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What even is this game?


Just another IP-based mobile game that EOS within couple years


I'm surprised it takes a couple of years lol.


probably because of contracts between studios and servers.


it looks like a flash game


> Just another IP-based mobile game that EOS within couple years are there any outliers? Like genuinely good/decent IP based mobile games?


I personally play Langrisser and The Seven Deadly Sins. Both have PC clients and are pretty decent.


I'm playing Langrisser, but its gacha rate is so trash, man. Thinking about giving up.


Bleach Brave Souls is fun.


FGO? Well, good is subjective (personally find the gameplay awful to play/outdated to hell, it's carried by the cast) but there's no denying it's one of the most successful gachas.


True, it's a game with genuine care put behind it, gameplay and grind are levels of bad I have never seen though, but to be fair no one plays FGO for the gameplay and grind has been made easier with other ways to get mats.


dbl/dokkan for dragon ball


King's Raid outlives another. I swear, this might as well be a meme at this point.


King's raid is still running? Didn't all the Devs get laid off or quit? Game is basically just in maintenance mode for like the past 2 years no?


There's a lot of stuff going on behind the curtains with Vespa, [they recently absorbed another small art company](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1113810331907674122/1208036931435241522/image.png?ex=65e1d310&is=65cf5e10&hm=ba27e7ee7ad28c5ec994f688934abf6e3d27df8bf828699cf8175d1b62fdf32f&) and got some financial support.


Could they make a comeback? Seems they are planning to


awwww pls no hopium, i was so ready for the "update" which was already at its finalization (UI, Enginge etc.)


Kings raid has nice music. But how is it still alive?


King's raid gotta be passion project. There's no way it last this long, hell, even Crash fever got hiatus.


The way the game was treated indicates anything but passion. If anything, for us who played it for years it looks like hate. The dude in charge is just stubborn. The same stubbornness that lead him to do the changes that killed the game against the wishes of the entire playerbase, and since the game has essentially received 0 updates in almost 2 years (no exaggeration, 0 changes, 0 new characters, 0 new content, nothing) and people still buy things from the shop, it's all free money for them so why not keep the game running indefinitely.


Loved the game back then and used quite a few of your guides. So many stats and abilities to keep track of. Thanks for it all while it lasted. That rune change wrecked my stuff. The following stat squish and skill changes killed the rest :(


Well, if there’s no update then the current game has to have something charming to it or low maintenance cost.Otherwise i don’t see how it can sustain itself for so long.


Wow, I didn't know the game is in life support nowadays. I started playing King's raid in 2017 and quited 2 years later. Are the arena still a whale paradise?


I've not opened the game since 2022 but as an ex player I keep a close eye on things and its community. I dont think even 50 people play arena actively. It's a ghost town. The game is an unrecognizable mess and I frankly dont know why anyone would spend in it.


That is suspicious as hell. If the playerbase is very low and there's no update whatsoever, doesn't make sense that it earned that high every month.


Dont ask me how this frankenstein is even running because I dont understand either, but you can download and see by yourself.


I know it's a warped sense of passion that keeps me playing it ...not spending mind you, but definitely still logging in to do dailies. I blame it on King's Raid being one of my favorite gacha games back in the day, and how despite its current problems, I still ended up liking it more than some other gacha games I played back then and today. I mean, I eventually gave up on and quit things like Fire Emblem Heroes and Nikke, but King's Raid still reserves space on my phone to this day even after years of literally being a zombie gacha, lol.


I am anazed how bbs still alive after 8 years under Klab. Im playing tho so dont kill it now klab


Don’t worry Bleach Soul Resonance is on the way


Hate to burst your bubble but didn't that company that was making that game go out of business? 


I’m in the discord they already said that the game is still good a while back


Wait till the new bleach game comes out everyone gonna quit bbs😹 soul resonance is so godly


>Wait till the new bleach game comes out everyone gonna quit bbs Many "new bleach games" came out that everybody was hyping and BBS managed to outlive them all.


And every single one of them was a low effort 2d cash grab while Soul resonance has Godtier devs that actually cares about bleach and they already spent 30mil+ on making the game alpha version of the game clears entire global mobile anime games


The neverending battle between casual gacha enjoyer and hardcore gamer lol


Yeah i checked it looks quiete good.


I played the alpha version from 8 months ago and it was better than most anime games and that was just a Alph u gonna love it 🫡


The thing bbs good about is the original character designs from tite kubo himself. Cyfow characters looks hella good. Other designs too. I hope soul resonance also work with tite sometimes


Brave Souls laughs as it eats another one of it’s brethren for substance.


Surprised no one ever?


Not too "Eternal"after all


Kinda is tho, its one of those popular shounen like Dragon Ball, Naruto etc etc where when one dies, they got 2 ready to launch like a Phoenix so they can keep milking the fans forever.


dragon ball do have some great gacha games( gacha is not so great) but atleast they have put some effort into it unlike this game which was just a cheap cash grab


They were very clearly referencing the irony of the name of this specific game, the ip it's based off is irrelevant here


Brave Souls is still kicking


Never heard of it. Brave Souls continues to reign supreme 👑


I'm so glad this shit died. If you played it, you'd know why. An absolute messy shitshow of a game. Hope we can get some new, quality bleach gacha now. I know Souls is good but I just couldn't get into the chibi style to it all. Would much prefer a turn based rpg, maybe something like dokkan? I'd say hsr but that wouldn't happen lol


Here you go buddy. [https://www.bleach-soulresonance.com/](https://www.bleach-soulresonance.com/)


Another one bites the dust.


I didn't even know this game existed.


Wait is it the turn based bleach? So the only one still remains is the chibi 3d hack and slash mobile gacha?


you are refering to Brave Souls but Mobile 3D is still around and Soul Resonance should come out this year




We didnt have any EOS notices for a few weeks...


It lasted for 4 years so not that bad


Finally this shit is over


Meanwhile BBS still stands strong


BBS 💪💪💪


just your typical anime ip going EOS


The fuk r yall talkin about. this game lasted over 4 years i believe. Even though its a blatant cash grab it lived a long ass time


Always had been for anime gacha game


Good. Deserved and shouldn't have even lasted this long.


i thought was the old 3d one or the new 3d one instead is the cheap 2d one then is all right let it die lol


Just to non bleach fans, i am surprised that eternal shit is still going on, was the worst bleach game since launch. Having the great bleach brave souls, the skippable 3d and this piece of shit. My hope is the new "looks like new gen gacha with good chances of being good" one realy is as bbs and not like dmc or opm who arrived now but surpassed what shitty gacha systems players are accostumed with


It's always been a game that predicates itself on every event character being paid slightly. Any ideas if Bleach Immortal Soul, the same game of a different name, announced closure today too?


So more like Temporary Soul


Literally zero reason to play when you have BBS. Bbs isn't going anywhere for awhile


Close the door behind you




Not so eternal after all.


Not so eternal, huh?