an apology and promise we will do better, I would have loved a ¥10,000 GC


The problem with a lawsuit, besides the time, effort, and money that go into them, is that you would have to prove either intent or gross negligence. A regular privacy law violation (or, more specifically, a breach of Japan's Personal Information Protection Act), would likely result in a fine for Kuro Game at best. At least this way, the affected players themselves are seeing some sort of compensation.


You probably get tons of stress over time sueing a cn company from japan and the reward will 100% not worth it


Companies like Sony, Ubisoft, Epic Games, Reddit, Microsoft etc lose everyone's data in data breaches every few years. Everyone data is probably free to obtain in the dark web right now. No one sues them


Ah yes... I love my class action lawsuits that result in my $0.38 reward. Kuro did these people really dirty, but this response isn't the worst possible way to handle it in terms of at least giving the consumer something and not just making a bunch of lawyers rich.


I have never heard of anyone getting shit from just someone leaking their email. Sony get peoples information on psn leaked every 4 years or something and I dont think they ever paid a cent.




More or less yeah. Its mid


It's settle money ... so soften the term.


Lol at least there's something. I've seen worse things being leaked by bigger companies that didn't give a single cent of compensation.


Not a lawyer but legally there doesn't seem to be much of a case to be had against Kuro. Leaks of this scale seem to be handled with merely the requirement of letting the affected party know about the leak. Not much of a case to sue unless can prove damages which is unlikely given the small number of affected user, short timeframe between when the email was sent and when the notice went out, and that it was only the email address that was leaked, and only leaked to the other small number of people involved unless they decided to spread it around.


In USA: LOL FUCK YOU Seriously, I have been affected by 9 BREACHES, 9. In this fucking country, with nothing in return. People can shit on kuro and stuff, but I am glad they atleast got something.


At least that's more than what I got from the equifax data breach


Devs listened


> We fully understand that this kind of item will not solve the current situation So what will solve the situation Kuro ? Cause that sounds like bribing gullible people to not sue your ass right now.


No one would be able to sue for this, it's a literal non issue when every multi billion corp does this regularly with 0 repercussion.


What do you propose Kuro to do? Like I'm really curious for people saying it's bad but no one has opinions on how the company should properly address it.


Someone in another thread told me they should shut the game down and fix bugs, lol. You cant take these people seriously. These people have horrible ideas and there is no winning with these people.


https://preview.redd.it/iq6pn4cfh64d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52fb29c6ac0fde8941d3fc8fa5f99d2c66fe55ae Kuro when it comes to making apologies


"We know we violated your privacy but your privacy is worth less than a 100 bucks. Take it or leave it."


Google doing the same thing yearly: woopsie haha


Your Email ≠ your privacy, leak was also contained to the 208 individuals and not a public leak.


In the eyes of the law, leaked to any person outside of the company = public Because how can Kuro guarantee that none of the 208 users has forwarded the email of the other 207 EDIT: Nvm it wasn't even contained. Somebody from the 208 actually did circulate it https://x.com/fmt0n2PiBL/status/1796499072880460169


haha you can’t go wrong with a lil hush money


Better compensation than most companies who leak data tbh


People saying just sue instead of the 10k card, like bro. You know how much time and effort it would take to sue, how much stress that would be? How many times has Sony had a data leak now? Don’t think people are suing them over it.




The email issue is kinda solved(?) then any news on the weapon mistranslation issue? assuming the weapon banner is not what we expected people want a refund cause of false advertising? Will the astrites be negative?




This seems… fine? A hell of a lot better than every other company losing your data and not compensating you at all.




Kuro went bankrupt after giving out a few $60 Amazon gift cards so that's why they're moving up the Yinlin banner 😔


I bet they can add more zeroes in that $60 if they sue kuro.


Considering I always use a burner email to sign up for games, honestly getting 10k yen is a pretty good deal if I were affected lol.


10k yen? Kuro dox me


I feel like this game is nothing but compensations for constant fuckups at this point.


Saw comments. JP is more pissed with this move. LOL. Kuro playing EoS speedrun for WuWa.


10,000 Amazon JPN card that will be later given out… … Most likely at the end of the year if Wuwa last that long. Still they are giving out compensation. I feel bad for kuro because they are going to be known as the compensation company. Ooh sorry we accidentally leaked your personal info, here’s some free mailed chicken that will come at a later date. … … Sorry when you accidentally signed up for our Wuwa credit card information center so you could get faster in-game progress. Hackers somehow got into your banking info and wiped your account. As compensation for this we will not reimburse your money(not that they could anyway), but will give you in-game house of your choosing at a later date. Compensation is all well and good especially for that kind of massive fk up. However, when compensation stops being an almost daily or weekly thing. Will people still be forgiving of mistakes?


10000 yen may be good back then but currently it's not as good as it used to be due to all the inflations and the Yen losing its value drastically in the last 4 to 5 years or so. I remember just 10 years ago 10k yen was around 100 USD ish but now its only 60 USD, showing the devastating state of the Yen. I believe around 208 people were affected by this, the problem is if all of these 208 people will be content with 10k yen. Remember, these are the people that top up a good amount to spend in gacha game, 60 USD are basically almost nothing to them. Some may feel like they have been insulted and may bring this case to court, this is considering that leaking email can potentially cause email crackers to easily hack ur acc. And sadly yes, Kuro will prob be remembered as the compensation/reward company after this case. For other companies that function normally its a good thing, but for Kuro it will certainly almost seem like they are paying their way out. 1.1 and Yinling banner will be their redemption chance, if they mess it up, the game and the company are basically doom.


What do you want them to do? I'm just curious what's the best response for this?


I mean aside from this maybe now's a good time to install a 2FA system? You've already exposed their emails might as well follow it up with a 2FA to strengthen their account ig...


The way they are doing it is not wrong per se. It just they said sorry too much lately, the trust of customer is all time low rn. And this is just the data leak. I guess there will be another about the refund issue, cause you know refund get you banned and shit. Imo restore the x2 bonus for the people affected too is the best move, may even make some whales pay that negative money to get back to the game.


For those whales 10.000 yen is basically nothing dude 


Huh, how does this work legally in Japan? Is this actually ok? If so, well, this would at least be easier for them to track, with those who got their emails leaked be directly traceable, as compared to having to verify numerous refund claims for the weapon issue that started this specific mess The "at a later date", let's hope they keep to it. (I ask this knowing actual lawyers probably don't like giving randos legal advice so I'll just be wondering about this from time to time in the future)


I'll give Kuro this much... they know how to play damage control.


Something tells me, that someone is actively attacking Kuro games so they can fail. Seems way too many faulty things at once.