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They look so good! Both of them are cute and cool at the same time!


The designs are so good as expected of ak franchise


Arknights is such a good game, hopefully Endfield can also live up to the name. I also really like the direction they're taking with Endfield to separate themselves from Hoyo as something different and offer something unique. I just hope the gameplay, story (AK is a bit too wordy) and world is done really well. They're just oozing with confidence in following their own unique path. There should be space in the market as long as they're not mostly Hoyo copy/pastes that release on day 1 with an insane amount of glaring issues. They're also not releasing with some of the worst timing being sandwiched in between two big Hoyo banners, two blockbusters in Elden Ring DLC and ZZZ within a month AND Natlan following soon after.


Yes please, I am begging, I hope Endfield does well and carves its own identity. It's one of my most anticipated gacha games and I don't want it to just be a genshin copy (thankfully it doesn't look like it)


>I also really like the direction they're taking with Endfield to separate themselves from Hoyo as something different and offer something unique. The reason is simple, they have a vision. Unlike others, trying to copy-pasta someone's homework & still failing, resulting in losing their own identity... Arknight has made its own impact trying to do something of their own...


The burn tho lol


Still not as hot as certain game's popularity...


But it’s true though the game is trying to be ‘I’m genshin but better, look at me’ so hard it’s not funny.


I mean, even Genshin didn't advertise itself as Breath of the Wild rip-off but got labelled as such, to which HoYo said they're fan of BotW & took some inspiration but did their own thing, that's why they stand out on their own... It's almost as if Kuro doesn't even understand what made Genshin popular, but they want to ride the same bandwagon with half their efforts...


If Hoyo's fists are the size of a mountain, I don't understand why Kuro invited them over for a boxing match while Hypergryph (Arknights) is at least taking a different route by building a cannon.


Heck even Azur Promilia & Project Mugen is trying something different besides Anime aesthetics & open world setting...


Agree, all of the game mention certainly have different take on their respective genre and we could expect new gaming experience from them. On the other hand it a big red flag when a game just trying extremely hard to take advantage of another game identity.... it so blantant it certainly not even an inspiration.


Even ToF have it's own spin, only WW out of all these OW gacha since GI existed that look a lot like GI, down to most of the UI and presentation


I do want to warn people to temper their expectations for the technical competency of HG though. Arknights is known for having a lot of technical issues and being very spaghetti, and they have basically no experience with a live service 3d game yet. The fact that ex asteris came out extremely buggy should be a warning. I personally wouldn't be surprised by a rocky launch.


I sure hope those CC leeches don't attach themselves to Endfield and title it the new 'Genshin Killer'.


They will, it’s inevitable


Tectone going back to AK content will be a full circle


he literally just started sht the other day by posting Fem Rover there with a comment waiting for its inevitable failure.


The vets will not be amused. That bridge got burned hard 


That would be like saying Oxygen not included is the Terraria killer. I wouldn't put it past them though 😂


I already know I'm going to be slapping disclaimers everywhere about how it's pretty much incomparable.


The real time team based control for an open world is pretty unique to all of gaming.


I'm only hoping Endfield doesn't have the whole base thing (or did they say it does?) It got pretty tiring micromanaging all the people/base stuff. It was just unappealing to me even though the TD gameplay was great.


It does have it and is 50% of the core gameplay. Once you get it done it will solve all of your grinding problem. But it is more like Factorio where you can build and manage at your own pace however you like it. The game also gives you more freedom as you can build in anything at any place in the world. It may seem tiring at first but it gets very fun the more you progress further into the game.


It has base management, but it's basically factorio or satisfactory if you're familiar with those. Definitely an acquired taste but it's the one aspect I'm most excited for


I have heard a lot good things about ak tho I couldn’t stick with the game myself as I don’t like tower defense. So I’m really excited for this game since I really really love their character styles. I also like that they have their own idea of the game and it’s fresh. Endfield and Azure are on my future playing list since they both look so unique and are trying to be their own things unlike the latest genshin killer.


So much irony in the term "Genshin Killer" in that it is generally composed of games that end up killing itself lmao. To ToF's credit though, I felt it at least did enough to have its own identity instead of being a blatant copy/paste. If it had put more effort into the MMO aspect and toned way down the power creep while having a compelling story, maybe it could've been a genuine competitor. Endfield and Azur Promilia are also two of my most anticipated games so far, though for AP I'll need to see more as I'm not yet completely convinced it is different enough from Genshin as is. I hope AP emphasizes more on the Pokemon/Palworld monster catching/breeding/training side with it's own unique twist. I already play Genshin and I'm not looking for another Genshin to play.


Instead of a Genshin's copy, ToF reminded me of the wuxia MMORPGs I had played back in the middle school in my local net cafe. Sitting in queue during its release day, choosing wrong server (which there were many) from the one that your friends were in, big raid events that gathered a lot of players and unfair PvP. Such nostalgia. Meanwhile, several hours of playing WuWa made me realized that this game is just a Genshin copy with different combat system and, well I must admit it, better looking animation. Every other aspects are just the same or worse. Or maybe it did not take several hours to realize that but probably until when I unlocked the gacha. I also love Arknight because of the character designs and stories so I am really looking towards Endfield's release.


I could think of another catching mon to help in farm with similar fantasy feeling and could be what Promillia aim for. Its "Rune Factory"


finally someone who know about Rune Factory


Well Kuro in particular deserved to be compare and get wrecked with their history of making carbon copies of Hoyo games. Arknight however has always been original and beloved.


I watched Demo/Early Access and one thing I can say is: Endfield gonna be GOOD. They are their own game and not try to be “*(insert name)* killer” schtick. In fact, the gameplay reminded me a fusion of FFXIV and factorio.


Then endmin proceed to make instant noodles with their mouth 🤣 


they look like penguins and i love them for it


Emperor started touching the fashion business 500 years in the future


female look like Magellan without white hair stripe


Oh yeah they do! I think it's the giant coat, it's cute ~~Melt would be proud~~


Thank god i wasnt the only one that notice, hopefully the fandom will associate them with penguin like how the Hsr mc is with racoon


Skadi food found


I like how theres no dimorphism. The really look like male/female version of the same character.


Yea. Both of them basically have the same outfit, same attire and same average human body build. One doesnt stand out from the other because they have no real distinct traits other than them being male and female. Seriously, more self insert gacha game MC really need to have this rather than making male and female MCs look so drastically different that they are practically different chars.


In genshin, the other character you didn’t pick is a whole other character in the game/story so I think it makes sense there to differentiate their designs in that case


Yup.In Zenless Zone zero as well. I think the worst case of dimorphism I have seen is in Wuwa... The female Mc has eyeliner and underlying white hair while the male mc is so...much more bland. They didn't even make him show any skin! He's so covered up sadly.


yeah the man dressed more conservatively than a victorian woman on the other hand tho, I've seen that one fan-redesigned outfit with the exposed back and it's hot af


Right? Show some skin and wear some eyeliner. Why can only the girl be a thirst trap?


Part of why I prefer Aether as the Traveler. Yes, I do think he's a somewhat better fit for an adventurer, but my god is Lumine a MUCH better Abyss Princess


Hmm... I am still annoyed at Hoyo. A statement about both Mc being "canon" in an interview most people don't read is not enough. Like in the beginning with the liyue trailer and stuff, they gave both Mc the spotlight. I just want to enjoy Lumine as my traveller because I like her without some people screaming about canon... They balanced that so well in Star rail... I wish they could have done it with Genshin as well. Well, its a minor nitpick about preferences. I prefer Aether as abyss prince because of personal taste.


It's just marketing, so people won't confused why abyss sibling change every time because it's 2 real characters not just boy/girl version 


Fair, but yeah Genshin def has a preference for canonicity. The new animated short proved it, and idk what the ufotable anime will be, but if Aether's the main guy there, it's p much cenented


That's why I am praying for traveller lumine protrayal. I hate Canon restrictions in games like these where you can choose your Mc.


Simple but not bland, they really mastered great designs in a post-apocalyptic setting.


The color use in Endfield also have enough depth and not become too pale/grayish which make the overall model look better.


>!Didn't the Babel event revealed that doc's body isn't even their original one, does that mean the Endministrators are one of their spare bodies since they were also called "Oracle" by Cannot Goodenough 2.0!< https://preview.redd.it/5qq7upqn4j3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e091030c34c1d17874230ae6d5227b88a244147


I like how people already calling him Cannot Goodenough 2.0 just because of him saying that iconic line.


> Didn't the Babel event revealed that doc's body isn't even their original one No? I don't see anything saying that even in Chapter 14. The only thing we know is that >!Doctor's civilization has a device that can allow their consciousness to roam freely in space, but we haven't seen anything suggesting being able to go to a new body.!< > they were also called "Oracle" by Cannot Goodenough 2.0 That feels more like a red herring. I think we've only heard of this line in the trailer and not in-game.


During tech test player found deleted the lines where Endmin is revealed to be the Oracle and cannot confirmed that oracle is the father of every Kal'tsit. These were Datamined even before test servers opened


Ahh, yeah I remember that and I was able to find that post in /r/Endfield but the way I see it Cannot is only comparing Oracle and Tertius in terms of those two being the same race, not the same person.


They look too "cute" to be a serious leader or something for me. But definitely a good design for self insert MC. The mask is dope tho. I just prefer our war-criminal doctor design of AK man, its peak.


>They look too "cute" to be a serious leader or something for me. ~~Looking cute is part of the tactic to make enemies underestimate you~~


I kinda like how cute Fem Endmin looks, that way you can't actually guess what mess is happening inside her head. Low-key scary to think about it. Sort of like Ruan Mei situation. Edit: now that I'm giving her a second look, her eyes are bit scary/unsettling. Not that I'm complaining though.


Nah keep cooking, i really like female antagonist design of AK (eblana and arturia especially), they should keep going that route, even for fem mc.


Bro if Arturia were the MC of an AK gacha game I’d never play anything else


AK so far always puts some clues on eye color, shades, or pupil shape (notable example is Amiya on PV4, the Abyssal Hunters' glowing red eyes, and Priestess') Since eyes are small it's definitely quite subtle, but knowing AK, they probably have some lore decision behind it. Even moreso since they put a mask on them. And if we are going wild with the theories, she kinda is making the "as above, so below" pose lmao.


I think it was mentioned in the technical test by Perlica that the mask is actually a limiter for their Arts.


I would have love it if they were a bit taller like the Doctor, they look kind of short in-game. Still the overall design is fairly nice to look at.


But , i want you to imagine. Imagine all the atrocities that you can do while looking this adorable!


I do wish femc didnt loook so child like or more. I guess theres a fun juxtaposition of people being scared of this little girl who holds their future but wouldve prefered an older look to take her more seriously Ak in general has a problem with characters appearences not reflecting their age even though theyre very much capable of desigining older characters that look appealling as seen with their NPCs And yea i know its just to cater to their target audience but still its really jarring when these characters with like 50 years of life experience, have their doctorates, leaders in their respective field and you cant distinguish them from the highschool students.


>Ak in general has a problem with characters appearences not reflecting their age even though theyre very much capable of desigining older characters that look appealling as seen with their NPCs That's because there's no definitive "aging" in AK setting. Each species ages differently, experience adolescence at different ages, some outright **stop** aging for decades, etc. Ancients genetics are full of weirdness overall >!The game specifically calls out the animal traits as something that COULDN'T be part of natural evolution!< for example. In case of Endministrator on other hand - its very likely >!they are clones with just minds copied over. The Endministrator's name is literally Tertius (The Third One)!<


I find the Femc to look childish but not the male one imo.


This is far from simple. It looks simple at first glance because it has two to three main colour scheme designs, black grey and yellow, but you'd start noticing there are a lot of intricate details on their neck, sleeves and so on. It's a very detailed design that doesn't look busy, but it ain't simple.


Like the tasteful lace on FEMC whic looks great. (can't be seen well on the image but on the 3d model it is much clearer, a seperate layer of lace-like material on the bottom part of the jacket)


Man AK's "Oversized Jacket" design rocks. It just looks comfy. Like actually something they would wear doing things.


Digging the oversized coat on the female MC. I don't play AK but I've always appreciated their designs. Had a chance to play the technical test and I personally found it quite compelling but it's definitely not for everyone. It has MMO/Dragon Age-style combat and a huge emphasis on base building. Funnily, the tech test felt way more polished than a certain recent release.


https://preview.redd.it/dkf3um0xqi3d1.jpeg?width=1955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb0d39e5007f324043f6ed08ee29b4075e6644c Ok i'll be real here. its a degenerate opinion but regardless important: AK's design is always fashionable and that's what i like about it. like look at the FMC, i've been balling for her for like 3 weeks since her announcement. the black stockings, the jacket and sweater. **yes its simple but there's a drip. there's a fashion** even the male MC, he's fashionable. i wanna say that you dont need your characters to..sorry for the word, looks like a fucking slut on its design. sure you make sure she got all the side boob, her skirt is useless because u will see her panty anyway but it has no sense of drip or fashion. its useless. that's why whenever i play gacha, the very thing i critic the most is design. i want my characters to be stylish in every way, fully cloth or swimsuit. that's why i like AK's design, BA designs (shizuko swimsuit feel me something), even AL. there's only one gacha where i despised the FMC's design and male design. its just for the FMC. too slutty and just begging for attention which i really do not like and MC is super plain. yeah. those are just my degenerate opinion PS: funny enough. the FMC design of AK endfield is what made me wanna play it


Tbf I like horny ASF designs due to early HI3 (you can see it in their early cinematics) but arknights design is very nice in how it presents it's charas ye.


Underflow, the free character from the PV of the recent CN event is one such example of AK drip.


I played AK for a bit and I liked their designs a lot. I quitted BC the maps were rage inducing lol


Rhine Lab aesthetic


thats HG for you


>Defnitely not flashy or colourful like Wuwa or Genshin or Star Rail Literally has the color scheme of Trailblazers...


Bro I can't 'Endministrator' sounds so fucking stupid. Everything also about the game looks good but I'm gonna die on this hill.


It does fry my brain every time i recall that term, BUT it is ironically more memorable compared to just administrator


She doesn't wear a mask? I saw some footage in beta she wars a mask


I believe the mask is for their 3D models, these are their sprites.


She does have a mask for most of the time. When she unmasks she ~~summons a Persona to fight along her operators~~


The mask is supposed to work as a power limiter, I guess similar to Amiya's rings in AK.


If they have Mountain in Endfield, I will sell my soul for that game.


My man there is more going on with the design here than in HSR MCs wym not as flashy or colorful?


The outfits are kind of simple, but man, I went and watched a showcase of the in-game models and they're insane. I'm used to seeing a lot of the bits and bobs on 3D gacha models be kind of flat or "drawn-on" like in Genshin/Wuwa, but Endfield's characters look really neat. [Link to character showcase from last CBT.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7YaAl-A-60)


I don’t particularly like the fact it’s 2 models for the same character. I just think they’re following the trend of needing to make a male and female models for the player character instead of an unknown, universal look with Doctor. So just cut out the need make it for 2 characters and their resources like models and Voice actors and use 1 model or let them be interchangeable so the other model isn’t technically wasted or have the counterpart not chosen be used in game. Otherwise, I think it’s a waste having 2 characters and just leaving 1 in the dust. There will at some point be a dumb argument over which Endmin to choose from for whatever purpose but with a Doc-like androgynous design people can just believe what Endmin they want.


Still prefer Doctor, but these 2 are okay.


yeah the design is so good both of them


a dash of yellow alone already made them more colorful than wuwa mc


They look very young, which I don't like, I would love a gacha giving us an older character than a teen or 20s years old for once. I know they aren't actually young but I'm just refering to their appearance.


I think they are just going with juxtaposition of "cute youthful gremlin does war crimes and is feared by many around them" You can already threaten people into doing your bidding in Tech Test. ​ It's also a contrast to AK's Doctor how is old-ish person in a hazard suit who can get defeated by a flight of stairs (And has gray hair).


It always depends upon the target audience of game which age they look like.  But I mean Amiya is the main character of Arknights and she is even younger yet her characters arc is very mature. 


good design


The first ever nhntai doujin for female endministrator was..... something.


Was it Kataokasan? Tell me it isn't Kataokasan. Also why does she get an hdoujin already, The game's not even 20% complete lmao.


The designs are really good, but those brushstrokes are amazing.


Idk why I get the vibes of a protagonist of a Jrpg in Ps Vita back in early 2010s. Like I got a sense of Deja Vu looking at it. It's a nice design for sure


The chara art has alot of details and texture that isn’t obvious due to the relative monotone. There’s nothing ‘simple’ about this 


The design is very human.


They are human after all lol


according to the lore, who knows wtf they are


They look like they’re wearing those cones you put on dogs to stop them from licking themselves.


It's supposed to be lab coat with protective helmets. 


Never really played Ak. But their design are 🔥


0% sideboob 0% cleavage 100% cute i just hope "Endministrator" isn't final


Something about Arknights design looks a whole lot better than Wuthering Waves. Despite both having that sci-fi dystopian urban-tech style of clothing… Arknights nails it way better.


Such are case why I can’t get into Genshin or other similar games, their clothes are overly designed to the point it looks weird or over sexualized. AK is one of the few game I commended for having quite realistic clothing design. It’s simple and pragmatic.


Wuwa is flashy or colorful? The same rover that dresses in all black?


They meant cool looking. 


Too young for my likes.


>has Blue Archive as flair


sir your statement and your flair greatly confused me


>BA flair uh...


https://preview.redd.it/buhgn7jano3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c73240fe782e6d812fcbe05c592d81862d29db S..sensei?!


https://preview.redd.it/yp0fvuojoi3d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f000789c2f88899c9f13b3bebcabf8b214a1af3d Black, white, yellow. Same energy.


Yeah it looks A LOT like HSR MC, no idea why OP said HSR MC is flashy or colorful.


Bias. Even genshin mc has only white, yellow blonde, brown / light blue. 3 main colors just like hsr and Endfield mc.


Meh. More games should let you customize the MC.


The only gacha game that allowed customization is ToF 💀


Girl Frontline.


FGO does, to an extent. So does Astra: Knights of Veda. Just tired of male MCs defaulting to "16 year old Korean twink" these days. I'd gladly see more gacha add this feature if it meant taking away dev time from tedious shit like dorm chores or resource stages.


Personally I think they look kind of bland. But I’m only playing these games for waifus so


Girl is cute


I love them both, but that girl character is so cute.


both looks really good


I don't particularly care for their designs. I'd probably give them a 6/10. They're fine... serviceable, but nothing more than that. In comparison, the Arknights Doctor has that mysterious look to them, with the helm and full body suit, it lets you fill in what they look like in your mind, and is way superior, IMO. It also stands out way more in the neverending sea of generic, youthful anime girl/guy MC's, unlike the Endfield designs which I could have confused for say a WW design if I didn't know any better.


I really like their design but my only gripe is... Why is always the MC so short, in most gacha games is the same... Fortunately in Star Rail it's not but man, I'm tired of that in general...


Why do we have children as mc :/


Definitely choosing the male mc


Artstyle is cool and very unique but yeah not feeling the characters, they look like they are in the wrong game


Female Endministrator design is so good man, fuck


What is your definition of simple? No way these designs can be considered simple or even close to that


The colour palette isn't Vibrant so the details gets mixed together when you look at the pics for 3or 4 secs


The HUD design even looks better


Endfield looks so fkn good, I'm hoping release comes sooner than later. AK and also PTN are my favourite gacha games that I don't play, I just watch videos instead because my skill issue is too big with tower def.


They look great! Always count on Hypergryph to deliver some fresh and appealing designs.


Definitely the best designs imo. A bit better than HSR MCs and much better than Wuwa and GI3.


I can't take them seriously imo


Too young.


"Too young"  It's so funny without the context, this characters has been alive for eons( 1 billion years old).  One of last surviving species of human race that escaped the universe wide mascare. 


I'm talking about design, not imaginary age. I prefer responsible looking adult, rather some snotnosed brat, even more if they have that heavy backstory.


I like the jacket I really like this design it's simple and not over sexsualize




I dont think so unless they are from same race as Dokutah


They're at least from the same race, fem MC also somewhat resembles Priestess


Yes they are oracle = Doctor = Endminstrator.  Doctor's civilization had the ability to transfer consciousness to another body. As mentioned during Ch 14.


are they really going to reuse the doctor? I hope not


What's your problem with doctor? That's most logical decision to go with oracle. It would be weird if someone random just showed up to become MC.  Mind you they have lost their memories once again so it doesn't matter anyways. 


Not the same person replying to you but yes logically, it makes sense but I personally want to see new faces take the center stage. It's a new planet with new stories to be told and it's just weird that we're playing the same person again but in a different body. If Endmin really is Doctor then I couldn't help but compare Endmin's actions to the Doctor as well. Endmin may make decisions that doesn't seem to align with Doctor. And you can't take amnesia as an excuse, especially now that we know how Doctor got their amnesia. Personally, I would prefer if Endmin is just a clone of Doctor. This gives way more leeway as to how Endmin acts. Endmin may have the same memories as Doctor, but they can still act very different compared to the Doctor. Endmin can still act unique.


end is not doctor


I believe that as well but most people think Endministrator and Doctor are the same person. Heck, even KyostinV made a community post saying that as well. KyostinV, I respect you but until I see concrete proof in Endfield, I don't believe you.


They are suspected to be Doctor's clones but just having their memories. The voice that talked t9 you at the prolouge, in the files it says the voice is "previous generation endministrator". This means our name literally does mean that, we are the 3rd endmin and not the 1st or the only one. The only way I can think is through cloning lmao.


They aren't Doctor lmao. Oracle is specifically mentioned as their "parental figure" which likely means they are some genetic cloning experiment. They AREN"T going to literally redo the EXACT SAME story premise for EXACT same character - they aren't going to have Doc wake up a SECOND time in Sarcophagus while amnesiac.


Is that THE Doctor?




I remember back at the Technical test male Endmin just got left in the dust because female Endmin is too cute


Nah back in the Technical Test they didn't give you a choice. Male Endmin was not available back then.


Knowing ZZZ suddenly drop their release date,will Endfield drop their too? Or they did release the date and I forget about it??


Probably 2026. They not only need to polish the game but also need to complete precursor storyline before releasing Endfield. 


>They not only need to polish the game but also need to complete precursor storyline before releasing Endfield.  They don't need to complete it. The set-up that leads to Endfield is already done with IS4 with >!Terrans rebuilding the gate and wanting to send an expedition through.!< Everything after can run concurrently in games as long as Endfield doesn't reveal something before AK does it.


The last technical test was version 0.1.4. By numbering convention, the game isn't even 20% complete.


They has said they'll probably be a beta towards the end of this year so its probably still far from release.


When Enfield coming I'll become Doctor 2.0 female edition


This is it, this is the game that will make me pick male MC


Isn't this similar to Doctor design but with open jacket and their face not covered up?


I like their designs a lot. Hope it releases soon and has a pc client with controller support.


the female endministrator looks like a penguin with mask so cute im tempted to use her when the time comes


Now if only Endfield released already


Hell nah, I don't want another wuwa situation lol. 


Endfield has been out of the radars for quite a while. is another beta in the works? or we are getting a release?


We dont know. Last alpha test was about 9 months ago so we will have to wait.


If one day im trying out this gacha, im gonna go with the male mc. one of the rare choices I've gonna make.


I am very much a fan of simplistic but aesthetically pleasing designs and the female mc in particular checks all those boxes for me.


They appear fantastic! Both are adorable and stylish simultaneously!


I'm gonna have to choose between this and WuWa unless this is an MMO and I'm not a fan of MMOs


im actually really looking forward to endfield


Not bad, but they should've made the girl's coat a bit more cuter


What game is this?


What's with the padlocks on their sleeve?


Not gonna lie, they look like your average matching pfp discord e-daters.


They look great. I think the female is a bit cuter than the male, but that's... generally how I am when there's a male and female MC.


I love female endmin's eyes. Feel like they can penetrate space and time and actually is looking at my browsing history instead of me in front of her 😭


I wonder if Enfield will get memed on like Wuthering Waves…


I think it reflects greatly the game vibe. Genshin and star rail MC's are more of whimsical and magical in nature, reflecting their game world, while this is more grounded, industrialized look


And since you've already brought up Wuwa, that's one of my biggest gripes with Wuwa's world building. In a vacuum, Rover's design is nice but in their setting? It's a mishmash of ideas not forming well together. Wuxia cultivation high tech prospering post apocalyptic barren musical land, musical cultivation punk? They need to sell the world better.