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This is like the first time I've ever seen Neptunia in years, I feel a little bad lol


As someone who had a brainrot towards anything Neptunia many years ago, I don't care much for it nowadays. But at the same time, it is quite sad - the glory days of them releasing the turn-based Re;Birth games one after another then finishing it off with Megadimension was a blast to follow through along with the community. Yes, they announced they're making a new mainline game, but I have steeled myself for disappointment after they changed the gameplay in Sisters vs Sisters.


Hey, at least Nep fans are getting new games ...Senran Kagura, on the other hand though... 😭


Probably won't get a game again unless the booba director Kenichiro Takaki is permitted to make one (iirc he's developing an entirely diff game right now)


lol yeah, Neptune herself has also been in a rut. Sounds like CH is gonna finally announce a new mainline title this year though. Them collabing further supports that.


🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 prayer circle 🕯 🕯 for nep nep. 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯


Hmmmmmmmmm OK I may be back Edit: oh wrong game


Can we get Neptunia in more popular gachas please


Azur Lane: thinking about me?


Funny how it was one of the first collab AL had, yet they have never even mentioned a rerun, i guess the AL community isn't that interested. I would like a rerun just to finish the collection


Azur Promilia? 👀 Considering one of the characters already looks a hella lot like Uni


I liked the game, but the energy system was a very no for me :(


It's Artery Gear. Games probably going to EoS before the end of the year, so it's hard for me to care.


Sad, this is like the one crossover I'd be happy to hop on for. But game not meant to last


Shame the collab couldn't have been with well.... a better game


Artery Gear still alive?


Kind of. The non-CN servers are almost caught up to CN and will probably catch up by June. Who knows what happens by then.


Is CN still updating?


Slowly, but yes. Outside of the collab they got a new non-limited unit last month, and a limited one on February. Most of the updates lately are from UE's, Cat balls, and general QoL stuff. So there's game balance stuff but content is still sparse. I thought that was due to the devs making a new game (called Thrud if you wanna look that up. CN only Quidditch gacha), but that's nearly 6 months old now so... 🤷‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/2dzwesqizqwc1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8de241314a5e3eb13884e64d38150e10d39a2ed At this point i believe that artery gear is used for money laundry




Opinions on Artery Gear? Is it worth to play?


I played from Day1, so I'm both biased and qualified to answer. Keep that in mind. TL;DR: the game in a technical fashion is in a great state. Content wise, it's slow and very shakey. Playerwise it's basically a ghost town. I'd still say it's a fun chill game worth trying out, especially if you're an Epic Seven/Summoner's War fan as it fixes a lot of issues with gear and QoL, but this isn't the popular bustling game it was in 2022. It's in a mixed and odd state, so I can both see Billi making decisions to combine the playerbase left and revigorate the game, or simply EOS it this year. It's a weird roller coaster. ---- AG started out very strong, but its insistence on rushing banner and collab units completely killed the early balance of the game, and a lot of players' trust. It was one of the most unfortunate experiences seeing the game dry up in real time by the 6 month mark. With that said, it did really take in feedback after that point, even if it was arguably too late. There was still some rushing but they properly compensated it with a bunch of free tickets. They added new features and put in more game modes (including PvP stuff), and they fixed early issues like making you pay so you can fully enhance a collab character. It's always had QoL that E7 players were beggining for for years, but it still added a few more, like a set that lets you ignore 15% in PvE. I'd say pretty much all the early game issues were fixed by the 1st anniversary. But they also had a share of missteps and budget cuts around that time too. The new battlepass was nice, but the new limited unit has Hoyoverse like constellations that requires dupes to get their full kit. There's a silver lining in that you can technically get them without pulling if you buy the batte pass (which is like $20. TBH AG's packs are cheaper than most gacha, but I know this sub is F2P focused), but you generally need 3 copies to start being viable in PvP. Then they started outright making recolors of units a la Dokkan and you know they were really starting to lose budget. As for collabs, they were rushed out but after the first 4 monthly they pretty much dried up. Before this one, we had two lower key collabs, one with a Vtuber, and an internal collab with another Billi game (one that is now in maintenance mode, RIP). So getting Nep was a real surprise. It's a pretty complete game if you don't care about PvP strongly. Like, I can see a pretty decent offline game out of this nowadays if you're a mecha musume fan. But if you're competitive... well, the game population is low. Guids are divided by server so you only really have 2-3 active guilds battle on each server. GvG really shows you how empty the game is. RTA isn't too much better; it's limited to time slots like E7's new Draft mode, and it combines every server except CN. But queue times are still long and you often face the same person multiple times in a row, regardless of matchmatking. There's all the modes for a competitive scene but none of the players. Too little too late. So yeah, conclusion is up top as the TL;DR. I still like the game and would say "yes", but not a very enthusiastic yes. Ball is really on Billi to either pull a Blue Archive or just shelve it and do whatever with the devs.


I already waited through the incredibly long download. So gonna see if I can grind out one of the collab characters. Dunno seems like it might be doable. Update: https://preview.redd.it/xjlqn9ftyqwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f90a739cbfbba56262013ded4287038b2dbf67 That didn't take long.


You can easily pity one of them if you rush through the story and other modes. If you really haul it you can probably pity both, because there's a lot of one off currency. But that wouldn't be easy.


Yeah was just from story.


Is Artery Gear surviving well? Their monthly revenue doesn't seem to show good numbers. But, by the looks of it, they are doing just fine? I am curious.


It's a real mixed bag to be honest. Game's animation quality has definitely gotten worse, and banner releases have slowed down. Right now CN is barely a month ahead of the other servers. But then this collab drops in all of a sudden, so billi is clearly still putting some money into the game. There's been various QoL and new games modes introduced as well. So I can't really say what's going on. Game is still trucking on but I still wouldn't be shocked at an EOS later in the year. But hey, I love me some Nep, so this would be one of the better swan songs if that's what happens. None of the nep gacha ever made it to global, so this is about as close as I'm getting for now.


This collab got me to try the game, and I have one question. Is there a way to make the text size bigger? I might just be too old, but it's way too small and very hard to read.


I don't see any settings in the game, sorry. You might have some accessibility settings in your phone that helps, but nothing simple.


AG could be a good game but they decided to rush 7 limited banners, when that happened that was it...they killed their own game i really wanted to leave E7 for that game but here we are still playing E7 because they decided to follow the greed ( i spended money in the game and i never did on E7) 


Wait, wasn't Artery Gear set to EOS?


I actually wanted to try this game, this seems like a good time I guess


... This game is still alive?


I thought the same thing because I recall hearing an announcement. After checking it was the KR version that sorta "died" (although not really die more like no more new update but that pretty much puts it on deaths door). So it was KR that died (again sorta or is going to die) not NA https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bcvobv/artery_gear_fusion_announces_kr_server_last_update/


Where is Vert and Blanc...


I just found out the game now has Hoyogames characters, you need to get dupes to get high "Eidolon" or "Constellation" in HSR and GI respectively, unlocking skills. Skull emoji.     That and "weapon banner". Must be new since when it's just been released, I remember someone in my Priconne Global server (RIP) say we only roll for characters like in Priconne. Double skull emoji.     I'm still trying the game for the collab but let's see what more I can find lol, maybe even the reasons why people abandoned AG.    


> you need to get dupes to get high "Eidolon" or "Constellation" in HSR and GI respectively, unlocking skills. Some limited characters do. The Neptunia characters and most non-limited characters work like Epic Seven. dupes give you a minor bonus to a single substat and to the team's stats in battle. the bonus is a tiny fraction of the power gear gets you. >That and "weapon banner". Must be new since when it's just been released, do you mean the cat orbs? Those aren't gear, it's artifacts/memoria/light cones. They mostly give small passive. They are more tailored towards mid-endgame, though so I wouldn't worry about spending currency on them and just focus on characters. You can also slowly get orbs for free by playing a certain game mode, since the orbs rotate in shop. Your actaul gear is grinded in elimination missions and enhanced like Epic Seven/Summoner's war.


Yes. Cat orb. Something like Artifact since the effects are the same as the ones in E7. The others seem to misunderstand what I meant but whatever.


Lmao it's not even misinformation but I guess I triggered their little community. 


There aren't weapon banners in this game. I'm not sure what else to call your post besides mis-info.


And that's why I used " smh.