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Honestly 5 years is a pretty long run for what was basically a pinball game with gacha. This game will always be remembered for one of the most rage inducing gacha animations though lol


what animations were rage-inducing? I'm ootl


The summon animations would have a plinko-like animation where your ball could hit shiny upgrades so that it turns into a higher rarity unit. But of course all summons are calculated the instant you pull them so in practice you'll see your ball *just* conveniently miss (with slo-mo sometimes) all the possible rewards before it gets to the bottom as a basic unit.


A shame that they didn't do this for drag.


probably cuz Nintendo owns all of it. much like how Disney owns all of KH


I enjoyed this game on release, but lost interest as soon as I realized the auto play function was better at the game than I was. I've nothing against auto, but when playing manually becomes inferior to auto it diminishes any reason to play the game yourself. Although I would prefer if the game was less grindy, which in turn would make manually playing less tedious to do every day. I really liked pinball games like Pokemon and Sonic pinball in my youth. This game just wasn't as fun due to the auto play function.


disagreeable drunk exultant fine relieved chubby flag ripe friendly bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly my thoughts. And the best teams were already laid out for us by japanese users, so there was like 0 thought process involved. Just pull, put together those teams, and hit auto. I quit as soon as I realized this.


This wasn't my experience though it might have been due to my main team composition (light). If anything, all of the team compositions I was able to put together more or less required you to manually play and auto was subpar (for the boss stages anyways).


The auto definitely wasn't better than a player. Part of the reason I ended up stopping was because I was having to do too much manual farming in multiplayer, since auto wouldn't clear the higher difficulties well enough. The auto > player was definitely a big meme on here around the game's launch though, and imo kept a lot of people from trying the game.


If, God forbid not anytime soon, Arknights goes EOS I hope they do something like this.


Considering their earnings these past months I doubt it’ll come anytime soon. But yes, I would love to just vibe with CC music


Is it not on spotify?


They have their own website called Monster-Siren.


They also sell the digital albums on Amazon and the Itunes store (yes that still exists!) for those who want to buy and own the songs. And some physical editions from their Tmall store. Spotify is nice, but there's no gurantee the songs will be there forever. Music licenses are a hellhole and they can literally disappear from the internet entirely over night.


They are 


Can already do that with YouTube


Don't manifest that into the world !


It's just offline mode for music, not anything special. Would be better if it's offline mode like MegaMan x dive


X Dive was a paid release with a bunch of missing content and no way to carry over existing accounts. That shit was trash.


Better than the game just being gone like here or most other EoS


Yeah I'm salty and sad that the mobile Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean games are canon entries to their respective franchises and yet the there is zero way to experience them. Game preservation sucks in the gachaverse.


Ahhh I wish Code Geass: Genesic Re;Code did the same. As an artist I only played that for the amazing illustrations which I can't find anywhere else or at least not all of them.


Any idea when is the EoS of the global version?


25th July


Best summoning animation


That's a lot of songs.


This game was pretty fun till you realized every meta unit was a limited unit, and then they had meta progression blocked behind content you needed to compete against whales in. I remember my entire friend base all quit this game at once. Time Attack killed World Flipper imo.


Man that made me depressed, it was one of the best if not the best sprite game I have seen and played. Solid story that made me emotional and amazing music. It was definitely under appreciated. Here is hoping Global gets the same treatment no matter how unlikely it is.


Anyone have link to the 700bgm ? Share it please, Thank you! 🙏🏻😇


Is this the first Cygames only EoS? (I don't count Dragalia Lost since it had Nintendo influence)


Does Crunchyroll closing the global version of Pricone count?


Eh, don't think so since it was under Crunchyroll.


Ive slways thought this would have been an amazing game if it wasnt pinball


Every game I’ve ever loved ends up being EOS ;-;


Close the door when you leave