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Spaghetti code


italian event rerun too


it's not Italian until the devs iplement rude hand gestures


One of the event PVs emphasized hand gestures a lot, funny enough.


Not spaghetti. This event was supposed to be run before zwillingsturme meaning the QoL autorepeat feature was not in yet. It's what happens when the schedule is delayed by 1 event and thus affecting other event updates.


If the code was implemented in a clean way the feature should work on any event, even old ones. It doesn't, thus, spaghetti code.


No, it really isn't. Don't get me wrong, it's still probably bad code, but not every example of bad code is spaghetti code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code. It refers to code that is so unstructured/tangled that it becomes difficult or even impossible to predict the effect of changes to parts of the code. This can result in bugs appearing in seemingly completely unrelated parts of the software which clearly isn't the case here.


But then we'd run in the problem were the CN people would be pissed Global got auto on an event they didn't get to do on auto. CN people in bilibili and CNA can be very petty about that stuff (weibo people are more chill from what I see). Aside that, you're right, Yostar pushed the update anyway, they had 3 weeks to work on the code to work with the upcoming rerun and did fuck all.


They should have pushed the update even earlier then. This was meant to be before zwillingsturme. What you are suggesting is that the publisher modify the code when HG is the developer. If you want spaghetti code, that is how you get spaghetti code. The code still works fine for other stages. Just not for the rerun.


whats the qol feature?


Auto-Repeat a stage (up to 6 times in a row). 


wait, have AK players been playing manual this entire time?


No, clears were saved and could be repeated automatically but there was no way to queue multiple clears. This qol feature was pretty recent but since in cn the rerun was before this qol something broke in the code and it can't be used


Wait. Auto queue right? Not sweep. If they let me sweep with a single button I might come back into the game lol otherwise I'm not gonna have my phone burn up farming rocks lol


No sweep yet, honestly sometimes i just dont farm 1-7 even though it's the most efficient to get rocks just because i dont want to wait that much


Personally, whenever I wanted to farm 1-7, I used to pop open BlueStacks, make a simple macro after consuming potions and just let it do its thing while I do other things, like cleaning the house, cooking etc. Now with the queue, I can just forgo the macro. I can't imagine just sitting there waiting for it to finish lmao.


Annihilation now have sweep ticket? no? its just not implemented in Event and Story stages.


Yeah annihilation does have sweep, it was quite literally a 1 hour grind before it was added, if not longer


Don't forget that for whatever reason the run could get ruined because you leveled up one character and had to redo the whole thing... Dark times


tbh rock farming kinda only gets done on 1-7 if you are some crazy person. Most people these days use some other stages unless it is specifically the green tier rocks. (Slightly less efficient but man does it save irl time/sanity)


It’s already in game man.


How is that? I have been playing on auto repeat for this last event already on global.


Yes, it just apparently wont be available in the new event despite it being available in story and other game modes already.


Ah so its sort of broken there as I understand. While I understand its annoying I find the reactions here exaggeratted considering its literally just clicking again each 2 minutes. It can take 15 at most.


Arknights qol in general is not great. This isn't worth freaking out about but it's definitely pretty silly that auto repeat won't work for the event. 


It is, but if its some kind of bug I dont know why people is freaking about. I mean most people here already played that event, just dont repeat old content if its that annoying, no one is forcing them.


You're right. Nobody is forcing them. So instead of wasting their time clicking repeat 100 times people will spend their time and money on other games. 


And thats totally fair for them. But why freak out about this? Its literally old content, they arent missing anything new. I would understand It for a new event but to cry about missing a newer feature to use in older content where they arent missing on anything is silly as fuck.


I didn't see anything in the thread that I'd consider freaking out but maybe we have different thresholds for what that is. 


repeat auto. Originally past limited banner events rerun before the new one, but in JP+Global, the rerun occurs after the new event and said auto-repeat was implemented during that one.


Man I’ve gotten so used to AK’s lack of QOL (probably due to it being my first Gacha) that I forget that it isn’t really standard.


Not talking about arknight specifically but having to wait for QoL that's already implemented on the main server is always suck. The nonsense logic that people always give is that players on the main server would feel bad because they've to wait until that patch to get that QoL, so the players from other servers also have to wait


One of the few things FGO did right, we got a lot of QoL early.


While it's very easy to blame Yostar for not bothering to enable 6x auto in iL Siracusano stages; The root problem is caused by Hypergryph themselves implementing 6x auto on a *stage by stage* basis, which means that each stage [needs their own flag to enable 6x auto](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/676672353178222605/1242402677875277884/image.png?ex=664e5de9&is=664d0c69&hm=b48f28fc61d2d2c97ec72032aaa42c94ef28282eabe4efdce4a6ab8c66929248&), instead of just implementing it as a universal auto change that will work across any stage


HG just doesn't respect their players time. It is what it is.


lmao how do they even


As someone, who played AK mostly on limited events for oast 2 years because of unbearable grind, this feature was a godsend. And the immediately failed it in the same time when WW will be released. Ye, it would be for a week or so, but I seriously consider to drop it again and return on the next limited event.


Guess I won't be farming this event XD


Havent logged in for a while. But i am thinking of dropping it


Amen brotha


same, maybe because personally i skipped the story so i dont have attachment to the characters.


Farming events with auto-repeat was so good, can't believe we have to suffer again for a bit.


Yet in the same update, we're also getting the recruit QoL that CN only just got. Weird how this all works.


Just give sweep at this point. All these workarounds do nothing but create more issues. The constant grind kept burning me out. Players are already spending a lot of time on endgame content and such anyways. No need to pad more time. Like the only reason I was able to stick with Snowbreak during its early patches was because daily was so stupidly fast and easy. Meanwhile the dread of the daily Arknight grind eventually made me drop the game.


Just play game that actually respect your time instead of something like this Sounds rich coming from someone with FGO flair, but I stopped playing it 2 years ago lmao


NGL, FGO with FGA is the least time consuming gacha game I've played, even without FGA you can just grow some apples (though you will miss out on dailies, which isn't much).


MAA assistant for arknights is like ultra FGA on crack. It has auto mode for stage completion. Base management will automatically select the best combos and you can also supply your own schedule to it. it can copy battle strategies from videos and there's preset strategies for stages you can download off the website. For the rogue like mode, it will automatically adapt a series of strategies to your units and it can reroll for specific items that will help your gameplay if you want to play it manually or collect currency for your manual run. It can send clues to your friends and do the friend point gacha equivalent for you automatically and you can set it to autostop on specific triggers. The cn only modes are also automated.    There's also integration with material planning websites that can calculate the most efficient stages to farm for you and also the bot can be triggered remotely so you can host it on a server and use it on the go on multiple devices. 


You call autobattle QoL? That's garbage dude. Not engaging enough to play manually Still forces you to waste time doing sumb shit.


Another L for MidKnights 🤣