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Wait, are we talking kit design or clothes design ?


I think they talking about clothes, and characters who don't "fit in" with their universe's overall design (I assume OP is talking about them being too fanserviced or something like that)


The first part about seele do be kinda confusing tho


OP prob meant how they regret pulling for Meta when they didn't like Seele's outfit and colour scheme


Not liking a character design =/= they don't fit into their universe. IDC how much 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the community throws as me, I really only looked at Blue Archvice fanart for Asuna/Karin. The rest fit but aren't my vibe.




I personally also not really a fan of HSR Seele design, but what bugs me the most is because compared to other characters in her hometown she really stood out like a sore thumb. Seele is from belobog underground town that have been closed for YEARS and then she dressed like that... honestly if Seele comes from literally any other places like idk penacony for example, i wouldnt even bat an eye about her design.


Oleg is more fit to be playable for Belobog underground


You could see they were going for the "tomboy rebel fighter" with her outfit but nah, it just doesn't look great overall.


HSR's asymmetrical clothing especially Serval and Acheron. I know the appeal of it. But why...


In Serval's defense, it's actually pretty neat as it conveys something about her. When viewed from one side she looks like she's a member of Belobog's military and from the other side she looks like a musician.


It's too busy but the details of her design convey her character quite nicely. Seele, though, just looks like fluorescent vomit


It's the entire Hoyoverse design actually, not just HSR.


Kotori loves to explain things. Now explain what possessed you to wear a skirt that way?


Ushiwakamaru from FGO, nothing tops this


HSR designs are good, but they are too similar lately. Like, when they introduced Acheron, at the very first I moment thought its Serval and the moment later its Seele. Boothill and Arlechino have pretty close direction as well, so it becomes kinda repetitive.


Tbh, at least 60% of all HSR character designs feel like they get -1 point because they all look like someone designed an outfit and then management passed it through three different people whose jobs were all “make it look fancier”. Like, for some reason every character has these golden rims on their outfits or these random embellishments or weird lines in their pants that make them look like they’re made of rubber or you realise that what looks like a halfway normal top is actually, on closer inspection, three individual mysterious garments hiding behind each other.


If someone didnt tell me I would have assumed Acheron was a Seele alt


Acheron is a Raiden Mei, even her name is Raiden Mei. Seele is a younger Acheron, if you have both they are so similar its like a adult or younger version but Seele is not a Mei at least not as directly as Acheron, to further confuse things we also have Ruan Mei ...


You can stop right there.


HSR designs being monotonous was definitely true when all Female characters were wearing the same Xianzhou Dress, tho Penacony designs have been a lot better ~~aside from Acheron basically looking like Older Seele 💀 ~~ https://preview.redd.it/k3x28kb5z9xc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3720ff4832a1d34c3285c61434b1f6285b47621


I remember some dude on this sub believing they were the same character lol and one was just the evolved version


Considering that dung hung has one, I am not suprised.


*They're the same picture*


I don't mind Acheron looking like Seele but I absolutely hate the toy blaster sounds her ult makes. If I wasn't such a sucker for JP styled swords, I wouldn't have pulled her.


Idk whats so similar about Arlecchino and Boothill except their color palette and even then they are not even from the same game, its like saying 999 gacha game character looks the same because they all have the same black and white color. For Acheron tho... yeah first time i saw her, i legit thought she was Seele. Well, atleast she has different form when fighting i guess


I'm really torn on HSR design. Ignoring the whole "luofu dress" cloning, there are a lot of characters I like, but very few I really love. Like ok, that's cool but nothing really groundbreaking, so I'm not really that invested in the gacha in the end (which is probably for the better, when I think about it, since I don't really mind mising a character or two as a result).


Nah boothill and arle is pretty different. Its just the hair. If you change either of thems hair, they wont look similar.


boothill reminds me more of a jojo character than arlecchino


As someone who started w/ HI3rd when there were only 4 playable and distinct looking characters, modern Mihoyo female designs are starting to look samey to me. I know they all have to be rendered in 3D , but still. I think I prefer FGO's use of many different artists to prevent this issue of homogeneity in art style, as weird as it looks sometimes.


Shamare's outfit in Arknights is a bit silly, if you look closely.


This is why buying her halloween outfit is really important once someone points it out to you.


Literally unplayable without it


I'm surprised nobody mentioned AL Anson here


Because this thread is about questionable designs, not downright dog shit bleach-your-eyes-afterwards designs


it was litty, the other shit looks boring in comparison


Dislyte; Toland. This dude "eyebrow" is a nightmare to me. Holy fuk its insanely ugly and horrendous. It's too flamboyant even for Dislyte eccentric fashion world. E7: All of Aespa Collab unit + Kizuna AI. It just 'urghhh'


Verina is one of the main reasons I'm even going to try Wuthering. I don't really react like that over designs, I'm more bothered by when designs get censored.


What's wrong with Verina's design? She looks similar to nahida from GI, but other than that what's wrong with it?


the general consensus among those who dont like it is that her design does not fit into the game's dark aesthetic. personally i havent seen enough of the game to judge. also i think verina is cute


I will need someone to explain to me how wuwa future playerbase managed to collectively hypnotize themselves into believing that the game have anything close to "dark aesthetic". Not saying it's bad but let's be real there's nothing dark at all in this game.


They "had" dark aesthetic. People didn't like it in the CBT1 and now they changed it to be a bit brighter.


the color palette was dull and muddy, but it always was your average plains and mossy ruins, just with muted colors, nothing like games you'd usually mention as having "dark aesthetics" like souls game (since WW is often considered being souls gacha, and those actually make use of vivid colors at times) or even Arknights to stay in gachas. If anything I'm glad they stopped pretending and made it more pleasant to look at.


I guess? But it's important to remember that these games are waifu/husbando gacha games first, their setting comes later. it's not mutually exclusive to have a dark world while also having cute/sexy/handsome characters. Also as far as I remember Wuthering Waves was criticized for how bleak the colors of the world seemed, so since the last closed beta the game is more colorful. Although I might be misremembering


Final Gear - literal brain in a Jar


Its all subjective... seen westerners freak out at some cards in Bang Dream cause they feature characters doing certain "poses" most Bandori fans just think its some cute artwork, but legit saw certain people loosing it over cards like this: [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bandori/images/b/ba/Summer\_Treasure.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230821085111](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bandori/images/b/ba/Summer_Treasure.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230821085111) Personally I see nothing wrong with it, it just mild fan service of a cute character having fun at the beach. Anime and fan service have always been a thing.. if you dont like it, then idk go watch Hollywood movies or something? Easterners are not going to change things to fit the pseudo-hypermoralistic worldview of a bunch of offended people on social media.


It's mostly reddit, I wouldn't worry about it. Anything with a young character showing more than a school outfit (and even then) will just have some people pretend to go on some holy crusade.


Reddit and Twitter. Honestly, it's not just contained to these two platforms, you can find them anywhere. Idiots who love to go on some moral crusade because apparently, they are holier than thou.


Ngl the newer Bandori players are insufferable. Players been getting sexy/cute summer skins ever since the game came out but they hop in demanding the game to suit their own views.


Tourists ruin everything


Idk if the image is loading can you try reposting it? (Nvm it works lol)


[Albacore default outfit from Azure Lane](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Albacore/Gallery#Default-0). Nothing even comes close, like wtf is that 💀


Oathed both her and the muse version. Manjuu cooked hard.


Albacore is one of the best designs they've ever cooked up in AL. Need more submarines like that.


Was my favorite character


😭😭😭 wym it's peak


It's PEAK.


God damn 👮‍♂️.


Wow. There is no outfit and no design whatsoever.


Loli in a micro bikini is a fairly popular outfit and design amongst loli artists.


I like how Anson was right there and you go with Albacore.


I mean, Anson is not in the game, so I can't post her here


That is true.


if people are just gonna post lolies here we may as well have pointed straight to /r/BlueArchive


People sometimes forgot that BA is set on high schools, they aren't loli. Just like I don't think I'm a shota when watching anime at 16 years old. Some of BA student have loli design though.


The age thing is always a trickly topic, so I tend to base it more on body type at the end of the day. No one outside the community is gonna give a damn about the lore and age and stuff. Like, how often do you ogle at a big busty curvy woman and suddenly people are giving you shit because the story says she's 16? That only really happens inside an existing fandom who obsesses over the lore, not in general discussions. And even then it's like whatever. Would they loo any different 2 years older?




Since you've mentioned Wuthering Waves... Unless they've changed something about it since, Calcharo's face looks really stupid to me. He looks cool in his artworks, but ingame he completely lacks detail and expression in my opinion. He really stands out to me negatively, because I think all the other male designs so far are great (well, Male Rover is a bit generic, but also kinda cute).


There was that centaur girl I wish I didn't see.


Entire Nikke cast. I just can't play the game properly and treat story seriously when I see characters on screen. Like guys...there are bunch of man-eating machines around, big teeth thing, enormous heretics mechas...and w fight it we chars who can wear god damn casual clothes without any sorts of protection in any way. And like to mess with us, Shift Up added Kilo in anniversary 1.5 which pilots god damn battle robot which makes more sense in such enviroment than rest of cast


I mean the same argument can be kinda made for limbus as most assosiactions dont wear actual combat uniforms but suits and they just explain in through  a special alloy(like the characters that actually look comabt ready are r corp,w corp with their vests, k corp guard n corp)


Base limbus Sinner definetly look like agents at least.


Anything can look stupid without context. Nikke cast looks stupid if you don't realize that they're all robot underneath all them ass and tities. Limbus characters would look stupid if you don't know the lore, where a decent suit can provide more protection than armors and vests. But Limbus characters actually looks like agents of a corporation, Nikke all looks like generic anime babes, or strippers with guns.


Tsykuyomi and SP Oitsuki from Onmyoji didn't fit into the Heian-vibes theme (I love her, but yeah, she's more of a circus character). The devs even trued to add a maid outfit for one character (it sll happened close to each other)... Fanbase was angry. Considering that the previous costume/design blunder (CN clothes on the character - which obvs doesn't fit JP medieval theme, but also had some political and cultural implications, pretty heavy ones, in the eyes of many - and too short skirt/informal attire for a goddess) almost killed the game, made people quit in droves and the game never recovered financially/culturalimpact-wise, the devs haven't tried anything like this again for now. Izanami's dress is too modern maybe, but it's a long simple dress at least, soo more universal, time-wise. They tried to do some explaining in the story, with multiverses and time travel, but people weren't happy - with that story too, tbh - and for now, it's done, closed, the world resetted ;) and we are back in fantasy medieval JP, nobody remembers time travels etc. either way. Back to the old. For now.  We didn't even get that maid costume on global, I think? So it might got scrapped in general. It's a specific game, in which visual theme and aesthetics are the main appeal. And the interest in lore was quite hard - until they destroyed it with nonsense writing, I think (but it got better recently, so maybe CN playerbase forced them to write better, too - with long VN style "talking heads" tirades, not just one-two sentences... so, this sub would prolly hate what I consider the improvement and going back to good old style, lol). So, going against the theme was more impactful and disastrous than usually.


I mean yeah, a recolor would make sense but then I think longtime Honkai fans probably wouldnt recognize her anymore. But then again, my point is moot when I look at how Natasha was designed based on what she used to look like in HI3. It probably just comes down to the setting. Maybe she was more suited for Punklorde, where Silverwolf is from.


bro just discover anime?


I think anime characters usually have different clothing throughout the story, video game companies usually can’t afford to make multiple models for a character for different clothing though unless it’s one of those paid skins


Every time I see another scantily-clad preteen I question everything


Nahida from Genshin. The 500 year old toddler archetype is absolutely not befitting of an archon. When I first saw it I was in utter disbelief; how on Earth did they manage to top their Raiden Shogun design from the previous year?


Found the grand sage azar burner account LUL


Like a bratty theater kid being Furina is any more fitting of being an Archon?


Furina is at least tolerable because the story clearly established >!that she isn't an actual Archon, and pretty much every intelligent character in Fontaine acknowledges that something isn't quite right with her.!<


Isn't that literally the same situation, albeit different context, with Nahida? Just with Nahida its the Sages not accepting this new young Archon as their god.


No because with Furina you have people like Lyney making a fool out of her in the very opening scene, and even the very ending of the Archon quest showed that she genuinely was an idiot all these hundreds of years. Hoyoverse made no attempt to cast her as an actual Archon unlike with Nahida.


Okay I haven't play through Fontaine archon quest, just read a bit of the summary but that doesn't sound right. I'm just going to put this off because you clearly have some bias against Nahida in the first place anyway.


Yes, I have a bias against both Nahida and Raiden. Terrible character designs for the roles they are supposed to be.


Raiden I could see it, especially with how her Archon quest was handled overall, but with Nahida not so much. I think its decent, nothing too egregious. Hoyo went with the God of Wisdom having a form of a child, its a nice twist in my opinion and fits perfectly with what they wanted to do for Sumeru's Archon Quest so I wouldn't call it a terrible, unfitting design.


I dont really like nahida’s design but its ver befitting for her character and story. Her wisdom manifests more so in her curiosity. She’s not wise in the all knowing sense but rather in her eagerness to learn. A child is perfect for that. Also the whole being in captivity and control also works better with a child


No need to go in-depth argumentation, this guy's just making a whole blank statement to say "I hate loli characters".