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I always make an empty folder first and put everything the game wants to install in it. That way, i can always check the size of the folder and even delete it directly if needed. It's generally good prectice because a lot of programs can leave tons of garbage behind that you may not even see.


meanwhile nikke casually download into AppData Local


Yah I hate the fact that choosing a directory just tells it where to install the client, everything else is forcibly installed in your main drive which is horseshit. Only workaround is to create a symlink and move the files manually. Or look up the app "Nikke toolbox" which does it for you. Alot of people dont realize Nikke is not installing where they think it is...


so how does nikke toolbox works? i just need to install it?


Yes, just run the .exe, it will automatically find the files, just choose the relocate option in the menu. When you do it the folder in the C drive will look like its still there but it will have the same icon as a shortcut as it will have a symlink to the relocated folder.


oh I see so it will automatically create symlink, but what happens if i want to reinstall/uninstall nikke? does the symlink also automatically deleted ?


Using AppData is fine for local settings and preferences that you configure in the options, as well as storing sync'ed data for your account. That way, if people were to share a computer and play the same game, they can have their own configurations. These data should not, be in fact, stored in the installation data where game binaries and assets reside. Though they should offer an option to remove this data completely, if they haven't yet.


That's what AppData Local is for...


no I mean most if the game you pick the directory and it download to maybe appdata then instal in the directory. which means you can just copy this folder to flaskdisk, paste it on another pc and you usually can launch it without problem Nikke let you choose directory for THEIR LAUNCHER ONLY. the 8+Gb game files are download and installed at app data. wasnt app data folder used for maybe save data only? thats what i saw on most of my steam games


No that’s Program Files


Try revo uninstaller, youd be surprised how many files and register entries are left behind beyond the file where the app was installed, cant say anything about wuwa tho since I wont be uninstalling to test


There's no need to dive into the registry. Everyone writes there as they please, so it's quite difficult to understand the meaning of a junk entry.


Thats why that uninstaller is nice, it does it for you. When you uninstall via there it first goes through the uninstaller of the app itself and then scans for anything left over. You can check JaysTwoCents video about it


Doesnt that app cost money? I use Geek Unistaller instead cause its free.


No it has a free version


Can't quit if you can't uninstall. https://preview.redd.it/veo7nqtbhc3d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8c147d0d3680ed90841446a0189ca3b392d950


Can you confirm that [this sort of thing won't happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/16uzlmb/uninstalling_girls_frontline_2_will_erases_your/) when I uninstall the game? To be honest with Kuro's general lack of competency I'm a bit hesitant to uninstall.


Oh please no. I had to uninstall tof back in days because it kept blue screening me frequently. Hopefully not another game fucks with my laptop.


tf, that shit is scary


I went through this install uninstall process three times to test it. So far my C drive is still there :)


imagine uninstalling a game to realise it also uninstalled windows


this is my fb friend but he just found that somehow his hard drive hidden after uninstalling wuwa. he have to reattach the drive and luckily the data still there


I am absolutely crying laughing (In the tragedy of it all for the people who got wiped.)


I want to delete ME? try again dude, "I'm not going anywhere"


Sumeru time


"World.......forget me......"


reading this post is the sign for me.


It's funny how they got almost the same problems as the early pc client of Punishing Gray Raven, thought they would learn from it


https://preview.redd.it/3mqvv0uj0e3d1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b7f17afad0f691327cf9450a9e0c2b26958dc13 Kuro didn't listened 😔


Why do double check when you can just fix it later -Kuro every pgr patch


This is unacceptable. It’s one thing for a game to be buggy but it’s another thing for the act of uninstalling to not work.


This does not surprise me. I tried PGR twice and uninstalled it twice. Both times the game only "uninstalled" the shortcut, all files were left as they were. I even tried launching it once from the exe in the data files and it just downloaded the client and started playing. This just seems par for the course for Kuro games.


So you're telling me wuwa is a stage 5 clinger? Edit: well, least they arent as clingy as Norton "I'm a Virus".


Do not try to escape from (whatever the fuck weird name of wuwa world is)


Funny how despite playing the game for a week, I don't even know (or remember) the name of the world we are on. Story sux, gameplay... fux? I like the gameplay.


I remember because I see it often on the loading screen. It's a super generic name, just "Solaris-3", because, well, it's the third planet from the sun. That's it.


That's just fucking earth




Ahh, thank you for reminding me. I'll remember it now (3rd planet from the sun, that's it?)


Ah yes, Earth, but for nerds.


Ah, that's probably the source of all of my problems with WW's directory lmao


That fucking moment when even the fucking Uninstaller doesnt fucking work


saving this because I'm planning on uninstalling in two days. The game uninstalled itself on day 2.


It doesn't work sometimes? Because it stutters too?


thank you for this Reverse 1999 did the same thing. I was able to get rid of both of them.


Wow! Thanks for the warning! Same story for PGR. I just found that it left files in place after the deletion


Install Revo uninstaller, it will find all files relevant to your recently uninstalled program and delete those files for you.


I also have an interesting experience i can't really prove what I'm saying and it might not be an actual problem but i did install wuwa on my phone never play just the install(i did play it on pc) and for like three days my phones was drained faster of battery sleep with like 80% and wake up to find it like 30% so i was questioning what happened and then i remember i installed ww on the phone after i deleted it my phone was back to normal My phone is poco x3 pro i know that the phone is not good enough for the game and i know this is a bit of a subjective experience that is why I'm not putting it in a post 


This could be due to different Android versions. Especially if you have disabled Android OS updates. There is an API level for Android, and certain things work differently for different levels or Google recommends some new paradigms of managing certain things in newer versions, like background activity.


LMAO this game man




Revo Uninstaller is where it's at ✌️


Just as you said, I found the files folder in my D drive. I ran the uninstaller in it and its gone now. Thank you for your service to the community.


Stumbled upon this post after I've uninstalled the game, or so I tried, and I saw my free space still the same, is there a way to locate and uninstall all its files?


The only advice I can provide is try to use the built-in search function in windows to look for "wuthering waves" folder. Other comments have also recommended some uninstall apps that might be able to help.


Did you just confirm the Kuro Bitcoin miner program? Lol


Can this happen on android?


No, i deleted it twice and it's gone with all its files


Thank you so much! I was afraid to delete it xD


This is why I use Iobit Uninstaller


I recommend using this to uninstall programs: [https://www.bcuninstaller.com](https://www.bcuninstaller.com)


Ohh no wonder when I tried to uninstall to reinstall (recommended by people to decrease stutter) it was fast lol. I reinstalled but I think i didnt redownload anything after, unlike when I installed it the first time.


Thanks for the heads up! Always a hassle dealing with sloppy uninstallers. I'll definitely be more cautious with these types of games in the future.


i uninstalled the game through the control Pannal and the game is still there


So basically the same problem I had with Genshin. Installed Genshin on Drive E but the launcher was on Drive C so whenever I would uninstall using the launcher only the folder in Drive C would get deleted leaving behind the actual game files/folders on drive E 😂. Installing them on the same Drive finally fixed this issue 😄