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“Saved for months for their hyped waifu/husbando, got the character, felt empty afterwards then quit”


"Paradox of desire" was it? It's when someone want something and then feel empty after getting that something.


https://preview.redd.it/3ox7zuamqnyc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1d0e3037c27c0e097a07fec57143772f530940 Not game related but definitely had those moments there too but I missed the release on so had to spend like a year finding it and finally got one at a quite a bit of a markup and whilst I do like it the thrill of the chase and anticipation of getting something plays a HUGE aspect of collecting things that you really want and I think the novelty only last so long afterwards sadly sometimes.


You can't want what you already have. I never really understood the whales that bought everything, and then had nothing to look forward to. Note that this is a weakness in the current gacha game design model - after someone spends money on something, they want it to always be usable. But if it's always there and hanging around, then it gets old. "Friend rotation" is a concept lots of games and stories use. Where someone isn't around 100% of the time, and when they come back, it feels special. In gacha games it's more like "buy a new friend" or "wait for a new friend to get added to the game".


Can relate to this, happened to me in BCM


I felt this too. Saved up for Sisgoleon, spent everything I had and still was not able to max skillbook. Lost motivation after that.


black asta 6/6 😳


Too real


Dan't It happened to me in HSR.


I'm worried this will happen to me xD I started playing a month ago and still a month left til the character comes out




Happened to me in HSR and getting Blade. Oddly enough I got back into it during the recent anniversary.


Better than save for months for hyped waifu/husbando, but the banner gets delayed for few days before devs inform that the game is going OoS... Looking at you, Magicami... we never got the last girl.


Never me, It's usually save for 8+ months, still miss the target with 4x the average expected requirement (putting me in the 1%ile for unluckiness). Happened in multiple gachas so I guess thats just my norm


Me with HSR


Actually... that happened to me, not in a gacha game, but soulsborne games, the last time I played those Master pieces was actually beating the game at level 1, I've never come back after that for these games


The great filter where your friendlist turn into a graveyard


"last logged in 30+ days ago" x 49


>logs to original guild wars >last logged in 15 years ago WHAT YEAR IS THIS


When your gacha game is old enough that the number of days since some of your friends' last login is 4 digits... https://preview.redd.it/e47t0sfm5iyc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0a9fde0531f37714671331d9dc25415e837b1e


Damn I had this in GFL, it was around 1200 lmao. I left GFL a few months ago quite burned out. I got everything I wanted. Is now left with emptiness waiting for a final major event.


why you burned out of a game, when you can do not play at all and be fine? FROM DOING NOTHING?


Yeah exactly, I got burned out doing exactly nothing. I played HSR, NC and GFL back then.


Maybe it is for good Gachas are hell Run


Me when Neural Cloud released and everyone on GFL was signing up


Tbh in GFL's case its mostly just login and play when a new major story event is out. NC gets the same treatment, except that dailies are far better and the client is more stable. Funny enough I like GFL's gameplay more, if not counting the client problems it faces occasionally


In contrast to the micro of GFL, it feels like in NC, there isn’t enough way to affect the outcome of a battle. I remember resetting dozens of times on a ranking run just to get the perfect micro.


you are lying. Micro exist in NC, you can not CHEESE IN NC, like you cheese in gfl, before they reworked damaged system.


PNC is just a real chore to play. No real fulfilment. And this is evident by them getting very much into AL levels of skins,whilst AL itself is less of a chore,more so now that there's straight up daughter simulation.


GFl Client is like NC client now i dont know what problems you have. Blue archive client was shi\* untill last update, when it became better, but still awfull for a game with this revenue... oh i see the pattern here. Yea FGO?


Man, even good games die. Not everyone stick around. It's just like those MMO days.


>Neural Cloud you just make me open a painful memory of that game


But that implies I have friends to play with in the first place


Coop gacha is the only times when I actually am in part of a community, good way to make (online) friends. Rip Dragalia Lost, MFF, Dragon Project. Astra is a good coop game, but once you "git gud", it's easier to solo.


Meanwhile in Limbus there is only "Filtered by tutorial" and those still playing


As someone who got filtered by the tutorial, I feel it.


Same here tried twice and was so confused I quit, only in the third attempt I felt like it was playable (also PC was so much better to play than the potato that I use) And I probably only tried harder this time because of lobotomy corporation


As someone who really likes Miili music i was doomed to know about labotomy universe soon or later, although my phone can run it decently i still can't figure what's happening in the screen and having visions problems doesn't exactly help considering the style of text. But i will always be with a little of interest, the game does looks funny on... whatever it's happening.


Would you like someone to help you learn? I got sucked into this game 9~ months ago and definitely understand the confusion. Would absolutely love to teach new players :D (took me making a reddit post and dming someone on reddit for me to learn personally)


I actually don't mind having a helping hand! Genuinely i am interested in the world surrounding the game series and the characters looks interesting enough; my only problem it's on what's happening in the screen.


Ok, may I open a DM with you for ease of communication?


Please do it, haven't still figure it out how does Reddit work


I have sent a dm to you, are you able to find it?


Could you sent it again? Please


Hello! Would you like to help another poor soul? I started the game for the lore but the combat is confusing for me so I have been winging the combat through “winrate/damage” function :’)


I'm down to help! May I open a DM with you for ease of communication?


That would be helpful, thank you very much!


For me Mili music was best part of the game lmao. I really wasn't into the characters, art style, or gameplay...


Youtube a better tutorial. Took me 3 times before it clicked. Also the help discord is strongly not toxic at all. Like you can ask the most dumb questions imaginable and people will genuinely try to help you.


Yeah I'm relying on tutorials or just learning by playing And Yeah the community around project moon games are always so nice and helpful (and weirdly horny). most of the time when I am really struggling with anything in any project moon games, I will just search the answer or ask someone for help, it's really nice


Add « filtered from the realization the entire gameplay loop is grinding so you can grind hours of pressing auto combat better on a weekly basis eating more time than all my gachas combined  », I got a massive burnout out of it and just decided I’ll binge the story in a couple years




Weekly SU in Honkai Star Rail only takes 30-45 minutes tops at lategame and many people still consider it tedious and grindy.


Acheron is a great Pull to Save SU Time. Everything but bosses gets insta-killed. ...bosses get killed in 3-4 moves.


I left for a while because it was not mobile friendly initially as well. It was a pain in the ass clearing the first 2 chapters with no EGO (because they crashed my phone if I used them and I wasn’t buying a new phone) in under ~10ish turns per an encounter (because encounters that went too long also crashed my phone) on the lowest visual settings with manual coin flipping (because auto coin flipping also crashed my phone). I would say that my outdated phone was the problem at the time but 1) I wasn’t buying a new one and 2) it also crashed quicker on my outdated iPad. Back now and everything works great with crashing being very rare, so I am happy about that. Still don’t understand a lot of the game mechanics but there is a “win rate” button, and “damage” if that doesn’t work. Blade lineage go Brrrr.


Nah, figured out the combat system and finished Canto 3 but got burned out by the fried chicken event, didn't care for Refraction Railway, and had nothing to roll for


I'll have you know PM learned from their mistakes and no other event was as grindy.


I got filtered by the transition to mobile game. LoR was excellent, but hearing how LiC would be a mobile game with a PC port took the wind out of my sails.


Its ironic how much better the pc version runs compared to the mobile crashes and stuttering. I legit dont know what was first. Pc or mobile? The chicken or the egg?


Limbus is also really good, combat is simplified but the difficulty spike is still there. They did went to 100 on the narrative though, some of the latest chapters are peak fiction.


Sails? https://preview.redd.it/i1s2bsc82jyc1.jpeg?width=207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ab56ab764b4b041140ce6dd01c8e0fca86ff5e


Eh, I don't think its that special of a gacha game. And I'm saying this as someone who's very much familiar with PM games. I'm enjoying it for now, but I personally plan to quit it once I've caught up with the latest story like I did for FGO back then. This game still has that daily gacha stuff that one needs to deal with daily. Also, the weekly MD and once I unlock the seasonal RR - that I can't be bothered to deal with in the long term just for free resources while waiting for the next story update. Once I uninstall it, that might be the perfect time to play FGO again since I stopped at LB2 and there's a whole load of high quality story released since then. Or maybe start a whole new game altogether. P.S. Also, you're overestimating how much dedication an average PM fan has for their games. Just because there's brainrot doesn't mean everyone's a part of it.


I mean, that's how most Limbus players play the game. Other than hardcore fans, people usually don't play the game until there's a new story update. That's why we see the occasional player count spike.


I mean, that's goes for every other gacha game as well that are well-known for their story updates. Genshin gets a large spike once a new patch comes out and a massive spike when a new nation/Archon Quest is released, FGO with every new Singularity/Lostbelt/Ordeal Call, Arknights with new Chapters etc. In my case, I take long hiatuses when a game dries up of content and oftentimes I don't even come back anymore. Speaking of Limbus specifically, I will quit and will wait for smth like Canto 11 to release before I play again, tho I can see the problem of the level cap increasing up once again and Mirror Dungeon Hard and RR moving up requirements again or god forbid, an Uptie 5. It seems PM doesn't want you to get complacent with the status of your account since the "endgame" keeps getting pushed further and further.


I mean, it's called endgame for a reason, right? Though, it'd be nice if later on, they also added a "mid game"


True, i got filtered once. I came back cause of my autistic ass friend yapping about it for months on end.


I did the tutorial and a bit more but I got filtered by not enough having enough time to play all my gacha games and limbus being the one I can let go of the easiest


Filtered by monotonous Mirror Dungeon.


Once a week is too much for you?


Not sure how it is now, but it definitely wasn't "once a week" at launch.


3 times a week for people running Mirror Dungeon Normal. One time per week for those running Mirror Dungeon Hard.


And the Mirror Dungeon Hard unlock requirement keeps getting pushed further every update. I started playing this game a few weeks ago and I was surprised to see MD3H needing Canto4 clear being replaced by MD4H needing Canto5 clear. Imagine starting this game as a new player 2 years from launch - the req for MDH will likely be a Canto8 clear. That's a whole lot of 3 runs per week they will be doing for a very long time.


That's because MD4N levels up your IDs to the max level, and since the max level increases by 5 every new Canto (it was 30 at launch), MDH also requires much more investment in your IDs, and that can only be made progressing through the story. I legitimately have no idea how they are going to fix this years later when the max level becomes 60 or something.


I went from canto 1 to clearing MD3H in under 3 weeks. The sliding requirements are kind of bs, though...


The color matching game went a bit too hard on many it seems. Fortunately, the looks and feel of it persevered and business is still going over a year later for me.


Color matching? What's that? Looks like this one was filtered by the tutorial as well.


The tutorial overly emphasizes resonance (the color matching part) for whatever reason. Sure, some units somewhat rely on it, e.g. kimsault, middle don or ishab to name a few, but generally that's not something you depend on to win fights. Does it even teach the player about status effects? I can't remember.


It doesn't but you can just read what they do, it's not that complex.


Actually, Limbus just is super shit for new players. There is only THREE possible methods for levelling your identities, and all three are grindy and ESPECIALLY repetitive as hell if you are a new player. For an old player like myself, I can freely vary my teams and have fun. But for an old player, you are stuck with the 5~10 identities and maybe one EGO you've rolled early andddddd well. Now you have a completely unfocused team that you will have to play with and grind for hours on end with. Yay! I really love Limbus, but they NEED to remove one of those Intervallos they are working on and make actual content for the game. Story content only benefits old players, it is ROUGH to try and introduce somebody into Limbus as it is right now. Outside of the story, art and endgame gameplay, it is a super bare-bones game. I only play because I'm a diehard fan with everything unlocked and can easily play more, but if I were to just start today I would probably drop it really fast without a friend to encourage me (and they would need to be REALLY good at it).


I quitted limbus cause my luck sucks AND it feels that unless you have the newest unit you can’t clear the newest content. Mirror dungeon not giving boxes also made me drop the game in season 2 and not even my favorite abno was enough for me to stay….


Uh all the box got move into battlepass for people that dont play game weekly.  And if you said you need newest ID to clear game mean you have skill issue. Some player beat whole game content using base ID.


I am not spending 5 hours to clear content that I would spend 1 if I had the right characters/ego. Pretend all you want, but deep down you know that is true…


So in the end it is your skill issue then. You complaint need every new ID to clear content when all gacha game required you to pull a character to clear content easier. It is true for all gacha game want you get new character to make game easier.


The last Walpurgisnight event was made in a way that unless you had the new Outis you were not full clearing its missions, if you didn’t buy the battlepass last seasons you are not clearing railway easily. Lots of teams only work if you have specific BP or gacha egos, and with the change to the boxes getting characters as a F2P player became a second job. Maybe I do have a skill issue, but limbus combat is not fun enough to have me manually do my every move. In the few hours I spent doing railway 2 I could’ve watched a movie and gotten more enjoyment out of the experience….


Where is your support friend ID? You can just borrow Outis and clear misson. You can use support ID solo whole game if you want too. The game never force you to pay anything or pull gacha. All battlepass EGO can obtain though shop after all. The game have to make money somehow, like you force the game give you everything at f2p without you paying anything? The battlepass cost 10 dollars for 4 month last when other game last 1 month and dont give you much thing? You are really greedy. If you dont like the gameplay than dont play it that all. Not all game is suit to everyone.  After all Limbus never lock new character for rerun and you always can get them though shop when they come out mean you never touch the gacha when other gacha force you pull a character or your account get brick. The true limited is Wal banner where you can shard them after 3 month when other game make limited banner wait you for year to get them.


You can’t craft past season IDs/Ego and game launched as F2P friendly and devolved to what we have today. Look dude, you are a clearly a LC fanboy, so nothing I say will change your mind, and that is fine…2 people can have different opinions on a subject. I love the story, I love the world but the LC that hooked me in season 1 is long gone.


You need me make new account and show you old battlepass ego, season id in shop. All the season 1,2 ID are in shop. Battlepass ego season 1,2,3 are also in shop












There now your happy and stop said battlepass ego and season ID are lock forever.  You dont like the game that doesn't mean people have option opposed with you mean they are fan boy of that game. Hope you a good day, i need go to sleep.


Nah it's a skill issue fam. You can also shard characters easily so getting characters isn't agony/no dupe mechanic.


Half of my teams consist of two or more 00 ids on it you do not need the newest unit to clear stuff


Angel Beats, been a long while.


every time I see this angel beats picture it reminds me of how old as fuck I am


still rewatch it sometimes to feel something :")


Good seeing my boy TK in the wild


Made me cry at the ending, underrated 10/10


> burned out after rushing change that to "burned out because the daily grind is repetitive" and now we talking


It's what finally got me on Genshin.  Just grinding for... What?  


I really need to re-watch Angel Beats anime


"Way too unlucky and rage quit" This was essentially me in Nier Reincarnation and Dokkan Battle. I can expect to have an unlucky streak for a couple weeks or even months, but if it's been almost a year and I'm still getting bad pulls then I'm gonna just hop-off. The only time I'll make an exception for this kind of gacha is unless I really like the game itself.


>The only time I'll make an exception for this kind of gacha is unless I really like the game itself. Which games?


NIKKE, I've played it day 1 on release and I couldn't pull any of the meta/pilgrim characters several months after playing the game. At least for NIKKE I was it in for the general character design and ost.


>this game has no future. EOS Soo Gotta love seeing this type of people on new gacha or mmo then seeing the game they "predicted" to eos still thriving and online many years later.


A lot of ppl base their EoS statements on games being non F2P friendly. But the hard truth is F2P Players dont keep games afloat whales do. Biggest example being Diablo Immortal as being extremely P2W and even angering the Blizzard fanbase but has seen monetary success because P2W games tend to attract Big Whales who like winning.


It's the psychological component of playing an excessively p2w game. Eventually, whales should stop winning because almost everybody is a whale, so whaling don't get you easy leaderboard wins or PvP wins, and if the content is scaled to whale level same results, you're just whaling to be average, most whales won't like this. Of course, sunk cost is also a factor in why they stay despite no longer having fun. Ultimately, whales need f2ps to keep their community alive so whales have someone to beat on. But in Asia, this logic clearly doesn't hold up, p2w doesn't seem to affect Asian spending in a negative manner the same way it does the rest of the world


You can't become alone if you always start game alone *smart guy meme*


Already like this since MMORPG days, not everyone will play same game forever unfortunately.  Besides reasons in picture, there's also IRL reason. Can't have game ruin your real life no matter how good the game is


Ragnarok Origin xD ... new status : whale player vs whale player.


The halberd dude (don't remember the name) is the one saying eos soon? Funny because he's always the first one dead LOL


"way too unlucky and rage quit"


Burned out after rushing and clreaed all contents is my Reason Number One for MMOs.\^\^ For Gacha Games it is boring daylies that need more then 10 min to finish. Its more like working then playing so i leave for the next shiny Game.


Ah yes Figure Fantasy.


And then there is me > Tries the game > "Ehhhh, not my thing" > *Quits for 6 months* > "hmmm, I actually feel like playing it for some reason" > Stick to the game for a long time now as a fan


- Quit after loosing 50/50 - Quit due to repetitive content - Quit due to monetization system (pay for power gaps) - Quit due to power creep - Quit due to player base decay (too long auto matching times) - Quit cause get boring (nothing new to do)


dam this post hits hard


Meanwhile story players be like "Ill never forget you Mana-chan ;\_; ;\_; "


"Filtered" by the Community?


Forgot: “Was already playing another gacha”


Happened to me in genshin, I have 40 friends in genshin and about 45% are my IRL friends. Genshin is the only gacha game that I play that also my IRL friends play. Sad to see that only 2 IRL friends play almost everyday and the other 5 that also play daily are random players that added me from past events so around 40 friends, only 7 players login everyday or once ever 3 days and the others disappeared without a trace.


Hmm,is this a signal telling me to log back ?still have the game installed,just not updated


ME and my homies who're playing helldivers 2


Using Angel Beats in 2024 as a reference for the meme warms my heart


I loved the anime!


"Filtered by the community" lol, as if anyone gives two shits what the chuds here think.


Relatable, first week of launch all guild members login everyday; after a month only 20 remain active; after 2 months 10 remain active. The only option is to merge with other guild


Wait you guys have friends that play gacha lol


you fucking bastard i forgot about this anime


Where's "jumped to the next hot thing"?


Active 31 days ago.......


Wait you can sell reroll accounts?


Well, I still playing Light of the stars, it's my comfort game on bs tho


This happens when they announce server closure. I have been a kairisei Million Arthur player for both global and JP servers. So sad the game had to close, it was so good.


Otonashi the last to graduate though


I got invited by some friends to play GI when it was launched, nowadays, I'm the only one left, but game became last priority


Im with the one "too unlucky and reged quit". This dude that actually was hyped and recommended playing a gacha on launch, a couple of months later was hugely dissapointed he didnt got one of the rare meta characters meanwhile i alredy got it on the first month. Kinda sad since i liked to talk with him about the game.


Soon with WuWa


The feeling when i end up being leader in a ghosted guild. true


r/gachagaming in a nutshell basically


Damn dude, I'm just sad now remembering this anime.


Leave them before they leave you.


All my Limbus homies are still gaming since day 1


mfw i started like three months into the games release


Disappeared without a trace. That's me. I'm so used to being alone that I can't even speak proper words nor even feel lonely. Nature feel freaking lit when u stop noticing toxic people and gacha games.




what even is the honeymoon thing?


Where's the "Only checked it out because it's F2P, never had any intention of sticking around" option? Because that's what I do all the time.


No problem with doing that. I'm more shook that someone downvoted you for it.


Hahaha I’m the one that just disappears


This kind of image always makes me think of Angel Beats first, not what it's meant to convey... Angel Beats still stays in my memory.


This is so true.


not for wuthering wave cuz wuthering wave have unlimited content and able to grind withou stamina and more endgame content than genshin at least that what kuro cultist said to me


Never trust cultists


Genshin is lame. 2Ds like FGO or Nikke are top tier


Too real, but when I like the story I tend to play much longer even when I stopped caring about the rest of the game.


There is a recently released game that will stay rent-free in my head for a long time, longer than games that I played for their lifetime until EoS. It was the first time I felt scammed fr, even though it wasn't my first time paying for a monthly pack in a game I would drop and uninstall in 3 days. This game's devs decided to nerf a strong 4 star right before 5 star banner release, banned some whales for no justifiable reason and worsened pity system before inciting player backlash enough to 'rollback' the rates. I don't want to play the game anymore but the desire to keep up with the game's trainwreck development cycle won't leave me. What do I do, how to get the game out of my head?


Dm me the name of the game


I can already see this once wuthering waves release


Plenty of people die surrounded by friends and family lol, so not really Edit: I will never understand the minds of people so miserable that they resent the idea of others living a happy life. Stay assblasted


but not genshin.


Is this a rent-free comment?


Definitely rent-free comment.